Exemple #1
        // overwrite a field script with one imported from an embedded text file
        public static void ImportScript(FileSource fieldSource, string fieldName, int entity, int script, string importPath)
            var field = FieldScript.FromSource(fieldSource, fieldName);

            field.ReplaceScript(entity, script, App.ReadEmbeddedFile(importPath));
            field.SaveToSource(fieldSource, fieldName);
Exemple #2
        // delete a single script
        public static void DeleteScript(FileSource fieldSource, string fieldName, int entity, int script)
            var field = FieldScript.FromSource(fieldSource, fieldName);

            field.ReplaceScript(entity, script, "");
            field.SaveToSource(fieldSource, fieldName);
Exemple #3
        public static void Apply(FileSource fieldSource, Dictionary <int, int> shuffle)
            // take a script from the start field
            var scriptField  = "start0";
            var scriptEntity = 0;
            var scriptId     = 0;
            var script       = App.ReadEmbeddedFile(string.Format("Sleepey.Maelstrom.FieldScripts.{0}.{1}.{2}.txt", scriptField, scriptEntity, scriptId));

            // move cards to their assigned decks
            foreach (var card in shuffle.Keys)
                script += Environment.NewLine + SetCard(shuffle[card], card);

            // save the script
            var field = FieldScript.FromSource(fieldSource, scriptField);

            field.ReplaceScript(scriptEntity, scriptId, script);
            field.SaveToSource(fieldSource, scriptField);
Exemple #4
        private static void GiveFieldReward(FileSource fieldSource, int encounterID, int opCode, int[] args, string message)
            var boss        = Boss.Encounters[encounterID];
            var fieldPath   = FieldScript.GetFieldPath(boss.FieldID);
            var innerSource = new FileSource(fieldPath, fieldSource);

            // add message
            var msdPath   = Path.Combine(fieldPath, boss.FieldID + Globals.MessageFileExtension);
            var fieldText = MessageFile.FromSource(innerSource, msdPath);
            var msgID     = fieldText.Messages.Count;


            // give reward
            var field  = FieldScript.FromSource(fieldSource, boss.FieldID);
            var script = field.Entities[boss.FieldEntity].Scripts[boss.FieldScript];
            var index  = script.Instructions.FindLastIndex(i => i.OpCode == FieldScript.OpCodesReverse["battle"]) + 1;

            var awardInstructions = new List <FieldScriptInstruction>();
            var push = FieldScript.OpCodesReverse["pshn_l"];

            foreach (var a in args)
                awardInstructions.Add(new FieldScriptInstruction(push, a));
            awardInstructions.Add(new FieldScriptInstruction(opCode));

            // show message
            awardInstructions.Add(new FieldScriptInstruction(push, 0));
            awardInstructions.Add(new FieldScriptInstruction(push, msgID));
            awardInstructions.Add(new FieldScriptInstruction(push, 70));
            awardInstructions.Add(new FieldScriptInstruction(push, 70));
            awardInstructions.Add(new FieldScriptInstruction(FieldScript.OpCodesReverse["amesw"]));

            // apply changes
            script.Instructions.InsertRange(index, awardInstructions);
            innerSource.ReplaceFile(msdPath, fieldText.Encode());
            innerSource.ReplaceFile(FieldScript.GetFieldPath(boss.FieldID) + "\\" + boss.FieldID + Globals.ScriptFileExtension, field.Encode());
Exemple #5
        public static void Apply(FileSource fieldSource, Dictionary <int, int> shuffle)
            var musicOps = new int[] { FieldScript.OpCodesReverse["setbattlemusic"], FieldScript.OpCodesReverse["musicload"] };

            // load list of scripts to search for music changes
            var scripts = MusicLoads.Select(m => new Tuple <string, int, int>(m.FieldName, m.Entity, m.Script)).ToList();

            // add any extra changes from free roam boss clouds
            scripts.AddRange(Boss.Bosses.Where(b => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(b.FieldID)).Select(b => new Tuple <string, int, int>(b.FieldID, b.FieldEntity, b.FieldScript)));

            // remove duplicates
            scripts = scripts.Distinct().ToList();

            // search all these scripts & replace the music IDs with random ones
            foreach (var fieldName in scripts.Select(s => s.Item1).Distinct())
                var field = FieldScript.FromSource(fieldSource, fieldName);

                foreach (var s in scripts.Where(s => s.Item1 == fieldName))
                    var script = field.Entities[s.Item2].Scripts[s.Item3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < script.Instructions.Count; i++)
                        if (musicOps.Contains(script.Instructions[i].OpCode) && i > 0)
                            // update the previous instruction (where the track ID is pushed onto the stack)
                            var prevParam = script.Instructions[i - 1].Param;
                            if (shuffle.ContainsKey(prevParam))
                                field.Entities[s.Item2].Scripts[s.Item3].Instructions[i - 1].Param = shuffle[prevParam];

                field.SaveToSource(fieldSource, fieldName);
        public static void Apply(FileSource fieldSource, Dictionary <int, int> shuffle)
            // take a script from the start field
            var scriptField  = "start0";
            var scriptEntity = 0;
            var scriptId     = 0;
            var script       = App.ReadEmbeddedFile(string.Format("FF8Mod.Maelstrom.FieldScripts.{0}.{1}.{2}.txt", scriptField, scriptEntity, scriptId));

            // move cards to their assigned decks
            foreach (var card in shuffle.Keys)
                // if you getcard before you setcard, it reveals the location in the card menu
                // script += Environment.NewLine + GetCard(i);

                script += Environment.NewLine + SetCard(shuffle[card], card);

            // save the script
            var field = FieldScript.FromSource(fieldSource, scriptField);

            field.ReplaceScript(scriptEntity, scriptId, script);
            StorySkip.SaveToSource(fieldSource, scriptField, field.Encode()); // todo: put this somewhere more sensible