private static void DropExistingConnectionToDatabase(FinderIpDataContext context, string databaseName) { var sqlContent = Content(DropConnectionScript); var modifiedSqlScript = sqlContent.Replace("@DatabaseName", databaseName); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(modifiedSqlScript); }
private static void AddIndexes(FinderIpDataContext context, string databaseName) { context.Database.CreateIfNotExists(); var sqlContent = Content(IndexScriptLocation); var modifiedSqlScript = sqlContent.Replace("@DatabaseName", databaseName); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(modifiedSqlScript); }
public IDataContext Create(ConnectionType connetionType) { IDataContext dataContext = null; if (connetionType == ConnectionType.Ip) { dataContext = new FinderIpDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FinderIpDataContext"].ConnectionString); } return dataContext; }
public static void Seed(FinderIpDataContext context) { //DropExistingConnectionToDatabase(context, DatabaseName); //AddIndexes(context, DatabaseName); context.Add(new User { FirstName = "Test", LastName = "Admin", NewPassword = "******", ConfirmPassword = "******", Address = "Test", Email = "*****@*****.**", IdentityUserId = new System.Guid("2D3B545B-50F6-45D4-B916-23D276B3DB00"), Role = "ADMIN", isActive = true }); context.Add(new User { FirstName = "Test", LastName = "User", NewPassword = "******", ConfirmPassword = "******", Address = "Test", Email = "*****@*****.**", IdentityUserId = new System.Guid("88B34980-EDD3-420C-8387-621B629A4E9B"), Role = "USER", isActive = true }); context.Add(new Project { ProjectDescription = "Landmark" }); context.Add(new Project { ProjectDescription = "MorningStar" }); context.Add(new ProjectDetail { ProjectName = "Landmark", Status = "Red" }); context.Add(new ProjectDetail { ProjectName = "MorningStar", Status = "Green" }); context.Add(new Manager { ManagerName = "Shailendra" }); context.Add(new Manager { ManagerName = "Sulekha" }); }
public void Seed(FinderIpDataContext context) { const string roleAdmin = "Admin"; const string roleManager = "Manager"; const string roleUser = "******"; // Since the initializer is specified through web.config // not able to inject UserManager here. // TODO: Find a way to inject it. var userManager = new UserManager(); // Create role in identity DB. userManager.CreateIdentityRoleIfNotExist(roleAdmin); userManager.CreateIdentityRoleIfNotExist(roleManager); userManager.CreateIdentityRoleIfNotExist(roleUser); // Create users in identity DB. var adminMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Testadmin@123"); var managerMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Testmanager@123"); var userMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Testuser@123"); // Assign role to users. userManager.AssignRoleToUser(adminMembershipId, roleAdmin); userManager.AssignRoleToUser(managerMembershipId, roleManager); userManager.AssignRoleToUser(userMembershipId, roleUser); // Child object for an employee var contactForAdmin = new Contact { ContactId = 123, EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758738, PhoneNumber = "02382-265234", Skype = "sbirthare" }; context.Add(contactForAdmin); var cubicleLocationForAdmin = new CubicleLocation { CubicleLocationId = 234, Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-14", FloorNumber = 5 }; context.Add(cubicleLocationForAdmin); var adminUser = new Employee { EmployeeCode = "P3870", Contact = contactForAdmin, CubicleLocation = cubicleLocationForAdmin, EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Permanent, FirstName = "Shailendra", LastName = "Birthare", HighestQualification = "B.E.", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 12, TotalExperienceInMonths = 3, Gender = Gender.Male, MembershipId = adminMembershipId }; context.Add(adminUser); // OLD DATA - NEED TO GO ONCE ABOVE WORK context.Add(new Employee { EmployeeCode = "P101", FirstName = "Shivani", MiddleName = "S.", LastName = "Surana", Gender = Gender.Male, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758439, PhoneNumber = "02382-265236", Skype = "ssurana" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-18", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Permanent, HighestQualification = "C-DAC", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="ASP",Description="ASP.NET description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Silicus Lab", Description = "Silicus Labs POCs", ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 1, 10), Status = Status.Not_Started, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 5), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 6, 16), EngagementManagerId = 5, ProjectManagerId = 3, AdditionalNotes = "Project is under consideration" } }, IsActive = true }); context.Add(new Employee { EmployeeCode = "P102", FirstName = "Nikhil", MiddleName = "D.", LastName = "Darwai", Gender = Gender.Female, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758239, PhoneNumber = "02382-265230", Skype = "ndarwai" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-23", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Permanent, HighestQualification = "C-DAC", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="Java",Description="Java description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Online Reservation", Description = "All types of reservation", ProjectType = ProjectType.External, EngagementType = EngagementType.T_and_M, StartDate = new DateTime(2014, 1, 10), Status = Status.Completed, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 5), EngagementManagerId = 1, ProjectManagerId = 4, AdditionalNotes = "Project is completed" } }, IsActive = true }); context.Add(new Employee { EmployeeCode = "P103", FirstName = "Asha", MiddleName = "B.", LastName = "Bhandare", Gender = Gender.Female, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758126, PhoneNumber = "02382-265229", Skype = "abhandare" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-19", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Contract, HighestQualification = "MBA", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="Python",Description="Python description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Frameworx", Description = "Silicus internal .NET framework", ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 10), Status = Status.In_Progress, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 20), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 4), EngagementManagerId = 5, ProjectManagerId = 3, AdditionalNotes = "Project is under developement" } }, IsActive = true }); context.Add(new Employee { EmployeeCode = "P104", FirstName = "Pratik", MiddleName = "P.", LastName = "Patil", Gender = Gender.Male, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758176, PhoneNumber = "02382-124785", Skype = "ppatil" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-20", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Permanent, HighestQualification = "C-DAC", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="SalesForce",Description="SalesForce description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Provare", Description = "Online tool for conducting tests", ProjectType = ProjectType.External, EngagementType = EngagementType.T_and_M, StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 8), Status = Status.Completed, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 17), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 5, 19), EngagementManagerId = 2, ProjectManagerId = 1, AdditionalNotes = "Project is done" } }, IsActive = true }); }
public static void Seed(FinderIpDataContext context) { //DropExistingConnectionToDatabase(context, DatabaseName); //AddIndexes(context, DatabaseName); context.Add(new User { FirstName = "Test", LastName = "Admin", NewPassword = "******", ConfirmPassword = "******", Address = "Test", Email = "*****@*****.**", IdentityUserId = new System.Guid("2D3B545B-50F6-45D4-B916-23D276B3DB00"), Role = "ADMIN", isActive = true }); context.Add(new User { FirstName = "Test", LastName = "User", NewPassword = "******", ConfirmPassword = "******", Address = "Test", Email = "*****@*****.**", IdentityUserId = new System.Guid("88B34980-EDD3-420C-8387-621B629A4E9B"), Role = "USER", isActive = true }); context.Add( new Employee { FirstName = "Abhishek", MiddleName = "A.", LastName = "Jadhav", Gender = Gender.Male, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758738, PhoneNumber = "02382-265234", Skype = "ajadhav" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-14", FloorNumber = 5 }, EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Contract, HighestQualification = "B.E.", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="C#",Description="C#.NET description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "SilicusFinder", Description = "Employee Finder", ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, EngagementType = EngagementType.Time_Based, StartDate = new DateTime(2015,1,10), Status = Status.In_Progress, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2015,10,20), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2015,12,23), EngagementManagerId = 1, ProjectManagerId = 4, AdditionalNotes = "Project is developing", } } }); context.Add(new Employee { FirstName = "Shivani", MiddleName = "S.", LastName = "Surana", Gender = Gender.Male, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758439, PhoneNumber = "02382-265236", Skype = "ssurana" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-18", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Permanent, HighestQualification = "C-DAC", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="C#",Description="C#.NET description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Silicus Lab", Description = "Silicus Labs POCs", ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 1, 10), Status = Status.Not_Started, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 5), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 6, 16), EngagementManagerId = 5, ProjectManagerId = 3, AdditionalNotes = "Project is under consideration" } } }); context.Add(new Employee { FirstName = "Nikhil", MiddleName = "D.", LastName = "Darwai", Gender = Gender.Female, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758239, PhoneNumber = "02382-265230", Skype = "ndarwai" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-23", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Permanent, HighestQualification = "C-DAC", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="ASP",Description="ASP.NET description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Online Reservation", Description = "All types of reservation", ProjectType = ProjectType.External, EngagementType = EngagementType.T_and_M, StartDate = new DateTime(2014, 1, 10), Status = Status.Completed, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 5), EngagementManagerId = 1, ProjectManagerId = 4, AdditionalNotes = "Project is completed" } } }); context.Add(new Employee { FirstName = "Asha", MiddleName = "B.", LastName = "Bhandare", Gender = Gender.Female, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758126, PhoneNumber = "02382-265229", Skype = "abhandare" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-19", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Contract, HighestQualification = "MBA", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="ASP",Description="ASP.NET description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Frameworx", Description = "Silicus internal .NET framework", ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 10), Status = Status.In_Progress, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 20), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 4), EngagementManagerId = 5, ProjectManagerId = 3, AdditionalNotes = "Project is under developement" } } }); context.Add(new Employee { FirstName = "Pratik", MiddleName = "P.", LastName = "Patil", Gender = Gender.Male, Contact = new Contact { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", MobileNumber = 758176, PhoneNumber = "02382-124785", Skype = "ppatil" }, CubicleLocation = new CubicleLocation { Building = "B", DeskNumber = "5/INCB-20", FloorNumber = 5 }, //EmployeeSkillSets EmployeeType = EmployeeType.Permanent, HighestQualification = "C-DAC", ManagerRecommendation = "Well performance", SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> { new SkillSet {Name="C#",Description="C#.NET description" } }, Projects = new List<Project> { new Project { ProjectName = "Provare", Description = "Online tool for conducting tests", ProjectType = ProjectType.External, EngagementType = EngagementType.T_and_M, StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 7, 8), Status = Status.Completed, ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 17), ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 5, 19), EngagementManagerId = 2, ProjectManagerId = 1, AdditionalNotes = "Project is done" } } }); }
public void Seed(FinderIpDataContext context) { // const string roleAdmin = "Admin"; // const string roleManager = "Manager"; // const string roleUser = "******"; // // Since the initializer is specified through web.config // // not able to inject UserManager here. // // TODO: Find a way to inject it. // var userManager = new UserManager(); // // Create role in identity DB. // userManager.CreateIdentityRoleIfNotExist(roleAdmin); // userManager.CreateIdentityRoleIfNotExist(roleManager); // userManager.CreateIdentityRoleIfNotExist(roleUser); // // Create users in identity DB. // var adminMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Testadmin@123"); // var managerMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Testmanager@123"); // var userMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Testuser@123"); // var shailendraMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Shailendra@123"); // var abhishekMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Abhishek@123"); // var shivaniMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Shivani@123"); // var nikhilMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Nikhil@123"); // var pratikMembershipId = userManager.CreateUserIfNotExist("*****@*****.**", "Pratik@123"); // // Assign role to users. // userManager.AssignRoleToUser(adminMembershipId, roleAdmin); // userManager.AssignRoleToUser(managerMembershipId, roleManager); // userManager.AssignRoleToUser(userMembershipId, roleUser); // //Creating and adding Titles // var SoftwareTraineeTitle = new Title // { // Name = "Software Trainee", // }; // context.Add(SoftwareTraineeTitle); // var softwareEngineer1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Software Engineer I", // }; // context.Add(softwareEngineer1Title); // var softwareEngineer2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Software Engineer II", // }; // context.Add(softwareEngineer2Title); // var softwareEngineer3Title = new Title // { // Name = "Software Engineer III", // }; // context.Add(softwareEngineer3Title); // var softwareEngineer4Title = new Title // { // Name = "Software Engineer IV", // }; // context.Add(softwareEngineer4Title); // var SeniorSoftwareEngineerTitle = new Title // { // Name = "Senior Software Engineer", // }; // context.Add(SeniorSoftwareEngineerTitle); // var TechnicleLeadTitle = new Title // { // Name = "Technicle Lead", // }; // context.Add(TechnicleLeadTitle); // var technicalLead1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Technical Lead I", // }; // context.Add(technicalLead1Title); // var technicalLead2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Technical Lead II", // }; // context.Add(technicalLead2Title); // var technicalLead3Title = new Title // { // Name = "Technical Lead III", // }; // context.Add(technicalLead3Title); // var technicalArchitect1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Technical Architect I", // }; // context.Add(technicalArchitect1Title); // var technicalArchitect2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Technical Architect II", // }; // context.Add(technicalArchitect2Title); // var technicalArchitect3Title = new Title // { // Name = "Technical Architect III", // }; // context.Add(technicalArchitect3Title); // var technicalArchitect4Title = new Title // { // Name = "Technical Architect IV", // }; // context.Add(technicalArchitect4Title); // var seniorSoftwareEngineer1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Senior Software Engineer I", // }; // context.Add(seniorSoftwareEngineer1Title); // var seniorSoftwareEngineer2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Senior Software Engineer II", // }; // context.Add(seniorSoftwareEngineer2Title); // var seniorSoftwareEngineer3Title = new Title // { // Name = "Senior Software Engineer III", // }; // context.Add(seniorSoftwareEngineer3Title); // var QATraineeTitle = new Title // { // Name = "QA Trainee", // }; // context.Add(QATraineeTitle); // var sQAEngineer1Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Engineer I", // }; // context.Add(sQAEngineer1Title); // var sQAEngineer2Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Engineer II", // }; // context.Add(sQAEngineer2Title); // var sQAEngineer3Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Engineer III", // }; // context.Add(sQAEngineer3Title); // var sQAEngineer4Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Engineer IV", // }; // context.Add(sQAEngineer4Title); // var sQAAnalyst1Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Analyst I", // }; // context.Add(sQAAnalyst1Title); // var sQAAnalyst2Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Analyst II", // }; // context.Add(sQAAnalyst2Title); // var sQAAnalyst3Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Analyst III", // }; // context.Add(sQAAnalyst3Title); // var sQAAnalyst4Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Analyst IV", // }; // context.Add(sQAAnalyst4Title); // var sQALead1Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Lead I", // }; // context.Add(sQALead1Title); // var sQALead2Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Lead II", // }; // context.Add(sQALead2Title); // var sQALead3Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Lead III", // }; // context.Add(sQALead3Title); // var sQAManager1Title = new Title // { // Name = "SQA Manager I", // }; // context.Add(sQAManager1Title); // var projectManager1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Project Manager I", // }; // context.Add(projectManager1Title); // var projectManager2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Project Manager II", // }; // context.Add(projectManager2Title); // var projectManager3Title = new Title // { // Name = "Project Manager III", // }; // context.Add(projectManager3Title); // var BusinessAnalyst1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Business Analyst I", // }; // context.Add(BusinessAnalyst1Title); // var BusinessAnalyst2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Business Analyst II", // }; // context.Add(BusinessAnalyst2Title); // var BusinessAnalyst3Title = new Title // { // Name = "Business Analyst III", // }; // context.Add(BusinessAnalyst3Title); // var BusinessAnalyst4Title = new Title // { // Name = "Business Analyst IV", // }; // context.Add(BusinessAnalyst4Title); // var SeniorBusinessAnalyst1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Senior Business Analyst I", // }; // context.Add(SeniorBusinessAnalyst1Title); // var MicrosoftInfrastructreAndSystemCenterConsultantTitle=new Title // { // Name = "Microsoft Infrastructre and System Center Consultant", // }; // context.Add(MicrosoftInfrastructreAndSystemCenterConsultantTitle); // var FrontEndDeveloper1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Front-End Developer I", // }; // context.Add(FrontEndDeveloper1Title); // var FrontEndDeveloper2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Front-End Developer II", // }; // context.Add(FrontEndDeveloper2Title); // var FrontEndDeveloper3Title = new Title // { // Name = "Front-End Developer III", // }; // context.Add(FrontEndDeveloper3Title); // var FrontEndDeveloper4Title = new Title // { // Name = "Front-End Developer IV", // }; // context.Add(FrontEndDeveloper4Title); // var FunctionalAnalyst1Title = new Title // { // Name = "Functional Analyst I", // }; // context.Add(FunctionalAnalyst1Title); // var FunctionalAnalyst2Title = new Title // { // Name = "Functional Analyst II", // }; // context.Add(FunctionalAnalyst2Title); // //add rewards // var rewardEmployeeofTheMonth = new RewardsAndRecognition // { // RewardsAndRecognitionName = "Employee of the Month" // }; // var rewardPatonTheBack = new RewardsAndRecognition // { // RewardsAndRecognitionName = "Pat on the back" // }; // var rewardMostValuableEmployeeForProject = new RewardsAndRecognition // { // RewardsAndRecognitionName = "Most Valuable Employee For a Project" // }; // context.Add(rewardEmployeeofTheMonth); // context.Add(rewardMostValuableEmployeeForProject); // context.Add(rewardPatonTheBack); // // Child object for an employee // var contactForShailendra = new Contact // { // //ContactId = 123, // EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", // MobileNumber = 7587382510, // PhoneNumber = "02382-265234", // Skype = "sbirthare.silicus" // }; // context.Add(contactForShailendra); // var cubicleLocationForShailendra = new CubicleLocation // { // //CubicleLocationId = 234, // Building = "B", // DeskNumber = "6/INCB-19", // FloorNumber = 6 // }; // context.Add(cubicleLocationForShailendra); // var adminUser = new Employee // { // Role = roleAdmin, // EmployeeCode = "P387", // Contact = contactForShailendra, // CubicleLocation = cubicleLocationForShailendra, // EmployeeType = "*", // FirstName = "Shailendra", // LastName = "Birthare", // HighestQualification = "B.E.", // ManagerRecommendation = "Hard Working", // SilicusExperienceInMonths = 10, // TotalExperienceInMonths = 30, // Gender = Gender.Male, // MembershipId = shailendraMembershipId // }; // adminUser = AddTitle(adminUser, projectManager1Title.TitleId); // context.Add(adminUser); // var contact_Abhishek = new Contact // { // EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", // MobileNumber = 7587387845, // PhoneNumber = "02382-265234", // Skype = "ajadhav.silicus" // }; // context.Add(contact_Abhishek); // var CubicleLocation_Abhishek = new CubicleLocation // { // Building = "B", // DeskNumber = "5/INCB-14", // FloorNumber = 5 // }; // context.Add(CubicleLocation_Abhishek); // var CSharp = new SkillSet() { Name = "C#", Description = "C#.NET description" }; // var AspNet = new SkillSet() { Name = "ASP", Description = "ASP.NET description" }; // var VB = new SkillSet() { Name = "VB.NET", Description = "VB.NET description" }; // var java = new SkillSet() { Name = "Java", Description = "Java description" }; // var QA = new SkillSet() { Name="QA" , Description="QA" }; // var IOS = new SkillSet() { Name="IOS", Description="IOS"}; // var NET = new SkillSet() { Name=".NET" ,Description=".Net" }; // var NetPlc = new SkillSet() { Name=".NET PLC",Description=".Net Plc"}; // var Azure = new SkillSet() { Name="AZURE",Description="Azure"}; // var BA = new SkillSet() { Name="BA",Description="BA"}; // var CPlusPlus =new SkillSet(){Name="C++",Description="C++"}; // context.AddAll(new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp, // AspNet, // VB, // java, // QA, // IOS, // NET, // NetPlc, // Azure, // BA, // CPlusPlus // }); // var project_SilicusFinder = new Project() // { // ProjectName = "Silicus Finder", // ProjectCode = "PR01", // Description = "Employee Finder", // ProjectType = "", // EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, // Status = Status.On_Going, // StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 10), // ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 20), // ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 25), // EngagementManagerId = 1, // ProjectManagerId = 4, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp, // AspNet, // }, // AdditionalNotes = "Project is under development", // }; // var project_Provare = new Project() // { // ProjectName = "Provare", // ProjectCode = "PR02", // Description = "Online tool for conducting tests", // ProjectType = ProjectType.External, // EngagementType = EngagementType.T_and_M, // Status = Status.Completed, // StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 1, 8), // ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), // ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 15), // EngagementManagerId = 4, // ProjectManagerId = 1, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp, // AspNet, // }, // AdditionalNotes = "Project is Complete" // }; // var project_Frameworx = new Project // { // ProjectName = "Frameworx", // ProjectCode = "PR03", // Description = "Silicus internal .NET framework", // ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, // EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, // Status = Status.Completed, // StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 10, 10), // ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 2, 20), // ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 3, 1), // EngagementManagerId = 4, // ProjectManagerId = 3, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp // }, // AdditionalNotes = "Project is udergoing final testing" // }; // var project_Online_Reservation = new Project // { // ProjectName = "Online Reservation", // ProjectCode = "PR04", // Description = "Silicus internal .NET framework", // ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, // EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, // Status = Status.On_Going, // StartDate = new DateTime(2016, 1, 10), // ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 10, 20), // ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2016, 12, 4), // EngagementManagerId = 1, // ProjectManagerId = 3, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp // }, // AdditionalNotes = "under designing phase" // }; // var project_Online_Admission = new Project // { // ProjectName = "Online Admission System", // ProjectCode = "PR05", // Description = "Silicus internal .NET framework", // ProjectType = ProjectType.Internal, // EngagementType = EngagementType.Fixed_Price, // Status = Status.Completed, // StartDate = new DateTime(2014, 12, 10), // ExpectedEndDate = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20), // ActualEndDate = new DateTime(2015, 12, 4), // EngagementManagerId = 4, // ProjectManagerId = 3, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp // }, // AdditionalNotes = "Project is complete" // }; // context.AddAll(new List<Project> // { // project_Provare, // project_Frameworx, // project_SilicusFinder, // project_Online_Reservation, // project_Online_Admission // }); // var employeeAbhishek = // new Employee // { // Role = roleUser, // EmployeeCode = "P108", // FirstName = "Abhishek", // MiddleName = "A", // LastName = "Jadhav", // Gender = Gender.Male, // Contact = contact_Abhishek, // CubicleLocation = CubicleLocation_Abhishek, // EmployeeType = "*", // HighestQualification = "B.E.", // ManagerRecommendation = "Punctual", // SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, // TotalExperienceInMonths = 1, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet>() // { // CSharp, // AspNet // }, // Projects = new List<Project>() // { // project_Provare, // project_SilicusFinder // }, // IsActive = true, // MembershipId = abhishekMembershipId // }; // employeeAbhishek = AddTitle(employeeAbhishek, technicalArchitect1Title.TitleId); // context.Add(employeeAbhishek); // Contact contact_Shivani = new Contact() // { // EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", // MobileNumber = 7584392356, // PhoneNumber = "02382-265236", // Skype = "ssurana.silicus" // }; // CubicleLocation CubicleLocation_Shivani = new CubicleLocation() // { // Building = "B", // DeskNumber = "5/INCB-18", // FloorNumber = 5 // }; // var employeeShivani = // new Employee // { // Role = roleUser, // EmployeeCode = "P101", // FirstName = "Shivani", // MiddleName = "S", // LastName = "Surana", // Gender = Gender.Female, // Contact = contact_Shivani, // CubicleLocation = CubicleLocation_Shivani, // //EmployeeSkillSets // EmployeeType = "*", // HighestQualification = "C-DAC", // ManagerRecommendation = "Hard working", // SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, // TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp // }, // IsActive = true, // MembershipId = shivaniMembershipId // }; // employeeShivani = AddTitle(employeeShivani, projectManager1Title.TitleId); // context.Add(employeeShivani); // var contact_Nikhil = new Contact // { // EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", // MobileNumber = 7582395975, // PhoneNumber = "02382-265230", // Skype = "ndarwai.silicus" // }; // context.Add(contact_Nikhil); // var cubicalLocation_Nikhil = new CubicleLocation // { // Building = "B", // DeskNumber = "5/INCB-23", // FloorNumber = 5 // }; // context.Add(cubicalLocation_Nikhil); // var employeeNikhil = new Employee // { // Role = roleUser, // EmployeeCode = "P102", // FirstName = "Nikhil", // MiddleName = "D", // LastName = "Darwai", // Gender = Gender.Male, // Contact = contact_Nikhil, // CubicleLocation = cubicalLocation_Nikhil, // //EmployeeSkillSets // EmployeeType = "*", // HighestQualification = "C-DAC", // ManagerRecommendation = "Has good knowledge about Angular js", // SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, // TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // CSharp // }, // Projects = new List<Project> // { // project_Provare // }, // MembershipId = nikhilMembershipId // }; // employeeNikhil = AddTitle(employeeNikhil, projectManager1Title.TitleId); // context.Add(employeeNikhil); // var contact_pratik = new Contact // { // EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", // MobileNumber = 7581761426, // PhoneNumber = "02382-124785", // Skype = "ppatil.silicus" // }; // context.Add(contact_pratik); // var cubicleLocation_pratik = new CubicleLocation // { // Building = "B", // DeskNumber = "5/INCB-20", // FloorNumber = 5 // }; // context.Add(cubicleLocation_pratik); // var employeePratik = // new Employee // { // Role = roleUser, // EmployeeCode = "P104", // FirstName = "Pratik", // MiddleName = "P", // LastName = "Patil", // Gender = Gender.Male, // Contact = contact_pratik, // CubicleLocation = cubicleLocation_pratik, // //EmployeeSkillSets // EmployeeType = "*", // HighestQualification = "C-DAC", // ManagerRecommendation = "Good problem solving capability", // SilicusExperienceInMonths = 4, // TotalExperienceInMonths = 4, // SkillSets = new List<SkillSet> // { // VB // }, // Projects = new List<Project> // { // project_Online_Reservation // }, // IsActive = true, // MembershipId = pratikMembershipId // }; // employeePratik = AddTitle(employeePratik, softwareEngineer1Title.TitleId); // context.Add(employeePratik); //} //private Employee AddTitle(Employee newEmployee, int titleId) //{ // newEmployee.EmployeeTitles = new List<EmployeeTitles>(); // newEmployee.EmployeeTitles.Add( // new EmployeeTitles // { // TitleId = titleId, // IsCurrent = true // }); // return newEmployee; //} //private static void AddIndexes(FinderIpDataContext context, string databaseName) //{ // context.Database.CreateIfNotExists(); // var sqlContent = Content(IndexScriptLocation); // var modifiedSqlScript = sqlContent.Replace("@DatabaseName", databaseName); // context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(modifiedSqlScript); //} //private static void DropExistingConnectionToDatabase(FinderIpDataContext context, string databaseName) //{ // var sqlContent = Content(DropConnectionScript); // var modifiedSqlScript = sqlContent.Replace("@DatabaseName", databaseName); // context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(modifiedSqlScript); //} //private static string Content(string fileLocation) //{ // using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(fileLocation)) // { // if (stream == null) // { // return string.Empty; // } // var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream); // return streamReader.ReadToEnd(); // } }