/// <summary> /// Constructor. Where the magic lovin' happens. /// </summary> public FeedwinManager() { Log.Info("Starting up"); try { Log.Debug("Building Manager window"); InitializeComponent(); //We're going to use the notifyicon and context menu from Winforms, because the WPF versions are a bit shit at the moment. CreateIconContextMenu(); LoadSettings(); thisinst = this; Log.Debug("Removing SSL cert validation"); ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; //We currently don't care if your RSS feed is being MITM'd. ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; LoadPlugins(); //We serialize the configuration to the app.config. To let us do this, we need a serlializer. Log.Debug("Creating XML serializer for the saved FeedConfigItems"); serializer = new XmlSerializer(FeedConfigItems.GetType()); ReloadFeedConfigItems(); //If we don't have any feeds loaded, prompt the user to add some. if (FeedConfigItems.Items.Count == 0) { notifyicon.ShowBalloonTip(1000); } LoadProxy(); SetGuiConfigValues(); Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Hide(); Log.Debug("Checking for updates on startup"); var updater = new AutoUpdate(); updater.CheckForUpdates(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Exception caught during FeedwinManager constructor", ex); throw; } }
public void XmlImportTest1() { var actual = new FeedConfigItemList(); var serializer = new XmlSerializer(actual.GetType()); var sr = new StringReader(Properties.Resources.XmlImportTest1); var xmlr = XmlReader.Create(sr); if (serializer.CanDeserialize(xmlr)) { actual = (FeedConfigItemList)serializer.Deserialize(xmlr); } xmlr.Close(); sr.Close(); Assert.AreEqual(16, actual.Items.Count); }