private string GetPoint() { string type = Request["type"]; //监测类别 string year = Request["year"]; //年度 string searchType = Request["searchType"]; //查询类型 string half = Request["half"]; //半年 string quarter = Request["quarter"]; //季度 string month = Request["month"]; //月度 string Select = string.Empty; string TableName = string.Empty; string Where = string.Empty; string MonthWhere = string.Empty; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strDes = string.Empty; string months = getMonths(searchType, half, quarter, month, ref strDes); switch (type) { case "EnvRiver": //河流 Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_RIVER a inner join T_ENV_P_RIVER_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvDrinking": //地下饮用水 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_DRINK_UNDER"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvReservoir": //湖库 Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_LAKE a inner join T_ENV_P_LAKE_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; default: dt.Columns.Add("CODE", typeof(String)); dt.Columns.Add("NAME", typeof(String)); break; } //加入全部 DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["NAME"] = "--全部--"; dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); string json = DataTableToJson(dt); return(json); }
private string GetData() { string StartDate = Request["startdate"]; string EndDate = Request["enddate"]; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = new FillQryLogic().GetAirAvgData(StartDate, EndDate); string json = DataTableToJsonUnsureCol(dt); return(json); }
private string GetData() { string StartDate = Request["startdate"]; string EndDate = Request["enddate"]; string PointCode = Request["pointcode"]; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = new FillQryLogic().GetAirPointPullutionData(StartDate, EndDate, PointCode); string json = DataTableToJsonUnsureCol(dt); return(json); }
private string GetData() { string type = Request["type"]; //监测类别 string year = Request["year"]; //年度 string searchType = Request["searchType"]; //查询类型 string half = Request["half"]; //半年 string quarter = Request["quarter"]; //季度 string month = Request["month"]; //月度 string point = Request["point"]; //监测点 DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strDes = string.Empty; string months = getMonths(searchType, half, quarter, month, ref strDes); dt = new FillQryLogic().GetDataInfo(type, year, months, point, strDes); string json = CreateToJson(dt, dt.Rows.Count); return(json); }
private string GetPoint() { string StartDate = Request["startdate"]; string EndDate = Request["enddate"]; string Select = string.Empty; string TableName = string.Empty; string Where = "1=1"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE, POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_AIR"; if (StartDate.Length > 0 && EndDate.Length > 0) { StartDate = DateTime.Parse(StartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-01"); EndDate = DateTime.Parse(EndDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-01"); Where += " and CAST(YEAR+'-'+MONTH+'-01' as DATETIME) between '" + StartDate + "' and '" + EndDate + "' and IS_DEL='0'"; } else if (StartDate.Length > 0 && EndDate.Length == 0) { StartDate = DateTime.Parse(StartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-01"); Where += " and CAST(YEAR+'-'+MONTH+'-01' as DATETIME) >='" + StartDate + "' and IS_DEL='0'"; } else if (StartDate.Length == 0 && EndDate.Length > 0) { EndDate = DateTime.Parse(EndDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-01"); Where += " and CAST(YEAR+'-'+MONTH+'-01' as DATETIME) <='" + EndDate + "' and IS_DEL='0'"; } dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); //加入全部 DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["NAME"] = "--全部--"; dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); string json = DataTableToJson(dt); return(json); }
private string GetData() { string type = Request["type"]; //监测类别 string year = Request["year"]; //年度 string searchType = Request["searchType"]; //查询类型 string half = Request["half"]; //半年 string quarter = Request["quarter"]; //季度 string month = Request["month"]; //月度 string point = Request["point"]; //监测点 string river_id = Request["river_id"]; //河流ID DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strDes = string.Empty; string months = getMonths(searchType, half, quarter, month, ref strDes); dt = new FillQryLogic().GetFillEvalData(type, year, months, point, river_id); string json = DataTableToJsonUnsureCol(dt); return(json); }
private string GetPoint() { string type = Request["type"]; //监测类别 string year = Request["year"]; //年度 string searchType = Request["searchType"]; //查询类型 string half = Request["half"]; //半年 string quarter = Request["quarter"]; //季度 string month = Request["month"]; //月度 string Select = string.Empty; string TableName = string.Empty; string Where = string.Empty; string MonthWhere = string.Empty; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strDes = string.Empty; string months = getMonths(searchType, half, quarter, month, ref strDes); switch (type) { case "EnvRiver": //河流 Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_RIVER a inner join T_ENV_P_RIVER_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "AreaNoise": //区域环境噪声 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_NOISE_AREA"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvRoadNoise": //道路交通噪声 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_NOISE_ROAD"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "FunctionNoise": //功能区噪声 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_NOISE_FUNCTION"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvAir": //环境空气 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_AIR"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvDrinking": //地下饮用水 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_DRINK_UNDER"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvDrinkingSource": //饮用水源地 Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_DRINK_SRC a inner join T_ENV_P_DRINK_SRC_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvDust": //降尘 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_DUST"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvDWAir": //双三十废气 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_AIR30"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvDWWater": //双三十废水 Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_RIVER30 a inner join T_ENV_P_RIVER30_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvEstuaries": //入海河口 Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_ESTUARIES a inner join T_ENV_P_ESTUARIES_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvMudRiver": //沉积物(河流) Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_MUD_RIVER a inner join T_ENV_P_MUD_RIVER_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvMudSea": //沉积物(海水) Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_MUD_SEA a inner join T_ENV_P_MUD_SEA_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvSoil": //土壤 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_SOIL"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvPSoild": //固废 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_SOLID"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvRain": //降水 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_RAIN"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvReservoir": //湖库 Select = "distinct SECTION_CODE CODE,SECTION_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_LAKE a inner join T_ENV_P_LAKE_V b on(a.ID=b.SECTION_ID)"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvSeaBath": //海水浴场 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_SEABATH"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvSear": //近岸海域 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_SEA"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvSource": //近岸直排 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_OFFSHORE"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvSpeed": //盐酸盐化速率 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_ALKALI"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; case "EnvStbc": //生态补偿 Select = "distinct POINT_CODE CODE,POINT_NAME NAME"; TableName = "T_ENV_P_PAYFOR"; Where = "YEAR='" + year + "' " + (months == "" ? "" : "and MONTH in(" + months + ")") + " and IS_DEL='0'"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetPointInfo(Select, TableName, Where); break; default: dt.Columns.Add("CODE", typeof(String)); dt.Columns.Add("NAME", typeof(String)); break; } //加入全部 DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["NAME"] = "--全部--"; dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); string json = DataTableToJson(dt); return(json); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ISheet sheet = null; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string strPoint_ID = string.Empty; string strType = string.Empty; string strAction = string.Empty; string strYear = string.Empty; string strMonth = string.Empty; string strXmlPath = string.Empty; string strExcelPath = string.Empty; string strSheetName = string.Empty; string strFileName = string.Empty; if (Request["type"] != null && Request["action"] != null) { string strDes = string.Empty; string action = Request["action"].ToString(); strType = Request["type"].ToString(); strYear = Request["year"].ToString(); strMonth = Request["month"]; if (action.Equals("FillData")) { #region//填报的导出 switch (strType) { //河流导出 case "River": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/RiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/河流.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "河流.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //排污河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "SewageRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/SewageRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/产业转移工业园排污河流.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "产业转移工业园排污河流.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //湖库水质 河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "LakeRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/LakeRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/湖库水质.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "湖库水质.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //水质月报 河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "WQRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/WQRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/水质月报.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "水质月报.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //高桥 河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "GQRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/GQRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/高桥.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "高桥.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //界牌 河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "JPRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/JPRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/界牌.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "界牌.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //蓝藻水华 河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "LZSHRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/LZSHRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/蓝藻水华.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "蓝藻水华.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //重金属 河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "MetalRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/MetalRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/重金属.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "重金属.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //饮用水源 河流导出 黄进军 添加20141114 case "WaterRiver": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/WaterRiverTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/饮用水源.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "饮用水源.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //底泥重金属导出 case "Metal": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/Metal.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/底泥重金属.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "底泥重金属.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //功能区噪声导出 case "NoiseFun": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/FunctionNoiseTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/功能区噪声.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "功能区噪声.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //道路交通噪声导出 case "NoiseRoad": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/RoadNoiseTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/道路交通噪声.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "道路交通噪声.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //区域环境噪声导出 case "NoiseArea": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/AreaNoiseTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/区域环境噪声.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "区域环境噪声.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //饮用水源地导出 case "DrinkSource": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/DrinkSourceTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/饮用水源地.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "饮用水源地.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //湖库饮用水导出 黄进军20141105 case "DrinkUnder": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/DrinkUnderTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/湖库饮用水.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "湖库饮用水.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //湖库导出 case "Lake": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/LakeTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/湖库.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "湖库.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); sheet = ModifySheetTitle(sheet, strYear, strMonth); break; //环境空气(天) case "Air": //int Rtnresult = new TEnvFillAirLogic().ExcelOutCal(strYear, strMonth, TEnvFillAirHourVo.T_ENV_FILL_AIR_ITEM_TABLE); //if (Rtnresult > 0) //{ strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/AirTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/环境空气(天).xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "环境空气(天).xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); //} break; //环境空(小时) case "AirHour": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/AirHourTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/环境空气(小时)导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "环境空(小时).xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //环境空科室(天) case "AirKS": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/AirKsTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/环境空气科室(天)导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "环境空气科室(天).xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //降尘 case "Dust": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/DustTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/降尘导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "降尘.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //硫酸盐化速率 case "Alkali": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/AlkaliTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/硫酸盐化速率导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "硫酸盐化速率.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //降水 case "Rain": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/QY_Export/RainTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/QY_excelTemp/降水导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "降水.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //近岸直排 case "OffShore": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/OffShoreTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/近岸直排导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "近岸直排.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //近岸海域 case "Sea": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/SeaTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/近岸海域导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "近岸海域.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //入海河口 case "Estuaries": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/EstuariesTemple.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/入海河口导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "入海河口.xls"; sheet = ExcelExport(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //污染源常规(废水) case "PolluteWater": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/PolluteWater.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/污染源常规废水导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "污染源常规废水导出.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; //污染源常规(废气) case "PolluteAir": strXmlPath = "../xmlTemp/Export/PolluteAir.xml"; strExcelPath = "../excelTemp/污染源常规废气导出.xls"; strSheetName = "Sheet1"; strFileName = "污染源常规废气导出.xls"; sheet = ExcelExportSpecial(strYear, strMonth, strXmlPath, strExcelPath, strSheetName); break; } #endregion } else if (action.Equals("FillQry")) { string searchType = Request["searchType"]; //查询类型 string half = Request["half"]; //半年 string quarter = Request["quarter"]; //季度 strPoint_ID = Request["point_id"]; string months = getMonths(searchType, half, quarter, strMonth, ref strDes); #region//填报查询导出 strFileName = "填报统计导出.xls"; dt = new FillQryLogic().GetDataInfo(strType, strYear, months, strPoint_ID, strDes); sheet = CreatSheet(dt, searchType, half, quarter, strMonth); #endregion } #region//输出文件到浏览器 using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { sheet.Workbook.Write(stream); HttpContext curContext = HttpContext.Current; // 设置编码和附件格式 curContext.Response.ContentType = "application/"; curContext.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; curContext.Response.Charset = ""; curContext.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strFileName, Encoding.UTF8)); curContext.Response.BinaryWrite(stream.GetBuffer()); curContext.Response.End(); } #endregion } }