public void Compare_File1CreatedBeforeFile2_ReturnsLessThanZero( )
            // Create the first file
            string path1 = Path.GetTempFileName( );

            // Testing the comparer here, not the file system.
            File.SetCreationTime(path1, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1));

            // Create the second file
            string path2 = Path.GetTempFileName( );

            // Initialize the file data
            var file1 = new FileInfo(path1);
            var file2 = new FileInfo(path2);

            // Compare the file
            var comparer = new FileCreationComparer( );
            int result   = comparer.Compare(file1, file2);

            // Assert that the file1 was created before file2
            Assert.IsTrue(result < 0);

        public void Compare_File1File2CreatedSameTime_ReturnsZero( )
            // Create the file
            string path = Path.GetTempFileName( );

            // Initialize the file data
            var file1 = new FileInfo(path);
            var file2 = new FileInfo(path);

            // Compare the file
            var comparer = new FileCreationComparer( );
            int result   = comparer.Compare(file1, file2);

            // Assert that the file1 was created at the same time as file2
            Assert.IsTrue(result == 0);
