public void UpdateState(MonsterViewModel viewModel)
        if (follower == null)
            follower = GetComponent <PathFollower>();
        if (attacher == null)
            attacher = GetComponent <PrefabAttacher>();
            healthBar = attacher.GetInstance().GetComponent <Bar>();
                = attacher.
                  GetComponent <Image>();

        healthBar.UpdateState(viewModel.Health, viewModel.MaxHealth);

        follower.movementSpeed = viewModel.Speed;
        if (viewModel.IsDead)
            FlyingTextSpawner.SpawnGoldEarned(viewModel.KillReward, gameObject);
Exemple #2
    public void UpdateState(TowerViewModel viewModel)
        if (viewModel.IsSold)
            FlyingTextSpawner.SpawnGoldEarned(viewModel.SellPrice, gameObject);

        if (ammoBar == null)
            attacher = GetComponent <PrefabAttacher>();
            ammoBar = attacher.GetInstance().transform.Find("Ammunition Bar").GetComponent <Bar>();
                = attacher.
                  transform.Find("Ammunition Bar/Ammo").
                  GetComponent <Image>();
            disabler = GetComponent <ObjectDisabler>();
            GameObject buttons = ammoBar.gameObject.transform.parent.Find("Buttons").gameObject;
            disabler.toBeDisabled = buttons;

            reloadButton = buttons.transform.Find("Reload").GetComponent <Button>();
            sellButton   = buttons.transform.Find("Sell").GetComponent <Button>();


        range = viewModel.Range;
        ammoBar.UpdateState(viewModel.Ammo, viewModel.MaxAmmo);

        int ammoPercentage = (int)(viewModel.Ammo / viewModel.MaxAmmo * 100);

        if (ammoPercentage != lastAmmoPercentageShown)
            lastAmmoPercentageShown = ammoPercentage;
            if (ammoPercentage < nextMilestone)
                FlyingTextSpawner.SpawnAmmunitionLeft(ammoPercentage, gameObject);
                nextMilestone -= 100;

        if (viewModel.ReloadPrice != 0)
            FlyingTextSpawner.SpawnGoldSpent(viewModel.ReloadPrice, gameObject);
Exemple #3
        private void LoadTextSpawners()
            var installer = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <EffectPoolsManualInstaller>().LastOrDefault();

            if (installer != null)
                var containers = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <MonoInstallerBase>();
                foreach (MonoInstallerBase a in containers)
                        if (textSpawner == null)
                            //Get Main Text Spawner
                            var container = a.GetProperty <DiContainer, MonoInstallerBase>("Container");
                            if (container == null)
                            if (!container.HasBinding(typeof(FlyingTextEffect.Pool)))
                            textSpawner = container.InstantiateComponentOnNewGameObject <FlyingTextSpawner>("GameSaber GameText Spawner");
                            textSpawner.SetField("_targetYPos", 3.0f);
                            //Get Comment Text Spawners
                            var commentSpawnerL = container.InstantiateComponentOnNewGameObject <FlyingTextSpawner>("GameSaber CommentSpawnerL");
                            commentSpawnerL.gameObject.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(-2f, 0, 0);
                            commentSpawnerL.SetField("_shake", true);
                            commentSpawnerL.SetField("_xSpread", 1.5f);
                            commentSpawnerL.SetField("_targetZPos", 6.8f);
                            commentSpawnerL.SetField("_targetYPos", 3.0f);
                            var commentSpawnerR = container.InstantiateComponentOnNewGameObject <FlyingTextSpawner>("GameSaber CommentSpawnerR");
                            commentSpawnerR.gameObject.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(2f, 0, 0);
                            commentSpawnerR.SetField("_shake", true);
                            commentSpawnerR.SetField("_xSpread", 1.5f);
                            commentSpawnerR.SetField("_targetZPos", 6.8f);
                            commentSpawnerR.SetField("_targetYPos", 3.0f);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.log.Debug($"Exception creating textSpawners {ex}");
        public void Start()
            // The goal now is to find the clip this scene will be playing.
            // For this, we find the single root gameObject (which is the gameObject
            // to which we are attached),
            // then we get its GameSongController to find the audio clip,
            // and its FlyingTextSpawner to display the lyrics.

            textSpawner    = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <FlyingTextSpawner>();
            songController = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <GameSongController>();

            if (textSpawner == null || songController == null)

            audioClip = (AudioClip)SongFileField.GetValue(songController);

            // Clip found, now select the first song that has the same clip (using reference comparison).
            levelData = (from world in PersistentSingleton <GameDataModel> .instance.gameStaticData.worldsData
                         from levelStaticData in world.levelsData
                         from difficultyLevel in levelStaticData.difficultyLevels
                         where ReferenceEquals(difficultyLevel.audioClip, audioClip)
                         select levelStaticData).FirstOrDefault();

            if (levelData == null)
                Debug.Log("Corresponding song not found.");


            // We found the matching song, we can get started.
            Debug.Log($"Corresponding song data found: {levelData.songName} by {levelData.authorName}.");

            // When this coroutine ends, it will call the given callback with a list
            // of all the subtitles we found, and allow us to react.
            // If no subs are found, the callback is not called.
            StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetLyrics(levelData.songName, levelData.authorName, subs =>
                SpawnText("Lyrics found", 3f);
        public IEnumerator Start()
            // The goal now is to find the clip this scene will be playing.
            // For this, we find the single root gameObject (which is the gameObject
            // to which we are attached),
            // then we get its GameSongController to find the audio clip,
            // and its FlyingTextSpawner to display the lyrics.

            if (Settings.VerboseLogging)
                Debug.Log("[Beat Singer] Attached to scene.");
                Debug.Log($"[Beat Singer] Lyrics are enabled: {Settings.DisplayLyrics}.");

            textSpawner    = FindObjectOfType <FlyingTextSpawner>();
            songController = FindObjectOfType <GameSongController>();

            var sceneSetup = FindObjectOfType <GameplayCoreSceneSetup>();

            if (songController == null || sceneSetup == null)
                yield break;

            if (textSpawner == null)
                var installer = FindObjectOfType <EffectPoolsInstaller>();
                var container = (Zenject.DiContainer)ContainerField.GetValue(installer);

                textSpawner = container.InstantiateComponentOnNewGameObject <FlyingTextSpawner>();

            var sceneSetupData = (GameplayCoreSceneSetupData)SceneSetupDataField.GetValue(sceneSetup);

            if (sceneSetupData == null)
                yield break;

            audio = (AudioTimeSyncController)AudioTimeSyncField.GetValue(songController);

            IBeatmapLevel   level     = sceneSetupData.difficultyBeatmap.level;
            List <Subtitle> subtitles = new List <Subtitle>();

            Debug.Log($"[Beat Singer] Corresponding song data found: {level.songName} by {level.songAuthorName} ({(level.songSubName != null ? level.songSubName : "No sub-name")}).");

            if (LyricsFetcher.GetLocalLyrics(sceneSetupData.difficultyBeatmap.level.levelID, subtitles))
                Debug.Log("[Beat Singer] Found local lyrics.");
                Debug.Log($"[Beat Singer] These lyrics can be uploaded online using the ID: \"{level.GetLyricsHash()}\".");

                // Lyrics found locally, continue with them.
                SpawnText("Lyrics found locally", 3f);
                Debug.Log("[Beat Singer] Did not find local lyrics, trying online lyrics...");

                // When this coroutine ends, it will call the given callback with a list
                // of all the subtitles we found, and allow us to react.
                // If no subs are found, the callback is not called.
                yield return(StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetOnlineLyrics(level, subtitles)));

                if (subtitles.Count != 0)
                    goto FoundOnlineLyrics;

                yield return(StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetMusixmatchLyrics(level.songName, level.songAuthorName, subtitles)));

                if (subtitles.Count != 0)
                    goto FoundOnlineLyrics;

                yield return(StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetMusixmatchLyrics(level.songName, level.songSubName, subtitles)));

                if (subtitles.Count != 0)
                    goto FoundOnlineLyrics;

                yield break;

                SpawnText("Lyrics found online", 3f);

        public IEnumerator Start()
            // The goal now is to find the clip this scene will be playing.
            // For this, we find the single root gameObject (which is the gameObject
            // to which we are attached),
            // then we get its GameSongController to find the audio clip,
            // and its FlyingTextSpawner to display the lyrics.

            textSpawner    = FindObjectOfType <FlyingTextSpawner>();
            songController = FindObjectOfType <GameSongController>();

            if (textSpawner == null || songController == null)
                yield break;

            MainGameSceneSetup sceneSetup = FindObjectOfType <MainGameSceneSetup>();

            if (sceneSetup == null)
                yield break;

            MainGameSceneSetupData sceneSetupData = SetupDataField.GetValue(sceneSetup) as MainGameSceneSetupData;

            if (sceneSetupData == null)
                yield break;

            List <Subtitle> subtitles = new List <Subtitle>();

            if (LyricsFetcher.GetLocalLyrics(sceneSetupData.difficultyLevel.level.levelID, subtitles))
                // Lyrics found locally, continue with them.
                SpawnText("Lyrics found locally", 3f);
                // Clip found, now select the first song that has the same clip (using reference comparison).
                IStandardLevel level = sceneSetupData.difficultyLevel.level;

                // We found the matching song, we can get started.
                Debug.Log($"Corresponding song data found: {level.songName} by {level.songAuthorName}.");

                // When this coroutine ends, it will call the given callback with a list
                // of all the subtitles we found, and allow us to react.
                // If no subs are found, the callback is not called.
                yield return(StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetOnlineLyrics(level.songName, level.songAuthorName, subtitles)));

                if (subtitles.Count == 0)
                    yield break;

                SpawnText("Lyrics found online", 3f);

 private void Awake()
     _flyingTextSpawner = GetComponent <ItalicizedFlyingTextSpawner>();
Exemple #8
        public IEnumerator Start()
            // The goal now is to find the clip this scene will be playing.
            // For this, we find the single root gameObject (which is the gameObject
            // to which we are attached),
            // then we get its GameSongController to find the audio clip,
            // and its FlyingTextSpawner to display the lyrics.

            if (Settings.VerboseLogging)
                Debug.Log("[Beat Singer] Attached to scene.");
                Debug.Log($"[Beat Singer] Lyrics are enabled: {Settings.DisplayLyrics}.");
            if (!Settings.DisplayLyrics)
                yield break;

            //Create a FlyingTextSpawner (Based on Custom Miss Text)
            var installer = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <EffectPoolsInstaller>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (installer != null)
                var containers = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <MonoInstallerBase>();
                foreach (MonoInstallerBase a in containers)
                    if (textSpawner == null)
                            var container = a.GetProperty <DiContainer>("Container");
                            textSpawner = container.InstantiateComponentOnNewGameObject <FlyingTextSpawner>("CustomMissTextSpawner");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Debug.Log("Exception creating TextSpawner");

                //      .First().GetProperty<DiContainer>("Container");
                //     textSpawner = container.InstantiateComponentOnNewGameObject<FlyingTextSpawner>("CustomMissTextSpawner");
                Debug.Log("Text Spawner Attempted");

            //    songController = FindObjectOfType<GameSongController>();

            var sceneSetup = BS_Utils.Plugin.LevelData;

            if (textSpawner == null)
                Debug.Log("Null TextSpawner, breaking");
                yield break;
            //Set Text Spawner Properties (fontSize, Color, Shake)
            textSpawner.SetField("_fontSize", Settings.FontSize);
            textSpawner.SetField("_shake", Settings.Shake);
            textSpawner.SetField("_color", Settings.TextColor);

            audio = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <AudioTimeSyncController>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (BS_Utils.Plugin.LevelData.GameplayCoreSceneSetupData.practiceSettings != null)
                SpawnText("Practice Mode. \n" +
                          "Ignoring Lyrics", 2f);
                yield break;
            if (BS_Utils.Plugin.LevelData.GameplayCoreSceneSetupData.gameplayModifiers.songSpeedMul != 1f)
                SpawnText("NonStandard Speed. \n" +
                          "Ignoring Lyrics", 2f);
                yield break;

            IBeatmapLevel   level     = sceneSetup.GameplayCoreSceneSetupData.difficultyBeatmap.level;
            List <Subtitle> subtitles = new List <Subtitle>();

            Debug.Log($"[Beat Singer] Corresponding song data found: {level.songName} by {level.songAuthorName} / {level.songSubName}.");

            if (LyricsFetcher.GetLocalLyrics(sceneSetup.GameplayCoreSceneSetupData.difficultyBeatmap.level, subtitles))
                Debug.Log("[Beat Singer] Found local lyrics.");
                Debug.Log($"[Beat Singer] These lyrics can be uploaded online using the ID: \"{level.GetLyricsHash()}\".");

                // Lyrics found locally, continue with them.
                SpawnText("Lyrics found locally", 3f);
                Debug.Log("[Beat Singer] Did not find local lyrics, trying online lyrics...");

                // When this coroutine ends, it will call the given callback with a list
                // of all the subtitles we found, and allow us to react.
                // If no subs are found, the callback is not called.
                yield return(StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetOnlineLyrics(level, subtitles)));

                if (subtitles.Count != 0)
                    goto FoundOnlineLyrics;

                yield return(StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetMusixmatchLyrics(level.songName, level.songAuthorName, subtitles)));

                if (subtitles.Count != 0)
                    goto FoundOnlineLyrics;

                yield return(StartCoroutine(LyricsFetcher.GetMusixmatchLyrics(level.songName, level.songSubName, subtitles)));

                if (subtitles.Count != 0)
                    goto FoundOnlineLyrics;

                yield break;

                SpawnText("Lyrics found online", 3f);

Exemple #9
 void Start()
     FlyingTextSpawner.SpawnGoldSpent((new RegularPriceList()).GetPrice(Controller.Model.Type), gameObject);
Exemple #10
 public void Start()
     instance = this;