Exemple #1
        private void Read(BinaryReader br, Archive parent)
            FileTableOffset = br.ReadUInt32();
            FileTableSize   = br.ReadUInt32();

            Crc                     = br.ReadUInt64();
            FileEntryCount          = br.ReadUInt32();
            FileSegmentCount        = br.ReadUInt32();
            ResourceDependencyCount = br.ReadUInt32();

            // read tables
            for (int i = 0; i < FileEntryCount; i++)
                var entry = new FileEntry(br, parent);

                if (!FileEntries.ContainsKey(entry.NameHash64))
                    FileEntries.Add(entry.NameHash64, entry);
                    // TODO

            for (int i = 0; i < FileSegmentCount; i++)
                FileSegments.Add(new FileSegment(br, i));

            for (int i = 0; i < ResourceDependencyCount; i++)
                Dependencies.Add(new Dependency(br, i));
Exemple #2
        void SerializeAllocationTable(IO.EndianStream s)
            long entries_count = FileEntries.Count;

            s.Stream(ref entries_count);
            if (entries_count > 0)
                if (s.IsReading)
                    FileEntries.Capacity = (int)entries_count;
                    for (int x = 0; x < entries_count; x++)
                        var e = new CaPackageEntry();
                        s.Stream(ref e);
                else if (s.IsWriting)
                    foreach (var e in FileEntries)
                        var e_copy = e;
                        s.Stream(ref e_copy);
        private void AddFiles(string physicalPathRoot, string[] sourceFiles, ParallelTasks <CompressBlock> tasks)
            // Write file data sequentially
            ulong decompressedFileOffset = 0;
            var   readBuffer             = new byte[BlockSize];
            var   readBufferPos          = 0;
            ulong blockOffset            = 0;

            foreach (string filePath in sourceFiles)
                using var fs = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(physicalPathRoot, filePath));

                var fileEntry = new FileEntry()
                    PathHash           = GetHashForPath(filePath),
                    DecompressedOffset = decompressedFileOffset,
                    DecompressedSize   = (uint)fs.Length,

                decompressedFileOffset += fileEntry.DecompressedSize;


                // This appends data until a 256KB block write/flush is triggered - combining multiple files into single block entries
                int read;
                while ((read = fs.Read(readBuffer, readBufferPos, readBuffer.Length - readBufferPos)) > 0)
                    if (readBufferPos + read < BlockSize)
                        readBufferPos += read;

                    tasks.AddItem(new CompressBlock()
                        DecompressedOffset = blockOffset,
                        DecompressedSize   = BlockSize,
                        DataBuffer         = readBuffer

                    readBufferPos = 0;
                    readBuffer    = new byte[BlockSize];
                    blockOffset  += BlockSize;

            if (readBufferPos > 0)
                tasks.AddItem(new CompressBlock()
                    DecompressedOffset = blockOffset,
                    DecompressedSize   = (uint)readBufferPos,
                    DataBuffer         = readBuffer
        public void BuildFromFileList(string physicalPathRoot, string[] sourceFiles)
            WriterDecompressedBlockOffset = 0;
            byte[] tempCompressedBuffer = new byte[WriterBlockSizeThreshold * 2];

            long totalBlockSize = sourceFiles.Sum(file => new FileInfo(Path.Combine(physicalPathRoot, file)).Length);
            int  blockCount     = (int)((totalBlockSize + WriterBlockSizeThreshold) / WriterBlockSizeThreshold);
            int  fileCount      = sourceFiles.Length;

            using var fs            = File.Open(_archivePath, _allowOverwrite ? FileMode.Create : FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
            using var archiveWriter = new BinaryWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8, true);
            using var blockStream   = new MemoryStream();

            // Reserve space for the header
            archiveWriter.BaseStream.Position = CalculateArchiveHeaderLength(fileCount, blockCount);

            // Write file data sequentially
            ulong decompressedFileOffset = 0;

            foreach (string filePath in sourceFiles)
                using var reader = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(physicalPathRoot, filePath)));

                var fileEntry = new FileEntry()
                    PathHash           = GetHashForPath(filePath),
                    DecompressedOffset = decompressedFileOffset,
                    DecompressedSize   = (uint)reader.BaseStream.Length,

                // This appends data until a 256KB block write/flush is triggered - combining multiple files into single block entries
                decompressedFileOffset += fileEntry.DecompressedSize;

                WriteBlockEntries(archiveWriter, blockStream, false, tempCompressedBuffer);

            WriteBlockEntries(archiveWriter, blockStream, true, tempCompressedBuffer);

            // Rewind & insert headers before the compressed data
            archiveWriter.BaseStream.Position = 0;
Exemple #5
 public NuspecBuilder WithFile(string source, string target)
     FileEntries.Add(Tuple.Create(source, target));
Exemple #6
        public bool ReadHeader(BinaryReader br)
            if (!br.CheckHeaderString("MP00", reversed: true))

            EntryCount = br.ReadInt32();

            for (var i = 0; i < EntryCount; ++i)
                var entry = new FileEntry(br);

                FileEntries.Add(entry.Crc, entry);

                var crc  = entry.Crc;
                var crc2 = entry.Crc2;

                var block = StreamingManager.GetStreamBlockByCRC(crc, out string source);
                if (block != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Adding entry: 0x{entry.Crc:X8} => {block.FileName,-45} through {source}");

                block = StreamingManager.GetStreamBlockByCRC(crc2, out string source2);
                if (block != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Adding entry: 0x{crc:X8} => 0x{crc2:X8} => {block.FileName,-45} through {source2}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Adding unknown entry: 0x{crc:X8} => 0x{crc2:X8}");

            Array3D8 = new int[2 * EntryCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < EntryCount; ++i)
                Array3D8[2 * i]     = br.ReadInt32();
                Array3D8[2 * i + 1] = br.ReadInt32();

                var entryCrc = Array3D8[2 * i];
                var crc2     = Array3D8[2 * i + 1];

                if (!FileEntries.ContainsKey(entryCrc))
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: 0x{entryCrc:X8} => 0x{crc2:X8} is not a valid fileentry!");

                var entry = FileEntries[entryCrc];
                if (entry.Crc == entryCrc && entry.Crc2 == crc2)

                string source;
                var    block = StreamingManager.GetStreamBlockByCRC(entryCrc, out source);
                if (block != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Map entry: 0x{entryCrc:X8} => {block.FileName,-45} through {source}");

                block = StreamingManager.GetStreamBlockByCRC(crc2, out source);
                if (block != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Map entry: 0x{entryCrc:X8} 0x{crc2:X8} => {block.FileName,-45} through {source}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Map unknown entry: 0x{entryCrc:X8} => 0x{crc2:X8}");

Exemple #7
 public void AddFileEntry(AwesomeFileEntry entry)
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a single index file on the specified path. Checking for accompanying dat file and populating file index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packFile">The full path of the index file to parse.</param>
        private void _LoadIndexFile(PackFile packFile)
            // loop through index files
            foreach (PackFileEntry currFileEntry in packFile.Files)
                //if (currFileEntry.Name.Contains("bldg_c_station_warp_next_layout.xml.cooked") || currFileEntry.Name.Contains("sku."))
                //    int bp = 0;

                ulong pathHash = currFileEntry.PathHash;

                // have we added the file yet
                if (!FileEntries.ContainsKey(pathHash))
                    FileEntries.Add(pathHash, currFileEntry);

                // we haven't added the file, so we need to compare file times and backup states
                PackFileEntry origFileEntry = FileEntries[pathHash];

                // do backup checks first as they'll "override" the FileTime values (i.e. file not found causes game to go to older version)
                // if currFile IS a backup, and orig is NOT, then add to Siblings as game will be loading orig over "backup" anyways
                if (currFileEntry.IsPatchedOut && !origFileEntry.IsPatchedOut)
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings == null)
                        origFileEntry.Siblings = new List <PackFileEntry>();


                // if curr is NOT a backup, but orig IS, then we want to update (i.e. don't care about FileTime; as above)
                // OR if orig is older than curr, we also want to update/re-arrange Siblings, etc
                if ((!currFileEntry.IsPatchedOut && origFileEntry.IsPatchedOut) ||
                    origFileEntry.FileTime < currFileEntry.FileTime)
                    // set the Siblings list to the updated FileEntry and null out other
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings != null)
                        currFileEntry.Siblings = origFileEntry.Siblings;
                        origFileEntry.Siblings = null;

                    // add the "orig" (now old) to the curr FileEntry.Siblings list
                    if (currFileEntry.Siblings == null)
                        currFileEntry.Siblings = new List <PackFileEntry>();
                    FileEntries[pathHash] = currFileEntry;


                // if curr is older (or equal to; hellgate000 has duplicates) than the orig, then add this to the Siblings list (i.e. orig is newer)
                if (origFileEntry.FileTime >= currFileEntry.FileTime)
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings == null)
                        origFileEntry.Siblings = new List <PackFileEntry>();


                Debug.Assert(false, "End of 'if (FileEntries.ContainsKey(hash))'", "wtf??\n\nThis shouldn't happen, please report this.");