Exemple #1
        public async Task AddStream(string streamer)
            Console.WriteLine("Executing add command for " + streamer);
            string        guildid   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string        guildpath = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(guildid);
            string        namepath  = Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONNAMES);
            List <string> names     = JSONUtil.GetJsonToList <string>(namepath);
            //"Link" can be twitch link or just the channel name
            string name = MessageUtil.GetChannelNameFromMessage(streamer);

            if (name == null)
                await ReplyAsync("Invalid link, please check again");

            if (!names.Contains(name))
                JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(names, namepath);
                await ReplyAsync("Successfully added streamer: " + name);

                //refresh IDS after adding
                await MessageUtil.GetChannelIDs(guildid, true);
                await ReplyAsync("I already have that streamer stored, try !!list to check the current list");
            await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("leaving addstreamer");
 public void CreateDirフォルダ作成成功()
     Assert.IsTrue(FileDirUtil.CreateDir("c:\\test", "test2"));
     Assert.IsTrue(FileDirUtil.CreateDir("c:\\test", "あ①"));
Exemple #3
        public async Task PriceCheck(string coin, string cur = "USD", string expanded = null)
            Console.WriteLine("Command: crypto pricecheck");
            //get the api-correct name for the coin

            string guildid   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string guildpath = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(guildid);
            Dictionary <string, string> coindict = JSONUtil.GetJsonToDic <string, string>(Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.COINS));

            string coinname = GetFullCoinName(coindict, coin);
            string message  = "Could not find the coin mentioned, try updating my record!";

            if (coinname != null)
                if (cur == "full")
                    cur = "usd"; expanded = "full";
                string response = Request(coinname, cur);

                message = FormatCoinPriceResponse(response, cur.ToLower(), expanded);

            await ReplyAsync(message);
Exemple #4
        public async Task GetHelp()
            Console.WriteLine("executing help command");
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);   //get the settings for this guild

            string helpstring = "";

            helpstring += "List of commands for this bot:\n**{0}start** - tells the bot start monitoring for live streams (notifies in same channel)\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}stop** - Tells the bot to stop monitoring (NOTE this may take up to 1 minute to fufil)\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}add <twitch name or link>** - to add a streamer to watch out for\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}remove <twitch name or link>** - to remove a streamer from the watch list\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}notify <on/off>** - Adds the “notify” role to the user invoking the command. (Creates the role if it doesn’t already exist)\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}list** - lists current watch list";
            helpstring += "\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}prefix <new prefix>** - Changes the default or existing prefix to the new one entered\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}addresponse <trigger> <response>** - The bot will watch out for the trigger word and reply with a response when seen\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}deleteresponse <trigger>** - Deletes the response for that trigger\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}responses** - Lists the current stored responses for this server";
            helpstring += "**{0}stats <user>** - Returns the most used words from that user\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}stats all** - Returns the top word for each user in the chat log\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}stats server** - Returns the top words in the server\n";
            helpstring += "\n";
            helpstring += "**{0}pc <coin> <currency>(opt) full(opt)** - Returns basic or full price info for a coin\n";
            helpstring  = String.Format(helpstring, guildsettings.prefix);
            await ReplyAsync(helpstring);
 public void CreateFileファイル作成成功()
     Assert.IsTrue(FileDirUtil.CreateFile("c:\\test", "test2.txt", 0));
     Assert.IsTrue(FileDirUtil.CreateFile("c:\\test", "あ①.txt", 0));
Exemple #6
        public async Task StartMon(string startfile)
            Console.WriteLine("start mon");
            while (true)
                if (File.Exists(startfile))
                    await CheckLive(Context.Message, Context.Guild.Id.ToString());


            //once the monitor stops, remove the stop file
            string guildid   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string guildpath = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(guildid);

                File.Delete(Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONSTOP));
                Console.WriteLine("removed stop file");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("could not remove stop file: " + e);

            await ReplyAsync("**Monitor stopped**");
Exemple #7
        public static Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> > AggregateRecords(SocketCommandContext context)
            Console.WriteLine("aggregating records..");

            string filepath = Path.Combine(FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(context.Guild.Id.ToString()), FileDirUtil.PROCESSLOG);

            Console.WriteLine("reading from the csv file..");
            List <ChatRecord> records = File.ReadAllLines(filepath)
                                        .Select(v => FromCSV(v))

            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> > aggregate = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> >();

            // {user: {word1:0..}}
            Console.WriteLine("looking through records");
            foreach (ChatRecord record in records)
                if (aggregate.ContainsKey(record.User))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Contained key " + record.User);
                    foreach (string word in record.Words.Keys)
                        //Console.WriteLine("looking at word " + word);
                        if (aggregate[record.User].ContainsKey(word))
                            aggregate[record.User][word] += record.Words[word];
                            aggregate[record.User].Add(word, record.Words[word]);
                    aggregate.Add(record.User, record.Words);

            Console.WriteLine("sorting word counts");
            //sort the word collections for each user based on the number of instances of each word
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, int> > pair in aggregate.ToList())
                //var mylist = aggregate[pair.Key].ToList();

                //mylist.Sort((x, y) => x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value));

                var sortedDict = from entry in aggregate[pair.Key] orderby entry.Value descending select entry;
                aggregate[pair.Key] = sortedDict.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Aggregated orederd recrods");

Exemple #8
        public async Task ChangePrefix(string newpref)
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);   //get the settings for this guild

            guildsettings.prefix = newpref;

            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(guildsettings, settingsfile);

            await ReplyAsync($"The prefix for the bot has been changed to **{newpref}**");
Exemple #9
        private async Task CleanGuilds()
            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                NullValueHandling     = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore

            Guilds guilds = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Guilds>(File.ReadAllText(FileDirUtil.JSONGUILDS), settings);

            if (guilds.guilds != null)
                foreach (Guild guild in guilds.guilds)
                    string startfile = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(guild.id, FileDirUtil.JSONSTART);
                    string stopfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(guild.id, FileDirUtil.JSONSTOP);
                    if (File.Exists(startfile))
                            File.Delete(FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(guild.id, FileDirUtil.JSONSTART));
                            Console.WriteLine("Cleaned up start files for " + guild.name);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("couldn't clean up start files " + e);
                        Console.WriteLine("no start file present, carry on");

                    if (File.Exists(stopfile))
                            File.Delete(FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(guild.id, FileDirUtil.JSONSTOP));
                            Console.WriteLine("Cleaned up stop files for " + guild.name);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("couldn't clean up stop files " + e);
                        Console.WriteLine("no stop file present, carry on");
Exemple #10
        private async Task JoinedGuild(SocketGuild guild)
            Console.WriteLine("Entered guild ");
            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                NullValueHandling     = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
                MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore

            Guilds guilds = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Guilds>(File.ReadAllText(FileDirUtil.JSONGUILDS), settings);//checks json containing all guilds + their settings

            Console.WriteLine("got guilds json");
            string id   = guild.Id.ToString();
            string name = guild.Name;

            List <string> ids = guilds.GetIds();

            Console.WriteLine("Entered guild " + name + " " + id);
            //if this is a brand new guild
            if ((guilds.guilds == null) || !ids.Contains(id))
                string guildpath   = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(id);
                string settingfile = Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);

                Console.WriteLine("new guild!");

                Settings gdst = new Settings("!!", id, 0);

                Guild newguilld = new Guild(id, name, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);    //create the new guild with info


                await FileDirUtil.EstablishGuildFiles(newguilld);

                Console.WriteLine("writing guilds back to file");
                JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(guilds, FileDirUtil.JSONGUILDS);
                JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(gdst, settingfile);
                Console.WriteLine("completed setting up for new guild!");
                Console.WriteLine("existing guild");
                await FileDirUtil.VerifyGuildFiles(id);
            //write back the json
Exemple #11
        public async Task List()
            Console.WriteLine("executing list command");
            string guildid   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string guildpath = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(guildid);

            List <string> names = JSONUtil.GetJsonToList <string>(Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONNAMES));

            string messagestring = "Here's the current list of streamers i'm looking out for!";

            foreach (string name in names)
                messagestring += ("\n<https://www.twitch.tv/" + name + ">");
            await ReplyAsync(messagestring);
Exemple #12
        public async Task AddReponse(string word, string reaction)
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);

            bool addnew = guildsettings.AddOrModifyCommand(word.ToLower(), reaction);

            if (addnew)
                await ReplyAsync($"Successfully added a new response for {word}!");
                await ReplyAsync($"Successfully modified the response {word}");

            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(guildsettings, settingsfile);
Exemple #13
        public async Task DeleteResponse(string word)
            string   id            = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string   settingsfile  = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(id, FileDirUtil.JSONSETTINGS);
            Settings guildsettings = JSONUtil.GetSettingsObj(id);

            bool remove = guildsettings.DelCommand(word.ToLower());

            if (remove)
                await ReplyAsync($"Successfully deleted the response for {word}!");
                await ReplyAsync($"Oops, looks like {word} didn't exist anyway!");

            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(guildsettings, settingsfile);
Exemple #14
        public async Task Start()
            Console.WriteLine("Executing start command");
            string guildid   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string guildpath = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(guildid);
            string startfile = Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONSTART);
            string stopfile  = Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONSTOP);

            //if already running
            if (File.Exists(startfile))
                await ReplyAsync("Bot already running, if it appears to be broken try to restart");

            //if a stop command already issued but not completed, don't try to re-start
            if (File.Exists(stopfile))
                await ReplyAsync("Awaiting termination of the existing session before restarting, please try again shortly!");


            //if not already running + no stop command in progress, start the bot

            FileStream fs = File.Create(startfile);

            await MessageUtil.GetChannelIDs(guildid);

            await Context.Client.SetGameAsync("with yer nan");

            await ReplyAsync("Starting up the bot!");

            Task monitask = Task.Run(async() =>
                await StartMon(startfile);
            await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
Exemple #15
        public async Task Stop()
            Console.WriteLine("Executing stop command");
            string     guildid   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string     guildpath = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(guildid);
            string     startfile = Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONSTART);
            string     stopfile  = Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONSTOP);
            FileStream fs        = File.Create(stopfile);

            if (File.Exists(stopfile))
                await ReplyAsync("Waiting for previous session to end, please try again shortly");
            if (File.Exists(startfile))
                    await ReplyAsync("Monitor has been stopped! Please wait up to 1 minute before attempting a restart..");

                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("error trying to delete startfile " + e);
                    await ReplyAsync("Could not stop the monitoring service right now, please retry");

                await ReplyAsync("Currently not monitoring the streams, use **start** to begin monitoring!");
            await Context.Client.SetGameAsync("AFK");

            await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();
Exemple #16
        public async Task RemoveStream(string streamer)
            string        guildid   = Context.Guild.Id.ToString();
            string        guildpath = FileDirUtil.GetGuildDir(guildid);
            List <string> names     = JSONUtil.GetJsonToList <string>(Path.Combine(guildpath, FileDirUtil.JSONNAMES));

            string name = MessageUtil.GetChannelNameFromMessage(streamer);

            if (names.Contains(name))
                await MessageUtil.UpdateList(name, guildid, true);
                await ReplyAsync("Successfully deleted streamer: " + name);
                await ReplyAsync("Please try again, streamer could not be found!");
            await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            Console.WriteLine("leaving deletestreamer");
 public void CreateDirNullTest()
     Assert.IsFalse(FileDirUtil.CreateDir(null, null));
     Assert.IsFalse(FileDirUtil.CreateDir("c:\\", null));
     Assert.IsFalse(FileDirUtil.CreateDir(null, "test"));
 public void CreateDirフォルダ作成失敗()
     Assert.IsFalse(FileDirUtil.CreateDir("c:\\test", "test>2"));
 public void BaseDirCheckNullTest()
Exemple #20
        public async Task CheckLive(SocketUserMessage msg, string guildid)
            string guildids    = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(guildid, FileDirUtil.JSONIDS);
            string guildlive   = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(guildid, FileDirUtil.JSONLIVE);
            string guildstream = FileDirUtil.GetGuildFile(guildid, FileDirUtil.JSONSTREAMS);

            //dic of users to check; dic of last known live, list of currently live
            Dictionary <string, string> users = JSONUtil.GetJsonToDic <string, string>(guildids);
            Dictionary <string, string> live  = JSONUtil.GetJsonToDic <string, string>(guildlive);
            List <string> liveusers           = new List <string>();

            string s = string.Join("&channel=", users.Select(x => x.Value));

            string response = SendRequest(BaseString + "streams/?channel=", s, "Requesting live channels for " + s);

            Console.WriteLine("channelresponse" + response);
            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(null, guildstream, response);

            Streams streams = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Streams>(response);

            //if any live streams, check if already noted as live, if not, set to "live" and notify
            if (streams._total > 0)
                foreach (Stream x in streams.streams)
                    if (live[x.channel.name] != "live")
                        live[x.channel.name] = "live";
                        SocketGuildUser guilduser = msg.Author as SocketGuildUser;
                        SocketRole      guildrole = guilduser.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Name == "notify");
                        string          mention   = "";
                        if (guildrole != null)
                            mention = guildrole.Mention;
                        await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{mention} {x.channel.name} has just gone live playing {x.channel.game}! \n" + "https://www.twitch.tv/" + x.channel.name);

            //check the current live against previous live
            //if set as live when not currently live, set to offline
            Dictionary <string, string> newDictionary = live.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key,
                                                                          entry => entry.Value);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in live)
                if (entry.Value == "live")
                    if (!liveusers.Any(x => x == entry.Key))
                        newDictionary[entry.Key] = "offline";
            live = newDictionary.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key,
                                              entry => entry.Value);
            JSONUtil.WriteJsonToFile(live, guildlive);
            Console.WriteLine("Completed check\n");