private void ProcessPostBack() { string id = Request.Params["id"]; if (id.Length > 0) { int JobRno = 0; string FromEmail = string.Empty; string Sql = "Select JobRno, Email From mcJobs j Inner Join Contacts c on j.ContactRno = c.ContactRno Where Guid = @Guid"; try { DataRow dr = db.DataRow(Sql, "@Guid", id); if (dr != null) { JobRno = DB.Int32(dr["JobRno"]); FromEmail = DB.Str(dr["Email"]); } } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); goto AllDone; } SectionInfo[] Sections = { new SectionInfo() { id = "Job", Desc = "Job" }, new SectionInfo() { id = "Menu", Desc = "Menu" }, new SectionInfo() { id = "Prices", Desc = "Prices" }, new SectionInfo() { id = "Fees", Desc = "Fees" }, new SectionInfo() { id = "Total", Desc = "Total" } }; bool fConfirmed = true; foreach (SectionInfo section in Sections) { fConfirmed = fConfirmed && Request.Params["rdo" + + "Confirm"] == "Yes"; } DateTime Tm = DateTime.Now; Sql = "Update mcJobs Set " + "FinishConfirmDtTm = " + DB.Put(Tm) + ", " + (fConfirmed ? "ConfirmedDtTm = " + DB.Put(Tm) + ", " : string.Empty) + (fConfirmed ? "ConfirmedBy = 'Customer', " : string.Empty) + "UpdatedDtTm = " + DB.PutDtTm(Tm) + ", " + "UpdatedUser = '******' " + "Where Guid = @Guid"; try { db.Exec(Sql, "@Guid", id); } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); goto AllDone; } string Subject = string.Format("Event #{0} {1}Confirmed", JobRno, (fConfirmed ? string.Empty : "NOT ")); string Body = string.Empty; Sql = string.Format( "Select JobRno, JobDate, Coalesce(cu.Name, c.Name) as Customer, Location, GuestArrivalTime, MealTime, EndTime, " + "NumMenServing, NumWomenServing, NumChildServing, ServicePropDesc, DeliveryPropDesc, " + "ChinaPropDesc, AddServicePropDesc, FuelTravelPropDesc, FacilityPropDesc, RentalsPropDesc, " + "Adj1PropDesc, Adj2PropDesc, cu.TaxExemptFlg, SubTotTaxPct, EstTotPropDesc, DepositPropDesc, " + "ConfirmedDtTm " + "From mcJobs j " + "Inner Join Contacts c on j.ContactRno = c.ContactRno " + "Left Join Customers cu on c.CustomerRno = cu.CustomerRno " + "Where JobRno = {0}", JobRno); try { DataRow dr = db.DataRow(Sql); if (dr != null) { if (fConfirmed) { Body = string.Format("<h1>Event #{0} Confirmed</h1>", JobRno); } else { Body += string.Format("<h1>Event #{0} Not Confimed</h1>", JobRno); } // info //------------------------------------------------------------ DateTime dtJob = DB.DtTm(dr["JobDate"]); string Customer = DB.Str(dr["Customer"]); string Location = DB.Str(dr["Location"]); DateTime GuestTime = DB.DtTm(dr["GuestArrivalTime"]); DateTime BegTime = DB.DtTm(dr["MealTime"]); DateTime EndTime = DB.DtTm(dr["EndTime"]); if (GuestTime != DateTime.MinValue && GuestTime < BegTime) { BegTime = GuestTime; } string EventTime; if (EndTime == DateTime.MinValue) { EventTime = BegTime.ToString("h:mm tt").ToLower(); } else { EventTime = string.Format("{0} - {1}", BegTime.ToString("h:mm tt"), EndTime.ToString("h:mm tt")).ToLower(); } int NumServings = DB.Int32(dr["NumMenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumWomenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumChildServing"]); string SectionConfirmed = Request.Params["rdoJobConfirm"]; Body += string.Format( "<table border=\"0\">" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><h2>Job Information</h2></td></tr>" + "<tr>" + "<td>" + "Event: #{0}<br />" + "Customer: {1}<br />" + "Date: {2}" + "</td>" + "<td>" + "Location: {3}<br />" + "Event Time: {4}<br />" + "Guest Count: {5}" + "</td>" + "</tr></table>" + "<p>Confirm: <b>{6}</b></p>", JobRno, Customer, Fmt.DtNth(dtJob), Location, EventTime, NumServings, SectionConfirmed); if (SectionConfirmed != "Yes") { Body += "<p><b>Notes:</b><br />" + Request.Params["txtJob"].Replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p><p>").Replace("\n\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>"; } // menu //------------------------------------------------------------ Sql = string.Format( "Select * " + "From mcJobFood " + "Where JobRno = {0} And ProposalHideFlg = 0 " + "Order By ProposalSeq, FoodSeq", JobRno); DataTable dt = db.DataTable(Sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Body += "<table border=\"0\">" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><h2>Food</h2></td></tr>"; foreach (DataRow drMenu in dt.Rows) { string ProposalMenuItem = DB.Str(drMenu["ProposalMenuItem"]); bool fProposalTitle = DB.Bool(drMenu["ProposalTitleFlg"]); if (fProposalTitle) { Body += string.Format("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><b>{0}</b></td></tr>", ProposalMenuItem); } else { Body += string.Format("<tr><td width=\"20\"> </td><td>{0}</td></tr>", (ProposalMenuItem.Length > 0 ? ProposalMenuItem : " c;")); } } SectionConfirmed = Request.Params["rdoMenuConfirm"]; Body += string.Format( "</table>" + "<p>Confirm: <b>{0}</b></p>", SectionConfirmed); if (SectionConfirmed != "Yes") { Body += "<p><b>Notes:</b><br />" + Request.Params["txtMenu"].Replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p><p>").Replace("\n\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>"; } } // prices //------------------------------------------------------------ Sql = string.Format("Select * From JobInvoicePrices Where JobRno = {0} Order By Seq", JobRno); dt = db.DataTable(Sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Body += "<table border=\"0\">" + "<tr><td><h2>Pricing</h2></td></tr>"; foreach (DataRow drPrice in dt.Rows) { string PriceType = DB.Str(drPrice["PriceType"]); string Desc = string.Empty; switch (PriceType) { case Misc.cnPerPerson: Desc = DB.Str(drPrice["PropPerPersonDesc"]); break; case Misc.cnPerItem: Desc = DB.Str(drPrice["PropPerItemDesc"]); break; case Misc.cnAllIncl: Desc = DB.Str(drPrice["PropAllInclDesc"]); break; } if (Desc.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<tr><td>{0}</td></tr>", Desc); } } SectionConfirmed = Request.Params["rdoPricesConfirm"]; Body += string.Format( "</table>" + "<p>Confirm: <b>{0}</b></p>", SectionConfirmed); if (SectionConfirmed != "Yes") { Body += "<p><b>Notes:</b><br />" + Request.Params["txtPrices"].Replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p><p>").Replace("\n\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>"; } } // fees //------------------------------------------------------------ Body += "<table border=\"0\">" + "<tr><td><h2>Additional Servics</h2></td></tr>"; // services string Fee = DB.Str(dr["ServicePropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // delivery Fee = DB.Str(dr["DeliveryPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // china Fee = DB.Str(dr["ChinaPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // additional services Fee = DB.Str(dr["AddServicePropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // fuel & travel Fee = DB.Str(dr["FuelTravelPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // facility Fee = DB.Str(dr["FacilityPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // rentals Fee = DB.Str(dr["RentalsPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // adjustment 1 Fee = DB.Str(dr["Adj1PropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // adjustment 2 Fee = DB.Str(dr["Adj2PropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } SectionConfirmed = Request.Params["rdoFeesConfirm"]; Body += string.Format( "</table>" + "<p>Confirm: <b>{0}</b></p>", SectionConfirmed); if (SectionConfirmed != "Yes") { Body += "<p><b>Notes:</b><br />" + Request.Params["txtFees"].Replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p><p>").Replace("\n\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>"; } Body += "<table border=\"0\">" + "<tr><td><h2>Total</h2></td></tr>"; // sales tax //------------------------------------------------------------ bool fTaxExempt = DB.Bool(dr["TaxExemptFlg"]); if (!fTaxExempt) { string Tax = string.Format("Utah Food Sales Tax {0:0.00}%", DB.Dec(dr["SubTotTaxPct"])); Body += string.Format("<tr><td>{0}</td></tr>", Tax); } // total //------------------------------------------------------------ string TotalDesc = string.Format("\n{0}", DB.Str(dr["EstTotPropDesc"])); Body += string.Format("<tr><td>{0}</td></tr>", TotalDesc); // deposit //------------------------------------------------------------ string DepositDesc = DB.Str(dr["DepositPropDesc"]); if (DepositDesc.Length > 0) { Body += string.Format("<tr><td>{0}</td></tr>", DepositDesc); } SectionConfirmed = Request.Params["rdoTotalConfirm"]; Body += string.Format( "</table>" + "<p>Confirm: <b>{0}</b></p>", SectionConfirmed); if (SectionConfirmed != "Yes") { Body += "<p><b>Notes:</b><br />" + Request.Params["txtTotal"].Replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p><p>").Replace("\n\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>"; } // tables & linens //------------------------------------------------------------ string LinensProvidedBy = Request.Params["ddlLinensProvidedBy"]; Body += "<table border=\"0\">" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><h2>Tables & Linens</h2></td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">Buffet tables provided by <b>" + Request.Params["ddlTables"] + "</b></td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">Buffet linen color <b>" + Request.Params["ddlLinenColor"] + "</b></td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">Linen color for guest tables <b>" + Request.Params["txtGuestTableColor"] + "</b></td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">Guest linens provided by <b>" + LinensProvidedBy + "</b></td></tr>" + (LinensProvidedBy == Globals.g.Company.Name ? "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"> </td></tr>" + "<tr><td align=\"center\"><u>Table Size & Shape</u></td><td align=\"center\"><u>Count</u></td></tr>" + "<tr><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableSizeShape1"] + "</td><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableCount1"] + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableSizeShape2"] + "</td><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableCount2"] + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableSizeShape3"] + "</td><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableCount3"] + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableSizeShape4"] + "</td><td align=\"center\">" + Request.Params["txtTableCount4"] + "</td></tr>" : string.Empty) + "</table>" + "<p><b>Notes:</b><br />" + Request.Params["txtTables"].Replace("\r\n\r\n", "</p><p>").Replace("\n\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>"; } int nTrys = 0; TryAgain: nTrys++; try { WebConfig wc = new WebConfig(); MailMessage Msg = new MailMessage(FromEmail, Misc.PrimaryEmailAddress()); Msg.CC.Add(wc.Str("Email CC")); Msg.Subject = Misc.EnvSubject() + Subject; Msg.IsBodyHtml = true; Msg.Body = Body; SmtpClient Smtp = new SmtpClient(); Smtp.Send(Msg); } catch (Exception Ex) { if (nTrys <= 3) { Thread.Sleep(1500); // 1 1/2 seconds goto TryAgain; } Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); goto AllDone; } } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } } AllDone: return; }
private bool FormatJob(string id) { bool fOK = true; string Sql = string.Format( "Select JobRno, JobDate, CancelledDtTm, Coalesce(cu.Name, c.Name) as Customer, Location, " + "GuestArrivalTime, MealTime, EndTime, " + "NumMenServing, NumWomenServing, NumChildServing, ServicePropDesc, DeliveryPropDesc, " + "ChinaPropDesc, AddServicePropDesc, FuelTravelPropDesc, FacilityPropDesc, RentalsPropDesc, " + "Adj1PropDesc, Adj2PropDesc, cu.TaxExemptFlg, SubTotTaxPct, EstTotPropDesc, DepositPropDesc, " + "FinishConfirmDtTm, ConfirmedDtTm " + "From mcJobs j " + "Inner Join Contacts c on j.ContactRno = c.ContactRno " + "Left Join Customers cu on c.CustomerRno = cu.CustomerRno " + "Where Guid = {0}", DB.Put(id)); try { DataRow dr = db.DataRow(Sql); if (dr != null) { int JobRno = DB.Int32(dr["JobRno"]); DateTime dtFinishedConfirm = DB.DtTm(dr["FinishConfirmDtTm"]); DateTime dtConfirmed = DB.DtTm(dr["ConfirmedDtTm"]); if (dtFinishedConfirm == DateTime.MinValue && dtConfirmed == DateTime.MinValue) { DateTime dtJob = DB.DtTm(dr["JobDate"]); DateTime dtCancelled = DB.DtTm(dr["CancelledDtTm"]); if (DateTime.Now <= dtJob && dtCancelled == DateTime.MinValue) { DateTime dtDeadline = Misc.ConfirmationDeadline(dtJob); if (DateTime.Now < dtDeadline) { lblInstructions.Text = "<p>You will see and confirm your event deails in several sections.</p>" + "<p>Please carefully review the information then click <span class=\"success\">Yes</span> " + "if it's all correct or <span class=\"danger\">No</span> to submit changes in the box that will appear. " + "You can click <span class=\"danger\">No</span> on any previous section.</p>" + "<p>" + Globals.g.Company.Name + " will contact you soon if you do not confirm every section.</p>" + "<p>Visit our website <a href=\"" + g.Company.WebsiteUrl + "\">" + g.Company.Website + " </a>.</p>"; // info //------------------------------------------------------------ string Customer = DB.Str(dr["Customer"]); string Location = DB.Str(dr["Location"]); DateTime GuestTime = DB.DtTm(dr["GuestArrivalTime"]); DateTime BegTime = DB.DtTm(dr["MealTime"]); DateTime EndTime = DB.DtTm(dr["EndTime"]); if (GuestTime != DateTime.MinValue && GuestTime < BegTime) { BegTime = GuestTime; } string EventTime; if (EndTime == DateTime.MinValue) { EventTime = BegTime.ToString("h:mm tt").ToLower(); } else { EventTime = string.Format("{0} - {1}", BegTime.ToString("h:mm tt"), EndTime.ToString("h:mm tt")).ToLower(); } int NumServings = DB.Int32(dr["NumMenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumWomenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumChildServing"]); string Html = string.Format( "<div class=\"Info\">" + "<div class=\"card\">" + "<h3 class=\"card-header\">Job Information</h3>" + "<div class=\"card-body container\">" + "<div class=\"row\">" + "<div class=\"col\">" + "Event: #{0}<br />" + "Customer: {1}<br />" + "Date: {2}" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"col\">" + "Location: {3}<br />" + "Event Time: {4}<br />" + "Guest Count: {5}" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>", JobRno, Customer, Fmt.DtNth(dtJob), Location, EventTime, NumServings) + ConfirmButtons("Job") + "</div>"; // menu //------------------------------------------------------------ Sql = string.Format( "Select * " + "From mcJobFood " + "Where JobRno = {0} And ProposalHideFlg = 0 " + "Order By ProposalSeq, FoodSeq", JobRno); DataTable dt = db.DataTable(Sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Html += "<div class=\"Menu\">" + "<div class=\"card\">" + "<h3 class=\"card-header\">Food</h3>" + "<div class=\"card-body\">"; foreach (DataRow drMenu in dt.Rows) { string ProposalMenuItem = DB.Str(drMenu["ProposalMenuItem"]); bool fProposalTitle = DB.Bool(drMenu["ProposalTitleFlg"]); if (fProposalTitle) { Html += string.Format("<h4 class=\"card-title\">{0}</h4>", ProposalMenuItem); } else { Html += string.Format("<div class=\"card-text\">{0}</div>", (ProposalMenuItem.Length > 0 ? ProposalMenuItem : " c;")); } } Html += "</div>" + "</div>" + ConfirmButtons("Menu") + "</div>"; } // prices //------------------------------------------------------------ Sql = string.Format("Select * From JobInvoicePrices Where JobRno = {0} Order By Seq", JobRno); dt = db.DataTable(Sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Html += "<div class=\"Prices\">" + "<div class=\"card\">" + "<h3 class=\"card-header\">Pricing</h3>" + "<div class=\"card-body\">"; foreach (DataRow drPrice in dt.Rows) { string PriceType = DB.Str(drPrice["PriceType"]); string Desc = string.Empty; switch (PriceType) { case Misc.cnPerPerson: Desc = DB.Str(drPrice["PropPerPersonDesc"]); break; case Misc.cnPerItem: Desc = DB.Str(drPrice["PropPerItemDesc"]); break; case Misc.cnAllIncl: Desc = DB.Str(drPrice["PropAllInclDesc"]); break; } if (Desc.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Desc); } } Html += "</div>" + "</div>" + ConfirmButtons("Prices") + "</div>"; } // fees //------------------------------------------------------------ Html += "<div class=\"Fees\">" + "<div class=\"card\">" + "<h3 class=\"card-header\">Additional Services</h3>" + "<div class=\"card-body\">"; // services string Fee = DB.Str(dr["ServicePropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // delivery Fee = DB.Str(dr["DeliveryPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // china Fee = DB.Str(dr["ChinaPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // additional services Fee = DB.Str(dr["AddServicePropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // fuel & travel Fee = DB.Str(dr["FuelTravelPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // facility Fee = DB.Str(dr["FacilityPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // rentals Fee = DB.Str(dr["RentalsPropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // adjustment 1 Fee = DB.Str(dr["Adj1PropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } // adjustment 2 Fee = DB.Str(dr["Adj2PropDesc"]); if (Fee.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Fee); } Html += "</div>" + "</div>" + ConfirmButtons("Fees") + "</div>"; Html += "<div class=\"Total\">" + "<div class=\"card\">" + "<h3 class=\"card-header\">Total</h3>" + "<div class=\"card-body\">"; // sales tax //------------------------------------------------------------ bool fTaxExempt = DB.Bool(dr["TaxExemptFlg"]); if (!fTaxExempt) { string Tax = string.Format("Utah Food Sales Tax {0:0.00}%", DB.Dec(dr["SubTotTaxPct"])); Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", Tax); } // total //------------------------------------------------------------ string TotalDesc = string.Format("\n{0}", DB.Str(dr["EstTotPropDesc"])); Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", TotalDesc); // deposit //------------------------------------------------------------ string DepositDesc = DB.Str(dr["DepositPropDesc"]); if (DepositDesc.Length > 0) { Html += string.Format("<p class=\"card-text\">{0}</p>", DepositDesc); } Html += "</div>" + "</div>" + ConfirmButtons("Total") + "</div>"; // tables & Linens //------------------------------------------------------------ Html += "<div class=\"Tables\">" + "<div class=\"card\">" + "<h3 class=\"card-header\">Tables & Linens</h3>" + "<div class=\"card-body container\">" + "<div class=\"row\">" + "<div class=\"col-11 col-sm-10 col-md-7 col-lg-6 col-xl-5 Buffet\">" + "<div>" + "Buffet tables provided by " + "<select name=ddlTables>" + "<option value=\"" + Globals.g.Company.Name + "\">" + Globals.g.Company.Name + "</option>" + "<option value=\"Venue\">Venue</option>" + "</select>" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "Buffet linen color " + "<select name=\"ddlLinenColor\">" + "<option value=\"White\">White</option>" + "<option value=\"Black\">Black</option>" + "<option value=\"Ivory\">Ivory</option>" + (dtJob.Month == 12 ? "<option value=\"Red\">Red</option>" : string.Empty) + "</select>" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "Linen color for guest tables " + "<input type=text id=\"txtGuestTableColor\" name=\"txtGuestTableColor\" />" + "<div class=\"ColorRequired\">*color is required</div>" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "Guest linens provided by " + "<select id=\"ddlLinensProvidedBy\" name=\"ddlLinensProvidedBy\">" + "<option value=\"" + Globals.g.Company.Name + "\">" + Globals.g.Company.Name + "</option>" + "<option value=\"Customer\">Customer</option>" + "</select>" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"GuestTables\">" + "<div>" + "<div class=\"TableSizeShape\"><u>Table Size & Shape</u></div>" + "<div class=\"TableCount\"><u>Count</u></div>" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "<div class=\"TableSizeShape\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableSizeShape1\" name=\"txtTableSizeShape1\"></div>" + "<div class=\"TableCount\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableCount1\" name=\"txtTableCount1\"></div>" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "<div class=\"TableSizeShape\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableSizeShape2\" name=\"txtTableSizeShape2\"></div>" + "<div class=\"TableCount\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableCount2\" name=\"txtTableCount2\"></div>" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "<div class=\"TableSizeShape\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableSizeShape3\" name=\"txtTableSizeShape3\"></div>" + "<div class=\"TableCount\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableCount3\" name=\"txtTableCount3\"></div>" + "</div>" + "<div>" + "<div class=\"TableSizeShape\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableSizeShape4\" name=\"txtTableSizeShape4\"></div>" + "<div class=\"TableCount\"><input type=text id=\"txtTableCount4\" name=\"txtTableCount4\"></div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + ConfirmButtons("Tables", true) + "</div>"; lblJob.Text = Html; } else { fOK = false; lblInstructions.Text = "<p>Sorry, its is too late to confirm your event online.</p>" + "<p>Please call or <a href=\"mailto: Info(" + g.Company.InfoEmail + ")\">email</a> " + Globals.g.Company.Name + " to confirm or discuss your event.</p>" + "<p>Visit our website <a href=\"" + g.Company.WebsiteUrl + "\">" + g.Company.Website + "</a>.</p>"; } } else { fOK = false; lblInstructions.Text = string.Format( "<p>Sorry, that page link is has expired, usually because the event date has past or the event was canceled.</p>" + "<p>If you believe there is a problem, please call or <a href=\"mailto: Info(" + g.Company.InfoEmail + ")\">email</a> " + Globals.g.Company.Name + " to discuss event #{0}.</p>" + "<p>Visit our website <a href=\"" + g.Company.WebsiteUrl + "\">" + g.Company.Website + "</a>.</p>", JobRno); } } else { fOK = false; lblInstructions.Text = string.Format( "<p>Your event has already been confirmed.</p>" + "<p>Please call or <a href=\"mailto: Info(" + g.Company.InfoEmail + ")\">email</a> " + Globals.g.Company.Name + " to discuss event #{0}.</p>" + "<p>Visit our website <a href=\"" + Globals.g.Company.WebsiteUrl + "\">" + Globals.g.Company.Website + "</a>.</p>", JobRno); } } else { fOK = false; lblInstructions.Text = "<p>Sorry, this page link is not valid.</p>" + "<p>Please call or <a href=\"mailto: Info(" + Globals.g.Company.InfoEmail + ")\">email</a> " + Globals.g.Company.Name + " to confirm or discuss your event.</p>" + "<p>Visit our website <a href=\"" + Globals.g.Company.WebsiteUrl + "\">" + Globals.g.Company.Website + "</a>.</p>"; } } catch (SqlException) { fOK = false; lblInstructions.Text = "<p>Sorry, this page link is not valid.</p>" + "<p>Please call or <a href=\"mailto: Info(" + Globals.g.Company.InfoEmail + ")\">email</a> " + Globals.g.Company.Name + " to confirm or discuss your event.</p>" + "<p>Visit our website <a href=\"" + Globals.g.Company.WebsiteUrl + "\">" + Globals.g.Company.Website + "</a>.</p>"; } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } return(fOK); }
protected void SendConfirmEmail() { int cRows = Str.Num(hfRow.Value); for (int iRow = 0; iRow < cRows; iRow++) { bool fSend = Str.Bool(Request.Params["chkSend" + iRow.ToString()]); int JobRno = Str.Num(Request.Params["hfJobRno" + iRow]); if (fSend && JobRno != 0) { string Sql = string.Format( "Select c.Email, JobDate, Guid, Coalesce(cu.Name, c.Name) as Customer, Location, GuestArrivalTime, MealTime, EndTime, NumMenServing, NumWomenServing, NumChildServing " + "From mcJobs j " + "Inner Join Contacts c on j.ContactRno = c.ContactRno " + "Left Join Customers cu on c.CustomerRno = cu.CustomerRno " + "Where JobRno = {0}", JobRno); try { DataRow dr = db.DataRow(Sql); if (dr != null) { string Email = DB.Str(dr["Email"]); if (Email != null && Email.Length > 0) { string Subject = string.Format("Catering Confirmation for Event #{0}", JobRno); string Guid = DB.Str(dr["Guid"]); if (Guid == string.Empty) { Sql = string.Format("Update mcJobs Set Guid = NewID() Where JobRno = {0}; Select Guid From mcJobs Where JobRno = {0}", JobRno); Guid = db.SqlStr(Sql); } DateTime dtJob = DB.DtTm(dr["JobDate"]); DateTime dtDeadline = Misc.ConfirmationDeadline(dtJob); string Customer = DB.Str(dr["Customer"]); string Location = DB.Str(dr["Location"]); DateTime GuestTime = DB.DtTm(dr["GuestArrivalTime"]); DateTime BegTime = DB.DtTm(dr["MealTime"]); DateTime EndTime = DB.DtTm(dr["EndTime"]); if (GuestTime != DateTime.MinValue && GuestTime < BegTime) { BegTime = GuestTime; } string EventTime; if (EndTime == DateTime.MinValue) { EventTime = BegTime.ToString("h:mm tt").ToLower(); } else { EventTime = string.Format("{0} - {1}", BegTime.ToString("h:mm tt"), EndTime.ToString("h:mm tt")).ToLower(); } int NumServings = DB.Int32(dr["NumMenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumWomenServing"]) + DB.Int32(dr["NumChildServing"]); string eMailBody = string.Format( "Thank you for booking with us! We need to do a final confirmation for your upcoming event on {2}.\n\n" + "Please review the details on this <a href=\"{0}/CustomerConfirmation.aspx?id={1}\">confirmation page</a> " + "and confirm your event by {3}.\n\n" + "<table border=\"0\">" + "<tr><td>" + "<u>Job Information</u>" + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td style=\"margin-right: 20px;\">" + "Event: #{4}\n" + "Customer: {5}\n" + "Date: {2}\n" + //"</td><td>" + "Location: {6}\n" + "Event Time: {7}\n" + "Guest Count: {8}</div>" + "</td></tr>" + "</table>", Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority), Guid, Fmt.DtNth(dtJob), Fmt.DtTm12Hr(dtDeadline), JobRno, Customer, Location, EventTime, NumServings); Misc.SendCustomerConfirmationEmail(Page, db, JobRno, Email, Subject, eMailBody); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { Err Err = new Err(Ex, Sql); Response.Write(Err.Html()); } } } }