Exemple #1
    // 欧拉角转四元数
    static QuaternionL FromEulerRad(Vector3L euler)
        FloatL yaw   = euler.z;
        FloatL pitch = euler.x;
        FloatL roll  = euler.y;

        FloatL yawOver2    = yaw * 0.5f;
        FloatL sinYawOver2 = FixPointMath.Sin(yawOver2);
        FloatL cosYawOver2 = FixPointMath.Cos(yawOver2);

        FloatL pitchOver2    = pitch * 0.5f;
        FloatL sinPitchOver2 = FixPointMath.Sin(pitchOver2);
        FloatL cosPitchOver2 = FixPointMath.Cos(pitchOver2);

        FloatL rollOver2    = roll * 0.5f;
        FloatL sinRollOver2 = FixPointMath.Sin(rollOver2);
        FloatL cosRollOver2 = FixPointMath.Cos(rollOver2);

        QuaternionL result;

        result.w = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
        result.x = cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 + sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
        result.y = cosYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2 - sinYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2;
        result.z = sinYawOver2 * cosPitchOver2 * cosRollOver2 - cosYawOver2 * sinPitchOver2 * sinRollOver2;
Exemple #2
    public static void Test()
        Debug.Log("IsLittleEndian " + BitConverter.IsLittleEndian);

        Debug.Log(FixPointMath.SqrtOld(new FloatL(0.955d)));
        Debug.Log(FixPointMath.Sqrt(new FloatL(0.955d)));
        Vector3L dir    = new Vector3L(-0.093d, -0.093d, 0.988d);
        FloatL   angle1 = Vector3L_Angle(Vector3L.forward, dir);
        float    angle2 = Vector3_Angle(Vector3.forward, dir.Convert());

        Debug.Log("angle1 " + angle1 + " angle2 " + angle2);

        Debug.Log("sin 10 " + Mathf.Sin(10 * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
        Debug.Log("sinL 10 " + FixPointMath.Sin(10 * Mathf.Deg2Rad));

        Debug.Log("cos 10 " + Mathf.Cos(10 * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
        Debug.Log("cosL 10 " + FixPointMath.Cos(10 * Mathf.Deg2Rad));

        Debug.Log("acos 0.1 " + Mathf.Acos(0.1f));
        Debug.Log("acosL 0.1 " + FixPointMath.Acos(0.1f));

        Debug.Log("atan2 3/2 " + Mathf.Atan2(3, 2));
        Debug.Log("atan2L 3/2 " + FixPointMath.Atan2(3, 2));

        Debug.Log("asin 0.6 " + Mathf.Asin(0.6f));
        Debug.Log("asinL 0.6 " + FixPointMath.Asin(0.6f));
Exemple #3
    // 四元数转欧拉角
    static Vector3L ToEulerRad(QuaternionL rotation)
        FloatL   sqw  = rotation.w * rotation.w;
        FloatL   sqx  = rotation.x * rotation.x;
        FloatL   sqy  = rotation.y * rotation.y;
        FloatL   sqz  = rotation.z * rotation.z;
        FloatL   unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw;   // if normalised is one, otherwise is correction factor
        FloatL   test = rotation.x * rotation.w - rotation.y * rotation.z;
        Vector3L v;

        if (test > 0.4995d * unit)
        {     // singularity at north pole
            v.y = 2f * FixPointMath.Atan2(rotation.y, rotation.x);
            v.x = FixPointMath.PI / 2;
            v.z = 0;
            return(NormalizeAngles(v * FixPointMath.Rad2Deg));
        if (test < -0.4995d * unit)
        {     // singularity at south pole
            v.y = -2f * FixPointMath.Atan2(rotation.y, rotation.x);
            v.x = -FixPointMath.PI / 2;
            v.z = 0;
            return(NormalizeAngles(v * FixPointMath.Rad2Deg));
        QuaternionL q = new QuaternionL(rotation.w, rotation.z, rotation.x, rotation.y);

        v.y = FixPointMath.Atan2(2f * q.x * q.w + 2f * q.y * q.z, 1 - 2f * (q.z * q.z + q.w * q.w)); // Yaw
        v.x = FixPointMath.Asin(2f * (q.x * q.z - q.w * q.y));                                       // Pitch
        v.z = FixPointMath.Atan2(2f * q.x * q.y + 2f * q.z * q.w, 1 - 2f * (q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z)); // Roll
        return(NormalizeAngles(v * FixPointMath.Rad2Deg) * FixPointMath.Deg2Rad);
//         public static FloatL SinOld(FloatL f)
//         {
//             return Math.Sin(f.ToDouble());
//         }
    /// <summary>
    /// 牛顿法求平方根
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="c"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static FloatL SqrtOld(FloatL c)
        if (c == 0)

        if (c < new FloatL(0))
            return(new FloatL(-1));

        FloatL err   = FloatL.Epsilon;
        FloatL t     = c;
        int    count = 0;

        while (FixPointMath.Abs(t - c / t) > err * t)
            t = (c / t + t) / new FloatL(2.0f);
            if (count >= 20)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("FixPoint Sqrt " + c + " current sqrt " + t);
    /// <summary>
    /// 判断两条线段是否相交
    /// 现在有线段AB和线段CB
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a"></param>
    /// <param name="b"></param>
    /// <param name="c"></param>
    /// <param name="d"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    static bool IsTwoSegmentIntersection(Vector2L a2d, Vector2L b2d, Vector2L c2d, Vector2L d2d)
        Vector3L a = new Vector3L(a2d.x, 0, a2d.y);
        Vector3L b = new Vector3L(b2d.x, 0, b2d.y);
        Vector3L c = new Vector3L(c2d.x, 0, c2d.y);
        Vector3L d = new Vector3L(d2d.x, 0, d2d.y);

        var crossA = FixPointMath.Sign(Vector3L.Cross(d - c, a - c).y);
        var crossB = FixPointMath.Sign(Vector3L.Cross(d - c, b - c).y);

        if (FixPointMath.Approximately(crossA, crossB))

        var crossC = FixPointMath.Sign(Vector3L.Cross(b - a, c - a).y);
        var crossD = FixPointMath.Sign(Vector3L.Cross(b - a, d - a).y);

        if (FixPointMath.Approximately(crossC, crossD))

Exemple #6
    public static QuaternionL LookRotation(Vector3L forward, Vector3L up)
        forward = Vector3L.Normalize(forward);
        Vector3L right = Vector3L.Normalize(Vector3L.Cross(up, forward));

        up = Vector3L.Cross(forward, right);
        FloatL m00 = right.x;
        FloatL m01 = right.y;
        FloatL m02 = right.z;
        FloatL m10 = up.x;
        FloatL m11 = up.y;
        FloatL m12 = up.z;
        FloatL m20 = forward.x;
        FloatL m21 = forward.y;
        FloatL m22 = forward.z;

        FloatL      num8       = (m00 + m11) + m22;
        QuaternionL quaternion = new QuaternionL();

        if (num8 > 0f)
            FloatL num = FixPointMath.Sqrt(num8 + 1f);
            quaternion.w = num * 0.5f;
            num          = 0.5f / num;
            quaternion.x = (m12 - m21) * num;
            quaternion.y = (m20 - m02) * num;
            quaternion.z = (m01 - m10) * num;
        if ((m00 >= m11) && (m00 >= m22))
            FloatL num7 = FixPointMath.Sqrt(((1f + m00) - m11) - m22);
            FloatL num4 = 0.5f / num7;
            quaternion.x = 0.5f * num7;
            quaternion.y = (m01 + m10) * num4;
            quaternion.z = (m02 + m20) * num4;
            quaternion.w = (m12 - m21) * num4;
        if (m11 > m22)
            FloatL num6 = FixPointMath.Sqrt(((1f + m11) - m00) - m22);
            FloatL num3 = 0.5f / num6;
            quaternion.x = (m10 + m01) * num3;
            quaternion.y = 0.5f * num6;
            quaternion.z = (m21 + m12) * num3;
            quaternion.w = (m20 - m02) * num3;
        FloatL num5 = FixPointMath.Sqrt(((1f + m22) - m00) - m11);
        FloatL num2 = 0.5f / num5;

        quaternion.x = (m20 + m02) * num2;
        quaternion.y = (m21 + m12) * num2;
        quaternion.z = 0.5f * num5;
        quaternion.w = (m01 - m10) * num2;
    public static FloatL Acos(FloatL f)
        //return Math.Acos(f.ToDouble());
        int num = (int)FixPointMath.Divide(f.m_numerator * (long)AcosLookupTable.HALF_COUNT, FloatL.m_denominator) + AcosLookupTable.HALF_COUNT;

        num = FixPointMath.Clamp(num, 0, AcosLookupTable.COUNT);
        return(new FloatL((long)AcosLookupTable.table[num]) / new FloatL(10000));
 public static FloatL MoveTowards(FloatL current, FloatL target, FloatL maxDelta)
     if (FixPointMath.Abs(target - current) <= maxDelta)
     return(current + FixPointMath.Sign(target - current) * maxDelta);
Exemple #9
    /// <summary>
    /// 3d空间中点到直线距离
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a"></param>
    /// <param name="b"></param>
    /// <param name="s"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
//     public static FloatL DistanceOfPoint3dWithLine3d(Line3d line3d, Vector3L s)
//     {
//         FloatL ab = FixPointMath.Sqrt(FixPointMath.Pow((line3d.m_point1.x - line3d.m_point2.x), 2.0f) + FixPointMath.Pow((line3d.m_point1.y - line3d.m_point2.y), 2.0f) + FixPointMath.Pow((line3d.m_point1.z - line3d.m_point2.z), 2.0f));
//         FloatL as2 = FixPointMath.Sqrt(FixPointMath.Pow((line3d.m_point1.x - s.x), 2.0f) + FixPointMath.Pow((line3d.m_point1.y - s.y), 2.0f) + FixPointMath.Pow((line3d.m_point1.z - s.z), 2.0f));
//         FloatL bs = FixPointMath.Sqrt(FixPointMath.Pow((s.x - line3d.m_point2.x), 2.0f) + FixPointMath.Pow((s.y - line3d.m_point2.y), 2.0f) + FixPointMath.Pow((s.z - line3d.m_point2.z), 2.0f));
//         FloatL cos_A = (FixPointMath.Pow(as2, 2.0f) + FixPointMath.Pow(ab, 2.0f) - FixPointMath.Pow(bs, 2.0f)) / (2 * ab * as2);
//         FloatL sin_A = FixPointMath.Sqrt(1 - FixPointMath.Pow(cos_A, 2.0f));
//         return as2 * sin_A;
//     }
    public static Vector3L ClosestPointOfPoint3dWithSegment3d(Vector3L point, Segment3d line)
        Vector3L lVec = line.m_point2 - line.m_point1; // Line Vector
        FloatL   t    = Vector3L.Dot(point - line.m_point1, lVec) / Vector3L.Dot(lVec, lVec);

        t = FixPointMath.Max(t, 0.0f); // Clamp to 0
        t = FixPointMath.Min(t, 1.0f); // Clamp to 1
        return(line.m_point1 + lVec * t);
    public static FloatL LerpAngle(FloatL a, FloatL b, FloatL t)
        FloatL num = FixPointMath.Repeat(b - a, 360f);

        if (num > 180f)
            num -= 360f;
        return(a + num * FixPointMath.Clamp01(t));
    public static FloatL DeltaAngle(FloatL current, FloatL target)
        FloatL num = FixPointMath.Repeat(target - current, 360f);

        if (num > 180f)
            num -= 360f;
Exemple #12
    public static FloatL Vector3L_Angle(Vector3L from, Vector3L to)
        Debug.Log("x " + to.normalized.x + " y " + to.normalized.y + " z " + to.normalized.z);
        FloatL dot = Vector3L.Dot(from.normalized, to.normalized);

        Debug.Log("dotL " + dot);
        FloatL acos = FixPointMath.Acos(FixPointMath.Clamp(dot, -1f, 1f));

        Debug.Log("acosL " + acos);
        return(acos * 57.29578d);
Exemple #13
    public static Vector3L ClosestPointOfPoint3dWithRay3d(Vector3L point, Ray3d ray)
        FloatL t = Vector3L.Dot(point - ray.m_rayOrigin, ray.m_rayDir);

        // We assume the direction of the ray is normalized
        // If for some reason the direction is not normalized
        // the below division is needed. So long as the ray
        // direction is normalized, we don't need this divide
        // t /= Dot(ray.direction, ray.direction);
        t = FixPointMath.Max(t, 0.0f);
        return(ray.m_rayOrigin + ray.m_rayDir * t);
    public AABB3d Merge(AABB3d other)
        Vector3L selfMin  = GetMin();
        Vector3L otherMin = other.GetMin();
        Vector3L selfMax  = GetMax();
        Vector3L otherMax = GetMax();

        Vector3L totalMin = new Vector3L(FixPointMath.Min(selfMin.x, otherMin.x), FixPointMath.Min(selfMin.y, otherMin.y), FixPointMath.Min(selfMin.z, otherMin.z));
        Vector3L totalMax = new Vector3L(FixPointMath.Max(selfMax.x, otherMax.x), FixPointMath.Max(selfMax.y, otherMax.y), FixPointMath.Max(selfMax.z, otherMax.z));

        return(new AABB3d((totalMin + totalMax) / 2, totalMax - totalMin));
Exemple #15
    public static QuaternionL RotateTowards(QuaternionL from, QuaternionL to, FloatL maxDegreesDelta)
        FloatL num = QuaternionL.Angle(from, to);

        if (num == 0f)
        FloatL t = FixPointMath.Min(1f, maxDegreesDelta / num);

        return(QuaternionL.SlerpUnclamped(from, to, t));
    public static bool Point2dWithLine2d(Vector2L point, Line2d line2d)
        // Find the slope
        FloatL dy = (line2d.m_point2.y - line2d.m_point1.y);
        FloatL dx = (line2d.m_point2.x - line2d.m_point1.x);
        FloatL M  = dy / dx;
        // Find the Y-Intercept
        FloatL B = line2d.m_point1.y - M * line2d.m_point1.x;

        // Check line equation
        return(FixPointMath.Approximately(point.y, M * point.x + B));
    public static bool Point2dWithSector2d(Vector2L pos, Sector2d sector2d)
        Vector2L distance = pos - sector2d.m_pos;

        if (distance.magnitude > sector2d.m_radius)

        Vector3L sectorForward = RotateHelper.GetForward(sector2d.m_rotation);
        FloatL   cosTarget     = Vector3L.Dot(sectorForward, distance) / sectorForward.magnitude / distance.magnitude;
        FloatL   cosHalfDegree = FixPointMath.Cos((FixPointMath.Deg2Rad * sector2d.m_theraDegree / 2));

        return(cosTarget > cosHalfDegree);
Exemple #18
    public static Matrix4x4L Perspective(FloatL fov, FloatL aspect /*纵横比*/, FloatL zNear, FloatL zFar)
        // 为什么这里用的是opengl的透视矩阵?

        Matrix4x4L ret    = Matrix4x4L.zero;
        FloatL     fovRad = FixPointMath.Deg2Rad * fov;

        ret.m00 = 1 / FixPointMath.Tan(fovRad * 0.5f) / aspect;
        ret.m11 = 1 / FixPointMath.Tan(fovRad * 0.5f);

        ret.m22 = -(zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear);
        ret.m23 = -2 * zNear * zFar / (zFar - zNear);
        ret.m32 = -1;

    public static FloatL Atan2(FloatL yL, FloatL xL)
        //return Math.Atan2(y.ToDouble(), x.ToDouble());
        long y = yL.m_numerator;
        long x = xL.m_numerator;

        int num;
        int num2;

        if (x < 0)
            if (y < 0)
                x   = -x;
                y   = -y;
                num = 1;
                x   = -x;
                num = -1;
            num2 = -31416;
            if (y < 0)
                y   = -y;
                num = -1;
                num = 1;
            num2 = 0;
        int  dIM  = Atan2LookupTable.DIM;
        long num3 = (long)(dIM - 1);
        long b    = (long)((x >= y) ? x : y);
        int  num4 = (int)FixPointMath.Divide((long)x * num3, b);
        int  num5 = (int)FixPointMath.Divide((long)y * num3, b);
        int  num6 = Atan2LookupTable.table[num5 * dIM + num4];

        return(new FloatL((num6 + num2) * num) / new FloatL(10000));
Exemple #20
    public static QuaternionL AngleAxis(FloatL degress, Vector3L axis)
        if (axis.sqrMagnitude == 0.0f)

        QuaternionL result  = identity;
        FloatL      radians = degress * FixPointMath.Deg2Rad;

        radians *= 0.5f;
        axis     = axis * FixPointMath.Sin(radians);
        result.x = axis.x;
        result.y = axis.y;
        result.z = axis.z;
        result.w = FixPointMath.Cos(radians);

    public void SetContent(Mesh3d mesh)
        m_mesh3d = mesh;

        Vector3L[] vertices = mesh.GetVertices();
        Vector3L   min      = vertices[0];
        Vector3L   max      = vertices[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < mesh.m_triangleList.Count * 3; ++i)
            min.x = FixPointMath.Min(vertices[i].x, min.x);
            min.y = FixPointMath.Min(vertices[i].y, min.y);
            min.z = FixPointMath.Min(vertices[i].z, min.z);

            max.x = FixPointMath.Max(vertices[i].x, max.x);
            max.y = FixPointMath.Max(vertices[i].y, max.y);
            max.z = FixPointMath.Max(vertices[i].z, max.z);
        m_aabb = Mesh3d.FromMinMax(min, max);
Exemple #22
    static void ToAxisAngleRad(QuaternionL q, out Vector3L axis, out FloatL angle)
        if (FixPointMath.Abs(q.w) > 1.0f)
        angle = 2.0f * FixPointMath.Acos(q.w);     // angle
        FloatL den = FixPointMath.Sqrt(1.0f - q.w * q.w);

        if (den > 0.0001f)
            axis = q.xyz / den;
            // This occurs when the angle is zero.
            // Not a problem: just set an arbitrary normalized axis.
            axis = new Vector3L(1, 0, 0);
    static Vector3L RotateTo(Vector3L from, Vector3L to, FloatL angle)
        if (Vector3L.Angle(from, to) == 0)

        Vector3L n = Vector3L.Cross(from, to);


        Matrix4x4L rotateMatrix = new Matrix4x4L();

        double radian   = (angle * FixPointMath.PI / 180).ToDouble();
        FloatL cosAngle = FixPointMath.Cos(radian);
        FloatL sinAngle = FixPointMath.Sin(radian);

        rotateMatrix.SetRow(0, new Vector4L(n.x * n.x * (1 - cosAngle) + cosAngle, n.x * n.y * (1 - cosAngle) + n.z * sinAngle, n.x * n.z * (1 - cosAngle) - n.y * sinAngle, 0));
        rotateMatrix.SetRow(1, new Vector4L(n.x * n.y * (1 - cosAngle) - n.z * sinAngle, n.y * n.y * (1 - cosAngle) + cosAngle, n.y * n.z * (1 - cosAngle) + n.x * sinAngle, 0));
        rotateMatrix.SetRow(2, new Vector4L(n.x * n.z * (1 - cosAngle) + n.y * sinAngle, n.y * n.z * (1 - cosAngle) - n.x * sinAngle, n.z * n.z * (1 - cosAngle) + cosAngle, 0));
        rotateMatrix.SetRow(3, new Vector4L(0, 0, 0, 1));

        Vector4L v      = Vector3L.ToVector4(from);
        Vector3L vector = new Vector3L();

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                vector[i] += v[j] * rotateMatrix[j, i];
    public static void AccelerateMesh(Mesh3d mesh)
        if (mesh.m_accelerator != null)

        Vector3L[] vertices = mesh.GetVertices();
        Vector3L   min      = vertices[0];
        Vector3L   max      = vertices[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < mesh.m_triangleList.Count * 3; ++i)
            min.x = FixPointMath.Min(vertices[i].x, min.x);
            min.y = FixPointMath.Min(vertices[i].y, min.y);
            min.z = FixPointMath.Min(vertices[i].z, min.z);

            max.x = FixPointMath.Max(vertices[i].x, max.x);
            max.y = FixPointMath.Max(vertices[i].y, max.y);
            max.z = FixPointMath.Max(vertices[i].z, max.z);

        mesh.m_accelerator            = new BVHNode();
        mesh.m_accelerator.m_bounds   = FromMinMax(min, max);
        mesh.m_accelerator.m_children = null;
//         this.m_accelerator.m_triangles = this.m_triangleList.Count;
//         this.m_accelerator->triangles = new int[mesh.numTriangles];
//      for (int i = 0; i < mesh.numTriangles; ++i) {
//          mesh.accelerator->triangles[i] = i;
//      }
        //this.m_accelerator.m_triangles = this.m_triangleList;
//         for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_triangleList.Count; ++i)
//         {
//             mesh.m_accelerator.m_triangles.Add(mesh.m_triangleList);
//         }

        SplitBVHNode(mesh.m_accelerator, mesh, 3);
Exemple #25
 public static Vector2L Max(Vector2L lhs, Vector2L rhs)
     return(new Vector2L(FixPointMath.Max(lhs.x, rhs.x), FixPointMath.Max(lhs.y, rhs.y)));
Exemple #26
 public static FloatL Angle(Vector2L from, Vector2L to)
     return(FixPointMath.Acos(FixPointMath.Clamp(Vector2L.Dot(from.normalized, to.normalized), -1, 1)) * 57.29578d);
Exemple #27
 public static Vector2L Lerp(Vector2L from, Vector2L to, FloatL t)
     t = FixPointMath.Clamp01(t);
     return(new Vector2L(from.x + (to.x - from.x) * t, from.y + (to.y - from.y) * t));
    public static FloatL Distance(Vector3L a, Vector3L b)
        Vector3L vector = new Vector3L(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);

        return(FixPointMath.Sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y + vector.z * vector.z));
 public static FloatL Magnitude(Vector3L a)
     return(FixPointMath.Sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z));
 public static Vector3L Min(Vector3L lhs, Vector3L rhs)
     return(new Vector3L(FixPointMath.Min(lhs.x, rhs.x), FixPointMath.Min(lhs.y, rhs.y), FixPointMath.Min(lhs.z, rhs.z)));