/// <summary>
 /// This method loops through all the interactable NPCs,
 /// and if within range it will tell the flag manager to play dialogue lines
 /// Returns true if dialogue will be displayed
 /// </summary>
 protected bool CheckInteractiveNPCs()
     //Loop through all interactive NPCs
     for (int i = 0; i < text.InteractiveNPCs.Length; ++i)
         //Only check active NPCs, and check to see if they're within interaction range
         if (text.InteractiveNPCs[i] != null && text.InteractiveNPCs[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy && (text.InteractiveNPCs[i].transform.position - player.transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= Mathf.Pow(interactRange, 2f))
             //Tell the flag manager to look through the flags to determine what line of dialogue to use
             return(true); //Dialogue active