//$goals 1 //$benchmark public void minimumTest(FibHeap fibHeap) { if (fibHeap != null && fibHeap.repOK()) { FibHeapNode ret_val = fibHeap.minimum(); } }
//$goals 25 //$benchmark public void removeMinTest(FibHeap fibHeap) { if (fibHeap != null && fibHeap.repOK()) { FibHeapNode ret_val = fibHeap.removeMin(); } }
//$goals 5 //$benchmark public void insertNodeTest(FibHeap fibHeap, FibHeapNode toInsert) { if (fibHeap != null && toInsert != null && toInsert.left == toInsert && toInsert.right == toInsert && toInsert.parent == null && toInsert.child == null && fibHeap.repOK()) { FibHeapNode ret_val = fibHeap.insertNode(toInsert); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // To function fast the alghoritm needs references to the nodes for the Decrease operation instead of // ... just keys. The generator, on the other hand, does not (nor it can) operate with references. A // ... decision to put the translation between references and identifiers outside of the heap was made // ... as in a real world application the outside code would use the references instead of identifiers for // ... decrease anyway. FibNode <int>[] NodeIndetifierResolver = null; FibHeap <int> fibHeap = null; Logger logger = new Logger(); string line; while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != null) { (Command command, int N, int K) = ParseCommand(line); switch (command) { // Create new FiboHeap and report the last one case Command.New: fibHeap = null; NodeIndetifierResolver = null; logger.Flush(); GC.Collect(); NodeIndetifierResolver = new FibNode <int> [2_000_000];
//$goals 1 //$benchmark public void minimumTest(FibHeap fibHeap) { if (fibHeap!=null && fibHeap.repOK()) { FibHeapNode ret_val = fibHeap.minimum(); } }
//$goals 5 //$benchmark public void insertNodeTest(FibHeap fibHeap, FibHeapNode toInsert) { if (fibHeap!=null && toInsert!=null && toInsert.left==toInsert && toInsert.right==toInsert && toInsert.parent==null && toInsert.child==null && fibHeap.repOK()) { FibHeapNode ret_val = fibHeap.insertNode(toInsert); } }
//$goals 25 //$benchmark public void removeMinTest(FibHeap fibHeap) { if (fibHeap!=null && fibHeap.repOK()) { FibHeapNode ret_val = fibHeap.removeMin(); } }