Exemple #1
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            // Assign the UIDocument, Document and Result to the RevitBase properties
            RevitBase.UIDocument = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            RevitBase.Document   = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
            RevitBase.Result     = Result.Succeeded;

            // Initialize the FloorType window "view" and FloorType view model
            FloorTypeWindow floorTypeWindow = new FloorTypeWindow();
            FloorTypeVM     floorTypeVM     = new FloorTypeVM();

            // Register the event that is responsible for closing the window to select the walls
            floorTypeVM.SelectWallsClicked += (sender, args) =>

            // Assign the FloorType view model to the FloorType window "view"
            floorTypeWindow.DataContext = floorTypeVM;

            // Show the FloorType window "view"

            // Assign the RevitBase message property to the ref error message
            message = RevitBase.Message;

            // Return the RevitBase result property
Exemple #2
 public SelectWallsCommand(FloorTypeVM vm)
     // Assign the view model to the view model property.
     VM = vm;