public Coin(int xPos, int yPos, bool Outline)
            : base(xPos, yPos)
            if (Outline)
                loadGraphic("Lemonade/GoldCoinGameboyWithOutline", true, false, 32, 32);
                loadGraphic("Lemonade/GoldCoinGameboy", true, false, 32, 32);

            addAnimation("animation", new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4 }, (int)FlxU.random(4, 8), true);

            width  = 16;
            height = 16;
            setOffset(8, 8);

            fanfare = new FlxEmitter();
            fanfare.createSprites("Lemonade/bubble", 8, true, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            fanfare.setXSpeed(-100, 100);
            fanfare.setYSpeed(-100, 100);
            fanfare.gravity = 5;
            fanfare.delay   = 3.0f;

            tween          = new XNATweener.Tweener(-25, 25, FlxU.random(0.8f, 1.2f), XNATweener.Quadratic.EaseInOut);
            tween.PingPong = true;
        public override void create()
            _timer  = 0;
            _fading = false;

            //Gibs emitted upon death
            FlxEmitter gibs = new FlxEmitter(0, -50);

            gibs.setSize((uint)FlxG.width, 0);
            gibs.setYSpeed(0, 100);
            gibs.setRotation(-360, 360);
            gibs.gravity = 80;
            gibs.makeParticles(ImgGibs, 800, 32, true, 0);
            gibs.start(false, 0, 0.005f);

            FlxText text = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height / 2 - 35, FlxG.width, "VICTORY\n\nSCORE: " + FlxG.score);

             * if( == ApplicationType.WebGL)
             *      text.setFormat(ImgFont20,20,0xd8eba2,"center");
             * else
             *      text.setFormat(null,16,0xd8eba2,"center");*/
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Plant that can lose leaves
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xPos"></param>
        /// <param name="yPos"></param>
        /// <param name="type">Two types of plants. 1 and 2.</param>
        public Plant(int xPos, int yPos, int type)
            : base(xPos, yPos)
            if (type == 1)
                loadGraphic(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/plant1"), false, false, 10, 110);
            else if (type == 2)
                loadGraphic(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/plant2"), false, false, 13, 110);

            _leaves = new FlxEmitter();
            _leaves.setSize(2, 110);
            _leaves.createSprites(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/leaves"), 30, true, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            _leaves.setRotation(0, 360);
            _leaves.setYSpeed(15, 85);
            _leaves.setXSpeed(-40, 40);
            _leaves.gravity = 15;

            canLoseLeaves = 110;
        //This is the main flixel update function or loop function.
        //Most of the enemy's logic or behavior is in this function here.

        public override void update()
            //Then, rotate toward that angle.
            //We could rotate instantly toward the player by simply calling:
            //angle = angleTowardPlayer();
            //However, we want some less predictable, more wobbly behavior.
            float da = angleTowardPlayer();

            if (da < Angle)
                AngularAcceleration = -AngularDrag;
            else if (da > Angle)
                AngularAcceleration = AngularDrag;
                AngularAcceleration = 0;

            //Figure out if we want the jets on or not.
            _timer += FlxG.elapsed;
            if (_timer > 8)
                _timer = 0;
            bool jetsOn = _timer < 6;

            //Set the bot's movement speed and direction
            //based on angle and whether the jets are on.
            _thrust = FlxU.computeVelocity(_thrust, (jetsOn?90:0), Drag.X, 60);
            FlxU.rotatePoint(0, (int)_thrust, 0, 0, Angle, Velocity);

            //Shooting - three shots every few seconds
            if (onScreen())
                bool  shoot = false;
                float os    = _shotClock;
                _shotClock += FlxG.elapsed;
                if ((os < 4.0) && (_shotClock >= 4.0))
                    _shotClock = 0;
                    shoot      = true;
                else if ((os < 3.5) && (_shotClock >= 3.5))
                    shoot = true;
                else if ((os < 3.0) && (_shotClock >= 3.0))
                    shoot = true;

                //If we rolled over one of those time thresholds,
                //shoot a bullet out along the angle we're currently facing.
                if (shoot)
                    //First, recycle a bullet from the bullet pile.
                    //If there are none, recycle will automatically create one for us.
                    EnemyBullet b = (EnemyBullet)_bullets.recycle(typeof(EnemyBullet));
                    //Then, shoot it from our midpoint out along our angle.
                    b.shoot(getMidpoint(_tagPoint), Angle);

            //Then call FlxSprite's update() function, to automate
            // our motion and animation and stuff.

            //Finally, update the jet particles shooting out the back of the ship.
            if (jetsOn)
                if (!_jets.on)
                    //If they're supposed to be on and they're not,
                    //turn em on and play a little sound.
                    _jets.start(false, 0.5f, 0.01f);
                    if (onScreen())
                //Then, position the jets at the center of the Enemy,
                //and point the jets the opposite way from where we're moving.
                _jets.setXSpeed(-Velocity.X - 30, -Velocity.X + 30);
                _jets.setYSpeed(-Velocity.Y - 30, -Velocity.Y + 30);
            else                //If jets are supposed to be off, just turn em off.
                _jets.on = false;
            //Finally, update the jet emitter and all its member sprites.
        override public void create()
            FlxG.Framerate = 60;
            //FlxG.flashFramerate = 60;

            //Here we actually initialize out emitter
            //The parameters are        X   Y                Size (Maximum number of particles the emitter can store)
            theEmitter = new FlxEmitter(10, FlxG.height / 2, 200);

            //Now by default the emitter is going to have some properties set on it and can be used immediately
            //but we're going to change a few things.

            //First this emitter is on the side of the screen, and we want to show off the movement of the particles
            //so lets make them launch to the right.
            theEmitter.setXSpeed(100, 200);

            //and lets funnel it a tad
            theEmitter.setYSpeed(-50, 50);

            //Let's also make our pixels rebound off surfaces
            theEmitter.bounce = 0.8f;

            //Now let's add the emitter to the state.

            //Now it's almost ready to use, but first we need to give it some pixels to spit out!
            //Lets fill the emitter with some white pixels
            for (int i = 0; i < theEmitter.maxSize / 2; i++)
                whitePixel = new FlxParticle();
                whitePixel.makeGraphic(2, 2, new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
                whitePixel.Visible = false;                 //Make sure the particle doesn't show up at (0, 0)
                whitePixel = new FlxParticle();
                whitePixel.makeGraphic(1, 1, new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
                whitePixel.Visible = false;

            //Now let's setup some buttons for messing with the emitter.
            collisionButton = new FlxButton(0, FlxG.height - 22, "Collision", onCollision);
            gravityButton = new FlxButton(80, FlxG.height - 22, "Gravity", onGravity);
            quitButton = new FlxButton(FlxG.width - 80, FlxG.height - 22, "Quit", onQuit);

            //I'll just leave this here
            topText = new FlxText(0, 2, FlxG.width, "Welcome");

            //Lets setup some walls for our pixels to collide against
            collisionGroup = new FlxGroup();
            wall           = new FlxSprite(100, (FlxG.height / 2) - 50);
            wall.makeGraphic(10, 100, new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x50)); //Make it darker - easier on the eyes :)
            wall.Visible   = wall.Solid = false;                          //Set both the visibility AND the solidity to false, in one go
            wall.Immovable = true;                                        //Lets make sure the pixels don't push out wall away! (though it does look funny)
            //Duplicate our wall but this time it's a floor to catch gravity affected particles
            floor = new FlxSprite(10, 267);
            floor.makeGraphic((uint)FlxG.width - 20, 10, new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x50));
            floor.Visible   = floor.Solid = false;
            floor.Immovable = true;

            //Please note that this demo makes the walls themselves not collide, for the sake of simplicity.
            //Normally you would make the particles have solid = true or false to make them collide or not on creation,
            //because in a normal environment your particles probably aren't going to change solidity at a mouse
            //click. If they did, you would probably be better suited with emitter.setAll("solid", true)
            //I just don't feel that setAll is applicable here(Since I would still have to toggle the walls anyways)

            //Don't forget to add the group to the state(Like I did :P)

            //Now lets set our emitter free.
            //Params:        Explode, Particle Lifespan, Emit rate(in seconds)
            theEmitter.start(false, 3, .01f);

            //Let's re show the cursors
Exemple #6
        override public void create()

            Lemonade_Globals.totalCoins = Lemonade_Globals.calculateTotalCoins();

            FlxTilemap bgMap = new FlxTilemap();

          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "bg", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap.setScrollFactors(1, 1);

            bgMap             = new FlxTilemap();
          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "bg2", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap.setScrollFactors(1, 1);

            FlxTilemap bgMap3 = new FlxTilemap();

          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap3.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap3.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "stars", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap3.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap3.setScrollFactors(0.5f, 0.5f);

            FlxTilemap bgMap4 = new FlxTilemap();

          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap4.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap4.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "city", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap4.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap4.setScrollFactors(1, 1);

            follower         = new FlxSprite(400, 1500);
            follower.visible = false;
            follower.velocity.Y = this.speed;

            FlxG.follow(follower, 20.0f);
            FlxG.followBounds(0, 0, int.MaxValue, 2000);

            int textSize = 2;

                        #if __ANDROID__
            textSize = 4;

            heading = new FlxText(0, 50, FlxG.width, "Collection Incomplete");
            heading.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), textSize, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);
            heading.setScrollFactors(0, 0);

            string howWellDidYouGo = "Collected " + Lemonade_Globals.coins.ToString() + "\nfrom " + Lemonade_Globals.totalCoins.ToString() + " Coins ";
            credits = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height / 1.75f, FlxG.width, howWellDidYouGo);
            credits.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), textSize, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);
            credits.setScrollFactors(0, 0);
            credits.visible = false;

            string ins = "Press X to Continue";
#if __ANDROID__
            ins = "Press O to Continue";

            instruction = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height / 1.3f, FlxG.width, ins);
            instruction.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), textSize, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);
            instruction.setScrollFactors(0, 0);
            instruction.visible = false;

            if (Lemonade_Globals.coins == Lemonade_Globals.totalCoins)
                heading.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), textSize, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);
                heading.text = "Complete Collection!!\nThe Lemonade Factory is saved.";
                instruction.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), textSize, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);

                string ins2 = "Press X to Continue";
#if __ANDROID__
                ins2 = "Press O to Continue";

                instruction.text = ins2;


            tween          = new Tweener(FlxG.height / 1.3f, FlxG.height / 1.2f, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.67f), XNATweener.Cubic.EaseInOut);
            tween.PingPong = true;

            // play some music
            FlxG.playMp3("Lemonade/music/March", 0.75f);

            rain = new FlxGroup();
            for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
                FlxSprite rainDrop = new FlxSprite((FlxU.random() * FlxG.width * 2), -200 + (FlxU.random() * 1000));
                rainDrop.loadGraphic("Lemonade/rain", true, false, 2, 2);
                rainDrop.frame      = (int)FlxU.random(0, 6);
                rainDrop.velocity.Y = FlxU.random(350, 400);

            splashes = new FlxEmitter();
            splashes.createSprites("Lemonade/rain", 150, true, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            splashes.setXSpeed(-25, 25);
            splashes.setYSpeed(-30, 0);
            splashes.gravity = 1.0f;
        //private FlxVirtualPad _pad;

        public override void create()
            //		FlxG.mouse.hide();

            /*_sfxCount = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded(SndCount, false, false, FlxSound.SFX);*/

             * _pad = new FlxVirtualPad(FlxVirtualPad.DPAD_FULL, FlxVirtualPad.A_B);
             * _pad.Alpha = 0.5f;
            //		if( == ApplicationType.Desktop || MenuState.attractMode)
            //			_pad.visible = false;

            //Here we are creating a pool of 100 little metal bits that can be exploded.
            //We will recycle the crap out of these!
            _littleGibs = new FlxEmitter();
            _littleGibs.setXSpeed(-150, 150);
            _littleGibs.setYSpeed(-200, 0);
            _littleGibs.setRotation(-720, -720);
            _littleGibs.gravity = 350;
            _littleGibs.bounce  = 0.5f;
            _littleGibs.makeParticles(ImgGibs, 100, 10, true, 0.5f);

            //Next we create a smaller pool of larger metal bits for exploding.
            _bigGibs = new FlxEmitter();
            _bigGibs.setXSpeed(-200, 200);
            _bigGibs.setYSpeed(-300, 0);
            _bigGibs.setRotation(-720, -720);
            _bigGibs.gravity = 350;
            _bigGibs.bounce  = 0.35f;
            _bigGibs.makeParticles(ImgSpawnerGibs, 50, 20, true, 0.5f);

            //Then we'll set up the rest of our object groups or pools
            _blocks       = new FlxGroup();
            _decorations  = new FlxGroup();
            _enemies      = new FlxGroup();
            _spawners     = new FlxGroup();
            _hud          = new FlxGroup();
            _enemyBullets = new FlxGroup();
            _bullets      = new FlxGroup();

            //Now that we have references to the bullets and metal bits,
            //we can create the player object.
            _player = new Player(316, 300, _bullets, _littleGibs /*, _pad*/);

            //This refers to a custom function down at the bottom of the file
            //that creates all our level geometry with a total size of 640x480.
            //This in turn calls buildRoom() a bunch of times, which in turn
            //is responsible for adding the spawners and spawn-cameras.

            //Add bots and spawners after we add blocks to the state,
            //so that they're drawn on top of the level, and so that
            //the bots are drawn on top of both the blocks + the spawners.

            //Then we add the player and set up the scrolling camera,
            //which will automatically set the boundaries of the world.
  , 0, 640, 640, true);
  , FlxCamera.StylePlatformer);

            //We add the bullets to the scene here,
            //so they're drawn on top of pretty much everything

            //Finally we are going to sort things into a couple of helper groups.
            //We don't add these groups to the state, we just use them for collisions later!
            _hazards = new FlxGroup();
            _objects = new FlxGroup();

            //From here on out we are making objects for the HUD,
            //that is, the player score, number of spawners left, etc.
            //First, we'll create a text field for the current score
            _score = new FlxText(FlxG.width / 4, 0, FlxG.width / 2);

             * if( == ApplicationType.WebGL)
             *      _score.setFormat(ImgFont20,20,0xd8eba2,"center",0x131c1b);
             * else*/
            if (FlxG.scores == null)
                FlxG.scores = new int[2] {
                    0, 0

            //Then for the player's highest and last scores
            if (FlxG.score > (int)FlxG.scores.GetValue(0))
                FlxG.scores.SetValue(0, FlxG.score);
            if ((int)FlxG.scores.GetValue(0) != 0)
                _score2 = new FlxText(FlxG.width / 2, 0, FlxG.width / 2);
                _score2.text = "HIGHEST: " + FlxG.scores.GetValue(0) + "\nLAST: " + FlxG.score;
            FlxG.score  = 0;
            _scoreTimer = 0;

            //Then we create the "gun jammed" notification
            _gunjam = new FlxGroup();
            _gunjam.add(new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height - 22).makeGraphic((uint)FlxG.width, 24, Color.Orange));

             * if( == ApplicationType.WebGL)
             *      _gunjam.add(new FlxText(0,FlxG.height-22,FlxG.width,"GUN IS JAMMED").setFormat(ImgFont20,20,0xd8eba2,"center"));
             * else*/
            _gunjam.add(new FlxText(0, FlxG.height - 22, FlxG.width, "GUN IS JAMMED"));       /*.setFormat(null,16,0xd8eba2,"center"));*/
            _gunjam.Visible = false;

            //After we add all the objects to the HUD, we can go through
            //and set any property we want on all the objects we added
            //with this sweet function.  In this case, we want to set
            //the scroll factors to zero, to make sure the HUD doesn't
            //wiggle around while we play.
            _hud.SetAll("ScrollFactor", new FlxPoint(0, 0));
            _hud.SetAll("Cameras", new List <FlxCamera> {

            _fading = false;

            //Debugger Watch examples
  , "x");
  , "y");
Exemple #8
        override public void create()

            Lemonade_Globals.totalCoins = Lemonade_Globals.calculateTotalCoins();

            Console.WriteLine("Total coins = {0}", Lemonade_Globals.totalCoins);

                        #if __ANDROID__

            FlxTilemap bgMap = new FlxTilemap();
          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "bg", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap.setScrollFactors(1, 1);

            bgMap             = new FlxTilemap();
          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "bg2", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap.setScrollFactors(1, 1);

            FlxTilemap bgMap3 = new FlxTilemap();
          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap3.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap3.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "stars", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap3.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap3.setScrollFactors(0.5f, 0.5f);

            FlxTilemap bgMap4 = new FlxTilemap();
          = FlxTilemap.STRING;
            bgMap4.indexOffset = -1;
            bgMap4.loadTMXMap("Lemonade/levels/slf2/newyork/newyork_intro.tmx", "map", "city", FlxXMLReader.TILES, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bgtiles_newyork"), 20, 20);
            bgMap4.boundingBoxOverride = false;
            bgMap4.setScrollFactors(1, 1);

            follower         = new FlxSprite(0, -100);
            follower.visible = false;
            follower.velocity.Y = 450;

            FlxG.follow(follower, 20.0f);
            FlxG.followBounds(0, 0, int.MaxValue, 2000);

            FlxText text1 = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height / 2 - 50, FlxG.width, "Initials\nVideo\nGames\nPresents");
            text1.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), 2, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);
            text1.setScrollFactors(1.5f, 1.5f);


            credits = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height / 2 - 100, FlxG.width, "A Game by\nShane Brouwer");
            credits.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), 2, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);
            credits.setScrollFactors(0, 0);
            credits.visible = false;

            string ins = "Press X to Continue";
                        #if __ANDROID__
            ins = "Press O to Continue";

            instruction = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height / 1.3f, FlxG.width, ins);
            instruction.setFormat(FlxG.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Lemonade/SMALL_PIXEL"), 2, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_4, FlxJustification.Center, Lemonade_Globals.GAMEBOY_COLOR_1);
            instruction.setScrollFactors(0, 0);
            instruction.visible = false;

            tween          = new Tweener(FlxG.height / 1.3f, FlxG.height / 1.2f, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.67f), XNATweener.Cubic.EaseInOut);
            tween.PingPong = true;

            // play some music
            FlxG.playMp3("Lemonade/music/Beyond", 0.75f);

            rain = new FlxGroup();
            for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
                FlxSprite rainDrop = new FlxSprite((FlxU.random() * FlxG.width), -200 + (FlxU.random() * 1000));
                rainDrop.loadGraphic("Lemonade/rain", true, false, 2, 2);
                rainDrop.frame      = (int)FlxU.random(0, 6);
                rainDrop.velocity.Y = FlxU.random(350, 400);

            splashes = new FlxEmitter();
            splashes.createSprites("Lemonade/rain", 150, true, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            splashes.setXSpeed(-25, 25);
            splashes.setYSpeed(-30, 0);
            splashes.gravity = 1.0f;
        override public void create()

            FlxG.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD, FlxHud.Keyboard_Arrow_Left, 10, 110);
            FlxG.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION, FlxHud.Keyboard_Arrow_Right, 110, 110);

            FlxSprite bg = new FlxSprite(0, 0);

            bg.createGraphic(FlxG.width, FlxG.width, new Color(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.08f));
            bg.setScrollFactors(0, 0);

            stars = new FlxGroup();

            // Make a starfield to fly through.
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                star = new FlxSprite(FlxU.random(0, FlxG.width), FlxU.random(0, FlxG.height));
                star.createGraphic(3, 3, Color.White);
                star.velocity.Y = FlxU.random(20, 100);
                star.velocity.X = 0;


            spaceShip = new FlxSprite(FlxG.width / 2, FlxG.height / 2);
            spaceShip.loadGraphic(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("flixel/surt/spaceship_32x32"), true, false, 32, 32);

            //Add some animations to our Spaceship
            spaceShip.addAnimation("static", new int[] { 0 }, 36, true);

            spaceShip.addAnimation("transform1", new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 }, 12, false);
            spaceShip.addAnimation("transform2", new int[] { 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 }, 12, false);
            spaceShip.addAnimation("transform3", new int[] { 40, 41, 42 }, 12, false);

            //spaceShip.addAnimation("transform", new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39}, 24, false);
            //spaceShip.addAnimation("reverse", new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 }, 24, false);

            spaceShip.addAnimation("transform", spaceShip.generateFrameNumbersBetween(0, 39), 24, false);
            spaceShip.addAnimation("reverse", spaceShip.generateFrameNumbersBetween(39, 0), 24, false);


            //Add an animation callback - This will call Pulse on every frame.

            spaceShip.scale = 3;
            spaceShip.setDrags(1100, 1100);

            jets = new FlxEmitter();

            jets.setSize(5, 50);
            jets.createSprites(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("flixel/diagnostic/testpalette"), 100, true, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            jets.setXSpeed(-110, 110);
            jets.setYSpeed(40, 80);

        override public void create()

            Lemonade_Globals.coinsThisLevel = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Level {0} : {1}", FlxG.level, Lemonade_Globals.location);

            FlxG._game.hud.p1HudText.x = -1000;
            FlxG._game.hud.p2HudText.x = -1000;
            FlxG._game.hud.p3HudText.x = -1000;
            FlxG._game.hud.p4HudText.x = -1000;

            FlxG._game.hud.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD, 0, -1000, -1000);


            FlxG.autoHandlePause = true;

            actors               = new FlxGroup();
            trampolines          = new FlxGroup();
            levelItems           = new FlxGroup();
            ramps                = new FlxGroup();
            smallCrates          = new FlxGroup();
            movingPlatforms      = new FlxGroup();
            hazards              = new FlxGroup();
            collidableTileblocks = new FlxGroup();
            coins                = new FlxGroup();

            //Level Adjust





            //set up a little bubble particle system.

            bubbleParticle       = new FlxEmitter();
            bubbleParticle.delay = 3;
            bubbleParticle.setXSpeed(-150, 150);
            bubbleParticle.setYSpeed(-40, 100);
            bubbleParticle.setRotation(-720, 720);
            bubbleParticle.gravity = Lemonade_Globals.GRAVITY * -0.25f;
            bubbleParticle.createSprites(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/bubble"), 200, true, 1.0f, 0.65f);

            crateParticle       = new FlxEmitter();
            crateParticle.delay = float.MaxValue;
            crateParticle.setSize(80, 60);
            crateParticle.setXSpeed(-350, 350);
            crateParticle.setYSpeed(-200, 200);
            crateParticle.setRotation(-720, 720);
            crateParticle.gravity = Lemonade_Globals.GRAVITY;
            crateParticle.createSprites(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Lemonade/crateShards"), 200, true, 1.0f, 0.65f);

            // follow.
            FlxG.followBounds(0, 0, FlxG.levelWidth, FlxG.levelHeight);

            if (Lemonade_Globals.location == "factory")
                FlxG.follow(worker, LERP);
            if (Lemonade_Globals.location == "management")
                FlxG.follow(liselot, LERP);
            if (Lemonade_Globals.location == "military")
                FlxG.follow(army, LERP);
            if (Lemonade_Globals.location == "newyork")
                FlxG.follow(chef, LERP);
            if (Lemonade_Globals.location == "warehouse")
                FlxG.follow(andre, LERP);
            if (Lemonade_Globals.location == "sydney")
                FlxG.follow(inspector, LERP);


            currentCharHud = new Hud(5, 5);

            levelIntro = new LevelIntro();

            currentCharHud.time = Lemonade_Globals.timeLeft;

            foreach (FlxSprite item in actors.members)
                if (Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location].ContainsKey(item.ToString()))
                        item.x = Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location][item.ToString()].X;
                        item.y = Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location][item.ToString()].Y;
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("State saver not working for actors.");
            int count = 0;

            foreach (FlxSprite item in coins.members)
                if (Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location].ContainsKey(item.ToString() + count.ToString()))
                        //Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location][item.ToString() + count.ToString()] = new Vector2(item.x, item.y);
                        if (item.ToString().StartsWith("Lemonade.Coin"))
                            //item.x = Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location][item.ToString() + count.ToString()].X;
                            //item.y = Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location][item.ToString() + count.ToString()].Y;
                            item.dead = Convert.ToBoolean(Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location][item.ToString() + count.ToString()].X);

                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(Lemonade_Globals.stateSaver[Lemonade_Globals.location][item.ToString() + count.ToString()].X))
                                item.x = -100;
                                item.y = -100;

                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("State saver not working for coins");