Exemple #1
        //Main code for creating chart.
        //Note: the argument img is unused because this demo only has 1 chart.
        public void createChart(WinChartViewer WebChartViewer1, string img, int stockId, int timeFrameId, DateTime fromDt, DateTime toDt, int ballSize, int chartWidth, int chartHeighth, int priceType)
            var stock = (from s in dataContext.stocks
                         where s.id == stockId
                         select s).FirstOrDefault();

            if (stock == null)
                errMsg(WebChartViewer1, "Инструмент не найден");

            var quotes = (from q in dataContext.volquotes
                          where q.stock == stockId &&
                          q.timeframe == timeFrameId &&
                          q.datetime >= fromDt &&
                          q.datetime <= toDt.AddDays(1)
                          orderby q.datetime ascending
                          select q);

            VolQuotesLst = quotes.ToList();

            if (quotes == null || quotes.Count() == 0)
                errMsg(WebChartViewer1, "Данные отсутствуют");

            var ValueAtRisk_dt = from ml in dataContext.valueatrisk
                                 where ml.stock == stockId &&
                                 ml.timeframe == timeFrameId &&
                                 ml.datetime >= fromDt &&
                                 ml.datetime <= toDt.AddDays(1)
                                 select ml;

            ValueAtRiskLst = ValueAtRisk_dt.ToList();

            var timeFrame = (from t in dataContext.timeframes
                             where t.id == timeFrameId
                             select t).FirstOrDefault();

            if (timeFrame == null)
                errMsg(WebChartViewer1, "Тайм фрейм отсутствуют");

            string tickerKey = stock.ticker.Trim();

            // The data series we want to get.
            if (!getData(fromDt, toDt))
                errMsg(WebChartViewer1, "Инструмент не найден");


            // Create the chart object using the selected size
            FinanceChart m = new FinanceChart(chartWidth);

            string[] monthNames = { "Янв", "Фев", "Мар", "Апр", "Май", "Июн", "Июл", "Авг", "Сен", "Окт", "Ноя", "Дек" };

                                 "<*font=bold*>{value|mmm yy}",
                                 "<*font=bold*>{value|d mmm}",
                                 "<*font=bold*>{value|d mmm<*br*>h:nna}",

            // Set the data into the chart object
            m.setData(timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData, VolumeData,

            // We configure the title of the chart. In this demo chart design, we put the
            // company name as the top line of the title with left alignment.
            m.addPlotAreaTitle(Chart.TopLeft, tickerKey);
            m.addPlotAreaTitle(Chart.BottomLeft, "<*font=Arial,size=8*>" + m.formatValue(
                                   fromDt, "dd MMM, yyyy") + " - " + m.formatValue(
                                   toDt, "dd MMM, yyyy"));

            // A copyright message at the bottom left corner the title area
                               " ");

            int mainHeight      = 450;
            int indicatorHeight = 110;

            // Add the main chart
            XYChart MainChart = m.addMainChart(mainHeight);

            m.addBarIndicator(indicatorHeight * 2, ValueAtRisk_Data, 0x0066ff, "Value-At-Risk");


            m.addCandleStick(0x33ff33, 0xff3333);
            m.addVolBars(indicatorHeight, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0xc0c0c0);

            // Output the chart
            WebChartViewer1.Image = m.makeImage();