void Awake() { curmodid = modid++; try { colorblindEnabled = colorblindMode.ColorblindModeActive; } catch { colorblindEnabled = false; } finally { try { ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings> universalConfig = new ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings>("FlyersOtherSettings"); // Read from settings file, or create one if one doesn't exist miscSettings = universalConfig.Settings; // Update settings file incase of error during read universalConfig.Settings = miscSettings; instantMysticLights = miscSettings.InstantMysticLights; } catch { Debug.LogErrorFormat("<15 Mystic Lights>: The settings for Forget Infinty do not work as intended! The module will use default settings instead."); instantMysticLights = false; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { segmentCodings = new SevenSegmentCodings(); curModID = ++modID; for (int x = 0; x < segments.Length; x++) { segments[x].material = matSwitch[0]; colorblindTextSeg[x].text = ""; } for (int x = 0; x < colorTriangles.Length; x++) { colorTriangles[x].material = matSwitch[0]; colorblindTextTri[x].text = ""; } LEDMesh.material = matSwitch[0]; stageIndc.text = ""; try { ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings> universalConfig = new ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings>("FlyersOtherSettings"); universalSettings = universalConfig.Settings; universalConfig.Settings = universalSettings; uncapAll = !universalSettings.SevenHardCapStageGeneration; fastReads = universalSettings.SevenForceFastReads; PPAScaling = universalSettings.SevenPPAScale; maxPPA = universalSettings.SevenMaxPPA; disableUncapTP = universalSettings.SevenNoTPUncapping; } catch { Debug.LogWarningFormat("<7 #{0}>: Settings for 7 do not work as intended! Using default settings instead!", curModID); uncapAll = false; fastReads = false; PPAScaling = 1f; maxPPA = -1; disableUncapTP = false; } finally { try { colorblinddetected = colorblindMode.ColorblindModeActive; } catch { colorblinddetected = false; } } colorblindIndc.text = ""; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { try { ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings> universalConfig = new ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings>("FlyersOtherSettings"); selfSettings = universalConfig.Settings; universalConfig.Settings = selfSettings; maxFlashesAllowed = selfSettings.SimonSemibossMaxFlashes; } catch { Debug.LogFormat("<SimonSettings> Settings do not work as intended! using default settings."); maxFlashesAllowed = 40; } Debug.LogFormat("<SimonSettings> Max flashes allowed: {0}", maxFlashesAllowed < 10 ? "unlimited" : maxFlashesAllowed.ToString()); }
void Awake() { try { ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings> universalConfig = new ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings>("FlyersOtherSettings"); universalSettings = universalConfig.Settings; universalConfig.Settings = universalSettings; selectedDynamicScores = new[] { universalSettings.LPPLabeledPrioritiesTPScore, universalSettings.LPPUnlabeledPrioritiesTPScore, universalSettings.LPPRelabeledPrioritiesTPScore, universalSettings.LPPMislabeledPrioritiesTPScore }; if (universalSettings.LPPEnableLabeledPriorities) { selectedVariantIdxes.Add(0); } if (universalSettings.LPPEnableUnlabeledPriorities) { selectedVariantIdxes.Add(1); } if (universalSettings.LPPEnableRelabeledPriorities) { selectedVariantIdxes.Add(2); } /* * if (LPSettings.enableMislabeledPriorities) * selectedVariantIdxes.Add(3); */ } catch { Debug.LogFormat("<Labeled Priorities Plus> Settings do not work as intended! Using default settings instead."); selectedVariantIdxes.AddRange(new[] { 0, 1, 2 }); selectedDynamicScores = new[] { 5, 5, 9, 9 }; } Debug.LogFormat("<Labeled Priorities Plus> Rollable Variants: {0}", selectedVariantIdxes.Select(a => new[] { "Labeled", "Unlabeled", "Relabeled", "Mislabeled" }.ElementAtOrDefault(a).Join(","))); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { if (ignoredModuleNames == null) { ignoredModuleNames = GetComponent <KMBossModule>().GetIgnoredModules("Forget Infinity", new string[] { "14", "Bamboozling Time Keeper", "Brainf---", "Cookie Jars", "Cruel Purgatory", "Divided Squares", "Forget Enigma", "Forget Everything", "Forget Infinity", "Forget It Not", "Forget Me Later", "Forget Me Not", "Forget Perspective", "Forget The Colors", "Forget Them All", "Forget This", "Forget Us Not", "Hogwarts", "Organization", "Purgatory", "Simon Forgets", "Simon's Stages", "Souvenir", "Tallordered Keys", "The Time Keeper", "Timing is Everything", "The Troll", "Turn The Key", "Übermodule", "Ültimate Custom Night", "The Very Annoying Button" }).ToList(); } /* * if (organIgnoredModNames == null) * organIgnoredModNames = GetComponent<KMBossModule>().GetIgnoredModules("Organization").ToList(); */ //See Forget It Not's ignore list for reasons curModID = modID++; try { ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings> universalConfig = new ModConfig <FlyersOtherSettings>("FlyersOtherSettings"); // Read from settings file, or create one if one doesn't exist FIConfig = universalConfig.Settings; // Update settings file incase of error during read universalConfig.Settings = FIConfig; PPAScaling = FIConfig.FIPPAScaleFactor; } catch { Debug.LogErrorFormat("[Forget Infinty #{0}]: The settings for Forget Infinty do not work as intended! The module will use default settings instead.", curModID); PPAScaling = 0.5f; } }