// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Retrieve our current WASD or Arrow Key input // Using GetAxisRaw removes any kind of gravity or filtering being applied to the input // Ensuring that we are getting either -1, 0 or 1 Vector3 moveInput = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, 0); Vector2 mouseInput = Vector2.zero; Vector2 rightStickInput = Vector2.zero; // pass rightStick values in place of mouse when non-zero //mouseInput.x = rightStickInput.x != 0 ? rightStickInput.x * RightStickMultiplier.x : mouseInput.x; //mouseInput.y = rightStickInput.y != 0 ? rightStickInput.y * RightStickMultiplier.y : mouseInput.y; bool jumpInput = Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"); Current = new FighterInput() { MoveInput = moveInput, MouseInput = mouseInput, JumpInput = jumpInput }; }
private Fighter GetFighter(Vector2 pos, Texture2D overlay, FighterInput input, bool flip, String type) { switch (type) { case ("wasp"): float speed = .7f; double health = 100; double power = 10; var waspIdle = LoadAnim("waspIdle"); var waspPunch = LoadAnim("waspPunch"); var waspRecoil = LoadAnim("waspRecoil"); List <HitBox.HitBoxFrame> hitFrames = new List <HitBox.HitBoxFrame>(); hitFrames.Add(new HitBox.HitBoxFrame(waspPunch.GetNumFrames() / waspPunch.GetFps(), new Rectangle(waspPunch.GetWidth(), 50, 10, 10), power)); var punch = new HitBox(p1, Load <SoundEffect>("Audio/waspPunch"), hitFrames); //Gets null for p1 return(new Fighter(pos, overlay, waspIdle, waspPunch, waspRecoil, input, punch, flip, speed, health, power)); case ("beetle"): float speed2 = .4f; double health2 = 100; double power2 = 11; var beetleIdle = LoadAnim("beetleIdle"); var beetlePunch = LoadAnim("beetlePunch"); var beetleRecoil = LoadAnim("beetleRecoil"); List <HitBox.HitBoxFrame> hitFrames2 = new List <HitBox.HitBoxFrame>(); hitFrames2.Add(new HitBox.HitBoxFrame(beetlePunch.GetNumFrames(), new Rectangle(beetlePunch.GetWidth(), 50, 10, 10), power2)); var punch2 = new HitBox(p2, Load <SoundEffect>("Audio/beetlePunch"), hitFrames2); //Gets null for p2, fix is below return(new Fighter(pos, overlay, beetleIdle, beetlePunch, beetleRecoil, input, punch2, flip, speed2, health2, power2)); } return(null); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Current = new FighterInput(); }