public static RaycastHit MostRecentNonNullHit; // used so we can do rotation without looking at the thing public static void RunStuffPlacing(bool AllowFineRotation = true, bool HideWhenInvalidPlacement = false, bool AllowEdgePlacement = false) { if (ThingBeingPlaced == null) { return; } PollRotationInput(AllowFineRotation); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, FirstPersonInteraction.IgnorePlayerLayermask)) { DisableRotation = false; MoveThingBeingPlaced(hit, HideWhenInvalidPlacement, AllowEdgePlacement); } else if (HideWhenInvalidPlacement) { ThingBeingPlaced.transform.position = new Vector3(0, -10000, 0); CurrentPlacementIsValid = false; } if (hit.collider != null) { MostRecentNonNullHit = hit; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Place")) { PlaceThingBeingPlaced(); } }
private void HighlightLookedAtBoard() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { GameObject highlightthis = hit.collider.gameObject; if (Input.GetButton("Mod")) { GameObject RootObject = hit.collider.transform.root.gameObject; if (RootObject.tag == "CircuitBoard") // protection from mounts { highlightthis = hit.collider.transform.root.gameObject; } } if (highlightthis != highlightedboard) { RemoveOutlineFromLookedAtBoard(); highlightedboard = highlightthis; StuffPlacer.OutlineObject(highlightedboard,; } } else { RemoveOutlineFromLookedAtBoard(); } } else { RemoveOutlineFromLookedAtBoard(); } }
private static bool PlacingGhostWasHiddenBeforeConnecting = ComponentPlacer.ShowPlacingGhost; // necessary to avoid BUGS! private static void ConnectionInitial() { RaycastHit hit; if (!Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { return; } if (hit.collider.tag == "Input" || hit.collider.tag == "Output") // if it's an input or output... { SelectedPeg = hit.collider.gameObject; // ..make it the selected peg StuffPlacer.OutlineObject(SelectedPeg); PegBeingLookedAt = null; // fixes SetPegBeingLookedAt removing the outline if (AutoHidePlacingGhostWhileConnecting) { StuffPlacer.DeleteThingBeingPlaced(); PlacingGhostWasHiddenBeforeConnecting = ComponentPlacer.ShowPlacingGhost; ComponentPlacer.ShowPlacingGhost = false; } StuffRotater.AllowedToDoRotation = false; // so you can rotate wires while placing them StuffDeleter.AllowedToDoDeleting = false; // prevents a bug with how null is not the same as destroyed SoundPlayer.PlaySoundAt(Sounds.ConnectionInitial, SelectedPeg); } else { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); DoneConnecting(); } }
private void DeleteBoard() { if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var raycastHit, Settings.ReachDistance, 769) && StuffDeleter.AllowedToDoDeleting && raycastHit.collider.gameObject.tag == "CircuitBoard") { var board = raycastHit.collider.gameObject; BoardFunctions.SetMostRecentlyDeletedBoard(board); BoardFunctions.DestroyAllWiresConnectedToBoardButNotPartOfIt(board); MegaMeshManager.RemoveComponentsImmediatelyIn(board); CircuitInput[] componentsInChildren = board.GetComponentsInChildren <CircuitInput>(); CircuitOutput[] componentsInChildren2 = board.GetComponentsInChildren <CircuitOutput>(); foreach (CircuitInput input in componentsInChildren) { StuffDeleter.DestroyInput(input); } foreach (CircuitOutput output in componentsInChildren2) { StuffDeleter.DestroyOutput(output); } GameObject.Destroy(board); SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.DeleteSomething); } }
public static void CloneBoard() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { GameObject CloneThis = hit.collider.gameObject; if (Input.GetButton("Mod")) { GameObject RootBoard = hit.collider.transform.root.gameObject; if (RootBoard.tag == "CircuitBoard") { CloneThis = RootBoard; } } GameObject newboard = Object.Instantiate(CloneThis, new Vector3(0, -2000, 0), Quaternion.identity); // instantiated so far away so that nothing can interfere with connection.findpoints's raycasts RecalculateClustersOfBoard(newboard); BoardPlacer.NewBoardBeingPlaced(newboard); GameplayUIManager.UIState = UIState.BoardBeingPlaced; return; } } SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(References.Sounds.FailDoSomething); GameplayUIManager.UIState = UIState.None; }
public void Initialize() { RaycastHit hit; Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask); if (hit.collider == null || (hit.collider.tag != "CircuitBoard" && hit.collider.tag != "World" && hit.collider.tag != "PlaceOnlyBoard")) // all valid tags of things to place on { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(References.Sounds.FailDoSomething); GameplayUIManager.UIState = UIState.None; return; } GameplayUIManager.UIState = UIState.NewBoardMenu; // to make sure there's no disconnect between the UI and the what it represents SizeXSlider.value = SizeX; SizeYSlider.value = SizeY; SizeXInput.text = SizeX.ToString(); SizeYInput.text = SizeY.ToString(); NewBoardCanvas.enabled = true; // select the size x input field so that the user can immediately begin typing SizeXInput.ActivateInputField(); }
public static void SaveBoard() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { GameObject SaveThis = hit.collider.gameObject; if (Input.GetButton("Mod")) { GameObject RootBoard = hit.collider.transform.root.gameObject; if (RootBoard.tag == "CircuitBoard") { SaveThis = RootBoard; } // make sure to check for circuitboard in case of mounts } Instance.SaveBoardAs(SaveThis); return; } else { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(References.Sounds.FailDoSomething); } } else { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(References.Sounds.FailDoSomething); } GameplayUIManager.UIState = UIState.None; }
private void HighlightLookedAtBoard() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { if (hit.collider.gameObject != lookingatboard) { RemoveOutlineFromLookedAtBoard(); previouscoloroflookedatboard = hit.collider.GetComponent <CircuitBoard>().GetBoardColor; lookingatboard = hit.collider.gameObject; lookingatboard.AddComponent <cakeslice.Outline>().color = 1; lookingatboard.GetComponent <CircuitBoard>().SetBoardColor(Colors[SelectedThing]); } } else { RemoveOutlineFromLookedAtBoard(); } } else { RemoveOutlineFromLookedAtBoard(); } }
static void ButtonDownPre() { RaycastHit hit; Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance); VisualButtonBeingPressed = hit.collider.GetComponent <Button>().visualbutton; OriginalLocalPositionOfVisualButtonBeingPressed = VisualButtonBeingPressed.transform.localPosition; }
private void RunToggleSelection() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && State.CurrentState == States.Selecting && Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask) && (hit.collider.tag == "Input" || hit.collider.tag == "Output")) { Selection.Instance.Toggle(hit.collider.gameObject); } }
private static void RotateThroughBoard() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "World" || hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); return; } GameObject component = ComponentPlacer.FullComponent(hit.collider); if (component.transform.parent == null) { return; } if (!AllowFlippingOneSidedComponents) { if (!component.GetComponent <IsThroughComponent>()) { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); return; } } component.transform.localEulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, 180); component.transform.Translate(Vector3.up * 0.15f, Space.Self); BoxCollider[] colliders = component.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>(); StuffPlacer.SetStateOfBoxColliders(colliders, false); if (StuffPlacer.GameObjectIntersectingStuffOrWouldDestroyWires(component, true)) { component.transform.localEulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, 180); component.transform.Translate(Vector3.up * 0.15f, Space.Self); StuffPlacer.SetStateOfBoxColliders(colliders, true); SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); return; } FloatingPointRounder.RoundIn(component); StuffPlacer.SetStateOfBoxColliders(colliders, true); RedrawCircuitGeometryOf(component); DestroyIntersectingConnections(component); MegaMeshManager.RecalculateGroupsOf(component); SoundPlayer.PlaySoundAt(Sounds.RotateSomething, component); } else { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); } }
public static bool AllowedToDoRotation = true; // for when you're placing wires public static void RunGameplayRotation() { if (!AllowedToDoRotation) { return; } if (StuffPlacer.OkayToPlace) { return; } if (Input.GetButtonDown("Rotate")) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, FirstPersonInteraction.IgnorePlayerLayermask)) { RotateThing(hit.collider.gameObject); } else { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); } } // kind of awkward that both this class and StuffPlacer are f*****g with RotationLocked. TODO do it better if (Input.GetButtonDown("RotationLock")) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (StuffPlacer.GetThingBeingPlaced == null || !StuffPlacer.OkayToPlace) // so that if there's something we're placing we can lock rotation to that and not what's under it { if (hit.collider.tag == "World" || hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { SetRotationLockToFalseIfThingBeingPlacedIsNull(); return; } StuffPlacer.SetRotationLockAngles(ComponentPlacer.FullComponent(hit.collider)); StuffPlacer.RotationLocked = true; } } else { StuffPlacer.RotationLocked = false; } SelectionMenu.Instance.SetRotationLockText(); } if (Input.GetButtonDown("RotateThroughBoard")) { RotateThroughBoard(); } }
private Vector3 GetScale() { if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var hit)) { IGConsole.Log(hit.transform.localPosition); IGConsole.Log(hit.transform.localScale); IGConsole.Log(hit.transform.localEulerAngles); ModUtilities.Graphics.CreateSphere(hit.point); } return(Vector3.back); }
public static void Run() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("LookThroughBoard")) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { Initial(hit); } } else if (Input.GetButtonUp("LookThroughBoard")) { Final(); } }
public static bool AllowedToDoDeleting = true; // for wire placing public static void RunGameplayDeleting() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Delete")) { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, FirstPersonInteraction.IgnorePlayerLayermask) && AllowedToDoDeleting) { DeleteThing(hit.collider.gameObject); } else { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); } } }
void ColorBoard() { RemoveOutlineFromLookedAtBoard(); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { hit.collider.GetComponent <CircuitBoard>().SetBoardColor(Colors[SelectedThing]); } } Done(); }
// run every frame the button is held down private void Update() { TicksDownFor++; if (TicksDownFor <= MinDownTicks) { return; } RaycastHit hit; Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask); if (!Input.GetButton("Interact") || hit.collider == null || hit.collider.gameObject != gameObject) // if we let go of the interact key or if the player is no longer lookin here { ButtonUp(); } }
private void RunComponentMoving() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) && State.CurrentState == States.None && Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var hit, Settings.ReachDistance) && hit.collider.tag != "CircuitBoard" && hit.collider.tag != "Wire") { var comp = ComponentPlacer.FullComponent(hit.collider); if (comp.GetComponent <ObjectInfo>() != null) { Mover.BeginMove(comp); } } }
public void Initialize() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { GameObject StackThis = hit.collider.gameObject; if (Input.GetButton("Mod")) { GameObject RootBoard = hit.collider.transform.root.gameObject; if (RootBoard.tag == "CircuitBoard") { StackThis = RootBoard; } // make sure to check for circuitboard in case of mounts } BoardBeingStacked = StackThis; BoardBeingStackedCircuitBoard = StackThis.GetComponent <CircuitBoard>(); AllSubBoardsInvolvedWithStacking.Add(BoardBeingStacked); BoardBeingStacked.AddComponent <cakeslice.Outline>(); // added before we get the copy so clones will have it too BoardBeingStackedCopy = Instantiate(BoardBeingStacked, new Vector3(-1000, -1000, -1000), BoardBeingStacked.transform.rotation); GameplayUIManager.UIState = UIState.StackBoardMenu; Canvas.enabled = true; IterationsInput.ActivateInputField(); StuffPlacer.SetObjectOutlineColor(BoardBeingStacked,; // so that you don't accidentally crash your PC when you first stacked on a simple board then you go to stack on a complex board. Don't set iterations directly for // the reason outlined below TrueIterations = 1; // Using Invoke because for some reason this MUST be done a frame later. If it is not, outputs have duplicated geometry Invoke("ShittyHackThatShouldntExist", 0.01f); return; } } SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); GameplayUIManager.UIState = UIState.None; }
public static void PlaceThingBeingPlaced() { if (!OkayToPlace) { // shitty hack to prevent the sound playing in specific circumstances that are undesirable RaycastHit hit; Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask); if (hit.collider == null || hit.collider.tag != "Interactable") { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundGlobal(Sounds.FailDoSomething); } return; } RemoveOutlineFromObject(ThingBeingPlaced, true); // destoryimmediate used so that if what you place has you looking at a peg, you'll be able to get it highlighted SetStateOfAllBoxCollidersFromThingBeingPlaced(true); OutlinesOfThingBeingPlaced = null; BoxCollidersOfThingBeingPlaced = null; FloatingPointRounder.RoundIn(ThingBeingPlaced, true); // mega mesh stuff MegaMeshManager.AddComponentsIn(ThingBeingPlaced); foreach (VisualUpdaterWithMeshCombining visualboi in ThingBeingPlaced.GetComponentsInChildren <VisualUpdaterWithMeshCombining>()) { visualboi.AllowedToCombineOnStable = true; } SnappingPeg.TryToSnapIn(ThingBeingPlaced); if (MostRecentPlacementWasOnBoard) { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundAt(Sounds.PlaceOnBoard, ThingBeingPlaced); } else { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundAt(Sounds.PlaceOnTerrain, ThingBeingPlaced); } ThingBeingPlaced = null; }
public static void ColorBoard(PaintBoardMenu __instance) { if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var raycastHit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask) && raycastHit.collider.tag == "CircuitBoard") { var netObj = raycastHit.collider.GetComponent <NetObject>(); IGConsole.Log("Hit " + netObj); if (netObj == null) { return; } var color = __instance.Colors[__instance.SelectedThing]; Network.SendPacket(new PaintBoardPacket { BoardID = netObj.NetID, Color = color }); } }
private static bool ShowPreWiringPegOutlines = true; //= Settings.Get("ShowPreWiringPegOutlines", true); // if we're looking at a peg, set PegBeingLookedAt to that. Otherwise, set it to null. private static void SetPegBeingLookedAt() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, Wire.IgnoreWiresLayermask)) { if (hit.collider.gameObject == PegBeingLookedAt || hit.collider.gameObject == SelectedPeg) { return; } if (hit.collider.tag == "Input" || hit.collider.tag == "Output") { StuffPlacer.RemoveOutlineFromObject(PegBeingLookedAt); // in case you look directly from one peg to another peg PegBeingLookedAt = hit.collider.gameObject; if (SelectedPeg == null && !ShowPreWiringPegOutlines) { return; } StuffPlacer.OutlineObject(PegBeingLookedAt); // play the sound only if we're in the middle of making a connection if (SelectedPeg != null) { SoundPlayer.PlaySoundAt(Sounds.ConnectionInitial, PegBeingLookedAt); } } else { StuffPlacer.RemoveOutlineFromObject(PegBeingLookedAt); PegBeingLookedAt = null; } } else { StuffPlacer.RemoveOutlineFromObject(PegBeingLookedAt); PegBeingLookedAt = null; } }
// TODO move to a better class public void PickComponent() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance, 1 << 0)) { GameObject ThingWeHit = ComponentPlacer.FullComponent(hit.collider); ObjectInfo buttcrack = ThingWeHit.GetComponent <ObjectInfo>(); if (buttcrack != null) { for (int i = 0; i < PlaceableObjectTypes.Count; i++) { if (PlaceableObjectTypes[i] == buttcrack.ComponentType) { SelectedThing = i + 1; UpdateSelectedThing(); MenuClosesIn = SelectionMenuOpenTime; return; } } } } }
public void RunNewBoardMenu() { // caching system makes sure a new board is only generated on frames where it matters if (PreviousSizeX != SizeX || CachedSizeY != SizeY) { BoardFunctions.CreateNewBoard(SizeX, SizeY); } PreviousSizeX = SizeX; CachedSizeY = SizeY; // create the menu if space or enter or V are pressed if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") || Input.GetButtonDown("Submit") || Input.GetButtonDown("BoardMenu") || Input.GetButtonDown("Confirm")) // the last check is so you can place the same new board by double tapping v { Done(); } // cancel if esc is pressed if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) { Done(true); } // tab between input fields if (Input.GetButtonDown("tab")) { if (SizeXInput.isFocused) { SizeYInput.ActivateInputField(); } else { SizeXInput.ActivateInputField(); } } if (GameplayUIManager.ScrollUp(false)) { if (Input.GetButton("Mod")) { SizeXSlider.value += 1; } else { SizeYSlider.value += 1; } } if (GameplayUIManager.ScrollDown(false)) { if (Input.GetButton("Mod")) { SizeXSlider.value -= 1; } else { SizeYSlider.value -= 1; } } // lets you rotate in the new board menu StuffPlacer.PollRotationInput(); BoardPlacer.PollForBoardRotation(); BoardPlacer.PollForBoardFlatness(); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out hit, Settings.ReachDistance)) { StuffPlacer.MoveThingBeingPlaced(hit, false, true); } }
private void RunWireHighlight() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) && State.CurrentState == States.None) { foreach (var item in Highlighted) { Highlighter.StopHighlight(item); } Highlighted.Clear(); if (Physics.Raycast(FirstPersonInteraction.Ray(), out var hit, Settings.ReachDistance) && hit.collider.tag != "CircuitBoard") { var wire = hit.collider.GetComponent <Wire>(); if (wire != null) //Clicked on wire, highlight it and both ends { HighlightWire(wire); } else { var input = hit.collider.GetComponent <CircuitInput>(); var output = hit.collider.GetComponent <CircuitOutput>(); if (input != null) //Clicked on input peg, highlight it and all wires connected to it { foreach (var item in input.IIConnections.Cast <Wire>().Concat(input.IOConnections.Cast <Wire>())) { HighlightWire(item); } } else if (output != null) //Clicked on output peg, highlight it and all wires connected to it { foreach (var item in output.GetIOConnections()) { HighlightWire(item); } } else //Clicked on component, highlight inputs and outputs and all wires connected to it { var component = ComponentPlacer.FullComponent(hit.collider); foreach (var item in Mover.GetWires(component)) { HighlightWire(item); } } } } } void HighlightWire(Wire wire) { Highlight(wire.gameObject, 0); HighlightComponent(wire.Point1); HighlightComponent(wire.Point2); } void HighlightComponent(Transform wireReference) { Highlight(wireReference.parent.gameObject, 3); if (wireReference.parent.parent?.tag != "CircuitBoard" && wireReference.parent.parent != null) { Highlight(wireReference.parent.parent.gameObject, 2); } } void Highlight(GameObject obj, int clr) { Highlighted.Add(obj); Highlighter.Highlight(obj, clr); } }