/// <summary> /// 지도맵,레이어 초기화 /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task <string> resetAction(object obj) { //0.맵의레이어 클리어 mapControl.ClearLayers(); mapControl.Refresh(); //1.맵초기화 initMap(); //2.레이어초기화 CmmObj.initLayers(); //3.레이어스택 초기화 sts.Clear(); //4.행정구역표시 ShowShapeLayer("BML_GADM_AS", true); //열여있는 시설물정보창 닫기 popFct.IsOpen = false; //레이어div 체크해제 foreach (CheckBox cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <CheckBox>(treeLayer)) { cb.IsChecked = false; } await Task.Delay(1000); return("ok"); }
// 시설물코드 변경 private void cbFTR_CDEHandler(object sender, EditValueChangedEventArgs e) { // 0.편집화면초기화 ResetLayer(); editWinView.txtFTR_IDN.EditValue = ""; //시설물레이어 초기화 _selectedLayerNm = ""; _selectedLayerNms.Clear(); // 0,상수관로,급수관로 체크되어있으면 다시시표시 foreach (Button btn in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>(editWinView)) { try { CheckBox chkbox = btn.Template.FindName("chkLayer", btn) as CheckBox; if (chkbox.IsChecked is true) { ShowShapeLayerFilter(mapView, btn.Tag.ToString(), true, ""); } } catch (Exception) { } } // 1.새로운 레이어 시작 string ftr_cde = e.NewValue.ToString(); this.FTR_CDE = ftr_cde; if (!FmsUtil.IsNull(ftr_cde)) { //선택된 레이어 기록 _selectedLayerNm = GisCmm.GetLayerNm(ftr_cde); _selectedLayerNms.Add(GisCmm.GetLayerNm(ftr_cde)); } else { return; } // 2.선택된 레이어의 시설물 페이지로 초기화 InitPage(ftr_cde, null, null); // 시설물검색 if (_selectedLayerNm.Equals("WTL_PIPE_LM") || _selectedLayerNm.Equals("WTL_SPLY_LS")) { //대용량데이터는 자동검색 제외 SearchLayer(null); } else { SearchLayer(null); } }
//강제로 체크박스레이어 클릭 private async Task <FeatureLayer> ClickLayer(string FTR_CDE) { foreach (Button btn in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>(mapArcObjView)) { try { if (btn.Tag.ToString() == GisCmm.GetLayerNm(FTR_CDE)) { CheckBox chkbox = btn.Template.FindName("chkLayer", btn) as CheckBox; chkbox.IsChecked = true; btn.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(Button.ClickEvent));//강제클릭 break; } } catch (Exception) { } } await Task.Delay(1000); return(CmmObj.layers[GisCmm.GetLayerNm(FTR_CDE)].FL); }
public MapMainViewModel() { //string licenseKey = "runtimelite,1000,rud1244207246,none,9TJC7XLS1MJPF5KHT033"; //그린텍 //string licenseKey = "runtimelite,1000,rud9177830334,none,A3E60RFLTFM5NERL1040"; //kyun0828 free //ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.SetLicense(licenseKey); loadedCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { //뷰객체를 파라미터로 전달받기 System.Windows.Controls.Grid divGrid = obj as System.Windows.Controls.Grid; this.mapView = divGrid.FindName("mapView") as MapView; this.divLayer = divGrid.FindName("divLayer") as Popup; this.ClearButton = divGrid.FindName("ClearButton") as Button; //지도초기화 InitMap(); //시설물레이어DIV 초기화작업 InitDivLayer(); CmmRun.InitUniqueValueRenderer();//렌더러초기생성작업 //비트맵초기화(시설물상세DIV 아이콘) BitImg = new BitmapImage(); //ShowShapeLayer(mapView, "BML_GADM_AS", true); }); //레이어 ON/OFF chkCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { Button doc = obj as Button; //IEnumerable<CheckBox> collection = doc.Children.OfType<CheckBox>(); //CheckBox chkbox = collection.First(); CheckBox chkbox = doc.Template.FindName("chkLayer", doc) as CheckBox; bool chk = (bool)chkbox.IsChecked; ShowLocalServerLayer(mapView, doc.Tag.ToString(), chk); //ShowShapeLayer(mapView, doc.Tag.ToString(), chk); //선택된 레이어저장 try { if (chk) { _selectedLayerNms.Add(doc.Tag.ToString()); _selectedLayerNm = doc.Tag.ToString(); } else { _selectedLayerNms.Remove(doc.Tag.ToString()); _selectedLayerNm = _selectedLayerNms.LastOrDefault(); } } catch (Exception) { } }); //팝업레이어 토글처리 toggleCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { StackPanel spLayer = divLayer.FindName("spLayer") as StackPanel; System.Windows.Controls.Grid gridTitle = divLayer.FindName("gridTitle") as System.Windows.Controls.Grid; spLayer.Visibility = spLayer.Visibility == Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible; if (spLayer.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { divLayer.Height = gridTitle.Height; } else { divLayer.Height = gridTitle.Height + spLayer.Height; } }); // 레이어스타일 Renderer 초기화 - shape방식에서만 사용함 //InitUniqueValueRenderer(); levelCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { MessageBox.Show("MapScale - " + mapView.MapScale); }); //GIS초기화 resetCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { //0.맵초기화 InitMap(); //1.로컬서버 재기동 //Initialize_LocalServer(); //2.레이어 클리어 mapView.Map.OperationalLayers.Clear(); //3.열여있는 시설물정보창 닫기 popFct.IsOpen = false; TreeView treeLayer = obj as TreeView; //레이어div 체크해제 foreach (CheckBox cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <CheckBox>(treeLayer)) { cb.IsChecked = false; } //선택된레이어 해제 _selectedFeature = null; try { CmmRun.layers[_selectedLayerNm].ClearSelection(); } catch (Exception) { } _selectedLayerNms.Clear(); _selectedLayerNm = ""; // 행정구역 표시 ShowLocalServerLayer(mapView, "BML_GADM_AS", true); //ShowShapeLayer(mapView, "BML_GADM_AS", true); }); //시설물팝업에서 시설물메뉴화면 호출작업 CallPageCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { FctDtl fctDtl = obj as FctDtl; IRegionManager regionManager = FmsUtil.__regionManager; ViewsCollection views = regionManager.Regions["ContentRegion"].ActiveViews as ViewsCollection; foreach (var v in views) { MapArcObjView mapMainView = v as MapArcObjView; //MainWinViewModel vm = ((System.Windows.Controls.Grid)((ContentControl)mapMainView.Parent).Parent).DataContext as MainWinViewModel; break; } }); //시설물편집창 EditCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { EditWinView view = new EditWinView(); if (view.ShowDialog() is bool) { //재조회 } }); //도형클리어처리 clearCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { // Remove all graphics from the graphics overlay _sketchOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); // Disable buttons that require graphics ClearButton.IsEnabled = false; }); completeCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(async delegate(object obj) { mapView.SketchEditor.Stop(); //추가된 도형 저장처리 //_selectedFeature.Geometry = _geometry; // Apply the edit to the feature table. await _selectedFeature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(_selectedFeature); _selectedFeature.Refresh(); MessageBox.Show("Added feature ", "Success!"); }); }
public MapLayerViewModel() { loadedCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { //뷰객체를 파라미터로 전달받기 System.Windows.Controls.Grid divGrid = obj as System.Windows.Controls.Grid; this.mapView = divGrid.FindName("mapView") as MapView; this.divLayer = divGrid.FindName("divLayer") as Popup; this.ClearButton = divGrid.FindName("ClearButton") as Button; txtFTR_CDE = divGrid.FindName("txtFTR_CDE") as TextBox; txtFTR_IDN = divGrid.FindName("txtFTR_IDN") as TextBox; //지도초기화 InitMap(); //시설물레이어DIV 초기화작업 InitDivLayer(); InitUniqueValueRenderer();//렌더러초기생성작업 //비트맵초기화(시설물상세DIV 아이콘) BitImg = new BitmapImage(); }); //레이어 ON/OFF chkCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { Button doc = obj as Button; //IEnumerable<CheckBox> collection = doc.Children.OfType<CheckBox>(); //CheckBox chkbox = collection.First(); CheckBox chkbox = doc.Template.FindName("chkLayer", doc) as CheckBox; bool chk = (bool)chkbox.IsChecked; //ShowLocalServerLayer(mapView, doc.Tag.ToString(), chk); ShowShapeLayer(mapView, doc.Tag.ToString(), chk); //선택된 레이어저장 try { if (chk) { _selectedLayerNms.Add(doc.Tag.ToString()); _selectedLayerNm = doc.Tag.ToString(); } else { _selectedLayerNms.Remove(doc.Tag.ToString()); _selectedLayerNm = _selectedLayerNms.LastOrDefault(); } } catch (Exception) { } }); //팝업레이어 토글처리 toggleCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { StackPanel spLayer = divLayer.FindName("spLayer") as StackPanel; System.Windows.Controls.Grid gridTitle = divLayer.FindName("gridTitle") as System.Windows.Controls.Grid; spLayer.Visibility = spLayer.Visibility == Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible; if (spLayer.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { divLayer.Height = gridTitle.Height; } else { divLayer.Height = gridTitle.Height + spLayer.Height; } }); //팝업레이어 토글처리 closeCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { Popup divLayerInfo = obj as Popup; divLayerInfo.IsOpen = false; }); // 레이어스타일 Renderer 초기화 - shape방식에서만 사용함 //InitUniqueValueRenderer(); //GIS초기화 resetCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { //0.맵초기화 InitMap(); //1.로컬서버 재기동 //Initialize_LocalServer(); //2.레이어 클리어 mapView.Map.OperationalLayers.Clear(); //3.열여있는 시설물정보창 닫기 popFct.IsOpen = false; TreeView treeLayer = obj as TreeView; //레이어div 체크해제 foreach (CheckBox cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <CheckBox>(treeLayer)) { cb.IsChecked = false; } //선택된레이어 해제 _selectedLayerNms.Clear(); _selectedLayerNm = ""; }); //시설물팝업에서 시설물메뉴화면 호출작업 CallPageCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { FctDtl fctDtl = obj as FctDtl; IRegionManager regionManager = FmsUtil.__regionManager; ViewsCollection views = regionManager.Regions["ContentRegion"].ActiveViews as ViewsCollection; foreach (var v in views) { MapLayerView mapMainView = v as MapLayerView; //MainWinViewModel vm = ((System.Windows.Controls.Grid)((ContentControl)mapMainView.Parent).Parent).DataContext as MainWinViewModel; break; } }); //파일찾기버튼 이벤트 ChgImgCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { // 전달된 파라미터 if (obj == null) { Messages.ShowErrMsgBox("시설물코드가 존재하지 않습니다."); return; } string _FTR_CDE = obj as string; // UniqueValueRenderer 자원해제 //uniqueValueRenderer = new UniqueValueRenderer(); //layers[_selectedLayerNm].ResetRenderer(); // 파일탐색기 열기 OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Multiselect = false; openFileDialog.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*"; openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { //아이콘 파일경로 string icon_foler = Path.Combine(BizUtil.GetDataFolder(), "style_img"); FileInfo[] files = openFileDialog.FileNames.Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).ToArray(); //파일인포 foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { try { //해당이미지파일을 FTR_CDE ex)SA117 이름의파일로 복사 fi.CopyTo(Path.Combine(icon_foler, _FTR_CDE), true); } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.ShowErrMsgBox(ex.Message); } finally { //1.렌더러 재구성 InitUniqueValueRenderer(); //2.레이어의 렌더러 재세팅 foreach (string sel in _selectedLayerNms) { layers[sel].Renderer = uniqueValueRenderer.Clone(); layers[sel].RetryLoadAsync(); } //3.팝업이미지소스 업데이트 BitImg = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(BizUtil.GetDataFolder(), "style_img"), _FTR_CDE))).Clone(); } } } }); btnCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(async delegate(object obj) { Button btn = obj as Button; switch (btn.Content.ToString()) { case "시설물편집": //시설물편집팝업호출 break; default: break; } }); //도형클리어처리 clearCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(delegate(object obj) { // Remove all graphics from the graphics overlay _sketchOverlay.Graphics.Clear(); // Disable buttons that require graphics ClearButton.IsEnabled = false; }); completeCmd = new RelayCommand <object>(async delegate(object obj) { mapView.SketchEditor.Stop(); //추가된 도형 저장처리 _selectedFeature.Geometry = _geometry; // Apply the edit to the feature table. await _selectedFeature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(_selectedFeature); _selectedFeature.Refresh(); MessageBox.Show("Added feature ", "Success!"); }); //시설물찾기 //findCmd = new RelayCommand<object>(FindAction); }
// 컨텐트 disable 처리 private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { switch (ftrCde) { case "SA001": //상수관로 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_PIPE_LM)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_PIPE_LM)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_PIPE_LM)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA002": //급수관로 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_SPLY_LS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_SPLY_LS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_SPLY_LS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA003": //스탠파이프 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_STPI_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_STPI_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_STPI_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA100": //상수맨홀 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_MANH_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_MANH_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_MANH_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA110": //수원지 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_HEAD_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_HEAD_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_HEAD_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA112": //취수장 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_GAIN_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_GAIN_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_GAIN_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA113": //정수장 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_PURI_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_PURI_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_PURI_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA114": //배수지 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_SERV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_SERV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_SERV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA117": //유량계 UC_FLOW_PS uc = this.cctl.Content as UC_FLOW_PS; foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>(uc)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>(uc)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>(uc)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA118": case "SA119": //급수탑,소화전 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_FIRE_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_FIRE_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_FIRE_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA120": //저수조 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_RSRV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_RSRV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_RSRV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA121": //수압계 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_PRGA_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_PRGA_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_PRGA_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA122": //급수전계량기 foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_META_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_META_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_META_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA200": case "SA201": case "SA202": case "SA203": case "SA204": case "SA205": //UC_VALV_PS uc = new UC_VALV_PS(ftrCde, _FTR_IDN); foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_VALV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_VALV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_VALV_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "SA206": //가압펌프장 //UC_PRES_PS uc = new UC_PRES_PS(ftrCde, _FTR_IDN); foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_PRES_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_PRES_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_PRES_PS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "BZ001": //대블록 //UC_BLKL_AS uc = new UC_BLKL_AS(ftrCde, _FTR_IDN); foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_BLKL_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_BLKL_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_BLKL_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "BZ002": //중블록 //UC_BLKM_AS uc = new UC_BLKM_AS(ftrCde, _FTR_IDN); foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_BLKM_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_BLKM_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_BLKM_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; case "BZ003": //소블록 //UC_BLKS_AS uc = new UC_BLKS_AS(ftrCde, _FTR_IDN); foreach (TextEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <TextEdit>((UC_BLKS_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (ComboBoxEdit cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <ComboBoxEdit>((UC_BLKS_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } foreach (Button cb in FmsUtil.FindVisualChildren <Button>((UC_BLKS_AS)this.cctl.Content)) { cb.IsEnabled = false; } break; default: break; } }