private static void TestVisibility(string source, string className, string propertyName, SyntaxKind expectedVisibility)
            // Assembling some code
            IAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader = new Utils.AsmlDasmlAssemblyLoader(source);

            // Loading the assembly
            IAssemblyProxy assembly = assemblyLoader.Load();

            // Locating the class
            ITypeInfoProxy classDefinition = assembly.LocateType("MyClass");


            // Locating the field
            IFieldInfoProxy fieldDeclaration = classDefinition.LocateField("myField");


            // Generating the AST
            var factory    = new FieldDeclarationSyntaxFactory(fieldDeclaration);
            var syntaxNode = factory.Create();

            Assert.IsNotNull(syntaxNode, "A node was expected to be built");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(syntaxNode, typeof(FieldDeclarationSyntax), "Expected a field declaration node to be built");

            var fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode = syntaxNode as FieldDeclarationSyntax;

            var modifiers = fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode.Modifiers;

            Assert.IsTrue(Utils.CheckModifier(modifiers, expectedVisibility), "Method does not have correct visibility");
        public void NameCorrectlyAcquired()
            // Assembling some code
            IAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader = new Utils.AsmlDasmlAssemblyLoader(@"
                namespace MyNamespace {
                    public class MyClass {
                        public int myField;

            // Loading the assembly
            IAssemblyProxy assembly = assemblyLoader.Load();

            // Locating the class
            ITypeInfoProxy classDefinition = assembly.LocateType("MyClass");


            // Locating the field
            IFieldInfoProxy fieldDeclaration = classDefinition.LocateField("myField");


            // Generating the AST
            var factory    = new FieldDeclarationSyntaxFactory(fieldDeclaration);
            var syntaxNode = factory.Create();

            Assert.IsNotNull(syntaxNode, "A node was expected to be built");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(syntaxNode, typeof(FieldDeclarationSyntax), "Expected a field declaration node to be built");

            var fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode = syntaxNode as FieldDeclarationSyntax;

            var variables = fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode.Declaration.Variables;


            var variable = fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode.Declaration.Variables.First();


            var name = variable.Identifier.Text;

            Assert.AreEqual("myField", name, "Field name not correctly acquired");
        public void StaticModifierCorrectlyAcquired()
            // Assembling some code
            IAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader = new Utils.AsmlDasmlAssemblyLoader(@"
                namespace MyNamespace {
                    public class MyClass {
                        public static int myField1;
                        public int myField2;

            // Loading the assembly
            IAssemblyProxy assembly = assemblyLoader.Load();

            // Locating the class
            ITypeInfoProxy classDefinition = assembly.LocateType("MyClass");


            Action <string, bool> CheckStatic = (fieldName, expected) =>
                // Locating the field
                IFieldInfoProxy fieldDeclaration = classDefinition.LocateField(fieldName);

                // Generating the AST
                var factory    = new FieldDeclarationSyntaxFactory(fieldDeclaration);
                var syntaxNode = factory.Create();

                Assert.IsNotNull(syntaxNode, "A node was expected to be built");
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(syntaxNode, typeof(FieldDeclarationSyntax), "Expected a field declaration node to be built");

                var fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode = syntaxNode as FieldDeclarationSyntax;

                var modifiers = fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode.Modifiers;

                var staticModifier = modifiers.Where(modifier => modifier.Kind() == SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected ? 1 : 0, staticModifier.Count(), expected ? "Expected one static modifier" : "No static modifier expected");

            CheckStatic("myField1", true);
            CheckStatic("myField2", false);
        public void TypeCorrectlyAcquired()
            // Assembling some code
            IAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader = new Utils.AsmlDasmlAssemblyLoader(@"
                namespace MyNamespace {
                    public class MyClass {
                        public int myField;

            // Loading the assembly
            IAssemblyProxy assembly = assemblyLoader.Load();

            // Locating the class
            ITypeInfoProxy classDefinition = assembly.LocateType("MyClass");


            // Locating the field
            IFieldInfoProxy fieldDeclaration = classDefinition.LocateField("myField");


            // Generating the AST
            var factory    = new FieldDeclarationSyntaxFactory(fieldDeclaration);
            var syntaxNode = factory.Create();

            Assert.IsNotNull(syntaxNode, "A node was expected to be built");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(syntaxNode, typeof(FieldDeclarationSyntax), "Expected a field declaration node to be built");

            var fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode = syntaxNode as FieldDeclarationSyntax;

            var type = fieldDeclarationSyntaxNode.Declaration.Type;


            var typeIdentifier = type as QualifiedNameSyntax;

            Assert.IsNotNull(typeIdentifier, "Type expected to be qualified name");
            Assert.AreEqual("System.Int32", typeIdentifier.ToString(), "Parameter name does not match");