Exemple #1
        public StringSearchTestFixture(DataStore dataStore, Format format, TestFhirServerFactory testFhirServerFactory)
            : base(dataStore, format, testFhirServerFactory)
            // Prepare the resources used for string search tests.

            Patients = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Patient>(
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, "Seattle", "Smith", given: "Bea"),
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, "Portland", "Williams"),
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, "Vancouver", "Anderson"),
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, LongString, "Murphy"),
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, "Montreal", "Richard", given: "Bea"))

            void SetPatientInfo(Patient patient, string city, string family, string given = null)
                patient.Address = new List <Address>()
                    new Address()
                        City = city

                patient.Name = new List <HumanName>()
                    new HumanName()
                        Family = family, Given = new[] { given }
        public StringSearchTestFixture(DataStore dataStore, Format format)
            : base(dataStore, format)
            // Prepare the resources used for string search tests.

            Patients = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Patient>(
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, "Seattle", "Smith"),
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, "Portland", "Williams"),
                p => SetPatientInfo(p, "Vancouver", "Anderson"))

            void SetPatientInfo(Patient patient, string city, string family)
                patient.Address = new List <Address>()
                    new Address()
                        City = city

                patient.Name = new List <HumanName>()
                    new HumanName()
                        Family = family
Exemple #3
        public NumberSearchTestFixture(DataStore dataStore, Format format)
            : base(dataStore, format)
            // Prepare the resources used for number search tests.

            Immunizations = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Immunization>(
                i => SetImmunization(i, 1),
                i => SetImmunization(i, 4),
                i => SetImmunization(i, 5),
                i => SetImmunization(i, 6),
                i => SetImmunization(i, 100)).Result;

            void SetImmunization(Immunization immunization, int doseSequence)
                immunization.Patient       = new ResourceReference("Patient/123");
                immunization.VaccineCode   = new CodeableConcept("vaccine", "code");
                immunization.Status        = Immunization.ImmunizationStatusCodes.Completed;
                immunization.NotGiven      = false;
                immunization.PrimarySource = true;

                immunization.VaccinationProtocol = new List <Immunization.VaccinationProtocolComponent>()
                    new Immunization.VaccinationProtocolComponent()
                        DoseSequence = doseSequence,
        public NumberSearchTestFixture(DataStore dataStore, Format format)
            : base(dataStore, format)
            // Prepare the resources used for number search tests.

            RiskAssessments = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <RiskAssessment>(
                i => SetRiskAssessment(i, 1),
                i => SetRiskAssessment(i, 4),
                i => SetRiskAssessment(i, 5),
                i => SetRiskAssessment(i, 6),
                i => SetRiskAssessment(i, 100)).Result;

            void SetRiskAssessment(RiskAssessment riskAssessment, int probability)
                riskAssessment.Status     = ObservationStatus.Final;
                riskAssessment.Subject    = new ResourceReference("Patient/123");
                riskAssessment.Prediction = new List <RiskAssessment.PredictionComponent>
                    new RiskAssessment.PredictionComponent {
                        Probability = new FhirDecimal(probability)
Exemple #5
        public ReferenceSearchTestFixture(DataStore dataStore, Format format, TestFhirServerFactory testFhirServerFactory)
            : base(dataStore, format, testFhirServerFactory)
            // Prepare the resources used for string search tests.

            Patients = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Patient>(
                p => p.ManagingOrganization = new ResourceReference("Organization/123"),
                p => p.ManagingOrganization = new ResourceReference("Organization/abc"))
Exemple #6
        public ReferenceSearchTestFixture()
            : base()
            // Prepare the resources used for string search tests.

            Patients = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Patient>(
                p => p.ManagingOrganization = new ResourceReference("Organization/123"),
                p => p.ManagingOrganization = new ResourceReference("Organization/abc"))
Exemple #7
        public DateSearchTestFixture()
            : base()

            Patients             = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Patient>(
                p => p.BirthDate = "1979-12-31",                // 1979-12-31T00:00:00.0000000 <-> 1979-12-31T23:59:59.9999999
                p => p.BirthDate = "1980",                      // 1980-01-01T00:00:00.0000000 <-> 1980-12-31T23:59:59.9999999
                p => p.BirthDate = "1980-05",                   // 1980-05-01T00:00:00.0000000 <-> 1980-05-31T23:59:59.9999999
                p => p.BirthDate = "1980-05-11",                // 1980-05-11T00:00:00.0000000 <-> 1980-05-11T23:59:59.9999999
                p => p.BirthDate = "1980-05-11T16:32",          // 1980-05-11T16:32:00.0000000 <-> 1980-05-11T16:32:59.9999999
                p => p.BirthDate = "1980-05-11T16:32:15",       // 1980-05-11T16:32:15.0000000 <-> 1980-05-11T16:32:15.9999999
                p => p.BirthDate = "1980-05-11T16:32:15.500",   // 1980-05-11T16:32:15.5000000 <-> 1980-05-11T16:32:15.5000000
                p => p.BirthDate = "1981-01-01").Result;        // 1981-01-01T00:00:00.0000000 <-> 1981-12-31T23:59:59.9999999
Exemple #8
        public UriSearchTestFixture(DataStore dataStore, Format format)
            : base(dataStore, format)
            // Prepare the resources used for URI search tests.

            ValueSets = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <ValueSet>(
                vs => AddValueSet(vs, "http://somewhere.com/test/system"),
                vs => AddValueSet(vs, "urn://localhost/test")).Result;

            void AddValueSet(ValueSet vs, string url)
                vs.Status = PublicationStatus.Active;
                vs.Url    = url;
        public TokenSearchTestFixture()
            : base()
            // Prepare the resources used for number search tests.

            Observations = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Observation>(
                o => SetObservation(o, cc => cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system1", "code1"))),
                o => SetObservation(o, cc => cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system2", "code2"))),
                o => SetObservation(o, cc => cc.Text = "text"),
                o => SetObservation(o, cc => cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system1", "code2", "text2"))),
                o => SetObservation(o, cc => cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system3", "code3", "text"))),
                o => SetObservation(o, cc =>
                cc.Text = "text";
                cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system1", "code1"));
                cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system3", "code2"));
                o => SetObservation(o, cc =>
                cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system2", "code1"));
                cc.Coding.Add(new Coding("system3", "code3", "text2"));
                o => SetObservation(o, cc => cc.Coding.Add(new Coding(null, "code3")))).Result;

            void SetObservation(Observation observation, Action <CodeableConcept> codeableConceptCustomizer)
                observation.Code   = new CodeableConcept("system", "code");
                observation.Status = ObservationStatus.Registered;

                var codeableConcept = new CodeableConcept();


                observation.Value = codeableConcept;
Exemple #10
        public QuantitySearchTestFixture(DataStore dataStore, Format format)
            : base(dataStore, format)
            // Prepare the resources used for number search tests.

            Observations = FhirClient.CreateResourcesAsync <Observation>(
                o => SetObservation(o, 1.0m, "unit1", "system1"),
                o => SetObservation(o, 3.12m, "unit1", "system2"),
                o => SetObservation(o, 4.0m, "unit1", "system1"),
                o => SetObservation(o, 5.0m, "unit1", "system1"),
                o => SetObservation(o, 5.0m, "unit2", "system2"),
                o => SetObservation(o, 6.0m, "unit2", "system2"),
                o => SetObservation(o, 8.95m, "unit2", "system1"),
                o => SetObservation(o, 10.0m, "unit1", "system1")).Result;

            void SetObservation(Observation observation, decimal quantity, string unit, string system)
                observation.Code   = new CodeableConcept("system", "code");
                observation.Status = ObservationStatus.Registered;

                observation.Value = new Quantity(quantity, unit, system);