public bool Rename(FileRenameInfo renameInfo)
            var pathName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(renameInfo.CurrentPath);

            if (pathName != renameInfo.WantedName)
                try {
                    var newNamePath = $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(renameInfo.CurrentPath)}\\{renameInfo.WantedName}";
                    File.Move(renameInfo.CurrentPath, newNamePath);
                    //flip them for later
                    //so we can rename them back to original
                    var tempWantedName = renameInfo.WantedName;
                    renameInfo.WantedName  = renameInfo.CurrentName;
                    renameInfo.CurrentName = tempWantedName;
                    renameInfo.CurrentPath = newNamePath;
                }catch {
Exemple #2
        internal void LoadImageAsync(FileRenameInfo data, bool applyExifRotation = true)
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                var filename = data.GetFileName();
                var rotation = applyExifRotation ? GetRotation(data.Exif) : 0.0;

                // load image
                var image = new BitmapImage();
                    using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
                        image.StreamSource = stream;
                        image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                        image.EndInit(); // load the image from the stream

                    SetValue(ImageProperty, image);
                    SetValue(RotationProperty, rotation);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // An error occurred while loading the image file (maybe it does not exist any more...)
                    // Let's make an image indicating the problem.
                    SetValue(ImageProperty, CreateErrorImage(ex));
        public FileRenameInfo GetFileRenameInfo(string filename)
            if (!ShouldBeRenamed(filename))
                new FileRenameInfo(filename, filename);

            if (_regex1.IsMatch(filename))
                var result = _regex1.Matches(filename);

                var matchCollection = _regex1.Matches(filename);
                var match           = matchCollection.Single();
                var newFilename     = string.Format($"{match.Groups["path"]}{match.Groups["preFix"]}{match.Groups["fileNumber"]}_{match.Groups["index"]}.{match.Groups["fileType"]}");

                var fileRenameInfo = new FileRenameInfo(filename, newFilename);

            else if (_regex2.IsMatch(filename))
                var result = _regex2.Matches(filename);

                var matchCollection = _regex2.Matches(filename);
                var match           = matchCollection.Single();
                var newFilename     = string.Format($"{match.Groups["path"]}GP{match.Groups["fileNumber"]}_00.{match.Groups["fileType"]}");

                var fileRenameInfo = new FileRenameInfo(filename, newFilename);


            throw new InvalidOperationException("How did you get here?!?");
        internal void LoadImageAsync(FileRenameInfo data, bool applyExifRotation = true)
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                var filename = data.GetFileName();
                var rotation = applyExifRotation ? GetRotation(data.Exif) : 0.0;

                // load image
                var image = new BitmapImage();
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
                    image.StreamSource = stream;
                    image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                    image.EndInit(); // load the image from the stream

                SetValue(ImageProperty, image); //WpfHelper.ReadBitmapSource(filename));
                SetValue(RotationProperty, rotation);
        internal void LoadImageAsync(FileRenameInfo data, bool applyExifRotation = true)
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                var filename = data.GetFileName();
                var rotation = applyExifRotation ? GetRotation(data.Exif) : 0.0;

                // load image
                var image = new BitmapImage();
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
                    image.StreamSource = stream;
                    image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                    image.EndInit(); // load the image from the stream

                SetValue(ImageProperty, image); //WpfHelper.ReadBitmapSource(filename));
                SetValue(RotationProperty, rotation);
Exemple #6
        private bool SanitizePathNeeded(PkgInfo pkgInfo, out FileRenameInfo fileRenameInfo)
            fileRenameInfo = null;
            var pattern         = @"^[\\a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$";
            var currentFileName = Path.GetFileName(pkgInfo.FilePath);
            var match           = Regex.Match(currentFileName, pattern);

            if (!Regex.IsMatch(currentFileName, pattern))
                fileRenameInfo = new FileRenameInfo()
                    CurrentName = currentFileName,
                    CurrentPath = Path.GetFullPath(pkgInfo.FilePath),

                pattern = pattern.Substring(1, pattern.Length - 2);
                string newFileName = "";
                var    newMatch    = Regex.Match(currentFileName, pattern);
                while (newMatch.Success)
                    newFileName += newMatch.Value;
                    newMatch     = newMatch.NextMatch();
                int maxFileNameSize = 60;
                if (newFileName.Length > maxFileNameSize)
                    //PS4 only seems to like titles < 60 (including ".pkg")
                    //So we eliminate the remainder from the start
                    //this is only used for renaming files, nothing more
                    //so it does not matter if the name looks weird. It's only temporary :)
                    newFileName = newFileName.Remove(0, newFileName.Length - maxFileNameSize);
                fileRenameInfo.WantedName = newFileName;