public override FieldsProducer FieldsProducer(SegmentReadState state) { PostingsReaderBase postingsReader = new SepPostingsReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo, state.Context, new MockInt32Factory(baseBlockSize), state.SegmentSuffix); TermsIndexReaderBase indexReader; bool success = false; try { indexReader = new FixedGapTermsIndexReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.TermsIndexDivisor, BytesRef.UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparer, state.SegmentSuffix, state.Context); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { postingsReader.Dispose(); } } success = false; try { FieldsProducer ret = new BlockTermsReader(indexReader, state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo, postingsReader, state.Context, state.SegmentSuffix); success = true; return(ret); } finally { if (!success) { try { postingsReader.Dispose(); } finally { indexReader.Dispose(); } } } }
public override FieldsProducer FieldsProducer(SegmentReadState state) { string seedFileName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.SegmentSuffix, SEED_EXT); IndexInput @in = state.Directory.OpenInput(seedFileName, state.Context); long seed = @in.ReadInt64(); if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: reading from seg=" + state.SegmentInfo.Name + " formatID=" + state.SegmentSuffix + " seed=" + seed); } @in.Dispose(); Random random = new J2N.Randomizer(seed); int readBufferSize = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 4096); if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: readBufferSize=" + readBufferSize); } PostingsReaderBase postingsReader; if (random.NextBoolean()) { if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: reading Sep postings"); } postingsReader = new SepPostingsReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo, state.Context, new MockInt32StreamFactory(random), state.SegmentSuffix); } else { if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: reading Standard postings"); } postingsReader = new Lucene41PostingsReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo, state.Context, state.SegmentSuffix); } if (random.NextBoolean()) { int totTFCutoff = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 20); if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: reading pulsing postings with totTFCutoff=" + totTFCutoff); } postingsReader = new PulsingPostingsReader(state, postingsReader); } FieldsProducer fields; int t1 = random.Next(4); if (t1 == 0) { bool success = false; try { fields = new FSTTermsReader(state, postingsReader); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { postingsReader.Dispose(); } } } else if (t1 == 1) { bool success = false; try { fields = new FSTOrdTermsReader(state, postingsReader); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { postingsReader.Dispose(); } } } else if (t1 == 2) { // Use BlockTree terms dict if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: reading BlockTree terms dict"); } bool success = false; try { fields = new BlockTreeTermsReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo, postingsReader, state.Context, state.SegmentSuffix, state.TermsIndexDivisor); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { postingsReader.Dispose(); } } } else { if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: reading Block terms dict"); } TermsIndexReaderBase indexReader; bool success = false; try { bool doFixedGap = random.NextBoolean(); // randomness diverges from writer, here: if (state.TermsIndexDivisor != -1) { state.TermsIndexDivisor = TestUtil.NextInt32(random, 1, 10); } if (doFixedGap) { // if termsIndexDivisor is set to -1, we should not touch it. It means a // test explicitly instructed not to load the terms index. if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: fixed-gap terms index (divisor=" + state.TermsIndexDivisor + ")"); } indexReader = new FixedGapTermsIndexReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.TermsIndexDivisor, BytesRef.UTF8SortedAsUnicodeComparer, state.SegmentSuffix, state.Context); } else { int n2 = random.Next(3); if (n2 == 1) { random.Next(); } else if (n2 == 2) { random.NextInt64(); } if (LuceneTestCase.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("MockRandomCodec: variable-gap terms index (divisor=" + state.TermsIndexDivisor + ")"); } indexReader = new VariableGapTermsIndexReader(state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.TermsIndexDivisor, state.SegmentSuffix, state.Context); } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { postingsReader.Dispose(); } } success = false; try { fields = new BlockTermsReader(indexReader, state.Directory, state.FieldInfos, state.SegmentInfo, postingsReader, state.Context, state.SegmentSuffix); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { try { postingsReader.Dispose(); } finally { indexReader.Dispose(); } } } } return(fields); }