private void dgvServers_CellContentDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex < 0) { return; } var sd = (dgvServers[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex].OwningRow.Tag as ServerDescription); if (sd != null) { if (sd.RequiresPassword) { if (passwordForm == null) { passwordForm = new FlyoutForm(panServerPassword); } passwordForm.Tag = sd; passwordForm.Flyout(); } else { lastConnectionReturnToServerBrowser = true; StartClientMode(sd.EndPoint, ""); } } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTRUCTOR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public EditorForm() { InitializeComponent(); if (IsDesignMode) { return; } //title lblTitle.Font = App.Theme.Titles.Large.Regular; //splash panel panMenuPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //colours btnServerNew.Accent = btnServerExisting.Accent = 2; btnServerTemporary.Accent = 3; lblAbout.ForeColor = lblVersion.ForeColor = App.Theme.Background.Light.Colour; //about link lblAbout.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; lblAbout.Font = App.Theme.Controls.Normal.Underline; lblAbout.MouseEnter += (s, e) => { lblAbout.ForeColor = App.Theme.Foreground.Mid.Colour; }; lblAbout.MouseLeave += (s, e) => { lblAbout.ForeColor = App.Theme.Background.Light.Colour; }; lblAbout.Click += (s, e) => { App.Website.LaunchWebsite(); }; //version label lblVersion.Text = "v" + Marzersoft.Text.REGEX_VERSION_REPEATING_ZEROES.Replace(App.AssemblyVersion.ToString(), ""); if (lblVersion.Text.IndexOf('.') == -1) { lblVersion.Text += ".0"; } //client connection/server browser panel btnClient.TextAlign = btnServerNew.TextAlign = btnServerExisting.TextAlign = btnServerTemporary.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; btnClientConnect.Image = App.Images.Resource("next"); btnClientCancel.Image = App.Images.Resource("previous"); btnClientConnect.ImageAlign = btnClientCancel.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; tbClientAddress.Font = tbClientPassword.Font = tbServerPassword.Font = nudClientUpdateInterval.Font = App.Theme.Monospaced.Normal.Regular; tbClientAddress.BackColor = tbClientPassword.BackColor = tbServerPassword.BackColor = nudClientUpdateInterval.BackColor = App.Theme.Background.Light.Colour; tbClientAddress.ForeColor = tbClientPassword.ForeColor = tbServerPassword.ForeColor = nudClientUpdateInterval.ForeColor = App.Theme.Foreground.BaseColour; lblManualEntry.Font = lblServerBrowser.Font = App.Theme.Controls.Large.Regular; panServerBrowserPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; dgvServers.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; dgvServers.Columns[1].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; dgvServers.ShowCellToolTips = true; //'connecting' page panConnectingPage.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; lblConnectingStatus.Width = panConnectingPage.ClientSize.Width - 10; btnConnectingReconnect.Image = App.Images.Resource("refresh"); btnConnectingBack.Image = App.Images.Resource("previous"); //file dialog filters FileFilterFactory filterFactory = new FileFilterFactory(); filterFactory.Add("Text files", "txt"); filterFactory.Add("C# files", "cs"); filterFactory.Add("C/C++ files", "cpp", "h", "hpp", "cxx", "cc", "c", "inl", "inc", "rc", "hxx"); filterFactory.Add("Log files", "log"); filterFactory.Add("Javacode files", "java"); filterFactory.Add("Javascript files", "js"); filterFactory.Add("Visual Basic files", "vb", "vbs"); filterFactory.Add("Web files", "htm", "html", "xml", "css", "htaccess", "php"); filterFactory.Add("XML files", "xml", "xsl", "xslt", "xsd", "dtd"); filterFactory.Add("PHP scripts", "php"); filterFactory.Add("SQL scripts", "sql"); filterFactory.Add("Luascript files", "lua"); filterFactory.Add("Shell scripts", "bat", "sh", "ps"); filterFactory.Add("Settings files", "ini", "config", "cfg", "conf", "reg"); filterFactory.Add("Shader files", "hlsl", "glsl", "fx", "csh", "cshader", "dsh", "dshader", "gsh", "gshader", "hlsli", "hsh", "hshader", "psh", "pshader", "vsh", "vshader"); filterFactory.Apply(dlgServerCreateNew); filterFactory.Apply(dlgServerOpenExisting); //form styles FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; TextFlourishes = false; Text = App.Name; CustomTitleBar = true; ResizeHandleOverride = true; IconOverride = (b) => { return(null); }; flatIconImage = App.Images.Resource("otex_icon_flat", App.Assembly, "OTEX"); ImageOverride = (b) => { return(flatIconImage); }; //settings menu settingsForm = new FlyoutForm(panSettings); settingsForm.Accent = 3; settingsButton = AddCustomTitleBarButton(); settingsButton.Colour = App.Theme.GetAccent(3).DarkDark.Colour; settingsButton.Image = App.Images.Resource("cog", App.Assembly, "OTEX"); settingsButton.OnClick += (b) => { settingsForm.Flyout(PointToScreen(b.Bounds.BottomMiddle())); }; //logout button logoutButton = AddCustomTitleBarButton(); logoutButton.Colour = Color.Red; logoutButton.Image = App.Images.Resource("logout", App.Assembly, "OTEX"); logoutButton.Visible = false; logoutButton.OnClick += (b) => { if (otexServer.Running && otexServer.ClientCount > 1 && !Logger.WarningQuestion("You are currently running in server mode. " + "Leaving the session will disconnect the other {0} connected users.\n\nLeave session?", otexServer.ClientCount - 1)) { return; } otexClient.Disconnect(); otexServer.Stop(); }; // CREATE OTEX SERVER /////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * COMP7722: The OTEX Server is a self-contained class. "Host-mode" (i.e. * allowing a user to edit a load and edit a document using OTEX Editor without * first launching a dedicated server) simply launches a server and a client and * directly connects them together internally. */ otexServer = new Server(); otexServer.OnThreadException += (s, e) => { Logger.W("Server: {0}: {1}", e.InnerException.GetType().FullName, e.InnerException.Message); }; otexServer.OnStarted += (s) => { Logger.I("Server: started for {0} on port {1}", s.FilePath, s.Port); }; otexServer.OnClientConnected += (s, id) => { Logger.I("Server: Client {0} connected.", id); }; otexServer.OnClientDisconnected += (s, id) => { Logger.I("Server: Client {0} disconnected.", id); }; otexServer.OnStopped += (s) => { Logger.I("Server: stopped."); }; otexServer.OnFileSynchronized += (s) => { Logger.I("Server: File synchronized."); }; // CREATE OTEX CLIENT /////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * COMP7722: Like the server, the OTEX Client is a self-contained class. * All of the editor and OT functionality is handled via callbacks. */ otexClient = new Client(); otexClient.UpdateInterval = (float)nudClientUpdateInterval.Value; otexClient.OnThreadException += (c, e) => { Logger.W("Client: {0}: {1}", e.InnerException.GetType().Name, e.InnerException.Message); }; otexClient.OnConnected += (c) => { Logger.I("Client: connected to {0}:{1}.", c.ServerAddress, c.ServerPort); this.Execute(() => { /* * COMP7722: when the client first connects, initial textbox contents is set to "", * but must be done so while operation generation is disabled so * TextChanging/TextChanged don't do diffs and push operations. */ disableOperationGeneration = true; tbEditor.Text = ""; disableOperationGeneration = false; string ext = Path.GetExtension(c.ServerFilePath).ToLower(); if (ext.Length > 0 && (ext = ext.Substring(1)).Length > 0) { switch (ext) { case "cs": tbEditor.Language = Language.CSharp; break; case "htm": tbEditor.Language = Language.HTML; break; case "html": tbEditor.Language = Language.HTML; break; case "js": tbEditor.Language = Language.JS; break; case "lua": tbEditor.Language = Language.Lua; break; case "php": tbEditor.Language = Language.PHP; break; case "sql": tbEditor.Language = Language.SQL; break; case "vb": tbEditor.Language = Language.VB; break; case "vbs": tbEditor.Language = Language.VB; break; case "xml": tbEditor.Language = Language.XML; break; default: tbEditor.Language = Language.Custom; break; } } else { tbEditor.Language = Language.Custom; } logoutButton.Visible = true; EditorPage = true; tbEditor.Focus(); }, false); }; otexClient.OnRemoteOperations += (c, operations) => { /* * COMP7722: this event handler is fired when an OTEX Client receives remote * operations from the server (they're already transformed internally, and just need * to be applied). * * The "Execute" function is an extension method that ensures whatever delegate function * is passed in will always be run on the main UI thread of a windows forms application, * so this ensures the user is prevented from typing while the remote operations are * being applied (virtually instantaneous). */ this.Execute(() => { disableOperationGeneration = true; foreach (var operation in operations) { if (operation.IsInsertion) { tbEditor.InsertTextAndRestoreSelection( new Range(tbEditor, tbEditor.PositionToPlace(operation.Offset), tbEditor.PositionToPlace(operation.Offset)), operation.Text, null); } else if (operation.IsDeletion) { tbEditor.InsertTextAndRestoreSelection( new Range(tbEditor, tbEditor.PositionToPlace(operation.Offset), tbEditor.PositionToPlace(operation.Offset + operation.Length)), "", null); } } disableOperationGeneration = false; }, false); }; otexClient.OnMetadataUpdated += (c, id, md) => { lock (remoteClients) { remoteClients[id] = md.Deserialize <EditorClient>(); } this.Execute(() => { tbEditor.Refresh(); }); }; otexClient.OnDisconnected += (c, serverSide) => { Logger.I("Client: disconnected{0}.", serverSide ? " (connection closed by server)" : ""); lock (remoteClients) { remoteClients.Clear(); } localClient.SelectionStart = 0; localClient.SelectionEnd = 0; if (!closing) { this.Execute(() => { //non-host if (serverSide) { if (lastConnectionEndpoint != null) { ConnectionLostPage = true; } else { MainMenuPage = true; } } else { MainMenuPage = true; } Text = App.Name; logoutButton.Visible = false; }); } }; // CREATE OTEX SERVER LISTENER ////////////////////////////////////// /* * COMP7722: I've given OTEX Servers the ability to advertise their existence to the * local network over UDP, so the ServerListener is a simple UDP listener. When new servers * are identified, or known servers change in some way, events are fired. */ try { otexServerListener = new ServerListener(); otexServerListener.OnThreadException += (sl, e) => { Logger.W("ServerListener: {0}: {1}", e.InnerException.GetType().FullName, e.InnerException.Message); }; otexServerListener.OnServerAdded += (sl, s) => { Logger.I("ServerListener: new server {0}: {1}", s.ID, s.EndPoint); this.Execute(() => { var row = dgvServers.AddRow(s.Name.Length > 0 ? s.Name : "OTEX Server", s.TemporaryDocument ? "Yes" : "", s.EndPoint.Address, s.EndPoint.Port, s.RequiresPassword ? "Yes" : "", string.Format("{0} / {1}", s.ClientCount, s.MaxClients), 0); row.Tag = s; s.Tag = row; }); s.OnUpdated += (sd) => { Logger.I("ServerDescription: {0} updated.", sd.ID); this.Execute(() => { (s.Tag as DataGridViewRow).Update(s.Name.Length > 0 ? s.Name : "OTEX Server", s.TemporaryDocument ? "Yes" : "", s.EndPoint.Address, s.EndPoint.Port, s.RequiresPassword ? "Yes" : "", string.Format("{0} / {1}", s.ClientCount, s.MaxClients), 0); }); }; s.OnInactive += (sd) => { Logger.I("ServerDescription: {0} inactive.", sd.ID); this.Execute(() => { var row = (s.Tag as DataGridViewRow); row.DataGridView.Rows.Remove(row); row.Tag = null; s.Tag = null; }); }; }; } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.ErrorMessage("An error occurred while creating the server listener:\n\n{0}" + "\n\nYou can still use OTEX Editor, but the \"Public Documents\" list will be empty.", exc.Message); return; } // CREATE TEXT EDITOR //////////////////////////////////////////////// tbEditor = new FastColoredTextBox(); tbEditor.Parent = this; tbEditor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tbEditor.BackBrush = App.Theme.Background.Mid.Brush; tbEditor.IndentBackColor = App.Theme.Background.Dark.Colour; tbEditor.ServiceLinesColor = App.Theme.Background.Light.Colour; tbEditor.Font = new Font(App.Theme.Monospaced.Normal.Regular.FontFamily, 11.0f); tbEditor.WordWrap = true; tbEditor.WordWrapAutoIndent = true; tbEditor.WordWrapMode = WordWrapMode.WordWrapControlWidth; tbEditor.TabLength = 4; tbEditor.LineInterval = 2; tbEditor.HotkeysMapping.Remove(Keys.Control | Keys.H); //remove default "replace" (CTRL + H, wtf?) tbEditor.HotkeysMapping[Keys.Control | Keys.R] = FCTBAction.ReplaceDialog; // CTRL + R for replace tbEditor.HotkeysMapping[Keys.Control | Keys.Y] = FCTBAction.Undo; // CTRL + Y for undo /* * COMP7722: In this editor example, Operations are not generated by directly * intercepting key press events and the like, since they do not take special * circumstances like Undo, Redo, and text dragging with the mouse into account. Instead, * I've used a Least-Common-Substring-based diff generator (in this case, a package * called DiffPlex: to compare text pre- * and post-change, and create the operations based on the calculated diffs. * * This does of course cause a slight overhead; in testing with large documents * (3.5mb of plain text, which is a lot!), diff calculation took ~100ms. Documents that * were more realistically-sized took ~3ms (on the same machine), which is imperceptible. * * I've also implemented some basic awareness painting, so the current position, line * and selection of other editors will be rendered (see PaintLine). */ tbEditor.TextChanging += (sender, args) => { if (disableOperationGeneration || !otexClient.Connected) { return; } //cache previous version of the text previousText = tbEditor.Text; }; tbEditor.TextChanged += (sender, args) => { if (disableOperationGeneration || !otexClient.Connected) { return; } //do diff on two versions of text var currentText = tbEditor.Text; var diffs = differ.CreateCharacterDiffs(previousText, currentText, false, false); //convert changes into operations int position = 0; foreach (var diff in diffs.DiffBlocks) { //skip unchanged characters position = Math.Min(diff.InsertStartB, currentText.Length); //process a deletion if (diff.DeleteCountA > 0) { otexClient.Delete((uint)position, (uint)diff.DeleteCountA); } //process an insertion if (position < (diff.InsertStartB + diff.InsertCountB)) { otexClient.Insert((uint)position, currentText.Substring(position, diff.InsertCountB)); } } }; tbEditor.SelectionChanged += (s, e) => { if (!otexClient.Connected) { return; } var sel = tbEditor.Selection; localClient.SelectionStart = tbEditor.PlaceToPosition(sel.Start); localClient.SelectionEnd = tbEditor.PlaceToPosition(sel.End); PushUpdatedMetadata(); }; tbEditor.PaintLine += (s, e) => { if (!otexClient.Connected || remoteClients.Count == 0) { return; } Range lineRange = new Range(tbEditor, e.LineIndex); lock (remoteClients) { var len = tbEditor.TextLength; foreach (var kvp in remoteClients) { //check range var selStart = tbEditor.PositionToPlace(kvp.Value.SelectionStart.Clamp(0, len)); var selEnd = tbEditor.PositionToPlace(kvp.Value.SelectionEnd.Clamp(0, len)); var selRange = new Range(tbEditor, selStart, selEnd); var range = lineRange.GetIntersectionWith(selRange); if (range.Length == 0 && !lineRange.Contains(selStart)) { continue; } var ptStart = tbEditor.PlaceToPoint(range.Start); var ptEnd = tbEditor.PlaceToPoint(range.End); var caret = lineRange.Contains(selStart); int colour = kvp.Value.Colour & 0x00FFFFFF; //draw "current line" fill if (caret && selRange.Length == 0) { using (SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush((colour | 0x09000000).ToColour())) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, e.LineRect); } //draw highlight if (range.Length > 0) { using (SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush((colour | 0x20000000).ToColour())) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, new Rectangle(ptStart.X, e.LineRect.Y, ptEnd.X - ptStart.X, e.LineRect.Height)); } //draw caret if (caret) { ptStart = tbEditor.PlaceToPoint(selStart); using (Pen p = new Pen((colour | 0xBB000000).ToColour())) { p.Width = 2; e.Graphics.DrawLine(p, ptEnd.X, e.LineRect.Top, ptEnd.X, e.LineRect.Bottom); } } } } }; // CLIENT COLOURS //////////////////////////////////////////////////// cbClientColour.RegenerateItems( false, //darks true, //mids false, //lights false, //transparents false, //monochromatics 0.15f, //similarity threshold new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.MediumBlue, Color.Red, Color.Fuchsia, Color.Magenta } //exlude (colours that contrast poorly with the app theme) ); var cols = cbClientColour.Items.OfType <Color>().ToList(); var col = otexClient.ID.ToColour(cols.ToArray()); ClientColour = col; cbClientColour.SelectedIndex = cols.IndexOf(col); }