public unsafe bool CheckFeatureSupport <T>(FeatureVideo feature, ref T featureSupport) where T : unmanaged { fixed(void *featureSupportPtr = &featureSupport) { return(CheckFeatureSupport(feature, (IntPtr)featureSupportPtr, sizeof(T)).Success); } }
public unsafe T CheckFeatureSupport <T>(FeatureVideo feature) where T : unmanaged { T featureSupport = default; CheckFeatureSupport(feature, new IntPtr(&featureSupport), sizeof(T)); return(featureSupport); }
/// <summary>To be documented.</summary> public readonly unsafe int CheckFeatureSupport(FeatureVideo FeatureVideo, void *pFeatureSupportData, uint FeatureSupportDataSize) { var @this = (ID3D12VideoDevice *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this)); int ret = default; ret = ((delegate * unmanaged[Cdecl] < ID3D12VideoDevice *, FeatureVideo, void *, uint, int >)LpVtbl[3])(@this, FeatureVideo, pFeatureSupportData, FeatureSupportDataSize); return(ret); }
/// <summary>To be documented.</summary> public readonly int CheckFeatureSupport <T0>(FeatureVideo FeatureVideo, ref T0 pFeatureSupportData, uint FeatureSupportDataSize) where T0 : unmanaged { var @this = (ID3D12VideoDevice *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(in this)); int ret = default; fixed(T0 *pFeatureSupportDataPtr = &pFeatureSupportData) { ret = ((delegate * unmanaged[Cdecl] < ID3D12VideoDevice *, FeatureVideo, T0 *, uint, int >)LpVtbl[3])(@this, FeatureVideo, pFeatureSupportDataPtr, FeatureSupportDataSize); } return(ret); }