Exemple #1
        public void HandleCollision(Manifold m, TFRigidbody a, TFRigidbody b)
            TFCircleCollider  A = (TFCircleCollider)a.coll;
            TFPolygonCollider B = (TFPolygonCollider)b.coll;

            m.contactCount = 0;

            // Transform circle center to Polygon model space
            FixVec2 center = B.u.Transposed() * (a.Position - b.Position);

            // Find edge with minimum penetration
            // Exact concept as using support points in Polygon vs Polygon
            Fix separation = -Fix.MaxValue;
            int faceNormal = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < B.VertexCount; ++i)
                Fix s = FixVec2.Dot(B.normals[i], center - B.GetVertex(i));

                if (s > A.radius)

                if (s > separation)
                    separation = s;
                    faceNormal = i;

            // Grab face's vertices
            FixVec2 v1 = B.GetVertex(faceNormal);
            int     i2 = (faceNormal + 1) < B.VertexCount ? faceNormal + 1 : 0;
            FixVec2 v2 = B.GetVertex(i2);

            // Check to see if center is within polygon
            if (separation < Fix.Epsilon)
                m.contactCount = 1;
                m.normal       = -(B.u * B.normals[faceNormal]);
                m.contacts[0]  = m.normal * A.radius + a.Position;
                m.penetration  = A.radius;

            // Determine which voronoi region of the edge center of circle lies within
            Fix dot1 = FixVec2.Dot(center - v1, v2 - v1);
            Fix dot2 = FixVec2.Dot(center - v2, v1 - v2);

            m.penetration = A.radius - separation;

            //Closest to v1
            if (dot1 <= Fix.zero)
                if ((center - v1).GetMagnitudeSquared() > A.radius * A.radius)

                m.contactCount = 1;
                FixVec2 n = v1 - center;
                n             = B.u * n;
                n             = n.Normalized();
                m.normal      = n;
                v1            = B.u * v1 + b.Position;
                m.contacts[0] = v1;
            else if (dot2 <= Fix.zero)
                //Closest to v2
                if ((center - v2).GetMagnitudeSquared() > A.radius * A.radius)

                m.contactCount = 1;
                FixVec2 n = v2 - center;
                v2            = B.u * v2 + b.Position;
                m.contacts[0] = v2;
                n             = B.u * n;
                n             = n.Normalized();
                m.normal      = n;
                //Closest to face
                FixVec2 n = B.normals[faceNormal];
                if (FixVec2.Dot(center - v1, n) > A.radius)

                n              = B.u * n;
                m.normal       = -n;
                m.contacts[0]  = m.normal * A.radius + a.Position;
                m.contactCount = 1;
    /// <summary>
    /// handles adjusting deltaMovement if we are going up a slope.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns><c>true</c>, if horizontal slope was handled, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
    /// <param name="deltaMovement">Delta movement.</param>
    /// <param name="angle">Angle.</param>
    bool handleHorizontalSlope(ref FixVec2 deltaMovement, Fix angle)
        // disregard 90 degree angles (walls)
        if (FixMath.Round(angle) == 90)

        if (angle < slopeLimit)
            // we only need to adjust the deltaMovement if we are not jumping
            // TODO: this uses a magic number which isn't ideal! The alternative is to have the user pass in if there is a jump this frame
            if (deltaMovement.y < jumpingThreshold)
                // apply the slopeModifier to slow our movement up the slope
                Fix slopeModifier = (Fix)slopeSpeedMultiplier.Evaluate((float)angle);
                deltaMovement.x *= slopeModifier;

                // we dont set collisions on the sides for this since a slope is not technically a side collision.
                // smooth y movement when we climb. we make the y movement equivalent to the actual y location that corresponds
                // to our new x location using our good friend Pythagoras
                deltaMovement.y = FixMath.Abs(FixMath.Tan(angle * FixMath.Deg2Rad) * deltaMovement.x);
                var isGoingRight = deltaMovement.x > 0;

                // safety check. we fire a ray in the direction of movement just in case the diagonal we calculated above ends up
                // going through a wall. if the ray hits, we back off the horizontal movement to stay in bounds.
                var            ray = isGoingRight ? _raycastOrigins.bottomRight : _raycastOrigins.bottomLeft;
                TFRaycastHit2D raycastHit;
                if (collisionState.wasGroundedLastFrame)
                    raycastHit = TFPhysics.Raycast((FixVec2)ray, (FixVec2)deltaMovement.Normalized(), deltaMovement.GetMagnitude(), platformMask);
                    raycastHit = TFPhysics.Raycast((FixVec2)ray, (FixVec2)deltaMovement.Normalized(), deltaMovement.GetMagnitude(), platformMask & ~oneWayPlatformMask);

                if (raycastHit)
                    // we crossed an edge when using Pythagoras calculation, so we set the actual delta movement to the ray hit location
                    deltaMovement = raycastHit.point - ray;
                    if (isGoingRight)
                        deltaMovement.x -= _skinWidth;
                        deltaMovement.x += _skinWidth;

                _isGoingUpSlope           = true;
                collisionState.below      = true;
                collisionState.slopeAngle = -angle;
        else // too steep. get out of here
            deltaMovement.x = Fix.zero;

Exemple #3
        public void HandleCollision(Manifold m, TFRigidbody a, TFRigidbody b)
            TFPolygonCollider A = (TFPolygonCollider)a.coll;
            TFPolygonCollider B = (TFPolygonCollider)b.coll;

            m.contactCount = 0;

            // Check for a separating axis with A's face planes
            int[] faceA        = { 0 };
            Fix   penetrationA = FindAxisLeastPenetration(faceA, A, B);

            if (penetrationA >= Fix.zero)

            int[] faceB        = { 0 };
            Fix   penetrationB = FindAxisLeastPenetration(faceB, B, A);

            if (penetrationB >= Fix.zero)

            int  referenceIndex;
            bool flip; //Always point from a to b

            TFPolygonCollider refPoly; //Reference
            TFPolygonCollider incPoly; //Incident

            //Determine which shape contains reference face
            if (TFPhysics.instance.BiasGreaterThan(penetrationA, penetrationB))
                refPoly        = A;
                incPoly        = B;
                referenceIndex = faceA[0];
                flip           = false;
                refPoly        = B;
                incPoly        = A;
                referenceIndex = faceB[0];
                flip           = true;

            // World space incident face
            FixVec2[] incidentFace = new FixVec2[2];
            FindIncidentFace(incidentFace, refPoly, incPoly, referenceIndex);

            // Setup reference face certices
            FixVec2 v1 = refPoly.GetVertex(referenceIndex);

            referenceIndex = referenceIndex + 1 == refPoly.VertexCount ? 0 : referenceIndex + 1;
            FixVec2 v2 = refPoly.GetVertex(referenceIndex);

            // Transform vertices to world space
            v1 = refPoly.u * v1 + refPoly.body.info.position;
            v2 = refPoly.u * v2 + refPoly.body.info.position;

            //Calculate reference face side normal in world space
            FixVec2 sidePlaneNormal = v2 - v1;

            sidePlaneNormal = sidePlaneNormal.Normalized();

            // Orthogonalize
            FixVec2 refFaceNormal = new FixVec2(sidePlaneNormal.Y, -sidePlaneNormal.X);

            // ax + by = c
            // c is distance from origin
            Fix refC    = FixVec2.Dot(refFaceNormal, v1);
            Fix negSide = -FixVec2.Dot(sidePlaneNormal, v1);
            Fix posSide = FixVec2.Dot(sidePlaneNormal, v2);

            // Clip incident face to reference face side planes
            if (Clip(-sidePlaneNormal, negSide, incidentFace) < 2)
                return; // Due to floating point error, possible to not have required points

            if (Clip(sidePlaneNormal, posSide, incidentFace) < 2)

            // Flip
            m.normal = flip ? -refFaceNormal : refFaceNormal;

            // Keep points behind reference face
            int cp         = 0; // clipped points behind reference face
            Fix separation = FixVec2.Dot(refFaceNormal, incidentFace[0]) - refC;

            if (separation <= Fix.zero)
                m.contacts[cp] = incidentFace[0];
                m.penetration  = -separation;
                m.penetration = 0;

            separation = FixVec2.Dot(refFaceNormal, incidentFace[1]) - refC;
            if (separation <= Fix.zero)
                m.contacts[cp] = incidentFace[1];
                m.penetration += -separation;

                // Average penetration
                m.penetration /= cp;

            m.contactCount = cp;
Exemple #4
        public void ApplyImpulse()
            // Early out and positional correct if both objects have infinite mass
            if (A.invMass + B.invMass == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; ++i)
                // Calculate radii from COM to contact
                FixVec2 ra = contacts[i] - A.Position;
                FixVec2 rb = contacts[i] - B.Position;

                //Relative velocity
                FixVec2 rv = B.info.velocity + FixVec2.Cross(B.info.angularVelocity, rb) - A.info.velocity - FixVec2.Cross(A.info.angularVelocity, ra);

                //Relative velocity along the normal
                Fix contactVel = rv.Dot(normal);

                if (contactVel > 0)

                Fix raCrossN   = FixVec2.Cross(ra, normal);
                Fix rbCrossN   = FixVec2.Cross(rb, normal);
                Fix invMassSum = A.invMass + B.invMass
                                 + (raCrossN * raCrossN) * A.invInertia
                                 + (rbCrossN * rbCrossN) * B.invInertia;

                // Calculate impulse scalar
                Fix j = -(Fix.one + e) * contactVel;
                j /= invMassSum;
                j /= contactCount;

                // Apply impulse
                FixVec2 impulse = normal * j;
                A.ApplyImpulse(-impulse, ra);
                B.ApplyImpulse(impulse, rb);

                // Friction Impulse
                rv = B.info.velocity + FixVec2.Cross(B.info.angularVelocity, rb)
                     - A.info.velocity - FixVec2.Cross(A.info.angularVelocity, ra);

                FixVec2 t = rv - (normal * FixVec2.Dot(rv, normal));
                t = t.Normalized();

                // j tangent magnitude
                Fix jt = -FixVec2.Dot(rv, t);
                jt /= invMassSum;
                jt /= contactCount;

                //Don't apply tiny friction impulses
                if (FixMath.Abs(jt) <= Fix.zero)

                // Coulumb's law
                FixVec2 tangentImpulse;
                if (FixMath.Abs(jt) < j * sf)
                    tangentImpulse = t * jt;
                    tangentImpulse = t * -j * df;

                // Apply friction impulse
                A.ApplyImpulse(-tangentImpulse, ra);
                B.ApplyImpulse(tangentImpulse, rb);