public dtoCallSubmissionFile(RequestedFile requestedFile, Boolean allowRemove, Boolean allowUpload) { Id = requestedFile.Id; FileToSubmit = new dtoCallRequestedFile(requestedFile); AllowRemove = allowRemove; AllowUpload = allowUpload; FieldError = Domain.FieldError.None; }
private void Address1_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidateTextField(Address1.Text)) { FieldError.SetError(Address1, "Required Field"); } else { FieldError.SetError(Address1, ""); } }
private void City_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidateTextField(City.Text)) { FieldError.SetError(City, "Required Field"); } else { FieldError.SetError(City, ""); } }
private void Proof_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidateComboBox(Proof.SelectedItem)) { FieldError.SetError(Proof, "Required Field"); } else { FieldError.SetError(Proof, ""); } }
private void Date_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidateDate(Date.Value)) { FieldError.SetError(Date, "Cannot Select Future Date"); } else { FieldError.SetError(Date, ""); } }
private void lastName_validate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidateTextField(lastName.Text)) { FieldError.SetError(lastName, "Required Field"); } else { FieldError.SetError(lastName, ""); } }
private void middleInitial_validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Minitial.Text) && !Validator.ValidateInitial(Minitial.Text)) { Minitial.ForeColor = Color.Red; FieldError.SetError(Minitial, "Invalid Character"); } else { Minitial.ForeColor = Color.Black; FieldError.SetError(Minitial, ""); } }
public void SetError(Dictionary <long, FieldError> errors) { if (errors == null) { FieldError = Domain.FieldError.None; } else if (errors.ContainsKey(Id)) { FieldError = errors[Id]; } else { FieldError = Domain.FieldError.None; } }
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context) { try { await _next(context); } catch (ValidationException e) { await Write(context, null, e.Errors); } catch (ValidationFieldException e) { await Write(context, null, FieldError.Of(e.Field, e.Error)); } catch (NotAllowedException e) { await Write(context, e.Message); } }
public static void AddFieldError(this InterchangeErrors errors, string segmentName, int errorCode, string errorDescription, int positionInSegment, string fieldValue) { int positionInField = -1; int repetitionCount = 0; string refDesignator = ""; if (errors == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("errors"); } FieldError fieldError = new FieldError(positionInSegment, positionInField, repetitionCount, errorCode, errorDescription, fieldValue, refDesignator); EdiSectionErrors ediSectionErrors = GetEdiSectionErrors(errors, segmentName); ediSectionErrors.FieldErrorList.Add(fieldError); }
public ActionResult AjaxSubmit(string data) { List <FileViewModel> uploadedFiles = new List <FileViewModel>(); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { uploadedFiles = Request.Files.AllKeys.Select(x => new FileViewModel { file = Request.Files[x], name = x }).Where(x => x.file.ContentLength > 0).ToList(); } Result result = new Result(); List <FieldData> fields = null; try { fields = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <FieldData> >(data); } catch (Exception ex) { FieldError fieldError = new FieldError { FieldName = "global", ErrorType = "JSON form parse error" }; result.Errors.Add(fieldError); result.Status = "fail"; result.Message = ex.Message; } if (result.Status != "fail") { FormCollection formCollection = new FormCollection(); foreach (var field in fields) { formCollection.Add(field.Name, field.Value); } result = formService.Submit(formCollection, uploadedFiles); result.Message = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Message) ? result.Message : result.Status; } return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private void Email_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidateEmailAddress(Email.Text)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Email.Text)) { FieldError.SetError(Email, "Required Field"); } else { Email.ForeColor = Color.Red; FieldError.SetError(Email, "Invalid Email Address"); } } else { Email.ForeColor = Color.Black; FieldError.SetError(Email, ""); } }
private void Zip_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidateZipCode(Zip.Text)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Zip.Text.Remove(5, 1).Trim())) { FieldError.SetError(Zip, "Required Field"); } else { Zip.ForeColor = Color.Red; FieldError.SetError(Zip, "Invalid Zip Code"); } } else { Zip.ForeColor = Color.Black; FieldError.SetError(Zip, ""); } }
private void Phone_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Validator.ValidatePhoneNumber(Phone.Text)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Phone.Text.Replace("(", "") .Replace(")", "").Replace("-", "").Trim())) { FieldError.SetError(Phone, "Required Field"); } else { Phone.ForeColor = Color.Red; FieldError.SetError(Phone, "Invalid Phone Number"); } } else { Email.ForeColor = Color.Black; FieldError.SetError(Email, ""); } }
private void ClearForm() { // clear all fields firstName.Clear(); Minitial.Clear(); lastName.Clear(); Address1.Clear(); Address2.Clear(); City.Clear(); State.SelectedItem = null; Zip.Clear(); Gender.SelectedItem = null;; Phone.Clear(); Email.Clear(); Proof.SelectedItem = null; Date.Value = DateTime.Today; // clear errors FieldError.SetError(firstName, ""); FieldError.SetError(Minitial, ""); FieldError.SetError(lastName, ""); FieldError.SetError(Address1, ""); FieldError.SetError(Address2, ""); FieldError.SetError(City, ""); FieldError.SetError(State, ""); FieldError.SetError(Zip, ""); FieldError.SetError(Gender, ""); FieldError.SetError(Phone, ""); FieldError.SetError(Email, ""); FieldError.SetError(Proof, ""); FieldError.SetError(Date, ""); firstName.Select(); SetAddMode(); }
public override bool Check(ref List <Error> checkResult) { IFeatureWorkspace ipFtWS = (IFeatureWorkspace)m_BaseWorkspace; try { List <Error> pResult = new List <Error>(); string strAlias = m_pFieldPara.strAlias; List <string> listLayer = m_pFieldPara.m_LyrFldMap; System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < listLayer.Count; i++) { string strTemp = listLayer[i]; int nIndex = strTemp.IndexOf('&'); if (nIndex < 0) { continue; } string str = strTemp.Substring(0, nIndex); if (!hashtable.Contains(str)) { hashtable.Add(str, ""); } } DataTable dtLayer = new DataTable(); string strSQL = "select AttrTableName,LayerName,LayerID from LR_DicLayer"; dtLayer = Hy.Common.Utility.Data.AdoDbHelper.GetDataTable(SysDbHelper.GetSysDbConnection(), strSQL); if (dtLayer == null) { return(false); } foreach (DataRow drLayer in dtLayer.Rows) { if (drLayer != null) { string strLayerCode = drLayer["AttrTableName"].ToString(); string strLayerName = drLayer["LayerName"].ToString(); int nLayerID = Convert.ToInt32(drLayer["LayerID"]); if (!hashtable.Contains(strLayerName)) { continue; } IFeatureClass pFtCls = null; try { pFtCls = ipFtWS.OpenFeatureClass(strLayerCode); } catch { continue; } IFields pFields = pFtCls.Fields; if (pFields == null) { continue; } int lFieldCount = pFields.FieldCount; IField pField; DataTable dtFields = new DataTable(); string strSQLFields = "select * from LR_DicField where LayerID = " + nLayerID + ""; dtFields = Hy.Common.Utility.Data.AdoDbHelper.GetDataTable(SysDbHelper.GetSysDbConnection(), strSQLFields); if (dtFields == null) { FieldError LRFieldErrorInfo = new FieldError(); LRFieldErrorInfo.DefectLevel = this.DefectLevel; LRFieldErrorInfo.strAttrTabName = strLayerName; LRFieldErrorInfo.strFieldName = null; LRFieldErrorInfo.m_strRuleInstID = this.m_InstanceID; LRFieldErrorInfo.strErrorMsg = string.Format("{0}层对应的属性字段,在《土地利用现状数据库标准》中不存在", strLayerName); pResult.Add(LRFieldErrorInfo); continue; } ///检查图层中是否存在多余字段 for (int i = 0; i < lFieldCount; i++) { if (strLayerName == "注记") { break; } pField = pFields.get_Field(i); if (pField.Name.ToUpper().Contains("OBJECTID") || pField.Name.ToLower().Contains("shape")) { continue; } int k = 0; int nFieldCount = dtFields.Rows.Count; for (k = 0; k < nFieldCount; k++) { DataRow drField = dtFields.Rows[k]; string strStdName = drField["FieldName"].ToString(); string strStdCode = drField["FieldCode"].ToString(); if (strStdCode.Trim().Equals("objectid", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("object id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("shape", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (pField.Name.Trim().Equals(strStdCode.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { break; } } if (k == nFieldCount) { if (!pField.AliasName.Contains("本软件")) { FieldError LRFieldErrorInfo2 = new FieldError(); LRFieldErrorInfo2.DefectLevel = this.DefectLevel; LRFieldErrorInfo2.strAttrTabName = strLayerName; LRFieldErrorInfo2.strFieldName = pField.Name; LRFieldErrorInfo2.m_strRuleInstID = this.m_InstanceID; LRFieldErrorInfo2.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_1, strLayerName, pField.Name); pResult.Add(LRFieldErrorInfo2); } } } ///检查标准中的字段在图层中是否存在,已经图层的字段是否和标准相符合 //二次for循环迭代控制器,add by wangxiang 20111201 int flag = 0; foreach (DataRow drField in dtFields.Rows) { if (drField != null) { string strStdName = drField["FieldName"].ToString(); string strStdCode = drField["FieldCode"].ToString(); if (strStdCode.Trim().Equals("objectid", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("object id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("shape", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } int nStdType = Convert.ToInt32(drField["FieldType"]); string strStdFldType = Hy.Common.Utility.Data.AdoDbHelper.GetFieldTypeName(nStdType); FieldError FieldErrInfo1 = new FieldError(); FieldErrInfo1.DefectLevel = this.DefectLevel; FieldErrInfo1.strAttrTabName = strLayerName; FieldErrInfo1.strFieldName = "" + strStdCode + "(" + strStdName + ")"; FieldErrInfo1.strStdFieldType = strStdFldType; FieldErrInfo1.m_strRuleInstID = this.m_InstanceID; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < lFieldCount && flag < lFieldCount; i++) { pField = pFields.get_Field(i); if (pField.Name.Trim() == strStdCode.Trim()) { flag++; esriFieldType pType = pField.Type; if (nStdType == 3) { nStdType = 4; } esriFieldType pDTType = TopoHelper.en_GetEsriFieldByEnum(nStdType); if (pType == pDTType) { if (pType != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { break; } if (pField.Length != Convert.ToInt32(drField["Length"])) //字段长度不正确 { if (strLayerCode.Equals("JBNTBHTB", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && pField.Name.Trim().Equals("jbnttbbh", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_4, strLayerName, pField.Name, pField.Length, Convert.ToInt32(drField["Length"])); } else { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_4, strLayerName, pField.Name, pField.Length, Convert.ToInt32(drField["Length"])); } pResult.Add(FieldErrInfo1); break; } break; } else { if (pDTType != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_3, strLayerName, pField.Name, TopoHelper.en_GetFieldTypebyEsriField(pType), TopoHelper.en_GetFieldTypebyEsriField(pDTType)); pResult.Add(FieldErrInfo1); } break; } } } if (i == lFieldCount) { if (drField["FieldOption"].ToString().Trim() != "fz") { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_2, strLayerName, drField["FieldName"].ToString()); pResult.Add(FieldErrInfo1); } } } } if (pFtCls != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFtCls); pFtCls = null; } } } checkResult = pResult; } catch (Exception ex) { SendMessage(enumMessageType.Exception, ex.ToString()); return(false); } return(true); }
// Enables save function if all fields are valid and required fields have been entered and no duplicates. private void CanSave() { // check if all required fields have been filled bool valid_Entry = Validator.ValidateTextField(firstName.Text) && Validator.ValidateInitial(Minitial.Text) && Validator.ValidateTextField(lastName.Text) && Validator.ValidateTextField(Address1.Text) && Validator.ValidateTextField(City.Text) && Validator.ValidateComboBox(State.SelectedItem) && Validator.ValidateZipCode(Zip.Text) && Validator.ValidateComboBox(Gender.SelectedItem) && Validator.ValidatePhoneNumber(Phone.Text) && Validator.ValidateEmailAddress(Email.Text) && Validator.ValidateComboBox(Proof.SelectedItem) && Validator.ValidateDate(Date.Value); RebateRecord entered_Record = new RebateRecord(); if (curr_Mode == MODIFY && RebateList.SelectedItems.Count != 0) { entered_Record = new RebateRecord((RebateRecord)RebateList.SelectedItems[0].Tag); } entered_Record.firstName = firstName.Text; entered_Record.middleInitial = Minitial.Text; entered_Record.lastName = lastName.Text; entered_Record.Address1 = Address1.Text; entered_Record.Address2 = Address2.Text; entered_Record.City = City.Text; entered_Record.State = State.Text; entered_Record.Zip = new string(Zip.Text.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()); //zipcode should only be numbers entered_Record.Gender = Gender.Text; entered_Record.Phone = new string(Phone.Text.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()); // phone number should only have numbers entered_Record.Email = Email.Text; entered_Record.Proof = Proof.Text; entered_Record.Date = Date.Value; switch (curr_Mode) { case ADD: if (start_time.CompareTo(DateTime.MinValue) == 0) { start_time = DateTime.Now; } if (valid_Entry && !SearchListViewItem(RebateList, entered_Record)) //Duplicate records checked { Save.Enabled = true; FieldError.SetError(firstName, ""); FieldError.SetError(lastName, ""); FieldError.SetError(Phone, ""); } else { Save.Enabled = false; if (SearchListViewItem(RebateList, entered_Record)) { FieldError.SetError(firstName, "Found existing rebate with same name and phone number!"); FieldError.SetError(lastName, "Found existing rebate with same name and phone number!"); FieldError.SetError(Phone, "Found existing rebate with same name and phone number!"); } } break; case MODIFY: if (valid_Entry && !SearchListViewItem(RebateList, entered_Record)) { Save.Enabled = true; FieldError.SetError(firstName, ""); FieldError.SetError(lastName, ""); FieldError.SetError(Phone, ""); } else { Save.Enabled = false; if (SearchListViewItem(RebateList, entered_Record)) { FieldError.SetError(firstName, "Found existing rebate with same name and phone number!"); FieldError.SetError(lastName, "Found existing rebate with same name and phone number!"); FieldError.SetError(Phone, "Found existing rebate with same name and phone number!"); } } break; } }
public Result Validate(Form formModel, List <FileViewModel> uploadedFiles) { Result result = new Result { Status = "success", Errors = new List <FieldError>() }; bool isValid = true; ActionMessage actionMessage = new ActionMessage(); actionMessage.Message = new Message(); actionMessage.IsSuccess = isValid; foreach (Field field in formModel.Fields) { field.IsRequiredValid = true; field.IsFormatValid = true; field.IsContainHTML = false; if (field.Mandatory) { if (field.FieldType.Type.Equals(PropertyAlias.DragDropUpload) || field.FieldType.Type.Equals(PropertyAlias.Upload)) { foreach (var uploadFile in uploadedFiles) { if (field.Id !='[', ']')[1]) { field.IsRequiredValid = false; isValid = false; } else { field.IsRequiredValid = true; isValid = true; break; } } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { field.IsRequiredValid = false; isValid = false; } } } /***************************** Refactor ***********************/ // use else if if (field.FieldType.Type.Equals(PropertyAlias.Email)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { try { MailAddress address = new MailAddress(field.Value); } catch (FormatException) { field.IsFormatValid = false; isValid = false; } } } if (field.FieldType.Type.Equals(PropertyAlias.Phone)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { Regex pPattrn = new Regex("[0-9]+"); if (!pPattrn.IsMatch(field.Value)) { field.IsFormatValid = false; isValid = false; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { if (field.Value.Contains(">") || field.Value.Contains("<")) { field.IsContainHTML = true; isValid = false; } } if (field.FieldType.Type.Equals(PropertyAlias.HoneyPot)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { field.IsFormatValid = false; isValid = false; } } } if (!isValid) { result.Status = "fail"; // Why loop again foreach (Field field in formModel.Fields) { if (!(field.IsRequiredValid && field.IsFormatValid)) { string errorType = !field.IsRequiredValid ? "require" : "format"; string errorMessageMandatory = string.Empty; string errorMessageValidation = string.Empty; errorMessageMandatory = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.MessageMandatory) ? field.MessageMandatory : string.Empty; errorMessageValidation = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.MessageInvalidFormat) ? field.MessageInvalidFormat : string.Empty; FieldError fieldError = new FieldError { ErrorType = errorType, FieldName = field.Name.ToString(), FieldId = field.Id.ToString(), ErrorMessageMandatory = errorMessageMandatory, ErrorMessageValidation = errorMessageValidation }; result.Errors.Add(fieldError); } } result.Message = "fail"; } else { actionMessage.IsSuccess = true; result.Message = "success"; } return(result); }
public dtoCallSubmissionFile() { FieldError = Domain.FieldError.None; }
public override bool Check(ref List<Error> checkResult) { IFeatureWorkspace ipFtWS = (IFeatureWorkspace)m_BaseWorkspace; try { List<Error> pResult = new List<Error>(); string strAlias = m_pFieldPara.strAlias; List<string> listLayer = m_pFieldPara.m_LyrFldMap; System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < listLayer.Count; i++) { string strTemp = listLayer[i]; int nIndex = strTemp.IndexOf('&'); if (nIndex < 0) { continue; } string str = strTemp.Substring(0, nIndex); if (!hashtable.Contains(str)) { hashtable.Add(str, ""); } } DataTable dtLayer = new DataTable(); string strSQL = "select AttrTableName,LayerName,LayerID from LR_DicLayer"; dtLayer = Hy.Common.Utility.Data.AdoDbHelper.GetDataTable(SysDbHelper.GetSysDbConnection(), strSQL); if (dtLayer==null) { return false; } foreach (DataRow drLayer in dtLayer.Rows) { if (drLayer != null) { string strLayerCode = drLayer["AttrTableName"].ToString(); string strLayerName = drLayer["LayerName"].ToString(); int nLayerID = Convert.ToInt32(drLayer["LayerID"]); if (!hashtable.Contains(strLayerName)) { continue; } IFeatureClass pFtCls = null; try { pFtCls = ipFtWS.OpenFeatureClass(strLayerCode); } catch { continue; } IFields pFields = pFtCls.Fields; if (pFields == null) { continue; } int lFieldCount = pFields.FieldCount; IField pField; DataTable dtFields = new DataTable(); string strSQLFields = "select * from LR_DicField where LayerID = " + nLayerID + ""; dtFields = Hy.Common.Utility.Data.AdoDbHelper.GetDataTable(SysDbHelper.GetSysDbConnection(), strSQLFields); if (dtFields==null) { FieldError LRFieldErrorInfo = new FieldError(); LRFieldErrorInfo.DefectLevel = this.DefectLevel; LRFieldErrorInfo.strAttrTabName = strLayerName; LRFieldErrorInfo.strFieldName = null; LRFieldErrorInfo.m_strRuleInstID = this.m_InstanceID; LRFieldErrorInfo.strErrorMsg = string.Format("{0}���Ӧ�������ֶΣ��ڡ�����������״���ݿ�����в�����", strLayerName); pResult.Add(LRFieldErrorInfo); continue; } ///���ͼ�����Ƿ���ڶ����ֶ� for (int i = 0; i < lFieldCount; i++) { if (strLayerName == "ע��") { break; } pField = pFields.get_Field(i); if (pField.Name.ToUpper().Contains("OBJECTID") || pField.Name.ToLower().Contains("shape")) { continue; } int k = 0; int nFieldCount = dtFields.Rows.Count; for (k = 0; k < nFieldCount; k++) { DataRow drField = dtFields.Rows[k]; string strStdName = drField["FieldName"].ToString(); string strStdCode = drField["FieldCode"].ToString(); if (strStdCode.Trim().Equals("objectid", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("object id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("shape", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (pField.Name.Trim().Equals(strStdCode.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { break; } } if (k == nFieldCount) { if (!pField.AliasName.Contains("�����")) { FieldError LRFieldErrorInfo2 = new FieldError(); LRFieldErrorInfo2.DefectLevel = this.DefectLevel; LRFieldErrorInfo2.strAttrTabName = strLayerName; LRFieldErrorInfo2.strFieldName = pField.Name; LRFieldErrorInfo2.m_strRuleInstID = this.m_InstanceID; LRFieldErrorInfo2.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_1, strLayerName, pField.Name); pResult.Add(LRFieldErrorInfo2); } } } ///�����е��ֶ���ͼ�����Ƿ���ڣ��Ѿ�ͼ����ֶ��Ƿ�ͱ������ //����forѭ��������������add by wangxiang 20111201 int flag = 0; foreach (DataRow drField in dtFields.Rows) { if (drField != null) { string strStdName = drField["FieldName"].ToString(); string strStdCode = drField["FieldCode"].ToString(); if (strStdCode.Trim().Equals("objectid", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("object id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || strStdCode.Trim().Equals("shape", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } int nStdType = Convert.ToInt32(drField["FieldType"]); string strStdFldType = Hy.Common.Utility.Data.AdoDbHelper.GetFieldTypeName(nStdType); FieldError FieldErrInfo1 = new FieldError(); FieldErrInfo1.DefectLevel = this.DefectLevel; FieldErrInfo1.strAttrTabName = strLayerName; FieldErrInfo1.strFieldName = "" + strStdCode + "(" + strStdName + ")"; FieldErrInfo1.strStdFieldType = strStdFldType; FieldErrInfo1.m_strRuleInstID = this.m_InstanceID; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < lFieldCount && flag < lFieldCount; i++) { pField = pFields.get_Field(i); if (pField.Name.Trim() == strStdCode.Trim()) { flag++; esriFieldType pType = pField.Type; if (nStdType == 3) { nStdType = 4; } esriFieldType pDTType = TopoHelper.en_GetEsriFieldByEnum(nStdType); if (pType == pDTType) { if (pType != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString) { break; } if (pField.Length != Convert.ToInt32(drField["Length"])) //�ֶγ��Ȳ���ȷ { if (strLayerCode.Equals("JBNTBHTB", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && pField.Name.Trim().Equals("jbnttbbh", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_4, strLayerName, pField.Name, pField.Length, Convert.ToInt32(drField["Length"])); } else { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_4, strLayerName, pField.Name, pField.Length, Convert.ToInt32(drField["Length"])); } pResult.Add(FieldErrInfo1); break; } break; } else { if (pDTType != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_3, strLayerName, pField.Name, TopoHelper.en_GetFieldTypebyEsriField(pType), TopoHelper.en_GetFieldTypebyEsriField(pDTType)); pResult.Add(FieldErrInfo1); } break; } } } if (i == lFieldCount) { if (drField["FieldOption"].ToString().Trim() != "fz") { FieldErrInfo1.strErrorMsg = string.Format(Helper.ErrMsgFormat.ERR_410100001_2, strLayerName, drField["FieldName"].ToString()); pResult.Add(FieldErrInfo1); } } } } if (pFtCls != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFtCls); pFtCls = null; } } } checkResult = pResult; } catch (Exception ex) { SendMessage(enumMessageType.Exception, ex.ToString()); return false; } return true; }
// Return value indicate if ST segment is valid or not private bool ProcessSTSegment() { string location = "EDIReader.ProcessSTSegment"; string errors = string.Empty; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); LastState = EDIState.ST; int currentTransactionSetType; if (CurrentSegmentDetails == null || CurrentSegmentDetails.Length < 2 || int.TryParse(CurrentSegmentDetails[1], out currentTransactionSetType) == false) { InvalidTransactionSetCount++; //TODO: Add error Logger.Error(location, EventId.EDIReaderInvalidSegment, "{0} - Invalid segment - {1}", GetCurrentPosContext(), CurrentSegment); Errors.AddSegmentError(CurrentSegment, X12ErrorCode.UnexpectedSegmentCode , X12ErrorCode.GetStandardSegmentErrorDescription(X12ErrorCode.UnexpectedSegmentCode), SegmentNumber , this.CurrentSegmentStartPos, this.CurrentSegmentEndPos - 1, EdiErrorType.Error); } else { ValidTransactionSetCount++; // TODO: Optimization - Load DocumentPlug, reconstruct ISA and GA segment if transaction set type changed //if (PrevTransactionSetType != currentTransactionSetType) { // Make sure that ISA and GA fields are already present if (ISARecordFields == null || GSRecordFields == null) { throw new EDIReaderException( string.Format("ISA and GA segments should be present before ST segment. {0}", GetCurrentPosContext())); } if (ISARecordFields.Length != MaxISAFieldRecordCount || GSRecordFields.Length == 0) { throw new EDIReaderException( string.Format("ISA and GA segments length ({0}, {1}) does not match expected length ({2}, non-zero). {3}", ISARecordFields.Length, GSRecordFields.Length, MaxISAFieldRecordCount, GetCurrentPosContext())); } //TODO: For testing invoking DocumentPlugFactory.CreateEDIDocumentPlug if (DocumentPlug == null) { if (FPManager == null) { DocumentPlug = DocumentPlugFactory.CreateEDIDocumentPlug(currentTransactionSetType); } else { DocumentPlug = CreateEDIDocumentPlug(currentTransactionSetType, ISARecordFields); } } else // Make sure that DocumentPlug and ST document type match { // DocumentPlug.DocumentType = 0 indicates that there was problem retrieving DocumentType // while constructing DocumentPlug if (DocumentPlug.DocumentType != 0 && DocumentPlug.DocumentType != currentTransactionSetType) { string errorDescription = "Spec Cert relates to document {0}, however ST01 value is {1}.; test File is rejected"; errorDescription = string.Format(errorDescription, DocumentPlug.DocumentType, currentTransactionSetType); FieldError fieldError = DataTypeHelper.GenerateFieldError(X12ErrorCode.DeInvalidCodeValueCode, errorDescription, CurrentSegmentDetails[0]); long currentSegmentFieldStartIndex = this.CurrentSegmentStartPos + 3; // length of "ST<delimiter>" long currentSegmentFieldEndIndex = currentSegmentFieldStartIndex + CurrentSegmentDetails[1].Length - 1; Logger.Error(location, EventId.EDIReaderInvalidTransactionSetType, errorDescription); Errors.AddFieldError(CurrentSegmentDetails[0], "ST01", fieldError.ErrorCode, fieldError.Description, SegmentNumber, 1, CurrentSegmentDetails[1], currentSegmentFieldStartIndex, currentSegmentFieldEndIndex, EdiErrorType.Error); return(false); } } CurrentPluglet = DocumentPlug.RootPluglet; CurrentPluglet.ResetCurrentOccurances(); // Construct start segment list CurrentPluglet.InitializeStartSegmentList(); FatpipeDocumentInst.TransactionSetType = currentTransactionSetType; if (CurrentSegmentDetails.Length > 2) { FatpipeDocumentInst.TransactionNumber = CurrentSegmentDetails[2]; } FatpipeDocumentInst.DocumentPlug = DocumentPlug; FatpipeDocumentInst.RootFragment = CurrentPluglet.ConstructDocumentFragment(null, null); // Construct ISA node //CreateAndAddNewSegment(EDIState.ISA.ToString(), ISARecordFields); // Construct GS node //CreateAndAddNewSegment(EDIState.GS.ToString(), GSRecordFields); //GSSegmentProcessed = true; //GSPluglet = CurrentPluglet; PrevTransactionSetType = currentTransactionSetType; } //else //{ // // Move to GS node to start new segment // CurrentPluglet = GSPluglet; // // Remove previous TransactionSet // if (FatpipeDocumentInst.RootFragment.Children != null) // { // IDocumentFragment transactionSetChild = FatpipeDocumentInst.RootFragment.Children.Any( c => c.Pluglet.Tag == "TransactionSet"); // FatpipeDocumentInst.RootFragment.Children.Remove(transactionSetChild); // } // // Set errors to null // FatpipeDocumentInst.Errors = null; //} // Construct ST node CreateAndAddNewSegment(EDIState.ST.ToString(), CurrentSegmentDetails); } sw.Stop(); Logger.Debug(location, "Stop - {0}. Elapsed time {1} ms", GetCurrentPosContext(), sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(true); }