public void TryLayeredCatch()
     Flexpression <Func <string> >
     .Set <string>("trace", () => string.Empty)
     .Set <string, string>("trace", trace => trace + "a")
     .Throw(() => new ArgumentNullException("b"))
     .Catch <ArgumentNullException>("ex")
     .Set <string, ArgumentNullException, string>("trace", (trace, ex) => trace + ex.ParamName)
     .Set <string, string>("trace", trace => trace + "c")
     .Catch <ArgumentException>("ex2")
     .Set <string, ArgumentException, string>("trace", (trace, ex2) => trace + ex2.ParamName)
     .Throw(() => new NotImplementedException())
     .Set <string, string>("trace", trace => trace + "d")
     .Return <string, string>(trace => trace)
        public void FlexpressionDeclareLabelTargetWithDuplicateName()
            var flexpression = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create().End();

            flexpression.DeclareLabelTarget(Expression.Label(typeof(void), "a"));
            flexpression.DeclareLabelTarget(Expression.Label(typeof(void), "a"));
Exemple #3
        public void IfWithTwoElses()
            var ifBlock = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create().If(() => false).End();

Exemple #4
        public void ExpressionRewriterFailureWithOuterVariables()
            int i = 42;

            Flexpression <Func <int> > .Create(false)
            .Return <int>(() => i);
        public void BlockInputValidation()
            var block = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create();

                new InputCase("Act", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Declare", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Declare", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "" }),
                new InputCase("Declare", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "     " }),
                new InputCase("DeclareLabelTarget", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Do", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Foreach", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { null, (Expression <Func <IEnumerable> >)(() => new int[0]) }),
                new InputCase("Foreach", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "", (Expression <Func <IEnumerable> >)(() => new int[0]) }),
                new InputCase("Foreach", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "     ", (Expression <Func <IEnumerable> >)(() => new int[0]) }),
                new InputCase("Foreach", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { "a", null }),
                new InputCase("If", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("InsertLabel", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { null, null }),
                new InputCase("Return", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Set", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { "a", null }),
                new InputCase("Set", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { null, null }),
                new InputCase("Set", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "", null }),
                new InputCase("Set", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "     ", null }),
                new InputCase("Switch", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Throw", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Using", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { "a", null }),
                new InputCase("Using", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { null, null }),
                new InputCase("Using", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "", null }),
                new InputCase("Using", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "     ", null }),
                new InputCase("While", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null })
        public void BlockSwitchExercise()
            Expression inputAction;
            var        inputs            = Enumerable.Range(0, 17).ToArray();
            var        callCount         = 0;
            var        expectedCallCount = 0;

            Func <int[], int> interceptor = (int[] arguments) =>

                Assert.IsTrue(arguments.Length <= inputs.Length);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(inputs.Take(arguments.Length).ToArray(), arguments);


            var funcs = Utility.CreateFuncs <int, int>(interceptor);
            var block = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create(true, "i");

            var blockType = block.GetType();

            for (int j = 0; j < inputs.Length; ++j)
                int k = j;
                block.Set <int[], int>(string.Format("p{0}", j + 1), i => i[k]);

            foreach (var genericMethod in blockType.GetMethods().Where(x => (x.Name == "Switch")))
                var methodToInvoke = genericMethod.MakeMethodConcrete <int, int>();
                var parameterType  = methodToInvoke.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType;

                if (funcs.TryGetValue(parameterType, out inputAction))

                    if (funcs.TryGetValue(parameterType, out inputAction))
                        var switchBlock = (Switch <Block <Flexpression <Action <int[]> > >, int>)methodToInvoke.Invoke(block, new object[] { inputAction });

                        .Case(() => 0)
                    else if (parameterType != typeof(Expression))
                        Assert.Fail("Unable to find matching action for {0}.", parameterType.GetFriendlyName());

            var method = block.End().Compile();


            Assert.AreEqual <int>(expectedCallCount, callCount);
 public void SwitchCreateExpressionWithNoContentInSwitch()
     Flexpression <Func <int> >
     .Switch(() => 0)
 public void SwitchCreateExpressionWithNonNullArgument()
     Flexpression <Func <int> >
     .Switch(() => 0)
     .CreateExpression(Enumerable.Empty <Expression>());
 public void SwitchAssigningNullDefaultBody()
     Flexpression <Func <int> >
     .Switch(() => 0)
 public void SwitchWithNoContent()
     Flexpression <Func <int> >
     .Switch(() => 0)
        public void IFlexpressionAllowRethrowWithinCatch()
            var loopBlock = Flexpression <Action <int> > .Create().Try().End().Catch().Do(() => true);

            var usingBlock      = loopBlock.Using("iter", () => Enumerable.Empty <int>().GetEnumerator());
            var switchBlock     = usingBlock.Switch(() => 5);
            var switchCaseBlock = switchBlock.Case(() => 5);
            var block           = switchCaseBlock.Begin().Try().If(() => true);
            var ifBlock         = block.Act(() => Console.WriteLine("Fail!")).End();
            var catchBlock      = ifBlock.EndIf().End().Catch();
            var tryBlock        = catchBlock.End();

            foreach (IFlexpression fe in new IFlexpression[]
        public void BlockInsertLabelWithDuplicateLabelName()
            LabelTarget labelTarget;

            Flexpression <Action> .Create()
            .InsertLabel("a", out labelTarget)
            .InsertLabel("a", out labelTarget);
Exemple #13
        public void ExpressionRewriterTypeCompatibility()
            var method = Flexpression <Func <StringReader, int> > .Create(true)
                         .Return <TextReader, int>(p1 => p1.Peek())

            Assert.AreEqual <int>((int)'a', method(new StringReader("abc")));
Exemple #14
        public void IfInputValidation()
            var ifBlock = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create().If(() => false).End();

                new InputCase("ElseIf", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null })
 public void BlockSetWithNullableType()
     Flexpression <Func <Nullable <int>, int> >
     .Set <Nullable <int>, int>("newValue", p1 => p1.Value)
     .Return <int, int>(newValue => newValue)
     .TestExpression(42, new Nullable <int>(42));
        public void SwitchCaseCaseInputValidation()
            var switchBlock = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create().Switch(() => 2).Case(() => 3);

                new InputCase("Case", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null })
        public void TryCreateExpressionWithoutCatchFinally()
            var tryBlock = Flexpression <Func <int> >

        public void FlexpressionCompileWithDebugInfoGenerator()
            var method = Flexpression <Func <int> >
                         .Return <int>(() => 234)
                         .Compile(null, false, DebugInfoGenerator.CreatePdbGenerator());

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(234, method());
 public void SwitchWithTwoDefaults()
     Flexpression <Func <int> >
     .Switch(() => 0)
     .Return <int>(() => 5)
Exemple #20
        public void ExpressionRewriterTypeMismatch()
            int i = 42;

            var method = Flexpression <Func <int, int> > .Create(true)
                         .Return <string, int>(p1 => p1.Length)

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(i, method(i));
Exemple #21
        public void ExpressionRewriterSuccessWithParameters()
            int i = 42;

            var method = Flexpression <Func <int, int> > .Create(true)
                         .Return <int, int>(p1 => p1)

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(i, method(i));
Exemple #22
        public void ExpressionRewriterSuccessWithOuterVariables()
            int i = 42;

            var method = Flexpression <Func <int> > .Create(true)
                         .Return <int>(() => i)

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(i, method());
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// The Flexpressions version of a summation function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="LambdaExpression"/> representing the summation function.</returns>
 private LambdaExpression FlexpressionSummation()
     return(Flexpression <Func <IEnumerable <int>, int> >
            .Set <int>("sum", () => 0)
            .Foreach <int, IEnumerable <int>, IEnumerable <int> >("x", p1 => p1)
            .Set <int, int, int>("sum", (x, sum) => x + sum)
            .Return <int, int>(sum => sum)
 public void TryWithNothingElse()
     var e = Flexpression <Func <IEnumerable <int>, int> >
             .Act(() => Console.WriteLine("Fail!"))
 public void SwitchCaseWithCaseThenDefaultWithNonNullArgument()
     var method = Flexpression <Func <int> >
                  .Switch(() => 0)
                  .Case(() => 4)
                  .Return <int>(() => 5)
                  .Case(() => 2)
                  .CreateExpression(Enumerable.Empty <Expression>());
 public void BlockBreak()
     Flexpression <Func <bool> >
     .Set <int>("counter", () => 0)
     .While <int>(counter => counter < 5)
     .Set <int, int>("counter", counter => counter + 1)
     .Return <int, bool>(counter => counter == 1)
 public void TryWithRethrowNotInCatch()
     var e = Flexpression <Func <IEnumerable <int>, int> >
        public void BlockThrowExercise()
            Expression inputAction;
            var        inputs = Enumerable.Range(0, 17).ToArray();

            Func <int[], Exception> interceptor = (int[] arguments) =>
                Assert.IsTrue(arguments.Length <= inputs.Length);
                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(inputs.Take(arguments.Length).ToArray(), arguments);

                return(new NotImplementedException());

            var funcs     = Utility.CreateFuncs <int, Exception>(interceptor);
            var blockType = typeof(Block <Flexpression <Action <int[]> > >);

            foreach (var genericMethod in blockType.GetMethods().Where(x => (x.Name == "Throw") && (x.GetParameters().Length > 0)))
                var methodToInvoke = genericMethod.MakeMethodConcrete <int, int>();
                var parameterType  = methodToInvoke.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType;

                if (funcs.TryGetValue(parameterType, out inputAction))
                    if (funcs.TryGetValue(parameterType, out inputAction))
                        var block = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create(true, "i");

                        for (int j = 0; j < inputs.Length; ++j)
                            int k = j;
                            block.Set <int[], int>(string.Format("p{0}", j + 1), i => i[k]);

                        methodToInvoke.Invoke(block, new object[] { inputAction });

                            Assert.Fail("NotImplementedException expected.");
                        catch (NotImplementedException)
                            /* Intentionally left blank. */
                    else if (parameterType != typeof(Expression))
                        Assert.Fail("Unable to find matching action for {0}.", parameterType.GetFriendlyName());
        public void TryInputValidation()
            var tryBlock = Flexpression <Action <int[]> > .Create().Try().End();

                new InputCase("Catch", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { null }),
                new InputCase("Catch", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "" }),
                new InputCase("Catch", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { "     " }),
                new InputCase("CreateExpression", typeof(ArgumentException), new object[] { Enumerable.Empty <Expression>() }),
                new InputCase("DeclareLabelTarget", typeof(ArgumentNullException), new object[] { null })
 public void TryWithCatchSpecificException()
     Flexpression <Func <bool> >
     .Throw(() => new MulticastNotSupportedException())
     .Catch <MulticastNotSupportedException>()
     .Return <bool>(() => true)
     .Return <bool>(() => false)