Exemple #1
        private ShuttleTask GenerateBinLocRetrival(int aisle, int level = 0)
            ShuttleTask sT          = new ShuttleTask();
            string      freeLevel   = string.Empty;
            string      binLocation = string.Empty;

            if (level == 0) // no level has been imputted
                freeLevel = GetRandomFreeLevel();
            else if (level > 0)
                freeLevel = level.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');

            if (freeLevel != string.Empty) // if nothing was returned from GetRandomFreeLevel then string will be empty
                //sT.LoadColor  = System.Drawing.Color.Peru;
                //sT.LoadHeight = 0.32f;
                //sT.LoadLength = 0.6f;
                //sT.LoadWidth  = 0.4f;
                //sT.LoadWeight = 2.3f;
                sT.Source = GenerateBinLocation(freeLevel);
                //sT.Source = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", (char)GetRackSide()                                                         //s   - side
                //                                        , rand.Next(1, (int)theMultishuttle.RackBays + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0')  //xxx - Bin loc
                //                                        , freeLevel                                                                   //yy  - level
                //                                        , rand.Next(1, 3).ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));                                //dd  - depth

                string side = "R";
                int    intFreeLevel;
                int.TryParse(freeLevel, out intFreeLevel);
                if (theMultishuttle.LeftEvenLevelInfeed) //infeeds and outfeeds are mixed
                    if (theMultishuttle.LeftEvenLevelInfeed && intFreeLevel % 2 == 0)
                        side = "R";
                    else if (theMultishuttle.LeftEvenLevelInfeed && intFreeLevel % 2 > 0)
                        side = "L";
                sT.Destination = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}OB", aisle.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), side, freeLevel);
                sT.Barcode     = FeedCase.GetSSCCBarcode();

Exemple #2
        private void DelayedShuttleTask(RackConveyorArrivalEventArgs e)

            ShuttleTask sT = new ShuttleTask();

            sT.Level = e._locationName.Level();
            //sT.LoadColor = Color.Peru;
            //sT.LoadHeight = 0.32f;
            //sT.LoadLength = 0.65f;
            //sT.LoadWidth = 0.32f;
            //sT.LoadWeight = 2.3f;
            sT.Destination = "01R06OB";
            sT.Source      = e._locationName;
            sT.Barcode     = FeedCase.GetSSCCBarcode();
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Rack Location for an ElevatorTask takes the form: aasyyxz: a=aisle, s = side, y = level, x = input or output, Z = loc A or B e.g. 01R05OA
        /// Elevator Source location for a shuttleTask takes the form: sxxxyydd: Side, xxx location, yy = level, dd = depth
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="cPoint"></param>
        public MHEControl_MultiShuttleSimulation(MultiShuttleSimInfo info, MultiShuttle cPoint)
            theMultishuttle     = cPoint;
            multiShuttleSimInfo = info;  // set this to save properties

            theMultishuttle.OnArrivedAtPickStationConvPosB += multiShuttle_OnArrivedAtPickStationConvPosB;
            theMultishuttle.OnArrivedAtPickStationConvPosA += multiShuttle_OnArrivedAtPickStationConvPosA;
            theMultishuttle.OnArrivedAtInfeedRackConvPosB  += theMultishuttle_OnArrivedAtInfeedRackConvPosB;
            theMultishuttle.OnArrivedAtOutfeedRackConvPosA += theMultishuttle_OnArrivedAtOutfeedRackConvPosA;
            theMultishuttle.OnArrivedAtOutfeedRackConvPosB += theMultishuttle_OnArrivedAtOutfeedRackConvPosB;
            theMultishuttle.OnLoadTransferingToPickStation += theMultishuttle_OnLoadTransferingToPickStation;
            theMultishuttle.OnArrivedAtRackLocation        += theMultishuttle_OnArrivedAtRackLocation;

            //List<string> setShuttleTasks = new List<string>() { "L0270902", "R0150202", "L0340102", "R0280302", "L0090701", "R0400802", "L0370802", "R0140102", "L0390402", "R0180602" };

            //foreach (string item in setShuttleTasks)
            //    ShuttleTask sT = new ShuttleTask();
            //    sT.LoadColor = Color.Peru;
            //    sT.LoadHeight = 0.32f;
            //    sT.LoadLength = 0.65f;
            //    sT.LoadWidth = 0.32f;
            //    sT.LoadWeight = 2.3f;
            //    sT.Source = item;
            //    sT.Level = sT.Source.Level();
            //    sT.Destination = string.Format("01R{0}OB", sT.Level.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
            //    sT.Barcode = FeedCase.GetSSCCBarcode();
            //    theMultishuttle.shuttlecars[sT.Level].ShuttleTasks.Add(sT);


            ShuttleTask sT = new ShuttleTask();

                //sT.LoadColor = Color.Peru;
                //sT.LoadHeight = 0.32f;
                //sT.LoadLength = 0.65f;
                //sT.LoadWidth = 0.32f;
                //sT.LoadWeight = 2.3f;
                sT.Source      = "R0011001";//"L0011001"
                sT.Level       = sT.Source.Level();
                sT.Destination = string.Format("01{0}{1}OA", (char)(sT.Source.Side()), sT.Level.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
                sT.Barcode     = FeedCase.GetSSCCBarcode();

                sT = new ShuttleTask();
                //sT.LoadColor = Color.Peru;
                //sT.LoadHeight = 0.32f;
                //sT.LoadLength = 0.65f;
                //sT.LoadWidth = 0.32f;
                //sT.LoadWeight = 2.3f;
                sT.Source      = "R0110801";
                sT.Level       = sT.Source.Level();
                sT.Destination = string.Format("01{0}{1}OA", (char)sT.Source.Side(), sT.Level.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
                sT.Barcode     = FeedCase.GetSSCCBarcode();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Write("Error in simulation: " + ex.Message, Color.Red);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
            //    ShuttleTask task = GenerateBinLocRetrival(1);
            //    if (task != null)
            //    {
            //        theMultishuttle.shuttlecars[task.Source.Level()].ShuttleTasks.Add(task);
            //        task = null;
            //    }

            //List<RackConveyor> infeedRackConvTemp = new List<RackConveyor>();

            //foreach (DematicActionPoint dAP in theMultishuttle.ConveyorLocations)
            //    if (dAP.LocName.ConvType() == ConveyorTypes.InfeedRack)
            //    {
            //        infeedRackConvTemp.Add((dAP.Parent.Parent.Parent) as RackConveyor);
            //    }

            //var hash = new HashSet<RackConveyor>(infeedRackConvTemp);
            //List<RackConveyor> infeedRackConv = hash.ToList();