Exemple #1
        public String ContextFlow()
            String contextid = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["id"]))
                contextid = (String)RouteData.Values["id"];

            EnterpriseData ent = (EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"];

            FlowData flowData = new FlowData();
            Node     eNode    = flowData.AddNode(ent.Name, 0, 1);

            using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                DataTable dtCtx = db.Select("select * from context where enterprise_id = " + ent.Id + (contextid != "" ? " and id = " + contextid : ""));
                if (dtCtx == null)

                foreach (DataRow dr in dtCtx.Rows)
                    Int64  contextID = (Int64)dr["id"];
                    String cName     = "Contexto: " + dr["name"];
                    Node   cNode     = flowData.AddNode(cName, 1, 1);
                    flowData.AddConnection(eNode, cNode, "");

                    Node roleNode = null;

                     * DataTable dtRoles1 = DB.Select("select * from [role] e where e.context_id = " + contextID);
                     * if (dtRoles1 != null)
                     * {
                     *  roleNode = flowData.AddNode("Perfis", 6, dtRoles1.Rows.Count);
                     *  flowData.AddConnection(cNode, roleNode, "");
                     *  foreach (DataRow drR in dtRoles1.Rows)
                     *  {
                     *      Int64 irId = (Int64)drR["id"];
                     *      Node roleNameNode = flowData.AddNode("Perfil: " + drR["name"].ToString(), 7, 1);
                     *      flowData.AddConnection(roleNode, roleNameNode, "");
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                    Node userNode = flowData.AddNode("Usuários", 3, 1, true);
                    flowData.AddConnection(cNode, userNode, "");

                    DataTable dtEntity = db.Select("select count(*) qty from [entity] e where e.context_id = " + contextID);
                    if ((dtEntity == null) || (dtEntity.Rows.Count == 0) || ((Int32)dtEntity.Rows[0]["qty"] == 0))
                        Node entNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhuma entidade vinculada a este contexto", 4, 1, true);
                        flowData.AddConnection(userNode, entNode, "");
                        String rpEntName = "Entidades";
                        Node   entNode   = flowData.AddNode(rpEntName, 4, (Int32)dtEntity.Rows[0]["qty"], true);
                        flowData.AddConnection(userNode, entNode, dtEntity.Rows[0]["qty"] + " entidades");

                        DataTable dtIdentity = db.Select("select COUNT(distinct i.id) qty from [identity] i inner join entity e on i.entity_id = e.id where e.context_id = " + contextID);
                        if ((dtIdentity == null) || (dtIdentity.Rows.Count == 0))
                            Node identNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhuma identidade vinculado a esta entidade", 4, 1, true);
                            flowData.AddConnection(entNode, identNode, "");
                            String rpIdentName = "Identidades";
                            Node   identNode   = flowData.AddNode(rpIdentName, 5, (Int32)dtIdentity.Rows[0]["qty"], true);
                            flowData.AddConnection(entNode, identNode, dtIdentity.Rows[0]["qty"] + " identidades");

                            DataTable dtResources = db.Select("select name, qty = (select COUNT(distinct i.id) from resource r1 inner join resource_plugin rp on r1.id = rp.resource_id inner join [identity] i on i.resource_plugin_id = rp.id inner join entity e on i.entity_id = e.id where r1.name = r.name and r1.context_id = r.context_id) from resource r  where r.context_id = " + contextID + " group by r.name, r.context_id");
                            if (dtResources != null)
                                foreach (DataRow drR in dtResources.Rows)
                                    String resourceName = drR["name"].ToString();
                                    Node   resNode      = flowData.AddNode(resourceName, 6, (Int32)drR["qty"], true);
                                    flowData.AddConnection(identNode, resNode, drR["qty"] + " identidades");

                    Node confNode = flowData.AddNode("Configuração", 3, 1, true);
                    flowData.AddConnection(cNode, confNode, "");

                    DataTable dtProxy = db.Select("select p.id, p.name from resource r inner join proxy p on r.proxy_id = p.id where r.context_id = " + contextID + " group by p.id, p.name order by p.name");
                    if ((dtProxy == null) || (dtProxy.Rows.Count == 0))
                        Node pNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhuma configuração vinculada a este contexto", 4, 1, true);
                        flowData.AddConnection(confNode, pNode, "");
                        //Node proxyNode = flowData.AddNode("Proxy", 2, dtProxy.Rows.Count, false);
                        //flowData.AddConnection(cNode, proxyNode, "");

                        foreach (DataRow drP in dtProxy.Rows)
                            Int64 pId   = (Int64)drP["id"];
                            Node  pNode = flowData.AddNode("Proxy: " + drP["name"], 4, 1, true);
                            flowData.AddConnection(confNode, pNode, "");

                            DataTable dtResource = db.Select("select r.*, p.name proxy_name from resource r inner join proxy p on r.proxy_id = p.id where r.context_id = " + contextID + " and p.id = " + pId);
                            if (dtResource != null)
                                foreach (DataRow drR in dtResource.Rows)
                                    Int64 rId   = (Int64)drR["id"];
                                    Node  rNode = flowData.AddNode("Recurso: " + drR["name"], 5, 1, true);
                                    flowData.AddConnection(pNode, rNode, "");

                                    DataTable dtResPlugin = db.Select("select p.name plugin_name, rp.* from resource_plugin rp inner join plugin p on rp.plugin_id = p.id where rp.resource_id = " + rId);
                                    if (dtResPlugin != null)
                                        foreach (DataRow drRP in dtResPlugin.Rows)
                                            Int64 rpId   = (Int64)drRP["id"];
                                            Node  rpNode = flowData.AddNode("Plugin: " + drRP["plugin_name"].ToString(), 6, 1, true);
                                            flowData.AddConnection(rNode, rpNode, "");

                                            DataTable dtRoles = db.Select("select r.id, r.name from role r inner join resource_plugin_role rpr on rpr.role_id = r.id where rpr.resource_plugin_id = " + rpId + "  group by r.id, r.name");
                                            if (dtRoles != null)
                                                foreach (DataRow drRol in dtRoles.Rows)
                                                    String roleName = "Perfil: " + drRol["name"];

                                                    //if (roleNode != null)

                                                    //Node roleNameNode = flowData.Find(roleNode, roleName, 6);
                                                    Node roleNameNode = flowData.Find(rpNode, roleName, 6);
                                                    if (roleNameNode == null)
                                                        roleNameNode = flowData.AddNode("Perfil: " + drRol["name"].ToString(), 7, 1, true);

                                                    if (roleNameNode != null)
                                                        flowData.AddConnection(rpNode, roleNameNode, "");

                                                    //Int32 roleNameNodeIndex = flowData.AddNode("Perfil: " + drRol["name"].ToString(), true);

                                                    //flowData.AddLink(rpNodeIndex, roleNameNodeIndex, 1, "");
