public void PutUnencrypted(string remotename, string localpath)
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Put, remotename, null);
            req.Encrypted = true; //Prevent encryption
            req.NotTrackedInDb = true; //Prevent Db updates

            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req) && m_options.SynchronousUpload)
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;
        public void WaitForComplete(LocalDatabase db, System.Data.IDbTransaction transation)
            m_db.FlushDbMessages(db, transation);
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            var item = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Terminate, null);
            if (m_queue.Enqueue(item))

            m_db.FlushDbMessages(db, transation);

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;
        public IList<Library.Interface.IFileEntry> List()
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.List, null);
            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req))
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            return (IList<Library.Interface.IFileEntry>)req.Result;
        public void Put(VolumeWriterBase item, IndexVolumeWriter indexfile = null)
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            m_db.LogDbUpdate(item.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null);
            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Put, item.RemoteFilename, null);
            req.LocalTempfile = item.TempFile;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            FileEntryItem req2 = null;

            // As the network link is the bottleneck,
            // we encrypt the dblock volume before the
            // upload is enqueue (i.e. on the worker thread)
            if (m_encryption != null)
                lock (m_encryptionLock)
                    req.Encrypt(m_encryption, m_statwriter);


            // We do not encrypt the dindex volume, because it is small,
            // and may need to be re-written if the dblock upload is retried
            if (indexfile != null)
                m_db.LogDbUpdate(indexfile.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null);
                req2 = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Put, indexfile.RemoteFilename);
                req2.LocalTempfile = indexfile.TempFile;
                req.Indexfile = new Tuple<IndexVolumeWriter, FileEntryItem>(indexfile, req2);

            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req) && m_options.SynchronousUpload)
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (req2 != null && m_queue.Enqueue(req2) && m_options.SynchronousUpload)
                if (req2.Exception != null)
                    throw req2.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;
        public void GetForTesting(string remotename, long size, string hash)
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            if (hash == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot test a file without the hash");

            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Get, remotename, size, hash);
            req.VerifyHashOnly = true;
            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req))
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;
        public Library.Utility.TempFile Get(string remotename, long size, string hash)
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Get, remotename, size, hash);
            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req))
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            return (Library.Utility.TempFile)req.Result;
        public void Delete(string remotename, long size, bool synchronous = false)
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            m_db.LogDbUpdate(remotename, RemoteVolumeState.Deleting, size, null);
            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Delete, remotename, size, null);
            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req) && synchronous)
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;
        public void CreateFolder(string remotename)
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.CreateFolder, remotename);
            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req))
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;
        public Library.Utility.TempFile GetWithInfo(string remotename, out long size, out string hash)
            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            var req = new FileEntryItem(OperationType.Get, remotename, -1, null);
            if (m_queue.Enqueue(req))
                if (req.Exception != null)
                    throw req.Exception;

            if (m_lastException != null)
                throw m_lastException;

            size = req.Size;
            hash = req.Hash;

            return (Library.Utility.TempFile)req.Result;