Exemple #1
        public void SearchMLS()
                int    _bedRooms         = Convert.ToInt32(_beds.ToString());
                int    _bathRooms        = Convert.ToInt32(_baths.ToString());
                string _SearchWaterFront = "";
                string _SearchWaterView  = "";
                int    _priceLow         = Convert.ToInt32(_pricelow.ToString());
                int    _priceHigh        = Convert.ToInt32(_pricehigh.ToString());

                if (_waterfront.ToString() == "True")
                    _SearchWaterFront = "YES";
                if (_waterview.ToString() == "True")
                    _SearchWaterView = "YES";

                StringBuilder _SearchCriteria = new StringBuilder();
                _SearchCriteria.Capacity = 500;

                if (_propertyType.ToString().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append("Listing Type: <b>" + _propertyType.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_town.ToString().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Town: <b>" + _town.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_village.ToString().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Village: <b>" + _village.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_bedRooms > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Bedrooms: <b>" + _bedRooms.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_bathRooms > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Bathrooms: <b>" + _bathRooms.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_SearchWaterFront.ToString() == "YES")
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Waterfront: <b>" + _SearchWaterFront.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_SearchWaterView.ToString() == "YES")
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Waterview: <b>" + _SearchWaterView.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_priceLow > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Min. Price: <b>" + _priceLow.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_priceHigh < 50000000)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Max Price: <b>" + _priceHigh.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                if (_listingOfficeMLSID.ToString().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Office: <b>" + _listingOfficeMLSID.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                //    _listingOfficeMLSID = "";

                if (_dom.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Days On Market: <b>" + _dom.ToString() + " day or less</b> &nbsp;");
                //    _dom = "";

                if (_complex.ToString().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Complex: <b>" + _complex.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                //    _complex = "";

                lblSearchCriteria.Text = _SearchCriteria.ToString();

                List <FlexMLSInfo> items;
                FlexMLSController  controller = new FlexMLSController();

                if (_condoSearch == true)
                    items = controller.FlexMLS_Search_Condo(_propertyType.ToString(),
                                                            _town.ToString(), _village.ToString(),
                                                            _bedRooms.ToString(), _bathRooms.ToString(),
                                                            _listingOfficeMLSID, _dom.ToString(), _complex.ToString());
                    //      lblDebug.Text = " Searching Condos";
                else if (_searchMlsNumber == true)
                    items = controller.FlexMLS_Search_MLS_Numbers(_MlsNumbers.ToString());
                    //     lblDebug.Text = " Searching MLS Numbers";
                    items = controller.FlexMLS_Search(_propertyType.ToString(),
                                                      _town.ToString(), _village.ToString(),
                                                      _bedRooms.ToString(), _bathRooms.ToString(),
                                                      _listingOfficeMLSID, _dom.ToString());
                    //   lblDebug.Text = " Searching Search Criteria";
                    //lblDebug.Text += "<br />_propertyType: " + _propertyType.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_town: " + _town.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_village: " + _village.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_bedRooms: " + _bedRooms.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_bathRooms: " + _bathRooms.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_SearchWaterFront: " + _SearchWaterFront.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_SearchWaterView: " + _SearchWaterView.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_priceLow: " + _priceLow.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_priceHigh: " + _priceHigh.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_listingOfficeMLSID: " + _listingOfficeMLSID.ToString() +
                    //               "<br />_dom: " + _dom.ToString();

                //      items.Sort("ListingPrice desc",1);
                PagedDataSource pg = new PagedDataSource();
                pg.DataSource  = items;
                pg.AllowPaging = true;

                pg.PageSize = Int32.Parse(_numberOfRecords.ToString());

                pg.CurrentPageIndex = CurrentPage;

                lblCurrentPage.Text = "Page: " + (CurrentPage + 1).ToString() + " of " + pg.PageCount.ToString();

                // Disable Prev or Next buttons if necessary

                lbPrev.Enabled = !pg.IsFirstPage;
                lbNext.Enabled = !pg.IsLastPage;

                //bind the data
                lstContent.DataSource = pg;

                lblSearchSummary.Text = "Total Listings Found: " + items.Count.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex);
Exemple #2
        //public string GetStatusDesc(string Status)

        //    try
        //    {
        //        string myRetValue = "";
        //        switch (Status)
        //        {
        //            case "A":
        //                myRetValue = "Active";
        //                break;
        //            case "C":
        //                myRetValue = "Pending with Contingencies";
        //                break;

        //            case "R":
        //                myRetValue = "Listing Removed. Call agent for details!";
        //                break;

        //            default:
        //                myRetValue = "";
        //                break;
        //        }
        //        return myRetValue.ToString();

        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex);
        //        return "Error";
        //    }


        //public void GetFavoritesModule()

        //    try
        //    {

        //        DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController mc = new ModuleController();
        //        ArrayList existMods = mc.GetModulesByDefinition(this.PortalId, "GIBS - MLS Connect - Favorites");

        //        foreach (DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleInfo mi in existMods)
        //        {
        //            if (!mi.IsDeleted)
        //            {
        //                linkButtonFavorites.Text = mi.ModuleID.ToString();
        //                // get module title
        //                //mi.ModuleTitle;
        //                // additionally, you can find out what tab it is on //mi.TabID;
        //                //mi.ModuleID;
        //                lblDebug.Text = mi.ModuleID.ToString();
        //            }
        //        }

        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex);
        //    }


        public void SearchMLS()
                int PageSize = 20;
                //Display 20 items per page
                //Get the currentpage index from the url parameter
                if (Request.QueryString["currentpage"] != null)
                    _CurrentPage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["currentpage"].ToString());
                    _CurrentPage = 1;

                //int _bedRooms = Convert.ToInt32(_beds.ToString());
                //int _bathRooms = Convert.ToInt32(_baths.ToString());
                //string _SearchWaterFront = "";
                //string _SearchWaterView = "";
                //int _priceLow = Convert.ToInt32(_pricelow.ToString());
                //int _priceHigh = Convert.ToInt32(_pricehigh.ToString());

                if (_waterfrontYN.ToString() == "True")
                    _waterfrontYN = "Yes";
                if (_waterviewYN.ToString() == "True")
                    _waterviewYN = "Yes";

                StringBuilder _SearchCriteria = new StringBuilder();
                _SearchCriteria.Capacity = 500;

                if (_type.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append("Listing Type: <b>" + GetPropertyTypeDesc(_type.ToString()) + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _type = "";

                if (_town.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Town: <b>" + _town.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _town = "";

                if (_village.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Village: <b>" + _village.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _village = "";

                if (_complex.ToString().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Complex: <b>" + _complexName.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _complex = "";

                if (Int32.Parse(_beds.ToString()) > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Bedrooms: <b>" + _beds.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _beds = "";
                if (Int32.Parse(_baths.ToString()) > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Bathrooms: <b>" + _baths.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _baths = "";
                if (_waterfrontYN.ToString() == "Yes")
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Waterfront: <b>" + _waterfrontYN.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _waterfrontYN = "";

                if (_waterviewYN.ToString() == "Yes")
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Waterview: <b>" + _waterviewYN.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _waterviewYN = "";

                if (_pricelow > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Min. Price: <b>" + _pricelow.ToString("C0") + "</b> &nbsp;");

                if (_pricehigh < 50000000)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Max Price: <b>" + _pricehigh.ToString("C0") + "</b> &nbsp;");

                if (_listingOfficeMLSID.ToString().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Office: <b>" + _listingOfficeMLSID.ToString() + "</b> &nbsp;");
                    _listingOfficeMLSID = "";

                if (_dom.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    _SearchCriteria.Append(" Days On Market: <b>" + _dom.ToString() + " day or less</b> &nbsp;");
                    _dom = "";

                lblSearchCriteria.Text = _SearchCriteria.ToString();
                // DEBUG
                //lblDebug.Visible = true;
                //lblDebug.Text += "<br /> type:" + _type.ToString() + " town:" +
                //    _town.ToString() + " village:" +
                //    _village.ToString() + " beds:" +
                //    _beds.ToString() + " baths:" +
                //    _baths.ToString() + " waterfront:" +
                //    _waterfrontYN.ToString() + " waterview:" +
                //    _waterviewYN.ToString() + " pricelow:" +
                //    _pricelow.ToString() + " pricehigh:" +
                //    _pricehigh + " listingOff:" + _listingOfficeMLSID.ToString();

                List <FlexMLSInfo> items;
                FlexMLSController  controller = new FlexMLSController();

                if (_condoSearch == true)
                    items = controller.FlexMLS_Search_Condo(_type.ToString(),
                                                            _town.ToString(), _village.ToString(),
                                                            _beds.ToString(), _baths.ToString(),
                                                            _listingOfficeMLSID, _dom.ToString(), _complexName.ToString().Replace("'", "''").ToString());

                    //    lblDebug.Text = " Searching Condos";
                    GetSeoValues(_complexName.ToString() + " Condominium in " + _town.ToString(), _town.ToString() + ", " + _complexName.ToString() + ", condo, condominium");

                    string MyTitle = "";
                    MyTitle = _complexName.ToString() + " Condominium";
                    ModuleConfiguration.ModuleTitle = MyTitle.ToString();

                else if (_emailSearch == true)
                    // controller.FlexMLS_Search_LastModified
                    items = controller.FlexMLS_Search_LastModified(_type.ToString(),
                                                                   _pricehigh.ToString(), _listingOfficeMLSID.ToString(), _dom.ToString(), _lastModified.ToString(), _complex.ToString());
                    items = controller.FlexMLS_Search(_type.ToString(),
                                                      _pricehigh.ToString(), _listingOfficeMLSID.ToString(), _dom.ToString());

                PagedDataSource objPagedDataSource = new PagedDataSource();
                objPagedDataSource.DataSource = items;

                if (items.Count == 0)
                    //GMap1.Visible = false;

                if (objPagedDataSource.PageCount > 0)
                    objPagedDataSource.PageSize         = PageSize;
                    objPagedDataSource.CurrentPageIndex = _CurrentPage - 1;
                    objPagedDataSource.AllowPaging      = true;

                lstSearchResults.DataSource = objPagedDataSource;

                lblSearchSummary.Text = "Total Listings Found: " + items.Count.ToString();

                if (items.Count == 200)
                    lblSearchSummary.Text      = "Over 200 Listing Found! Search results are limited to 200 records. Please refine your criteria.";
                    lblSearchSummary.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                if (PageSize == 0 || items.Count <= PageSize)
                    PagingControl1.Visible = false;
                    PagingControl1.Visible           = true;
                    PagingControl1.TotalRecords      = items.Count;
                    PagingControl1.PageSize          = PageSize;
                    PagingControl1.CurrentPage       = _CurrentPage;
                    PagingControl1.TabID             = TabId;
                    PagingControl1.QuerystringParams = "pg=List&" + GenerateQueryStringParameters(this.Request, "Town", "Village", "Beds", "Baths", "WaterFront", "WaterView", "Type", "Low", "High", "LOID", "DOM", "e");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex);