/// <summary>
        /// Determines whether this instance can a shell context show menu, given the specified selected file list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///   <c>true</c> if this instance should show a shell context menu for the specified file list; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        protected override bool CanShowMenu()
            string[] TargetFiles = SelectedItemPaths.ToArray();

            // start a connection here.

            RepoStorage store = null;

                store = P4EXPProgram.getRepoStorage(TargetFiles[0]);
            catch (Exception e)
                FileLogger.LogException(Properties.Resources.FileLogger_MenuExtension, e);

            lock (store)
                    loginVisible = !store.connected || !store.loggedIn;

                    if (!store.connected)
                        // notify of disconnected in top menu item
                        setConnection              = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_SetConnectionNotConnectedMenuItem;
                        setConnectionImage         = Properties.Resources.disconnected;
                        outsideRootMenuitemVisible = false;
                        startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;

                    if (store.rep.Connection.Client == null ||
                        (store.rep.Connection.Client.Root == null &&
                         store.roots.Count < 1))
                        // notify of missing P4CLIENT in top menu item
                        setConnection              = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_SetConnectionConnectedMenuItem;
                        setConnectionImage         = Properties.Resources.connected_with_issues;
                        outside                    = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_NoWorkspaceSet;
                        outsideRootMenuitemVisible = true;
                        startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;

                    if (!store.IsUnderClientRoot(TargetFiles[0]))
                        // notify of outside root in top menu item
                        setConnection              = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_SetConnectionConnectedMenuItem;
                        setConnectionImage         = Properties.Resources.connected_with_issues;
                        outside                    = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_OutsideRoot;
                        outsideRootMenuitemVisible = true;
                        startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;

                    Repository rep = store.rep;
                    // checking here for connected and directory change

                    bool stale        = false;
                    bool checkedout   = false;
                    bool indepot      = false;
                    bool notindepot   = false;
                    bool haverev      = false;
                    bool cancheckout  = false;
                    bool folderselect = false;

                    //check if each target file is a directory and if so, convert
                    // convert to =+/...

                    List <string> selectedItems = new List <string>();
                    commandFiles = new List <FileMetaData>();

                    foreach (string path in TargetFiles)
                        string         pathToAdd = path;
                        FileAttributes attr      = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(path);
                        if ((attr & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                            pathToAdd   += @"\...";
                            notindepot   = true;
                            folderselect = true;
                            FileMetaData folder = new FileMetaData();
                            folder.LocalPath = new LocalPath(pathToAdd);
                            pathToAdd = pathToAdd.Replace(@"\...", @"\*");
                            FileMetaData file = new FileMetaData();
                            file.LocalPath = new LocalPath(pathToAdd);

                    FileSpec[] fs = new FileSpec[TargetFiles.Length];
                    fs = FileSpec.LocalSpecArray(selectedItems.ToArray());

                    // TODO might need to set an fstat -m limit here
                    if (store.loggedIn)
                        IList <FileMetaData> fmd = P4EXPProgram.GetFileMetaData(fs);

                        // if no P4Exception is caught by attempting to get
                        // FileMetaData, remove the initial menu items and
                        // add the rest of the menu items and seperators
                        if (fmd != null)
                            moreMenuitemVisible = true;

                            foreach (FileMetaData d in fmd)
                                if (stale && checkedout && indepot && notindepot && haverev && cancheckout)
                                if (d == null || (d.HaveRev == -1 && d.Action != FileAction.Add))
                                    notindepot = true;
                                if (d.HaveRev < d.HeadRev)
                                    stale = true;
                                if (d.Action != FileAction.None)
                                    checkedout = true;
                                if (d.IsInDepot)
                                    indepot = true;
                                if (d.IsInClient)
                                    haverev = true;
                                if ((d.Action == FileAction.None) && d.IsInClient && d.IsInDepot)
                                    cancheckout = true;
                            outsideRootMenuitemVisible = true;
                            startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;

                        if (stale || folderselect)
                            getLatestMenuitemVisible = true;
                            subSeperator1Visible     = true;
                        if (checkedout || folderselect)
                            submitMenuitemVisible = true;
                        if (cancheckout || folderselect)
                            checkoutMenuitemVisible = true;
                            subSeperator2Visible    = true;
                        if (notindepot || folderselect)
                            addMenuitemVisible = true;
                        if (cancheckout)
                            deleteMenuitemVisible = true;
                            subSeperator2Visible  = true;
                        if (checkedout || folderselect || notindepot)
                            subSeperator2Visible = true;
                            if (!notindepot)
                                if (!folderselect)
                                    revertMenuitemVisible = true;
                                revertUnchangedMenuitemVisible = true;
                                subSeperator3Visible           = true;

                        // only on single selection of file
                        if (TargetFiles.Length == 1)
                            if (!folderselect && haverev)
                                diffAgainstHaveMenuitemVisible = true;
                                diffAgainstMenuitemVisible     = true;
                                fileHistoryMenuitemVisible     = true;
                                timeLapseViewMenuitemVisible   = true;
                                propertiesMenuitemVisible      = true;
                                showInP4VMenuitemVisible       = true;
                                subSeperator4Visible           = true;
                                if (!folderselect)
                                    diffAgainstMenuitemVisible = true;
                                // don't allow folder history on the
                                // workspace root
                                if (TargetFiles[0] != store.rep.Connection.Client.Root)
                                    fileHistoryMenuitemVisible = true;
                                subSeperator4Visible = true;

                        if ((haverev && !(checkedout)) || folderselect)
                            removeFromWorkspaceMenuitemVisible = true;
                        if (fmd != null || folderselect || notindepot)
                            refreshFileStateMenuitemVisible = true;
                            subSeperator5Visible            = true;
                            pendingChangesMenuitemVisible   = true;
                            moreMenuitemVisible             = true;
                catch (P4Exception ex)
                    // Leaving this for now. It looks like it is a possible redundant check
                    // of more efficient if (ex.ErrorCode == P4ClientError.MsgDb_NotUnderRoot)
                    // below. It also looks like it would never be hit based on the string
                    // "outside root". Adding a message dialog for the case that this ever gets
                    // hit.
                    if (ex.ErrorLevel == ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL && ex.Message == "outside root")
                        Message message = new Message("CanShowMenu() P4Exception", ex.Message);
                        setConnection              = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_SetConnectionConnectedMenuItem;
                        setConnectionImage         = Properties.Resources.connected_with_issues;
                        outside                    = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_OutsideRoot;
                        outsideRootMenuitemVisible = true;
                        startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;

                    if (P4EXPProgram.IsLoginException(ex.ErrorCode))
                        if (store.rep.Connection.Status == ConnectionStatus.Disconnected)
                            // notify of disconnected in top menu item
                            setConnection              = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_SetConnectionNotConnectedMenuItem;
                            setConnectionImage         = Properties.Resources.disconnected;
                            outsideRootMenuitemVisible = false;
                            startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;
                    else if (ex.ErrorCode == P4ClientError.MsgServer_PasswordExpired)
                        store.loggedIn = false;
                        loginVisible   = true;
                        string  message = ex.Message;
                        Message dlg     = new Message(Properties.Resources.MessageDlg_PasswordExpired, message);
                    else if (ex.ErrorCode == P4ClientError.MsgDm_NeedClient)
                        // second happens when P4CLIENT is not set 841226339
                        setConnection              = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_SetConnectionConnectedMenuItem;
                        setConnectionImage         = Properties.Resources.connected_with_issues;
                        outside                    = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_NoWorkspaceSet;
                        outsideRootMenuitemVisible = true;
                        startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;
                    else if (ex.ErrorCode == P4ClientError.MsgDb_NotUnderRoot)
                        // do nothing, this is a file not under workspace root.
                        // just return, the context menu is already set to show this.
                        outsideRootMenuitemVisible = true;
                        startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;
                    if (P4EXPProgram.showP4Exception())
                        string message = ex.Message + "\n" +
                                         ex.StackTrace + "\n" +
                        Message dlg = new Message(Properties.Resources.MessageDlg_P4Exception, message);
                    FileLogger.LogException(Properties.Resources.FileLogger_BuildContextMenu, ex);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // TODO: is this catching a login request?
                    // this does not appear to be something that will be
                    // part of a P4ClientError. Leaving it in for now. Unsure if it
                    // would ever be hit. Adding a message dialog for the case that
                    // this ever gets hit.
                    if (ex.Message.Contains("requires"))
                        Message message = new Message("CanShowMenu()  Exception", ex.Message);


                    if (store.rep != null && store.rep.Connection.Status == ConnectionStatus.Disconnected)
                        // notify of disconnected in top menu item
                        setConnection              = Properties.Resources.ContextMenus_SetConnectionNotConnectedMenuItem;
                        setConnectionImage         = Properties.Resources.disconnected;
                        outsideRootMenuitemVisible = false;
                        startP4VMenuitemVisible    = true;
                    if (P4EXPProgram.showException())
                        string message = ex.Message + "\n" +
                                         ex.StackTrace + "\n" +
                        Message dlg = new Message(Properties.Resources.MessageDlg_Exception, message);
                    FileLogger.LogException(Properties.Resources.FileLogger_BuildContextMenu, ex);
            //  We always show the menu for now. This will still return true,
            // but individual menu items may be made invisible