Exemple #1
        void WriteIncludes()
            string deplist = "CPPDependencies";


            string header = "\"" + OutputPath + ".h\"";

            FileContents.Insert(1, "#include " + header);
        // Create the pre-processor header guards
        void WriteHeaderGuard()
            string headermacro = null;
            string format      = ConfigFile.Get().GetString("HeaderGuardFormat");

            // Check for a flag indicator
            if (format.Contains('<'))
                int beg = format.IndexOf('<');
                int end = format.IndexOf('>');
                headermacro = format.Substring(0, beg);

                // Parse the flag
                string flag = format.Substring(beg + 1, end - beg - 1);
                if (flag.CompareTo("filename") == 0)
                    // "file" = filename
                    headermacro = headermacro + OutputPath.ToUpper();
                headermacro = headermacro + format.Substring(end + 1, format.Length - (end + 1));
                // Default macro definition
                headermacro = "INCLUDED_" + OutputPath.ToUpper() + "_H";

            string endif     = "#endif";
            string hguardIF  = "#ifndef " + headermacro;
            string hguardDEF = "#define " + headermacro;

            // Insert the header guard macro definitions at the beginning of the file
            FileContents.Insert(0, hguardIF);
            FileContents.Insert(1, hguardDEF + Format.endl);

            // Close the preprocessor definition at the end of the file
            FileContents.Add(endif + " " + "//" + hguardIF);