bool Build(string testdriver, List <string> argslist) { bool flag = true; List <string> buildList = new List <string>(); buildList = argslist; buildList.Insert(0, testdriver); fileMgr.storagePath = childstorage; fileMgr.getFiles("*.*"); string csfile = ""; foreach (string item in buildList) { csfile += " " + item; } Console.Write("\n ============== cs files are: " + csfile + "==================\n "); List <string> storedFile = new List <string>(); try { foreach (string file in fileMgr.files) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); storedFile.Add(fileName); } if (buildList.All(b => storedFile.Any(a => a == (b)))) { Console.Write("\n=================== Start building " + csfile + "==================\n "); Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; string driverName_ = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testdriver); p.StartInfo.Arguments = @"/Ccsc /target:library " + csfile; p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @childstorage; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(); string errors = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); StreamWriter sW = new StreamWriter(@childstorage + "/" + driverName_ + "buildlog.txt"); sW.WriteLine(string.Concat(output, errors)); sW.Close(); Console.Write($"\n Build Errors: {errors}"); Console.Write($"\n Build Outout: {output}"); Console.Write("\n =================== Building ends ==================\n"); } else { flag = false; }; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("\n\n The error reason in build() is {0}\n\n", ex.Message); } return(flag); }
void initializeDispatcher() { Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> getTopFiles = (CommMessage msg) => { fileMgr.currentPath = ""; CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = "http://localhost:" + clientport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; reply.from = "http://localhost:" + rcvrport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; reply.command = "getTopFiles"; reply.arguments = fileMgr.getFiles().ToList <string>(); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["getTopFiles"] = getTopFiles; Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> XML = (CommMessage msg) => { tempList.Add(msg); CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = "http://localhost:" + clientport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; reply.from = "http://localhost:" + rcvrport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; reply.command = "receive"; reply.driver = Path.GetFileName(msg.driver); return(reply); }; messageDispatcher["XML"] = XML; Func <CommMessage, CommMessage> XMLend = (CommMessage msg) => { fileMgr.doc = new XDocument(); fileMgr.msgList = tempList; fileMgr.makeRequest(); if (fileMgr.saveXml()) { try{ CommMessage reply = new CommMessage(CommMessage.MessageType.reply); = "http://localhost:" + clientport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; reply.from = "http://localhost:" + rcvrport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; reply.command = "XMLDone";; sndr.postMessage(reply); if (transfer()) { tempXML = fileMgr.tempXML; CommMessage request = new CommMessage(; = "http://localhost:" + motherport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; request.from = "http://localhost:" + rcvrport + "/IMessagePassingComm"; request.command = tempList.Count().ToString(); request.XML = tempXML; tempList = new List <CommMessage>(); return(request); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("\n\n The error reason in XMLend is {0}\n\n", ex.Message); } return(null); } else { return(null); } }; messageDispatcher["XMLend"] = XMLend; }