public void ShouldPrintEachReasonWithCount()
            var target = new FilteredMutantsLogger(_loggerMock.Object);

            var folder = new CsharpFolderComposite();

            folder.Add(new CsharpFileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored, ResultStatusReason = "In excluded file"
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored, ResultStatusReason = "In excluded file"
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored, ResultStatusReason = "Mutator excluded"
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored, ResultStatusReason = "Mutator excluded"
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored, ResultStatusReason = "Mutator excluded"
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.CompileError, ResultStatusReason = "CompileError"
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored, ResultStatusReason = "In excluded file"
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.NotRun


            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "1     mutants got status CompileError. Reason: CompileError", Times.Once);
            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "3     mutants got status Ignored.      Reason: In excluded file", Times.Once);
            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "3     mutants got status Ignored.      Reason: Mutator excluded", Times.Once);
            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "7     total mutants are skipped for the above mentioned reasons", Times.Once);
            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "1     total mutants will be tested", Times.Once);
        public void ShouldPrintNoMutations()
            var target = new FilteredMutantsLogger(_loggerMock.Object);

            var folder = new CsharpFolderComposite();

            folder.Add(new CsharpFileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()


            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "0     total mutants will be tested", Times.Once);
        public void ShouldPrintIgnoredStatus()
            var target = new FilteredMutantsLogger(_loggerMock.Object);

            var folder = new CsharpFolderComposite();

            folder.Add(new CsharpFileLeaf()
                Mutants = new Collection <Mutant>()
                    new Mutant()
                        ResultStatus = MutantStatus.Ignored, ResultStatusReason = "In excluded file"


            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "1     mutants got status Ignored.      Reason: In excluded file", Times.Once);
            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "1     total mutants are skipped for the above mentioned reasons", Times.Once);
            _loggerMock.Verify(LogLevel.Information, "0     total mutants will be tested", Times.Once);