Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// checks that the open file dialog compelted succesfully. if it did thenthe first 5 lines are populated into the preview window.
        /// if not show a messagebox to the user showing that no file was selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ChooseCSVButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string CSVFile = string.Empty;

            //checks to see if the open file dialogue was successful
            if (openCSVFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                //local variable for storing the filepath and name
                CSVFile = openCSVFileDialog.FileName;
                //instantiates a stream reader to preview the file contents
                System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(openCSVFileDialog.FileName);

                FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "               ";
                for (int i = 0; i < sr.ReadLine().Split(',').Length; i++)
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "Col" + (i + 1);
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "          ";
                sr.BaseStream.Position = 0;
                //populates the sample data window with the first 4 lines from the file
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    var line        = sr.ReadLine();
                    var values      = line.Split(',');
                    int columnCount = line.Split(',').Length;

                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "Row  ";
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += i;
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += " | ";
                    //internal for loop that loops through each line adding a tab for each column in the file
                    for (int k = 0; k < columnCount; k++)
                        FilePreviewTextBox.Text += values[k];
                        FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "    ";


                //closes the streamreader
                fullFilePath = openCSVFileDialog.FileName;
                MessageBox.Show("No file selected!");

            fullFilePath = CSVFile;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// computes all the values needed for each observation and then adds them to a list.
        /// populates the information from eachobservation into th preview textbox
        /// validate data MUST be run prior to this as this does not check for valid data
        /// once averages are computed they are populated to the results textboxes
        /// </summary>
        public void ComputeValues()
            //creates the lists for the various items for each observation and the counter to display how many observations were used
            List <string> timeStamp          = new List <string>();
            List <double> observedVesselHDG  = new List <double>();
            List <double> observedROVHDG     = new List <double>();
            List <double> computedROVHDG     = new List <double>();
            List <double> cMinusO            = new List <double>();
            int           ROVHDGColumn       = Convert.ToInt32(ROVHDGColumnTextBox.Text);
            int           VesselHDGColumn    = Convert.ToInt32(vesselHDGColumnTextBox.Text);
            int           observationCounter = 0;
            int           errorCounter       = 0;
            int           rowsToSkip         = 0;

            //creates a double that will hold the average C-O value
            double averageCMinusO;
            //creates a double that will hold the average vessel heading
            double averageObservedVesselHDG = 0;
            //creates a doubld that will hold the average observed ROV HDG
            double averageObservedROVHDG = 0;
            //creates a double that will hold the average computed ROV HDG
            double averageComputedROVHDG = 0;
            //creates a double and sets its value to the ROV Fwd measurement textbox
            double ROVFwdMeasurement = Convert.ToDouble(ROVFwdMeasurementTextBox.Text);
            //creates a double and sets its value to the ROV aft measurement textbox
            double ROVAftMeasurement = Convert.ToDouble(ROVAftMeasurementTextBox.Text);
            //creates a double and sets its value to the ROV aft measurement textbox
            double BaselineMeasurement = Convert.ToDouble(BaselineMeasurementTextBox.Text);
            //a double that represents the side opposite the c-o angle
            double oppositeSide;
            //a double that represents the relative c-o between the reference and the ROV
            double ROVToReference;
            //a souble that represents the c-o between the ROV and the vessel heading
            double ROVToVessel;
            //double that represents the tangent value
            double tangent;
            //creates two enums whose value will be set by if statements later
            ROVDirection   rOVDirection;
            ReferenceToROV referenceToROV;

            //empties the preview textbox in preparation for outputing the observations to it in the while loop

            //if statements that set the ROV direction value based on the radio button selected
            if (ROVFwdRadioButton.Checked)
                rOVDirection = ROVDirection.Fwd;
                ROVToVessel  = 0;
            else if (ROVStbdRadioButton.Checked)
                rOVDirection = ROVDirection.Stbd;
                ROVToVessel  = 90;
            else if (ROVAftRadioButton.Checked)
                rOVDirection = ROVDirection.Aft;
                ROVToVessel  = 180;
                rOVDirection = ROVDirection.Port;
                ROVToVessel  = 270;

            //if statement that sets the refernce line relative to the ROV based on the radio button selection
            if (ReferenceToROVPortRadioButton.Checked)
                referenceToROV = ReferenceToROV.Port;
                referenceToROV = ReferenceToROV.Starboard;

            //works out opposite side by taking the forward measurement from the aft
            oppositeSide = ROVFwdMeasurement - ROVAftMeasurement;
            //works out the tangent using the opposite side and baseline (adjacent)
            tangent = oppositeSide / BaselineMeasurement;
            //calculates the C-O between ROV and reference using the tangent of the angle
            ROVToReference = Math.Atan(tangent) * 180 / Math.PI;

            //if statment that applies the C-O the correct way round based on the if the reference is port or stbd of the ROV
            if (referenceToROV == ReferenceToROV.Port)
                ROVToVessel = ROVToVessel + ROVToReference;
                ROVToVessel = ROVToVessel - ROVToReference;

            //if statement to make sure no values are above 360 or below 0
            if (ROVToVessel < 0)
                ROVToVessel = 360 + ROVToVessel;
            else if (ROVToVessel > 360)
                ROVToVessel = ROVToVessel - 360;

            StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(fullFilePath);

            //sets the rowsToSkip int to be used for looping the streamreader to skip the desired number of rows inthe file
            rowsToSkip = Convert.ToInt32(rowsToSkipTextBox.Text);

            for (int i = 0; i < rowsToSkip; i++)

            //while loop that reads to the end of the file
            while (!fileReader.EndOfStream)
                //sets up some variable to use as temporary stores for each line and the separated values
                var line   = fileReader.ReadLine();
                var values = line.Split(',');

                //adds the current timestamp to the list of

                //all attempts to parse the observation are wrapped in this try. any failed attempt will put a messagebox up showing the observation #
                //that cant be parsed
                    //adds the current observed ROV heading to the observedROVHDG array
                    observedROVHDG.Add(Convert.ToDouble(values[ROVHDGColumn - 1]));
                    //adds the observed vessel heading to the observed vessel hdg array
                    observedVesselHDG.Add(Convert.ToDouble(values[VesselHDGColumn - 1]));
                    //checks to see if the computed ROV HDG is less than zero or above 360. if soo applies an offset of 360 (+/-) to compensate
                    if (Convert.ToDouble(values[2]) + ROVToVessel > 360)
                        computedROVHDG.Add(Convert.ToDouble(values[2]) + ROVToVessel - 360);
                    else if (Convert.ToDouble(values[2]) + ROVToVessel < 0)
                        computedROVHDG.Add(Convert.ToDouble(values[2]) + ROVToVessel + 360);
                        computedROVHDG.Add(Convert.ToDouble(values[2]) + ROVToVessel);

                    //caluclates the C-O using the computed and observed ROV heading from the current observation)
                    cMinusO.Add(computedROVHDG[observationCounter] - observedROVHDG[observationCounter]);
                    //increments the observation counter on each pass

                    //adds the current observations info to the preview textbox then stars a new line
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += observationCounter + 1;
                    FilePreviewTextBox.AppendText(", ");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "Time, ";
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += timeStamp[observationCounter];
                    FilePreviewTextBox.AppendText(", ");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "Vessel (Obs), ";
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += observedVesselHDG[observationCounter].ToString(format: "N3");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.AppendText(", ");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "ROV (Obs), ";
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += observedROVHDG[observationCounter].ToString(format: "N3");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.AppendText(", ");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "ROV (Comp), ";
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += computedROVHDG[observationCounter].ToString(format: "N3");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.AppendText(", ");
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += "C-O, ";
                    FilePreviewTextBox.Text += cMinusO[observationCounter].ToString(format: "N3");

                    //increments the observation counter
                    MessageBox.Show("Data for observation " + (observationCounter + 1) + " could not be parsed!!",
                    if (errorCounter > 5)

            if (errorCounter > 5)
                MessageBox.Show("More than 5 errors have been encountered, Exiting",

            //releases all resources from the streamreder
            //checks to see if the observed vessel list is empty. if it is it shows an error messagebox and does nothing
            //if there is data it calculates the averages and publishes the results to the textboxes on the form
            if (observedVesselHDG.Any())
                //calculates all the average values
                averageCMinusO           = cMinusO.Average();
                averageObservedVesselHDG = observedVesselHDG.Average();
                averageObservedROVHDG    = observedROVHDG.Average();
                averageComputedROVHDG    = computedROVHDG.Average();

                //populates all the results text boxes
                ObservationsTextBox.Text          = Convert.ToString(observationCounter);
                ROVToBaselineResultsTextBox.Text  = ROVToReference.ToString(format: "N3");
                AverageVesselHDGTextBox.Text      = averageObservedVesselHDG.ToString(format: "N3");
                AverageComputedROVHDGTextBox.Text = averageComputedROVHDG.ToString(format: "N3");
                AverageCMinusOTextBox.Text        = averageCMinusO.ToString(format: "N3");
                AverageComputedROVHDGTextBox.Text = averageObservedROVHDG.ToString(format: "N3");
                AverageROVHDGTextBox.Text         = averageObservedROVHDG.ToString(format: "N3");
                MessageBox.Show("Warning there are no observations",