/* * * Frontend page: Fee Page * Title: get fees by selected date * Designed: Nadeeka * User story: * Developed: Nadeeka * Date created: 4/21/2016 * */ public ActionResult PayFeesForSelectedDueDate(DateTime dueDate, string type) { LoanSetupStep1 loanDetails = new LoanSetupStep1(); loanDetails = (new LoanSetupAccess()).GetLoanDetailsByLoanCode(Session["loanCode"].ToString()); // take the loan detail of selected loan // pass the loan details to the view ViewBag.loanDetails = loanDetails; FeeAccess feeAccess = new FeeAccess(); List <Fees> lstFee = feeAccess.GetFeesByDueDate(loanDetails.loanId, dueDate, type); // get fees list by duedate and type of fee FeesModel feeModel = new FeesModel(); feeModel.FeeModelList = new List <Fees>(); feeModel.Type = type; // if list exists, add to model and session for searching if (lstFee != null && lstFee.Count > 0) { feeModel.FeeModelList.AddRange(lstFee); Session["feeList"] = feeModel.FeeModelList; } // return partial view of selected fee page return(PartialView(feeModel)); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { FeesModel feesModel = db.FeesModels.Find(id); db.FeesModels.Remove(feesModel); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private async void Delete(object obj) { areaView.getdata(); Areamodel = areaView.AreaData; var dfs = Areamodel.Where(vc => vc.ParkFeesId == SelectedFess.ParkFeesId).Count(); if (dfs > 0) { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = "Restricted action ! data used "; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } return; } else { var data = _services.deleteData(SelectedFess.ParkFeesId); if (data) { FeesModel fe = new FeesModel(); getFeesData(); Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(46, 204, 113)); Visibility = true; Message = "data berhasil di hapus"; FeesVal = ""; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } return; } else { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = " data gagal di hapus "; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } return; } } }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Class_Id,TotalFees")] FeesModel feesModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(feesModel).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.Class_Id = new SelectList(db.ClassMasterModels, "Id", "ClassName", feesModel.Class_Id); return(View(feesModel)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,Class_Id,TotalFees")] FeesModel feesModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.FeesModels.Add(feesModel); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.Class_Id = new SelectList(db.ClassMasterModels, "Id", "ClassName", feesModel.Class_Id); return(View(feesModel)); }
// GET: FeesModels/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } FeesModel feesModel = db.FeesModels.Find(id); if (feesModel == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(feesModel)); }
// GET: FeesModels/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } FeesModel feesModel = db.FeesModels.Find(id); if (feesModel == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.Class_Id = new SelectList(db.ClassMasterModels, "Id", "ClassName", feesModel.Class_Id); return(View(feesModel)); }
public static bool Update(FeesModel sellOrderModel, List <FeesDetailModel> sellOrderDetailModellList, out string strMsg) { bool isSucc = false;//是否添加成功 //定义变量 string remark = string.Empty; strMsg = ""; try { isSucc = FeesDBHelper.Update(sellOrderModel, sellOrderDetailModellList, out strMsg);; //设置操作成功标识 //remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_SUCCESS; } catch { ////输出日志 //SellLogCommon.WriteSystemLog(ex, LogInfo.LogType.SYSTEM, LogInfo.SystemLogKind.SYSTEM_ERROR, ConstUtil.MODULE_ID_SELLORDER_ADD); ////设置操作成功标识 //remark = ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_FAILED; } //SellLogCommon.InsertLog(sellOrderModel.OrderNo, ConstUtil.MODULE_ID_SELLORDER_ADD, ConstUtil.CODING_RULE_TABLE_SELLORDER, remark, ConstUtil.LOG_PROCESS_UPDATE); return(isSucc); }
public static DataTable ExportFeesBySearch(string CompanyCD, FeesModel FeesM, string DateBegin, string DateEnd, string PriceB, string PriceE) { return(FeesDBHelper.ExportFeesBySearch(CompanyCD, FeesM, DateBegin, DateEnd, PriceB, PriceE)); }
public static bool ConfirmFees(string OrderNO, FeesModel FeesM, List <FeesDetailModel> FeesDetailM, out string strMsg) { return(FeesDBHelper.ConfirmFees(OrderNO, FeesM, FeesDetailM, out strMsg)); }
public static DataTable GetFeesBySearch(string CompanyCD, FeesModel FeesM, string DateBegin, string DateEnd, string PriceB, string PriceE, int pageIndex, int pageCount, string ord, ref int TotalCount) { return(FeesDBHelper.GetFeesBySearch(CompanyCD, FeesM, DateBegin, DateEnd, PriceB, PriceE, pageIndex, pageCount, ord, ref TotalCount)); }
/* * * Frontend page: Fee Page * Title: get fees by selected date * Designed: Nadeeka * User story: * Developed: Nadeeka * Date created: 4/25/2016 * */ public ActionResult SearchFee(string identificationNumber, string year, string make, string vehicleModel, FeesModel CurtailmentList) { List <Fees> SearchList = new List <Fees>(); // if fee list exists on session if (Session["feeList"] != null) { List <Fees> feeModel = (List <Fees>)Session["feeList"]; // if atleast one searching criteria matches -- do search if (((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(identificationNumber)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(make)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vehicleModel)))) { //search through list of elements Search sc = new Search(); SearchList = sc.GetSearchFeeList(feeModel, identificationNumber.Trim().ToLower(), year.Trim().ToLower(), make.Trim().ToLower(), vehicleModel.Trim().ToLower()); // take filtered elements // pass the list to view return(PartialView(SearchList)); } // if no searching criteria matched -- retunt empty list else { return(PartialView(SearchList)); } } // if fee list not exist on session -- return empty list else { return(PartialView(SearchList)); } }
private async void AddData(object obj) { //_katmodel.KategoriHall = Katname; //_katmodel.katNumber = Katnumber; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FeesVal)) { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = " Input wajib di isi "; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } else { if (!Regex.IsMatch(FeesVal, "[0-9]")) { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = " Input wajib berupa nomor "; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } return; } FeesData = (ObservableCollection <FeesModel>)obj; var cvd = FeesData.Where(cv => cv.FeesValue.ToString() == FeesVal).Count(); Console.WriteLine(cvd); if (cvd < 1) { var dataadd = _services.insertData(Convert.ToInt32(FeesVal)); if (dataadd) { FeesModel fe = new FeesModel(); getFeesData(); Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(46, 204, 113)); Visibility = true; Message = "data berhasil disimpan"; FeesVal = ""; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } else { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = "data gagal disimpan"; FeesVal = ""; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } } else { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = "data sudah ada"; FeesVal = ""; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } } }
private async void Saveedit(object obj) { if (!Regex.IsMatch(FeesVal.ToString(), "[0-9]")) { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = " Input wajib berupa nomor "; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } return; } if (FeesVal.Equals(0)) { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = " Input wajib di isi "; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } else { FeesData = (ObservableCollection <FeesModel>)obj; var dft = FeesData.Where(vf => vf.FeesValue.ToString() == FeesVal).Count(); if (dft >= 0) { var dataadd = _services.EditSave(ids, Convert.ToInt32(FeesVal)); if (dataadd) { FeesModel fe = new FeesModel(); getFeesData(); Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(46, 204, 113)); Visibility = true; Message = "data berhasil disimpan"; FeesVal = ""; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } else { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = "data gagal disimpan"; FeesVal = ""; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } } else { Coloring = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(231, 76, 60)); Visibility = true; Message = "data sudah ada"; FeesVal = ""; var cs = await delayid(); if (cs) { Visibility = false; } } } }
protected void FillLoanReleaseStatement(int id, int oldestDisId) { decimal loanbalance = 0; var formDetail = FormDetail.GetByPaymentId(id); imgSignature.ImageUrl = formDetail.Signature; var query = (from d in ObjectContext.DisbursementViewLists join p in ObjectContext.Payments on d.DisbursementId equals p.Id where d.DisbursementId == id select new { customerId = p.ProcessedToPartyRoleId, customer = d.DisbursedTo, paymentAmount = p.TotalAmount, disbursedate = p.TransactionDate }).FirstOrDefault(); int customerId = (int)query.customerId; decimal deductions = 0M; var agreementId = int.Parse(hdnAgreementId.Value.ToString()); var loanAccount = ObjectContext.FinancialAccounts.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.AgreementId == agreementId).LoanAccount; lblName.Text = query.customer; lblBorrowerName.Text = query.customer.ToUpper(); var customer = PartyRole.GetById(customerId); if (customer.Customer != null) { var customerClassification = customer.Customer.CurrentClassification; lblStationNo.Text = customerClassification.ClassificationType.StationNumber; } FillPendingLoans(id,loanAccount.FinancialAccountId); //var oldestDisbursementId = var ParentPayment = ObjectContext.Payments.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.ParentPaymentId == oldestDisId && entity.SpecificPaymentType.Id == SpecificPaymentType.FeePaymentType.Id); var totalFees = 0M; DateTime paymentTransitionDateTime = DateTime.Now; if (ParentPayment != null) { var loanParentPayment = ObjectContext.Payments.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.ParentPaymentId == ParentPayment.Id && entity.SpecificPaymentType.Id == SpecificPaymentType.LoanPaymentType.Id); var feeParentPayment = ObjectContext.Payments.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.ParentPaymentId == ParentPayment.Id && entity.SpecificPaymentType.Id == SpecificPaymentType.FeePaymentType.Id); //for loan payments if (loanParentPayment != null) { loanbalance = loanParentPayment.TotalAmount; lblTotalPreviousLoan.Text = loanbalance.ToString("N"); deductions += loanbalance; } //for fee payments if (feeParentPayment != null) { var feePayments = ObjectContext.FeePayments.Where(entity => entity.PaymentId == feeParentPayment.Id); List<FeesModel> feeModel = new List<FeesModel>(); if (feePayments.Count() != 0) { foreach (var items in feePayments) { FeesModel fee = new FeesModel(); fee.Fees = items.Particular; fee.Amount = items.FeeAmount; feeModel.Add(fee); } } totalFees = feeModel.Sum(entity => entity.Amount); lblTotalFees.Text = totalFees.ToString("N"); deductions += totalFees; grdFees.DataSource = feeModel.ToList(); grdFees.DataBind(); } } //var paymentDate = (from ldv in ObjectContext.LoanDisbursementVcrs.Where(entity => entity.AgreementId == agreementId) // join lpa in ObjectContext.PaymentApplications.OrderBy(entity => entity.PaymentId) on ldv.Id equals lpa.LoanDisbursementVoucherId // join p in ObjectContext.Payments on lpa.PaymentId equals p.Id // where p.ParentPaymentId == null && lpa.AmountApplied == query.paymentAmount // select new { // Date = p.EntryDate, // LDVId = ldv.Id // }).OrderByDescending(entity => entity.Date).FirstOrDefault(); //var voucherStatus = ObjectContext.DisbursementVcrStatus.Where(entity => (entity.DisbursementVoucherStatTypId == DisbursementVcrStatusEnum.PendingType.Id // || entity.DisbursementVoucherStatTypId == DisbursementVcrStatusEnum.PartiallyDisbursedType.Id) // && entity.TransitionDateTime < paymentDate.Date // && entity.LoanDisbursementVoucherId == paymentDate.LDVId).OrderByDescending(entity => entity.TransitionDateTime).FirstOrDefault(); //if(voucherStatus!=null)paymentTransitionDateTime = voucherStatus.TransitionDateTime; //var agreement = ObjectContext.Agreements.FirstOrDefault(entity => entity.Id == agreementId); //var amortization = ObjectContext.AmortizationSchedules.SingleOrDefault(entity => entity.AgreementId == agreementId && entity.DateGenerated == paymentTransitionDateTime); //if(amortization == null) // amortization = ObjectContext.AmortizationSchedules.SingleOrDefault(entity => entity.AgreementId == agreementId && entity.DateGenerated < paymentTransitionDateTime); var ammortization = ObjectContext.AmortizationSchedules.Where(entity => entity.AgreementId == agreementId).OrderBy(entity => entity.DateGenerated).FirstOrDefault(); if (ammortization != null) { var principalLoan = loanAccount.LoanAmount; lblNetAmountReceived.Text = (principalLoan - deductions).ToString("N"); lblTotalDeductions.Text = deductions.ToString("N"); lblGranted.Text = query.disbursedate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); lblPrincipalAmount.Text = principalLoan.ToString("N"); lblToStartOn.Text = ammortization.PaymentStartDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"); } }