public AddEditFlowerPlotViewModel(FlowerPlotIteration flowerPlot, Window addEditFlowerPlotWindow, bool add, BindingList <FlowerPlotIteration> myFlowerPlots, Visibility addnextstage) { this.myFlowerPlots = myFlowerPlots; MyFlowerPlot = flowerPlot; this.addEditFlowerPlotWindow = addEditFlowerPlotWindow; Add = add; SoilName = MyFlowerPlot.SoilName; FlowerName = MyFlowerPlot.FlowerName; AddNextStage = addnextstage; ExitCommand = new MyICommand(Exit); NextStageCommand = new MyICommand(NextStage); mySoiltype = new List <SoilType>(SoilProxy.Instance.Proxy.GetAllSoilsType()); MySoiltype = (from o in mySoiltype select o.ToString()).ToList(); myFlowerType = new List <Flower>(FlowerProxy.Instance.Proxy.GetAllFlowersType()); MyFlowertype = (from o in myFlowerType select o.ToString()).ToList(); SaveFlowerPlotCommand = new MyICommand(SaveUserFlowerPlot, CanSaveFlowerPlot); NewFlowerPlot = MyFlowerPlot.Clone(); NextStageChanged = true; }
public bool EditFlowerPlot(FlowerPlotIteration flower, out long time) { using (IUnitOfWork unit = new UnitOfWork(new Context())) { FlowerPlotIteration f = unit.Flowers.Get(flower.Id); if (f != null) { if (flower.LastChange != f.LastChange) { time = 0; return(false); } flower.LastChange = DateTime.Now.Ticks; unit.Flowers.Remove(f); unit.Flowers.Add(flower); unit.Complete(); time = flower.LastChange; return(true); } time = 0; return(false); } }
public void DeleteFlowerPlotOverride(FlowerPlotIteration flowerPlot) { lock (lockObject) { using (IUnitOfWork unit = new UnitOfWork(new Context())) { FlowerPlotIteration flower = unit.Flowers.Get(flowerPlot.Id); if (flower != null) //postoji obrisi { unit.Flowers.Remove(flower); unit.Complete(); } } } }
public bool AddFlowerPlot(FlowerPlotIteration flower) { using (IUnitOfWork unit = new UnitOfWork(new Context())) { FlowerPlotIteration f = unit.Flowers.Get(flower.Id); if (f == null) //ako takvav user ne postoji,dodaj { unit.Flowers.Add(flower); unit.Complete(); FlowerPlotIteration f1 = unit.Flowers.Get(flower.Id); return(true); } return(false); } }
public void EditFlowerPlotOverride(FlowerPlotIteration flower, out long time) { lock (lockObject) { using (IUnitOfWork unit = new UnitOfWork(new Context())) { FlowerPlotIteration f = unit.Flowers.Get(flower.Id); if (f != null) { unit.Flowers.Remove(f); } flower.LastChange = DateTime.Now.Ticks; time = flower.LastChange; unit.Flowers.Add(flower); unit.Complete(); } } }
public bool DeleteFlowerPlot(FlowerPlotIteration flowerPlot) { using (IUnitOfWork unit = new UnitOfWork(new Context())) { FlowerPlotIteration flower = unit.Flowers.Get(flowerPlot.Id); if (flower != null) //postoji obrisi { if (flowerPlot.LastChange != flower.LastChange) { return(false); } unit.Flowers.Remove(flower); unit.Complete(); return(true); } return(true); } }
private static void AddToBase() { using (IUnitOfWork context = new UnitOfWork(new Context())) { context.DeleteDatabase(); User adminUser = new User() { Username = "******", Password = "******", Name = "Biljana", Lastname = "Vukelic", TypeUser = UserTypes.ADMIN }; User regularUser = new User() { Username = "******", Password = "******", Name = "obican", Lastname = "obican", TypeUser = UserTypes.REGULAR }; SoilType soil1 = new SoilType() { SoilName = "Smonica", ClayPercent = 20, SandPercent = 20, SiltPercent = 60 }; SoilType soil2 = new SoilType() { SoilName = "Crnica", ClayPercent = 80, SandPercent = 10, SiltPercent = 10 }; SoilType soil3 = new SoilType() { SoilName = "Gajnjaca", ClayPercent = 70, SandPercent = 20, SiltPercent = 10 }; Flower flower1 = new Flower() { FlowerName = "Ruza" }; Flower flower2 = new Flower() { FlowerName = "Gerber" }; Flower flower3 = new Flower() { FlowerName = "Bozur" }; FlowerPlotIteration flowerPlot1 = new FlowerPlotIteration() { Area = 5, Id = 501, Stage = StageTypes.Idle, HarvestDate = DateTime.Now, MoisturePerc = 10, PlantingDate = DateTime.Now, FlowerName = "Ruza", SoilName = "Crnica[Clay:80% Sand:10% Slit:10%]", LastChange = DateTime.Now.Ticks }; FlowerPlotIteration flowerPlot2 = new FlowerPlotIteration() { Area = 6, Id = 502, Stage = StageTypes.Planted, HarvestDate = DateTime.Now, MoisturePerc = 20, PlantingDate = DateTime.Now, FlowerName = "Gerber", SoilName = "Smonica[Clay:20% Sand:20% Slit:60%]", LastChange = DateTime.Now.Ticks }; FlowerPlotIteration flowerPlot3 = new FlowerPlotIteration() { Area = 7, Id = 503, Stage = StageTypes.Bloomed, HarvestDate = DateTime.Now, MoisturePerc = 30, PlantingDate = DateTime.Now, FlowerName = "Bozur", SoilName = "Gajnjaca[Clay:70% Sand:20% Slit:10%]", LastChange = DateTime.Now.Ticks }; try { context.Users.Add(adminUser); context.Users.Add(regularUser); context.Soils.Add(soil1); context.Soils.Add(soil2); context.Soils.Add(soil3); context.FlowersType.Add(flower1); context.FlowersType.Add(flower2); context.FlowersType.Add(flower3); context.Flowers.Add(flowerPlot1); context.Flowers.Add(flowerPlot2); context.Flowers.Add(flowerPlot3); context.Complete(); } catch (Exception) { LogManager.GetLogger("Server").Debug("Error with adding to base."); } } }