Exemple #1
        public SalaryPost GetSalaries(FilterBag filters)
            List<int> programIDs;

            if(String.IsNullOrEmpty( filters.FieldOfStudy ))
                programIDs = db.Programs.Select(program => program.id).ToList();
                var query = db.Programs.Where(program => program.name.Contains(filters.FieldOfStudy));
                programIDs = query.Select(program => program.id).ToList();

            List<int> salaries;
            var salaryQuery = db.GradPlacements.Where(grad => grad.placementSalary != null
                                                      && grad.placementSalary > 1000
                                                      && programIDs.Contains(grad.Program.id));
            salaryQuery = salaryQuery.OrderBy(grad => grad.placementSalary);
            salaries = salaryQuery.Select(grad => (int)grad.placementSalary).ToList();

            // Do not display any statistic information unless there are at least 5 control points
            if(salaries.Count < 5)
                return null;

            int median = (int)salaries.Median();
            int mean = (int)salaries.Average();
            double stdDev = salaries.StandardDeviation();

            return new SalaryPost() { Source = "RIT", Average = mean, Median = median, StandardDeviation = stdDev };
Exemple #2
        public Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>> GetAlumni(FilterBag filters)
            Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>> alumni = new Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>>();
            alumni.Add("Microsoft", new List<AlumniPost>()
                new AlumniPost(){
                    FieldOfStudy="Software Engineering",
                    Location=new Location(){State="WA", City="Bellevue"},
                    Name="Colton Presler"
                new AlumniPost(){
                    FieldOfStudy="Software Engineering",
                    Location=new Location(){State="WA", City="Bellevue"},
                    Name="Chris Rosen"
                new AlumniPost(){
                    FieldOfStudy="Software Engineering",
                    Location=new Location(){State="WA", City="Bellevue"},
                    Name="David Lamont"
                new AlumniPost(){
                    FieldOfStudy="Computer Science",
                    Location=new Location(){State="WA", City="Bellevue"},
                    Name="Dan Corrigan"
            alumni.Add("Microsoft Game Studios", new List<AlumniPost>());

            return alumni;
Exemple #3
        //Please refer to http://www.dice.com/common//content/util/apidoc/jobsearch.html for more info.
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a URI pertaining to the filters and parameters specified to query the Dice.Com REST JSON API. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filters">The filters specific to a particular job search.</param>
        /// <param name="Page">Page of results.</param>
        /// <param name="ResultsPerPage">The number of results you want to be returned each time this method is called.</param>
        /// <returns>A string representing the URI for a REST query.</returns> 
        public String BuildQuery( FilterBag filters , int Page , int ResultsPerPage )
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( );

            //add job search api .
            builder.Append( "http://service.dice.com/api/rest/jobsearch/v1/simple.xml?country=US&sd=a&sort=1&pgcnt="+ResultsPerPage +"&page="+Page );

            String text="&text="; //since this is perhaps the only field we have available aside from location and skill, everything is going to have to be added here.
            if ( filters.CompanyName != "" )
                text+= filters.CompanyName+" " ;
            if ( filters.FieldOfStudy != "" )
                text+=filters.FieldOfStudy+" ";
                builder.Append( "&skill="+filters.FieldOfStudy );
            if ( filters.JobTitle != "" )
                text+= filters.JobTitle+" ";
                builder.Append( "&skill="+filters.Keyword );
            if ( filters.Keyword != "" )
                text+= filters.Keyword +" ";
            if (filters.Location!=null && (filters.Location.City != "" || filters.Location.State != "" ||filters.Location.ZipCode !="" ))
                builder.Append( "&city="+ filters.Location.City + ", "+ filters.Location.State +" " +filters.Location.ZipCode );
            if ( !text.Equals( "&text=" ) )
                builder.Append( text );
            return builder.ToString( );
        protected void gridView_CustomCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e)
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SPlanetUtil.GetConnectionString()))
                    //Create array of Parameters
                    List <SqlParameter> arrParm = new List <SqlParameter>
                        new SqlParameter("@search_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200)
                            Value = ""
                        new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
                            Value = 0
                    dsResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(conn, "sp_supplier_branch_list", arrParm.ToArray());
                    ViewState["dsResult"] = dsResult;

                //Bind data into GridView
                gridView.DataSource       = dsResult;
                gridView.FilterExpression = FilterBag.GetExpression(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErrorMsg = SPlanetUtil.LogErrorCollect(ex);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + strErrorMsg + "');", true);
Exemple #5
        public static String BuildQuery( FilterBag FilterDict , int Page , int ResultsPerPage )
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( );

            builder.Append( "http://localhost:57215/api/SymplicityJobs/GetPage/?PageNum="+Page+"&ResultsPerPage="+ResultsPerPage );
            String Location ="NONE";
            String Keyword="NONE";
            String JobTitle ="NONE";
            String Employer="NONE";

            if ( FilterDict.CompanyName != "" )
                Employer = FilterDict.CompanyName;
            if ( FilterDict.FieldOfStudy != "" )
                Keyword= FilterDict.FieldOfStudy;
            if ( FilterDict.JobTitle != "" )
                JobTitle = FilterDict.JobTitle;
            if ( FilterDict.Keyword != "" )
                Keyword = FilterDict.Keyword;
            if ( FilterDict.Location!=null && ( FilterDict.Location.City != "" || FilterDict.Location.State != "" ||FilterDict.Location.ZipCode !="" ) )
                Location = FilterDict.Location.City + ", "+ FilterDict.Location.State +" " +FilterDict.Location.ZipCode;

            builder.Append( "&Location="+Location+"&Keyword="+Keyword+"&JobTitle="+JobTitle+"&Employer="+Employer );
            return builder.ToString( );
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Asyncronously grap a set of job postings based off of the given filters and page number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filters">The filters that the module should use to query</param>
        /// <param name="page">What page number of results to grab</param>
        /// <returns>The job postings</returns>
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs( FilterBag filters , int page , int resultsPerPage )
            List<JobPost> jobsToReturn = new List<JobPost>( );

            //build the URI query
            string request = BuildQuery( filters , page , resultsPerPage );

            //get the raw JSON data
            WebClient wc  = new WebClient( );
            JArray JobPosts = JArray.Parse( wc.DownloadString( request ) );

            //Process It into JobPost objects
            foreach ( var jobPost in JobPosts )
                JobPost post = new JobPost( );
                post.URL = "https://arizona-csm.symplicity.com/sso/students/index.php?mode=form&id="+jobPost["SymplicityJobID"]+"&s=jobs&ss=jobs";
                post.SourceModule =source;
                post.DatePosted = DateTime.Parse( jobPost["PostingDate"].ToString( ) );
                post.JobTitle = jobPost["JobTitle"].ToString( );
                string[] location = jobPost["Location"].ToString( ).Split( new char[] { ',' } );
                post.Location = new Location
                    State= location[1].Trim( ) ,
                    City= location[0].Trim( ) ,
                post.Company = jobPost["Employer"].ToString( );
                post.Description =  jobPost["Description"].ToString( );
                post.FieldOfStudy = null;
                post.Salary =  jobPost["SalaryLevel"].ToString( );
                jobsToReturn.Add( post );
            return jobsToReturn;
Exemple #7
 static DemoUtils()
     DashboardFilter = new FilterBag("Dashboard", CreateDashboardStandardFilters());
     CustomerFilter  = new FilterBag("Customer", CreateCustomerStandardFilters(), "Name", "BillingAddress.Line", "BillingAddress.City");
     EmployeeFilter  = new FilterBag("Employee", CreateEmployeeStandardFilters(), "FirstName", "LastName", "Title");
     TaskFilter      = new FilterBag("Task", CreateTaskStandardFilters(), "Subject", "Description", "AssignedEmployee.FirstName", "AssignedEmployee.LastName");
     ProductFilter   = new FilterBag("Product", CreateProductStandardFilters(), "Name");
Exemple #8
        private QueryBag(string queryString, UserData userData)
            UserData = userData;
            var filterParser = new FilterParser();

            FilterBag = filterParser.Parse(queryString);
            var sortParser = new SortParser();

            SortBag = sortParser.Parse(queryString);
Exemple #9
        public Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>> GetAlumni(FilterBag filters)
            Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>> alumni = new Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>>();

            if (filters.IsEmpty())
                return alumni;

            // Use a dictionary of module to bool so each module can mark when it's complete,
            // this is used incase of a timeout so it can be determined which module did not complete.
            Dictionary<IAlumniModule, bool> moduleCompleted = new Dictionary<IAlumniModule, bool>();
            foreach(IAlumniModule module in modules)
                moduleCompleted.Add(module, false);

            object lockObject = new Object();

            var timeout = 5000; // 5 seconds
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t = new Timer(_ => cts.Cancel(), null, timeout, -1);

                    new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = cts.Token },
                    (module) =>
                            Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>> partialJobs = module.GetAlumni(filters);
                            lock (lockObject)
                                moduleCompleted[module] = true;
                                alumni = alumni.Concat(partialJobs).ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Value);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // The module failed. Not a system failure but the user should be notified
                            // we need to create a mechanism to actually notify them and call it here

                // This is where we should notify the user that a source timed out
                // The source can be determined by looking at the dictionary moduleCompleted
            return PostProcessAlumni(alumni);
Exemple #10
        public List<HousingPost> GetHousing(FilterBag filters, int page, int resultsPerPage)
            var query = dbConext.HousingReviews.AsQueryable();
                query = query.Where(review =>
                    review.Description.Contains(filters.Keyword) ||

            List<HousingPost> reviews = query.Select(review => new HousingPost()
                  ID = review.Id,
                  Title = review.Title,
                  DatePosted = (DateTime)review.DateTime,
                  Description = review.Description,
                  Rating = (int)review.Rating,
                  Location = new Data_Types.Location()
                      City = review.HousingLocation.City,
                      State = review.HousingLocation.State,
                      ZipCode = review.HousingLocation.ZipCode,
                      Longitude = review.HousingLocation.Longitude ?? 0,
                      Latitude = review.HousingLocation.Latitude ?? 0
                  PostedBy = review.SubmittedBy

            if(filters.Location != null)
                reviews = reviews.Where(review =>
                    double lat1 = (Math.PI / 180) * filters.Location.Latitude;
                    double lat2 = (Math.PI / 180) * review.Location.Latitude;
                    double lon1 = (Math.PI / 180) * filters.Location.Longitude;
                    double lon2 = (Math.PI / 180) * review.Location.Longitude;
                    double dlat = lat2 - lat1;
                    double dlon = lon2 - lon1;
                    double a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlat / 2), 2) +
                               Math.Cos(lat1) *
                               Math.Cos(lat2) *
                               Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dlon / 2), 2);
                    double c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));
                    double dist = 3961 * c;
                    return dist < 50;

            reviews = reviews.OrderByDescending(review => review.Rating).ToList();
            reviews = reviews.Skip(page * resultsPerPage).Take(resultsPerPage).ToList();

            return reviews;
Exemple #11
        public List<SalaryPost> GetSalaries(FilterBag filters)
            List<SalaryPost> salaries = new List<SalaryPost>();

            // Use a dictionary of module to bool so each module can mark when it's complete,
            // this is used incase of a timeout so it can be determined which module did not complete.
            Dictionary<ISalaryModule, bool> moduleCompleted = new Dictionary<ISalaryModule, bool>();
            foreach (ISalaryModule module in modules)
                moduleCompleted.Add(module, false);

            object lockObject = new Object();

            var timeout = 5000; // 5 seconds
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t = new Timer(_ => cts.Cancel(), null, timeout, -1);

                    new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = cts.Token },
                    (module) =>
                            SalaryPost salaryPartial = module.GetSalaries(filters);
                            lock (lockObject)
                                moduleCompleted[module] = true;
                                if(salaryPartial != null)
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // The module failed. Not a system failure but the user should be notified
                            // we need to create a mechanism to actually notify them and call it here

                // This is where we should notify the user that a source timed out
                // The source can be determined by looking at the dictionary moduleCompleted
            return PostProcessSalaries(salaries);
Exemple #12
        public List<HousingPost> GetHousing(FilterBag filters, int page, int resultsPerPage)
            List<HousingPost> houses = new List<HousingPost>();

            // Use a dictionary of module to bool so each module can mark when it's complete,
            // this is used incase of a timeout so it can be determined which module did not complete.
            Dictionary<IHousingModule, bool> moduleCompleted = new Dictionary<IHousingModule, bool>();
            foreach (IHousingModule module in modules)
                moduleCompleted.Add(module, false);

            object lockObject = new Object();

            var timeout = 5000; // 5 seconds
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var t = new System.Threading.Timer(_ => cts.Cancel(), null, timeout, -1);

                    new ParallelOptions { CancellationToken = cts.Token },
                    (module) =>
                            List<HousingPost> partialJobs = module.GetHousing(filters, page, resultsPerPage);
                            lock (lockObject)
                                moduleCompleted[module] = true;
                        catch (Exception)
                            // The module failed. Not a system failure but the user should be notified
                            // we need to create a mechanism to actually notify them and call it here

            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                // This is where we should notify the user that a source timed out
                // The source can be determined by looking at the dictionary moduleCompleted
            return PostProcessHousing(houses);
Exemple #13
        public FilterBag Parse(string pattern)
            var bag        = new FilterBag();
            var candidates = pattern.Split("&").ToList();

            candidates.ForEach(candidate =>
                FilterParam filterParam;
                if (IsFilterParam(candidate) && !bag.IsPresent(filterParam = Convert(candidate)))
        protected void BindGrid(bool isForceRefreshData = false)
                if (!Page.IsPostBack || isForceRefreshData)
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SPlanetUtil.GetConnectionString()))
                        //Create array of Parameters
                        List <SqlParameter> arrParm = new List <SqlParameter>
                            new SqlParameter("@user_id", SqlDbType.Int)
                                Value = ConstantClass.SESSION_USER_ID
                            new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
                                Value = 0
                            new SqlParameter("@search_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200)
                                Value = ""
                            new SqlParameter("@service_type", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)
                                Value = ConstantClass.SESSION_DEPARTMENT_SERVICE_TYPE
                            // new SqlParameter("@customer_id", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = 0 },

                        dsResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(conn, "sp_quotation_header_list", arrParm.ToArray());
                        Session["SESSION_QUOTATION_LIST"] = dsResult;

                //Bind data into GridView
                gridView.DataSource       = dsResult;
                gridView.FilterExpression = FilterBag.GetExpression(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErrorMsg = SPlanetUtil.LogErrorCollect(ex);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + strErrorMsg + "');", true);
Exemple #15
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs(FilterBag filters, int page, int resultsPerModule)
            if (filters.IsEmpty())
                return new List<JobPost>();

            List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
            List<List<JobPost>> jobs = new List<List<JobPost>>();
            object lockObject = new object();

            foreach(IJobModule module in modules)
                Task task = new Task(() =>
                            List<JobPost> moduleJobs = module.GetJobs(filters, page, resultsPerModule);
                            lock (lockObject)
                        catch (Exception)
                            // The module failed. Not a system failure but the user should be notified
                            // we need to create a mechanism to actually notify them and call it here

            Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray(), MaxWaitTime * 1000);

            // Create a copy of jobs incase a module finishes late and tries to modifiy the
            // collection while we're still using it.
            List<List<JobPost>> duplicatedJobs = new List<List<JobPost>>(jobs);

            if (ConfigLoader.JobConfig.RemoveDuplicatePosts)
                RemoveDuplicateJobs(duplicatedJobs, page);

            return PostProcessJobs(duplicatedJobs); ;
Exemple #16
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs(FilterBag filters, int page, int resultsPerPage)
            /*if (filters.Count == 0)
                return new List<JobPost>();

            using (var client = new WebClient())
                string xml = client.DownloadString(new Uri(auth));

            return new List<JobPost>();*/
            LinkedInTempData tempData = new LinkedInTempData();
            LinkedInJobPost.LinkedInResult results = tempData.getDummyData();

            return LinkedInResultToJobPosts(results);
Exemple #17
        protected void gridView_CustomCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e)
            var dsResult = new DataSet();

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SPlanetUtil.GetConnectionString()))
                    //Create array of Parameters
                    List <SqlParameter> arrParm = new List <SqlParameter>
                        new SqlParameter("@user_id", SqlDbType.Int)
                            Value = ConstantClass.SESSION_USER_ID
                        new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
                            Value = 0
                        new SqlParameter("@search_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200)
                            Value = e.Parameters.ToString()

                    dsResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(conn, "sp_sale_order_header_list", arrParm.ToArray());
                    Session["SESSION_SALE_ORDER_LIST"] = dsResult;

                //Bind data into GridView
                gridView.DataSource       = dsResult;
                gridView.FilterExpression = FilterBag.GetExpression(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErrorMsg = SPlanetUtil.LogErrorCollect(ex);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + strErrorMsg + "');", true);
Exemple #18
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs( FilterBag filters , int page , int resultsPerPage )
            List<JobPost> jobsToReturn = new List<JobPost>( );

            if (filters.IsEmpty())
                return jobsToReturn;

            string request = builder.BuildQuery( filters , page , resultsPerPage );

            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load( request );
            IEnumerable<XElement> results = doc.Descendants( "ResponseJobSearch" ).Single( ).Descendants( "Results" ).Single( ).Descendants( "JobSearchResult" );

            foreach ( var jobPost in results )
                JobPost post = new JobPost( );

                post.URL = jobPost.Element( "JobDetailsURL" ).Value;
                post.SourceModule =source;
                post.DatePosted = DateTime.Parse( jobPost.Element( "PostedDate" ).Value );
                post.JobTitle = jobPost.Element( "JobTitle" ).Value;

                //this field is returned as "MN - Plymouth", so split by values
                string[] location = jobPost.Element( "Location" ).Value.Split( new char[] { '-' } );
                post.Location = new Location
                    State= location[0].Trim( ) ,
                    City= location[1].Trim( ) ,
                //if the company name is empty, fill with city and state (there are some posts with an empty company name)
                post.Company = jobPost.Element( "Company" ).Value==""?location[1]+" , "+location[0]:jobPost.Element( "Company" ).Value;
                post.Description =  jobPost.Element( "DescriptionTeaser" ).Value;
                post.FieldOfStudy = null;
                post.Salary =  jobPost.Element( "Pay" ).Value;
                jobsToReturn.Add( post );

            return jobsToReturn;
        //Please refer to http://api.careerbuilder.com/Search/jobsearch/jobsearchinfo.aspx for more info.
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilterDict"></param>
        /// <param name="Page"></param>
        /// <param name="ResultsPerPage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String BuildQuery( FilterBag filters , int Page , int ResultsPerPage )
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( );

            //add job search api and required dev key.
            builder.Append( "http://api.careerbuilder.com/v1/jobsearch?DeveloperKey=WDHV0RV6Q60BJ3WD2H15&PerPage="+ResultsPerPage +"&PageNumber="+ (Page+1).ToString() );

            builder = FieldOfStudyConverter( filters.FieldOfStudy.ToString( ), builder ) ;
                    /* case Field.EducationCode:
                            case "Not Specified":
                                builder.Append( "&EducationCode=DRNS");
                            case "None":
                                builder.Append( "&EducationCode=DR3210");
                            case "High School":
                                builder.Append( "&EducationCode=DR3211");
                            case "2 Year Degree":
                                builder.Append( "&EducationCode=DR321");
                            case "4 Year Degree":
                                builder.Append( "&EducationCode=DR32");
                            case "Graduate Degree":
                                builder.Append( "&EducationCode=DR3");
                            case "Doctorate":
                                builder.Append( "&EducationCode=DR");
                                break; */
            return builder.ToString( );
Exemple #20
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs( FilterBag filters , int page , int resultsPerPage )
            List<JobPost> jobsToReturn = new List<JobPost>( );

            string request = builder.BuildQuery( filters , page , resultsPerPage );

            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load( request );
            IEnumerable<XElement> results = doc.Descendants( "result" ).Single( ).Descendants( "resultItemList" ).Single( ).Descendants( "resultItem" );

            foreach ( var jobPost in results )
                JobPost post = new JobPost( );

                post.Company = jobPost.Element( "company" ).Value;
                post.URL = jobPost.Element( "detailUrl" ).Value;
                post.SourceModule =source;
                post.DatePosted = DateTime.Parse( jobPost.Element( "date" ).Value );
                post.JobTitle = jobPost.Element( "jobTitle" ).Value;
                //this field is returned as "San Ramon, CA", so split by values
                string[] location = jobPost.Element( "location" ).Value.Split( new char[] { ',' } );
                post.Location = new Location
                    State= location[1].Trim( ) ,
                    City= location[0].Trim( ) ,
                //Dice_Module doesn't even give a teaser...so I'm faking one.
                post.Description =  jobPost.Element( "company" ).Value +" is looking for a " +jobPost.Element( "jobTitle" ).Value;
                post.FieldOfStudy = null;
                post.Salary =  null;
                jobsToReturn.Add( post );

            return jobsToReturn;
Exemple #21
        public static String BuildQuery( FilterBag filters , int Page , int ResultsPerPage )
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( );
            ResultsPerPage = ResultsPerPage<=50?ResultsPerPage:50;
            Page = (Int32)( Page*( (Double)ResultsPerPage/50.0 ) ); //returns 50 pages
            builder.Append( "http://jobs.github.com/positions.json?markdown=false&page="+Page );
            String description ="";

            if ( filters.CompanyName != "" )
                description+= filters.CompanyName+", ";

            if ( filters.FieldOfStudy != "" )
                description+=  filters.FieldOfStudy+", ";

            if ( filters.JobTitle != "" )
                description+=  filters.JobTitle+", ";

            if ( filters.JobType.ToString( )=="FullTime" )
                builder.Append( "&full_time=true" );
            else if ( filters.JobType.ToString( )!="" )
                description+=filters.JobType.ToString( )+",";

            if ( filters.Keyword != "" )
                if ( filters.Keyword == "full time" )
                    builder.Append( "&full_time=true" );
                    description+= filters.Keyword+",";

            if ( filters.Location!=null && ( filters.Location.City != "" || filters.Location.State != "" ||filters.Location.ZipCode !="" ) )
                builder.Append( "&location="+ ( filters.Location.City??"" ) + ", "+ ( filters.Location.State??"" ) +" " +( filters.Location.ZipCode??"" ) );

            if ( description!="" )
                builder.Append( "&description="+description );

            return builder.ToString( );
Exemple #22
        public string buildQuery(FilterBag filterbag, int page, int resultsPerPage)
            // String builder, (arguably) more efficient than concatenating strings
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            // The required base for all requests
            builder.Append(Constants.INDEED_REQUEST_BASE);      //TODO: This should come from configuration
            builder.Append("&start=" + page * resultsPerPage);

            builder.Append(keywordConverter(filterbag.Keyword, filterbag.JobTitle, filterbag.CompanyName, filterbag.FieldOfStudy));

               // string ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
            //string agent = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser;

            // Required tags
            builder.Append(FORMAT_TAG);                                 // The result comes back in JSON format
            builder.Append(limitConverter(Constants.RESULT_LIMIT));     // The limit of # of results returned
            builder.Append(useripConverter(USER_IP));                   // The IP of the current user, for Indeed metrics
            builder.Append(useragentConverter(USER_AGENT));             // The browser of the current user, for Indeed metrics
            builder.Append(VERSION_TAG);                                // Version of the API, currently v.2
            builder.Append( JobTypeConverter( filterbag.JobType.ToString( ) ) );
            return builder.ToString();
Exemple #23
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs(FilterBag filterbag, int page, int resultsPerPage)
            // Short circuit if there are no filters specified
            if (  filterbag.IsEmpty()  ) {  return new List<JobPost>();   }

            // Will try and build an Indeed API request from the given set of filters. Catches and logs any problems
            string request = "";
                // Build the request based on filters
                request = builder.buildQuery(filterbag, page, resultsPerPage);

                // If the request comes back empty, something bad happened
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(request)) { throw new ArgumentException(); }


            // The built request is, for some reason, empty or null. Return empty results list
            catch (ArgumentException argex)
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) Error in IndeedQueryBuilder caused API request string to be empty or null.");
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log(filterbag.ToString() + "\n Page=" + page + "\n resultsPerPage=" + resultsPerPage);
                return new List<JobPost>();

            // An unknown exception was thrown when trying to build the request. The request string
            // is empty now, so there's no point trying to continue (since it will return an empty list anyway)
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) Exception caught while building Indeed Query: " + e.Message);
                Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log(filterbag.ToString() + "\n Page=" + page + "\n resultsPerPage=" + resultsPerPage);
                return new List<JobPost>();

            IndeedResult iResult;   // Raw Indeed results
            using (var client = new WebClient())
                string json = client.DownloadString(request);   // Issues a Get to the Indeed API with the request string


                    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    iResult = serializer.Deserialize<IndeedResult>(json);   // Parses JSON result into C# Indeed data object

                    // The raw Indeed results are null... something very bad happened!
                    if (null == iResult) { throw new ArgumentException();}

                    // This is used to make sure that if a higher page is requested than Indeed has,
                    // then the last several posts don't keep getting returned (fixed bug)
                    int startpost = resultsPerPage * page;

                    return IndeedResultToJobPosts(iResult, startpost); // Parses C# Indeed data object into a list of JobPosts


                // iResult is null, which means something went very wrong. Return an empty job list
                catch (ArgumentException argex)
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) An error occured when parsing Indeed JSON into iResult, resulting in iResult being null: " + argex.Message);
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) JSON: \n" + json);
                    return new List<JobPost>();

                // An unknown exception occured
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) An exception occured when parsing Indeed JSON into iResult: " + e.Message);
                    Logging.JobSaltLogger.Instance.log("(Indeed) JSON: \n" + json);
                    return new List<JobPost>();
Exemple #24
 public Task<List<JobPost>> GetJobsAsync(FilterBag filters, int page, int resultsPerModule)
     HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
     Task<List<JobPost>> task = new Task<List<JobPost>>(() =>
             HttpContext.Current = context;
             return GetJobs(filters, page, resultsPerModule);
     return task;
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Asyncronously grap a set of job postings based off of the given filters and page number.
        /// https://jobs.github.com/api
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filters">The filters that the module should use to query</param>
        /// <param name="page">What page number of results to grab</param>
        /// <returns>The job postings</returns>
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs( FilterBag filters , int page , int resultsPerPage )
            resultsPerPage = ( ( resultsPerPage<=50?resultsPerPage:50 )>=1?( resultsPerPage<=50?resultsPerPage:50 ):1 );
            int startIndex = ( resultsPerPage*page )<50? ( resultsPerPage*page ):49;
            //int stopIndex = startIndex + resultsPerPage-1 <=50? startIndex + resultsPerPage-1 :50;
            List<JobPost> jobsToReturn = new List<JobPost>( );

            //build the URI query
            string request = BuildQuery( filters , page , resultsPerPage );

            //get the raw JSON data
            WebClient wc  = new WebClient( );
            JArray JobPosts = JArray.Parse( wc.DownloadString( request ) );

            //Process It into JobPost objects
            foreach (JToken jobPost in JobPosts)

                    JobPost post = new JobPost( );
                    post.SourceModule =source;

                    post.URL = jobPost["url"].ToString( );

                    //parse date into proper format
                    String date = jobPost["created_at"].ToString().Replace("UTC ", "");
                    post.DatePosted = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy", null);

                    //job title
                    post.JobTitle = jobPost["title"].ToString( );

                    String[] location = jobPost["location"].ToString( ).Split( new char[] { ',' } );
                    if ( location.Length>=2 )
                        post.Location = new Location
                            State= location[1].Trim( ) ,
                            City= location[0].Trim( ) ,
                    else if ( location.Length==1 )
                        post.Location = new Location
                        { City=location[0], State=null,ZipCode=null
                        post.Location = new Location
                            City=null ,
                            State=null ,

                    post.Company = jobPost["company"].ToString( );

                    string temp =jobPost["description"].ToString( );
                    post.Description =  temp.Substring( 0 , temp.Length<350?temp.Length:350 )+"...";

                    post.FieldOfStudy = null;
                    post.Salary =  null;
                    jobsToReturn.Add( post );
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( "GitHub Module:\t" +ex.Message );
            return jobsToReturn.Skip( startIndex ).Take( resultsPerPage ).ToList<JobPost>( );
 static SPlanetUtil()
     //ObjectFilter = new FilterBag("DataFilter", CreateStandardFilters(), "is_enable");
     ObjectFilter = new FilterBag("DataFilter");
        protected void BindGrid(bool isForceRefreshData = false)
                if (!Page.IsPostBack || isForceRefreshData)
                    string search = "";
                    if (Session["SEARCH"] != null)
                        search = Session["SEARCH"].ToString();
                        txtSearchBoxData.Value = search;

                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SPlanetUtil.GetConnectionString()))
                        //Create array of Parameters
                        List <SqlParameter> arrParm = new List <SqlParameter>
                            new SqlParameter("@search_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200)
                                Value = search
                            new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int)
                                Value = 0
                        dsResult = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(conn, "sp_supplier_list", arrParm.ToArray());

                        /*int i = 0;
                         * int rowId = 0;
                         * if (Session["ROW_ID"] != null)
                         * {
                         *  rowId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ROW_ID"].ToString());
                         *  //  If -1, Find the most value
                         *  if (rowId == -1)
                         *  {
                         *      foreach (var row in dsResult.Tables[0].AsEnumerable())
                         *      {
                         *          int id = Convert.ToInt32(row["id"]);
                         *          if (rowId < id)
                         *          {
                         *              rowId = id;
                         *          }
                         *      }
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * foreach (var row in dsResult.Tables[0].AsEnumerable())
                         * {
                         *  if (rowId == Convert.ToInt32(row["id"]))
                         *  {
                         *      int selectedRow = i;
                         *      int prevRow = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ROW"]);
                         *      int pageSize = gridView.SettingsPager.PageSize;
                         *      int pageIndex = (int)(selectedRow / pageSize);
                         *      int prevPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PAGE"]);
                         *      if (prevRow == selectedRow)
                         *      {
                         *          Session["PAGE"] = prevPageIndex;
                         *          Session["ROW"] = prevPageIndex * pageSize;
                         *      }
                         *      else
                         *      {
                         *          Session["PAGE"] = pageIndex;
                         *          Session["ROW"] = selectedRow;
                         *      }
                         *  }
                         *  i++;
                         * }*/

                        Session["SESSION_SUPPLIER_MASTER"] = dsResult;

                //Bind data into GridView
                gridView.DataSource       = dsResult;
                gridView.FilterExpression = FilterBag.GetExpression(false);

                //  Check page from session
                if (Session["ROW_ID"] != null)
                    int row = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ROW"]);
                    gridView.FocusedRowIndex = row;
                if (Session["PAGE"] != null)
                    int page = Convert.ToInt32(Session["PAGE"]);
                    gridView.PageIndex = page;
                if (!Page.IsPostBack && Session["COLUMN"] != null && Session["ORDER"] != null)
                    int order = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ORDER"]);
                    if (order == 1)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErrorMsg = SPlanetUtil.LogErrorCollect(ex);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + strErrorMsg + "');", true);
Exemple #28
        Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>> IAlumniModule.GetAlumni(FilterBag filters)
            Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>> posts = new Dictionary<string, List<AlumniPost>>();

            var AlumSearchQuery = db.GradPlacements.Select( grad => new AlumniPost
                    Company = grad.employerName,
                    Location = new Location
                            State = grad.employerStateId,
                            City = grad.employerCity,
                            ZipCode = ""
                    FieldOfStudy = grad.Program.name,
                    Name = grad.Student.FirstName + " " + "Smith",
                    PhoneNumber = "None found yet",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    GraduatingYear = grad.Student.CurrentExpectedGradTerm ?? 0

            AlumSearchQuery = AlumSearchQuery.Where(alum => alum.Company != null);

            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(filters.CompanyName) )
                AlumSearchQuery = AlumSearchQuery.Where(alum => alum.Company.Contains(filters.CompanyName));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filters.Keyword))
                AlumSearchQuery = AlumSearchQuery.Where(alum => alum.Name.Contains(filters.Keyword) || alum.Company.Contains(filters.Keyword) || alum.FieldOfStudy.Contains(filters.Keyword));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filters.FieldOfStudy))
                AlumSearchQuery = AlumSearchQuery.Where(alum => alum.FieldOfStudy.Contains(filters.FieldOfStudy));

            AlumSearchQuery = AlumSearchQuery.OrderBy(item => item.Company);

            foreach (var alum in AlumSearchQuery.ToList())
                string company = alum.Company.Trim().ToLower();
                Regex rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9 &-]");
                company = rgx.Replace(company, "");
                company = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(company);

                if (posts.ContainsKey(company))
                    posts.Add(company, new List<AlumniPost>() { alum });

                alum.GraduatingYear = ConvertTermToYear(alum.GraduatingYear);


            return posts;
Exemple #29
        public List<JobPost> GetJobs(FilterBag filters, int page, int resultsperpage)
            List<JobPost> jobs = new List<JobPost>();

            string query = "select * from Jobs left join Employers on Jobs.employerId = Employers.id Where";
            List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter>();

            List<string> whereClauses = new List<string>();

            // Only get jobs that were modified within the last year
            whereClauses.Add("[Jobs].modifiedDate > @RecentOrders");
            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("RecentOrders", DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6)));

            //Use a WHERE clause to match filters perhaps?
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filters.CompanyName))
                whereClauses.Add("[Employers].name like '%' + @CompanyName+ '%'");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("CompanyName", filters.CompanyName));

            if (filters.Location != null)
                whereClauses.Add("([Employers].state = @StateLong OR [Employers].state = @StateShort) And [Employers].city = @City");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("StateLong", filters.Location.StateLong));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("StateShort", filters.Location.State));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("City", filters.Location.City));

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filters.JobTitle))
                whereClauses.Add("[Jobs].title like '%' + @JobTitle + '%'");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("JobTitle", filters.JobTitle));

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filters.Keyword))
                whereClauses.Add("[Jobs].description like '%' + @Keyword + '%' OR [Jobs].title like '%' + @Keyword + '%' OR [Employers].name like '%' + @Keyword + '%' OR [Jobs].qualifications like '%' + @Keyword + '%'");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Keyword", filters.Keyword));

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filters.FieldOfStudy))
                whereClauses.Add("[Jobs].description like '%' + @FieldOfStudy + '%'");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("FieldOfStudy", filters.FieldOfStudy));

            if (filters.JobType != JobType.All)
                if (filters.JobType == JobType.FullTime)
                    whereClauses.Add("[Jobs].title like '%' + @JobType + '%'");
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("JobType", "Fulltime"));
                else if (filters.JobType == JobType.Internship)
                    whereClauses.Add("[Jobs].title like '%' + @JobType + '%'");
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("JobType", "Co-op"));

            for(int i=0; i<whereClauses.Count; ++i)
                whereClauses[i] = "(" + whereClauses[i] + ")";

            query += String.Join(" And ", whereClauses);

            query += " Order By [Jobs].modifiedDate Desc ";

            var jobsQuery = dbContext.Jobs.SqlQuery(query, parameters.ToArray()).AsNoTracking();

            var jobsSearch = jobsQuery.Skip(page * resultsperpage);
            jobsSearch = jobsSearch.Take(resultsperpage);
            jobs = jobsSearch.Select( job =>
                new JobPost()
                    Company = job.Employer.name,
                    DatePosted = (DateTime)job.modifiedDate,
                    Description = job.description,
                    JobTitle = job.title,
                    Location = new Location()
                     State = job.Employer.state,
                     City = job.Employer.city,
                     ZipCode = ""
                    URL = @"https://rit-csm.symplicity.com/students/index.php?mode=form&s=jobs&ss=jobs&id=" + job.id

            foreach (var job in jobs)
                job.SourceModule = source;

            return jobs;