Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Builds a peak matcher object.
        /// </summary>
        public void BuildPeakMatcher(MultiAlignAnalysisOptions options)
            var tolerances     = new FeatureMatcherTolerances();
            var stanleyMatcher = new STACAdapter <UMCClusterLight>
                Options =
                    HistogramBinWidth           = options.StacOptions.HistogramBinWidth,
                    HistogramMultiplier         = options.StacOptions.HistogramMultiplier,
                    ShiftAmount                 = options.StacOptions.ShiftAmount,
                    ShouldCalculateHistogramFDR = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateHistogramFDR,
                    ShouldCalculateShiftFDR     = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateShiftFDR,
                    ShouldCalculateSLiC         = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateSLiC,
                    ShouldCalculateSTAC         = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateSTAC,
                    UseDriftTime                = options.StacOptions.UseDriftTime,
                    UseEllipsoid                = options.StacOptions.UseEllipsoid,
                    UsePriors                   = options.StacOptions.UsePriors

            tolerances.DriftTimeTolerance         = Convert.ToSingle(options.StacOptions.DriftTimeTolerance);
            tolerances.MassTolerancePPM           = options.StacOptions.MassTolerancePPM;
            tolerances.NETTolerance               = options.StacOptions.NETTolerance;
            tolerances.Refined                    = options.StacOptions.Refined;
            stanleyMatcher.Options.UserTolerances = tolerances;
            m_provider.PeakMatcher                = stanleyMatcher;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 ///     Builds a peak matcher object.
 /// </summary>
 public void BuildPeakMatcher(MultiAlignAnalysisOptions options)
     var tolerances = new FeatureMatcherTolerances();
     var stanleyMatcher = new STACAdapter<UMCClusterLight>
         Options =
             HistogramBinWidth = options.StacOptions.HistogramBinWidth,
             HistogramMultiplier = options.StacOptions.HistogramMultiplier,
             ShiftAmount = options.StacOptions.ShiftAmount,
             ShouldCalculateHistogramFDR = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateHistogramFDR,
             ShouldCalculateShiftFDR = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateShiftFDR,
             ShouldCalculateSLiC = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateSLiC,
             ShouldCalculateSTAC = options.StacOptions.ShouldCalculateSTAC,
             UseDriftTime = options.StacOptions.UseDriftTime,
             UseEllipsoid = options.StacOptions.UseEllipsoid,
             UsePriors = options.StacOptions.UsePriors
     tolerances.DriftTimeTolerance = Convert.ToSingle(options.StacOptions.DriftTimeTolerance);
     tolerances.MassTolerancePPM = options.StacOptions.MassTolerancePPM;
     tolerances.NETTolerance = options.StacOptions.NETTolerance;
     tolerances.Refined = options.StacOptions.Refined;
     stanleyMatcher.Options.UserTolerances = tolerances;
     m_provider.PeakMatcher = stanleyMatcher;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the internal flag as to whether the match is within the given tolerances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tolerances">Tolerances to use for matching.</param>
        /// <param name="useElllipsoid">Whether to use ellipsoidal region for matching.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool InRegion(FeatureMatcherTolerances tolerances, bool useElllipsoid)
            if (m_targetFeature == new TTarget())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Match must be populated before using functions involving the match.");
            var toleranceMatrix = tolerances.AsVector(true);

            if (m_reducedDifferenceVector != new DenseMatrix(2, 1))
                var dimensions = m_reducedDifferenceVector.RowCount;

                if (useElllipsoid)
                    double distance = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                        distance += m_reducedDifferenceVector[i, 0] * m_reducedDifferenceVector[i, 0] / toleranceMatrix[i, 0] / toleranceMatrix[i, 0];
                    m_withinRefinedRegion = (distance <= 1);
                    var truthValue = true;
                    for (var i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                        truthValue = (truthValue && Math.Abs(m_reducedDifferenceVector[i, 0]) <= toleranceMatrix[i, 0]);
                    m_withinRefinedRegion = truthValue;
                if (useElllipsoid)
                    double distance = 0;
                    var    massDiff = m_observedFeature.MassMonoisotopicAligned - m_targetFeature.MassMonoisotopicAligned;
                    var    netDiff  = m_observedFeature.NetAligned - m_targetFeature.NetAligned;
                    distance += massDiff * massDiff / toleranceMatrix[0, 0] / toleranceMatrix[0, 0];
                    distance += netDiff * netDiff / toleranceMatrix[1, 0] / toleranceMatrix[1, 0];
                    // TODO: Add drift time difference.
                    m_withinRefinedRegion = (distance <= 1);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find a list of matches between two lists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shortObservedList">List of observed features.  Possibly a subset of the entire list corresponding to a particular charge state.</param>
        /// <param name="shortTargetList">List of target features.  Possibly a subset of the entire list corresponding to a particular charge state.</param>
        /// <param name="tolerances">Tolerances to be used for matching.</param>
        /// <param name="shiftAmount">A fixed shift amount to use for populating the shifted match list.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of type FeatureMatch containing matches within the defined region.</returns>
        public List <FeatureMatch <TObserved, TTarget> > FindMatches(List <TObserved> shortObservedList, List <TTarget> shortTargetList, FeatureMatcherTolerances tolerances, double shiftAmount)
            // Create a list to hold the matches until they are returned.
            var matchList = new List <FeatureMatch <TObserved, TTarget> >();

            // Set indices to use when iterating over the lists.
            var observedIndex = 0;
            var lowerBound    = 0;

            // Sort both lists by mass.
            if (!double.IsNaN(shortObservedList[0].MassMonoisotopicAligned) && shortObservedList[0].MassMonoisotopicAligned > 0.0)
            if (!double.IsNaN(shortTargetList[0].MassMonoisotopicAligned) && shortTargetList[0].MassMonoisotopicAligned > 0.0)

            // Locally store the tolerances.
            var massTolerancePpm   = tolerances.MassTolerancePPM;
            var netTolerance       = tolerances.NETTolerance;
            var driftTimeTolerance = tolerances.DriftTimeTolerance;

            // Iterate through the list of observed features.
            while (observedIndex < shortObservedList.Count)
                // Store the current observed feature locally.
                var observedFeature = shortObservedList[observedIndex];
                // Flag variable that gets set to false when the observed mass is greater than the current mass tag by more than the tolerance.
                var continueLoop = true;
                // Set the target feature iterator to the current lower bound.
                var targetIndex = lowerBound;
                // Iterate through the list of target featrues or until the observed feature is too great.
                while (targetIndex < shortTargetList.Count && continueLoop)
                    // Add any shift to the mass tag.
                    var targetFeature = shortTargetList[targetIndex];

                    // Check to see that the features are within the mass tolearance of one another.
                    double massDifference;
                    if (WithinMassTolerance(observedFeature, targetFeature, massTolerancePpm, shiftAmount, out massDifference))
                        var withinTolerances = WithinNETTolerance(observedFeature, targetFeature, netTolerance);
                        if (m_matchParameters.UseDriftTime)
                            withinTolerances = withinTolerances & WithinDriftTimeTolerance(observedFeature, targetFeature, driftTimeTolerance);
                            withinTolerances = withinTolerances & (observedFeature.ChargeState == targetFeature.ChargeState);
                        // Create a temporary match between the two and check it against all tolerances before adding to the match list.
                        if (withinTolerances)
                            var match = new FeatureMatch <TObserved, TTarget>();
                            match.AddFeatures(observedFeature, targetFeature, m_matchParameters.UseDriftTime, (shiftAmount > 0));
                        // Increase the lower bound if the the MassTag masses are too low or set the continueLoop flag to false if they are too high.
                        if (massDifference < massTolerancePpm)
                            continueLoop = false;
                    // Increment the target index.
                // Increment the observed index.
            // Return the list of matches.