Exemple #1
        public void Store()
            const string DB_TEST_PATH = "sampledb_store";

            if (Directory.Exists(DB_TEST_PATH))
                Directory.Delete(DB_TEST_PATH, true);

            var sut        = new FlashcardboxDb(DB_TEST_PATH);
            var flashcards = new[] {
                new FlashcardRecord {
                    Question = "q1", Answer = "a1", Tags = "t1", BinIndex = "1", Id = "1"
                new FlashcardRecord {
                    Question = "q2.1\nq2.2", Answer = "a2.1\na2.2", Tags = "t2,t3", BinIndex = "", Id = ""


            var result = sut.LoadFlashcards();

Exemple #2
        public MessageHandling(IEventstore es, FlashcardboxDb db)
            _mp = new MessagePump(es);

            _mp.On <SyncCommand>().Load(new SyncContextManagement(es)).Do(new SyncProcessor(db));
            _mp.On <SelectDueCardCommand>().Load(new SelectDueCardContextManager(es)).Do(new SelectDueCardProcessor());
            _mp.On <RegisterAnswerCommand>().Load(new RegisterAnswerContextManager(es)).Do(new RegisterAnswerProcessor());

            _mp.On <DueCardQuery>().Load(new DueCardContextManager(es)).Do(new DueCardProcessor());
            _mp.On <ProgressQuery>().Load(new ProgressContextManager(es)).Do(new ProgressProcessor());
Exemple #3
        private void DumpDb(MessageHandling mh, FlashcardboxDb db)
            mh.Handle(new SyncCommand());
            var cards = db.LoadFlashcards();

            foreach (var card in cards.OrderBy(c => c.BinIndex))
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cli = new CLI(args);

            var db = new FlashcardboxDb(cli.DbPath);
            var es = new FilebasedEventstore(cli.EventstorePath);
            var mh = new MessageHandling(es, db);

            var ui = new UI(mh);

Exemple #5
        public void LoadConfig()
            var sut    = new FlashcardboxDb("../../../sampledb_load");
            var result = sut.LoadConfig();

            result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new FlashcardboxConfig {
                Bins = new[]
                    new FlashcardboxConfig.Bin
                        UpperDueThreshold = 20,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 10
                    new FlashcardboxConfig.Bin
                        UpperDueThreshold = 50,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 30
Exemple #6
        public void Load()
            var sut    = new FlashcardboxDb("../../../sampledb_load");
            var result = sut.LoadFlashcards().ToArray();

            foreach (var r in result)
                _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"{r.Id}={r.Question}/{r.Answer} [{r.Tags}] @{r.BinIndex}");

            Assert.Equal(3, result.Length);
            Assert.Equal("1", result[0].Id);
            Assert.Equal("q1", result[0].Question);
            Assert.Equal("a1", result[0].Answer);
            Assert.Equal("", result[0].BinIndex);
            Assert.Equal("2", result[1].Id);
            Assert.Equal("t1", result[1].Tags);
            Assert.Equal("1", result[1].BinIndex);
            Assert.Equal("", result[2].Id);
            Assert.Equal("2", result[2].BinIndex);
Exemple #7
 public SyncProcessor(FlashcardboxDb db)
     _db = db;
Exemple #8
        public void Some_cards_are_not_memorized_right_away()
            const string DBPATH = "sampledb_acceptance";

            File.Copy(Path.Combine(DBPATH, "flashcards v1.csv"), Path.Combine(DBPATH, "flashcards.csv"), true);

            var db = new FlashcardboxDb(DBPATH);
            var es = new InMemoryEventstore();
            var mh = new MessageHandling(es, db);

            // box initialized
            var status = mh.Handle(new SyncCommand());

            // 0:a12bcde3fg,1:,2:,3:
            Memorized("a"); //0:cde3fg,1:12b*,2:a,3:
            Memorized("1"); //0:cde3fg,1:2b*,2:a1,3:
            Forgotten("2"); //0:cde3fg,1:b2*,2:a1,3:
            Memorized("b"); //0:cde3fg,1:2*,2:a1b,3:
            Memorized("2"); //0:cde3fg,1:2*,2:a1b,3: -> 0:3fg,1:2cde*,2:a1b,3: -> 0:3fg,1:cde*,2:a1b2,3:
            Forgotten("c"); //0:3fg,1:dec*,2:a1b2,3:
            Memorized("d"); //0:3fg,1:ec*,2:a1b2d,3:
            Memorized("e"); //0:3fg,1:c*,2:a1b2de,3:
            Memorized("a"); //0:3fg,1:c*,2:1b2de*,3:a
            Forgotten("1"); //0:3fg,1:c1,2:b2de*,3:a
            Forgotten("b"); //0:3fg,1:c1b,2:2de*,3:a
            Memorized("2"); //0:3fg,1:c1b,2:de*,3:a2
            Memorized("c"); //0:3fg,1:c1b,2:de*,3:a2 -> 0:fg,1:c1b3,2:de*,3:a2 -> 0:fg,1:1b3*,2:dec,3:a2
            Memorized("1"); //0:fg,1:b3*,2:dec1,3:a2
            Memorized("b"); //0:fg,1:3*,2:dec1b,3:a2
            Forgotten("d"); //0:fg,1:3d,2:ec1b*,3:a2
            Memorized("e"); //0:fg,1:3d,2:c1b*,3:a2e
            Memorized("c"); //0:fg,1:3d,2:1b*,3:a2ec
            Memorized("3"); //0:,1:dfg*,2:1b3,3:a2ec
            Memorized("d"); //0:,1:fg*,2:1b3d,3:a2ec
            Memorized("f"); //0:,1:g*,2:1b3df,3:a2ec
            Forgotten("1"); //0:,1:g1,2:b3df*,3:a2ec
            Memorized("b"); //0:,1:g1,2:3df*,3:a2ecb
            Memorized("3"); //0:,1:g1,2:df*,3:a2ecb3
            Memorized("g"); //0:,1:1*,2:dfg,3:a2ecb3
            Memorized("1"); //0:,1:*,2:dfg1,3:a2ecb3
            Memorized("d"); //0:,1:,2:fg1*,3:a2ecb3d
            Forgotten("f"); //0:,1:f,2:g1*,3:a2ecb3d
            Memorized("f"); //0:,1:*,2:g1f*,3:a2ecb3d
            Memorized("g"); //0:,1:*,2:1f*,3:a2ecb3dg
            Memorized("1"); //0:,1:*,2:f*,3:a2ecb3dg1
            Memorized("f"); //0:,1:*,2:*,3:a2ecb3dg1f

            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand()).Should().BeOfType <Failure>();

            void Memorized(string question)
                mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
                var card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;

                mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                    CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true

            void Forgotten(string question)
                mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
                var card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;

                mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                    CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = false
Exemple #9
        public void Cards_only_move_forward()
            const string DBPATH = "sampledb_acceptance";

            File.Copy(Path.Combine(DBPATH, "flashcards v1.csv"), Path.Combine(DBPATH, "flashcards.csv"), true);

            var db = new FlashcardboxDb(DBPATH);
            var es = new InMemoryEventstore();
            var mh = new MessageHandling(es, db);

            // box not yet initialized
            var progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());

            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin(),
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            // box initialized
            var status = mh.Handle(new SyncCommand());

            status.Should().BeOfType <SyncSuccess>();
            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 10
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            // learn first card
            status = mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
            status.Should().BeOfType <Success>();
            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 6
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 4,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4,
                        IsDue             = true
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            var card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;


            status = mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true
            status.Should().BeOfType <Success>();
            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 6
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 3,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4,
                        IsDue             = true
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 1,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            // learn second card
            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
            card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;
            mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true
            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 6
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 2,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4,
                        IsDue             = true
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 2,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            // learn card 3
            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
            card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;
            mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true
            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 6
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 1,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4,
                        IsDue             = true
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 3,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            // learning card 4 first leads to a refill of bin 1
            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
            card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;
            mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true
            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 3
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 3,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4,
                        IsDue             = true
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 4,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            // learning card 5 fills up bin 2...
            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
            card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;
            mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true

            // ...but bin 1 stays due because its lower threshold hasn't been reached
            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
            card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;
            mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true

            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 3
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 1,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4,
                        IsDue             = true
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 6,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin()

            // this only changes now!
            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
            card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;
            mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true

            progress = mh.Handle(new ProgressQuery());
            progress.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new ProgressQueryResult {
                Bins = new[] {
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 3
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 1,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 2,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 4,
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count             = 5,
                        LowerDueThreshold = 3,
                        UpperDueThreshold = 5,
                        IsDue             = true
                    new ProgressQueryResult.Bin {
                        Count = 1

            // learn all cards:
            // 1(3,1,4,2), 2(3,1,3,3), b(3,1,2,4), e(0,3,4,3), 3(0,2,5,3), f(0,1-g,5-cde3f,4-a12b)
            // c(0,1-g,5-de3f,4-a12bc), d(0,1-g,3-e3f,5-a12bcd), e(0,1-g,2-3f,6-a12bcde)
            // g(0,0,3-3fg,7-a12bcde), 3(0,0,2-fg,8-a12bcde3), f(0,0,1-g,9-a12bcde3f), g(0,0,0,10-a12bcde3fg)

            foreach (var q in "12be3fcdeg3fg".ToCharArray())
                mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand());
                card = mh.Handle(new DueCardQuery()) as DueCardFoundQueryResult;
                mh.Handle(new RegisterAnswerCommand {
                    CardId = card.CardId, CorrectlyAnswered = true

            mh.Handle(new SelectDueCardCommand()).Should().BeOfType <Failure>();