Exemple #1
        private async Task ProcessAsync()
            await ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                IList <Layer> listLayers   = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().ToList();
                FeatureLayer l_ownShip     = listLayers.First(l => l.Name == ConstDefintion.ConstLayer_OwnShipLayerName) as FeatureLayer;
                FeatureLayer l_targetShip  = listLayers.First(l => l.Name == ConstDefintion.ConstLayer_TargetShipLayerName) as FeatureLayer;
                FeatureClass fc_ownShip    = l_ownShip.GetFeatureClass();
                FeatureClass fc_targetShip = l_targetShip.GetFeatureClass();

                Feature f_ownShip;
                QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter()
                    ObjectIDs = new List <long>()
                RowCursor rowCursor1 = fc_ownShip.Search(qf, false);

                Row row1 = rowCursor1.Current;

                f_ownShip               = row1 as Feature;
                MapPoint p_ownship      = f_ownShip.GetShape() as MapPoint;
                IList <MapPoint> points = new List <MapPoint>();
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, -2, 6));
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, 2, 6));
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, -2, 2));
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, 2, 2));
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, -3, 1));
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, 3, 1));
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, -3, 5));
                points.Add(CreateTargetShipPoint(p_ownship, 3, 5));

                using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                    foreach (MapPoint point in points)
                        gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                            using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fc_targetShip.CreateRowBuffer())
                                rowBuffer["Shape"] = point;
                                using (Feature feature = fc_targetShip.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
Exemple #2
 private static void InsertRow(FeatureClass featureClass, string shapeField,
                               Geometry polygon,
                               object description)
     using (RowBuffer buffer = featureClass.CreateRowBuffer())
         buffer[shapeField]    = polygon;
         buffer["Description"] = description;
Exemple #3
        private async Task AddResultFeatures(FeatureClass fc)
            EditOperation featOp = new EditOperation();

            featOp.Callback(context => {
                foreach (Result result in Results)
                    using (RowBuffer row = fc.CreateRowBuffer()) {
                        row["VehicleYear"]                      = result.Vehicle.Year;
                        row["VehicleMake"]                      = result.Vehicle.Make;
                        row["VehicleModel"]                     = result.Vehicle.Model;
                        row["Vehicletype"]                      = result.Vehicle.Type;
                        row["VehicleMPG"]                       = result.Vehicle.Mpg;
                        row["OriginalSymbolColor"]              = result.Color;
                        row["PADDZone"]                         = result.PaddZone;
                        row["DOEGasPricePerGallon"]             = result.DollarsPerGallon;
                        row["MilesPerDollar"]                   = result.MilesPerDollar;
                        row["DriveDistanceMiles"]               = result.DriveDistMi;
                        row["ResultDateTime"]                   = result.ResultDateTimeUTC;
                        row[fc.GetDefinition().GetShapeField()] = result.DriveServiceArea;

                        using (Feature feat = fc.CreateRow(row)) {
            }, fc);
            bool success = await featOp.ExecuteAsync();

            if (!success)
                throw new Exception("Error adding result features: " + featOp.ErrorMessage);
            success = await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();

            if (!success)
                throw new Exception("Failure while saving result features");
Exemple #4
        private static void RiskAssessment(Geodatabase gdb, FeatureClass keyPoints, string maskPoint, double risk)
            FeatureClass voyageMaskPoint = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(maskPoint);

            using (RowCursor rowCursor = voyageMaskPoint.Search(null, false))
                while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                    using (Feature f = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
                        using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = keyPoints.CreateRowBuffer())
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_ddv]   = risk;
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_Shape] = f.GetShape();
                            using (Feature feature = keyPoints.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
Exemple #5
        private static void CreateSemiEvaluatePoint(int i, double angle, double semi, Coordinate2D point, FeatureClass fc_evaluatePoints)
            double       yStep         = Math.Sin(angle) * semi;
            double       xStep         = Math.Cos(angle) * semi;
            double       risk          = CalCollisionRisk(i);
            Coordinate2D evaluatePoint = new Coordinate2D()
                X = point.X + xStep,
                Y = point.Y + yStep
            MapPoint p = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(evaluatePoint, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));

            using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fc_evaluatePoints.CreateRowBuffer())
                // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_r_estimate] = risk;
                rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_factor]     = 0.05 * i;
                rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_Shape]      = p;
                using (Feature feature = fc_evaluatePoints.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to create a mask for geoprocessing environment
        /// Will buffer around each observer at the max distance to create mask
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maskFeatureClassName"></param>
        /// <param name="bufferDistance"></param>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        private async Task CreateMask(string maskFeatureClassName,
                                      double minDistanceInMapUnits, double maxDistanceInMapUnits,
                                      double horizontalStartAngleInDegrees, double horizontalEndAngleInDegrees,
                                      SpatialReference surfaceSR, ObservableCollection <AddInPoint> observerPoints,
                                      bool constructRangeFans = false)
            // create new
            await FeatureClassHelper.CreateLayer(FeatureDatasetName, maskFeatureClassName, "POLYGON", false, false);

                string message        = String.Empty;
                bool   creationResult = false;
                await ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                    using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(FeatureClassHelper.FgdbFileToConnectionPath(CoreModule.CurrentProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath)))
                        using (FeatureClass enterpriseFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(maskFeatureClassName))
                            using (FeatureClassDefinition fcDefinition = enterpriseFeatureClass.GetDefinition())
                                EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                                editOperation.Callback(context =>
                                        var shapeFieldName = fcDefinition.GetShapeField();

                                        foreach (var observer in observerPoints)
                                            using (var rowBuffer = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer())
                                                // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                                // project the point here or the buffer tool may use an angular unit and run forever
                                                var point        = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(observer.Point, surfaceSR);
                                                Geometry polygon = null;

                                                if (constructRangeFans)
                                                    polygon = GeometryHelper.ConstructRangeFan(point as MapPoint,
                                                                                               minDistanceInMapUnits, maxDistanceInMapUnits, horizontalStartAngleInDegrees,
                                                                                               horizontalEndAngleInDegrees, surfaceSR);
                                                    polygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(point, maxDistanceInMapUnits);

                                                rowBuffer[shapeFieldName] = polygon;

                                                Feature feature = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);
                                            } // using
                                        }     // for each
                                    catch (GeodatabaseException exObj)
                                        message = exObj.Message;
                                }, enterpriseFeatureClass);

                                creationResult = await editOperation.ExecuteAsync();
                                if (!creationResult)
                                    message = editOperation.ErrorMessage;

                                await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();

                if (!creationResult)
            catch (Exception ex)
        // Illustrates creating a feature in a File GDB.
        private static async Task FileGeodatabaseWorkFlow()
            using (Geodatabase fileGeodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"C:\Data\LocalGovernment.gdb"))))
                using (FeatureClass featureClass = fileGeodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("PollingPlace"))
                    RowBuffer rowBuffer = null;
                    Feature   feature   = null;

                        EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                        editOperation.Callback(context =>
                            FeatureClassDefinition featureClassDefinition = featureClass.GetDefinition();

                            int nameIndex = featureClassDefinition.FindField("NAME");
                            rowBuffer     = featureClass.CreateRowBuffer();

                            // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                            rowBuffer[nameIndex]   = "New School";
                            rowBuffer["POLLINGID"] = "260";
                            rowBuffer["FULLADD"]   = "100 New Street";
                            rowBuffer["CITY"]      = "Naperville";
                            rowBuffer["STATE"]     = "IL";
                            rowBuffer["OPERHOURS"] = "Yes";
                            rowBuffer["HANDICAP"]  = "6.00am=7.00pm";
                            rowBuffer["NEXTELECT"] = "11/6/2012";
                            rowBuffer["REGDATE"]   = "8/6/2012";
                            rowBuffer["PHONE"]     = "815-740-4782";
                            rowBuffer["EMAIL"]     = "*****@*****.**";

                            rowBuffer[featureClassDefinition.GetShapeField()] = new MapPointBuilder(1028367, 1809789).ToGeometry();

                            feature = featureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                            //To Indicate that the Map has to draw this feature and/or the attribute table to be updated

                            // Do some other processing with the newly-created feature.
                        }, featureClass);

                        bool editResult = editOperation.Execute();

                        // At this point the changes are visible in the process, but not persisted/visible outside.
                        long     objectID = feature.GetObjectID();
                        MapPoint mapPoint = feature.GetShape() as MapPoint;

                        // If the table is non-versioned this is a no-op. If it is versioned, we need the Save to be done for the edits to be persisted.
                        bool saveResult = await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
                    catch (GeodatabaseException exObj)
                        if (rowBuffer != null)

                        if (feature != null)
        private static async Task EnterpriseGeodabaseWorkFlow()
            // Opening a Non-Versioned SQL Server instance.

            DatabaseConnectionProperties connectionProperties = new DatabaseConnectionProperties(EnterpriseDatabaseType.SQLServer)
                AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.DBMS,

                // Where testMachine is the machine where the instance is running and testInstance is the name of the SqlServer instance.
                Instance = @"testMachine\testInstance",

                // Provided that a database called LocalGovernment has been created on the testInstance and geodatabase has been enabled on the database.
                Database = "LocalGovernment",

                // Provided that a login called gdb has been created and corresponding schema has been created with the required permissions.
                User     = "******",
                Password = "******",
                Version  = "dbo.DEFAULT"

            using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(connectionProperties))
                using (FeatureClass enterpriseFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.FacilitySite"))
                    EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                    editOperation.Callback(context =>
                        RowBuffer rowBuffer = null;
                        Feature feature     = null;

                            FeatureClassDefinition facilitySiteDefinition = enterpriseFeatureClass.GetDefinition();

                            int facilityIdIndex = facilitySiteDefinition.FindField("FACILITYID");
                            rowBuffer           = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();

                            // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                            rowBuffer[facilityIdIndex] = "FAC-400";
                            rowBuffer["NAME"]          = "Griffith Park";
                            rowBuffer["OWNTYPE"]       = "Municipal";
                            rowBuffer["FCODE"]         = "Park";
                            // Add it to Public Attractions Subtype.
                            rowBuffer[facilitySiteDefinition.GetSubtypeField()] = 820;

                            List <Coordinate2D> newCoordinates = new List <Coordinate2D>
                                new Coordinate2D(1021570, 1880583),
                                new Coordinate2D(1028730, 1880994),
                                new Coordinate2D(1029718, 1875644),
                                new Coordinate2D(1021405, 1875397)

                            rowBuffer[facilitySiteDefinition.GetShapeField()] = new PolygonBuilder(newCoordinates).ToGeometry();

                            feature = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                            //To Indicate that the Map has to draw this feature and/or the attribute table to be updated

                            long objectID   = feature.GetObjectID();
                            Polygon polygon = feature.GetShape() as Polygon;

                            // Do some other processing with the newly-created feature.
                        catch (GeodatabaseException exObj)
                            if (rowBuffer != null)

                            if (feature != null)
                    }, enterpriseFeatureClass);

                    bool editResult = editOperation.Execute();

                    // If the table is non-versioned this is a no-op. If it is versioned, we need the Save to be done for the edits to be persisted.
                    bool saveResult = await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
Exemple #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Call Host.Initialize before constructing any objects from ArcGIS.Core

            Console.WriteLine("CoreHost - Initilized");

                // Opens a file geodatabase. This will open the geodatabase if the folder exists and contains a valid geodatabase.
                using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"D:\Projecten\GisTech\Git\Pro SDK\CoreHost\Nederland.gdb"))))
                    Console.WriteLine("CoreHost - File Geodatebase found");

                    FeatureClass countryFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("Landsgrens");
                    FeatureClass slicesFeatureClass  = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("Slices");

                    FeatureClassDefinition countryFeatureClassDefinition = countryFeatureClass.GetDefinition();
                    FeatureClassDefinition slicesFeatureClassDefinition  = slicesFeatureClass.GetDefinition();

                    Console.WriteLine("CoreHost - FeatureClasses found");

                    // Create new slices based on the poligon of the Netherlands
                    IReadOnlyList <Polygon> slices = null;
                    using (RowCursor curs = countryFeatureClass.Search())
                        Console.WriteLine("CoreHost - GeometryEngine slicing features");

                        while (curs.MoveNext())
                            if (curs.Current != null)
                                using (Feature feature = (Feature)curs.Current)
                                    var polygon = curs.Current[countryFeatureClassDefinition.GetShapeField()] as Polygon;
                                    slices = GeometryEngine.Instance.SlicePolygonIntoEqualParts(polygon, 20, new Random().Next(0, 360), SliceType.Blocks);

                    Console.WriteLine("CoreHost - Deleting old slices");
                    // Delete all existing items.
                    geodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>
                        slicesFeatureClass.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                            WhereClause = "42 = 42"

                    Console.WriteLine("CoreHost - Saving features");

                    // Store new slices.
                    geodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>
                        if (slices != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < slices.Count; i++)
                                using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = slicesFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer())
                                    // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                    rowBuffer["Code"]      = i.ToString();
                                    rowBuffer["Landsnaam"] = "Nederland";
                                    rowBuffer[slicesFeatureClassDefinition.GetShapeField()] = slices[i];

                                    using (Feature feature = slicesFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer))

                    Console.WriteLine("CoreHost - Data saved");
            catch (GeodatabaseNotFoundOrOpenedException)
                Console.WriteLine("File GeoDataBase niet gevonden");
            catch (GeodatabaseEditingException)
                Console.WriteLine("Kan niet schrijven naar de File GeoDataBase");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Fout {ex}");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
        private async Task <string> AddFeatureToLayer(Geometry geom, LineAttributes attributes)
            string message = String.Empty;

            if (attributes == null)
                message = "Attributes are Empty"; // For debug does not need to be resource

            FeatureClass lineFeatureClass = await GetFeatureClass(addToMapIfNotPresent : true);

            if (lineFeatureClass == null)
                message = DistanceAndDirectionLibrary.Properties.Resources.ErrorFeatureClassNotFound + this.GetLayerName();

            bool creationResult = false;

            FeatureClassDefinition lineDefinition = lineFeatureClass.GetDefinition();

            EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();

            editOperation.Name = "Line Feature Insert";
            editOperation.Callback(context =>
                    RowBuffer rowBuffer = lineFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();

                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("Distance") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Distance"] = attributes.distance;     // Double
                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("DistUnit") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["DistUnit"] = attributes.distanceunit; // Text
                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("Angle") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Angle"] = attributes.angle;       // Double
                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("AngleUnit") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["AngleUnit"] = attributes.angleunit;   // Text
                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("OriginX") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["OriginX"] = attributes.originx;   // Double
                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("OriginY") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["OriginY"] = attributes.originy;   // Double
                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("DestX") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["DestX"] = attributes.destinationx;   // Double
                    if (lineDefinition.FindField("DestY") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["DestY"] = attributes.destinationy;   // Double
                    // Ensure Geometry Has Z
                    var geomZ = geom;
                    if (!geom.HasZ)
                        PolylineBuilder pb = new PolylineBuilder((Polyline)geom);
                        pb.HasZ            = true;
                        geomZ = pb.ToGeometry();

                    rowBuffer["Shape"] = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(geomZ, lineDefinition.GetSpatialReference());

                    Feature feature = lineFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                    //To Indicate that the attribute table has to be updated
                catch (GeodatabaseException geodatabaseException)
                    message = geodatabaseException.Message;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = ex.Message;
            }, lineFeatureClass);

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                creationResult = await editOperation.ExecuteAsync();

            if (!creationResult)
                message = editOperation.ErrorMessage;

        private static void ExploreTopologyValidation(Geodatabase geodatabase, Topology topology)
            // If the topology currently does not have dirty areas, calling Validate() returns an empty envelope.

            ValidationResult result = topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));

            Console.WriteLine($"'AffectedArea' after validating a topology that has not been edited => {result.AffectedArea.ToJson()}");

            // Now create a feature that purposely violates the "PointProperlyInsideArea" topology rule.  This action will
            // create dirty areas.

            Feature newFeature = null;

                // Fetch the feature in the Campsites feature class whose objectID is 2.  Then create a new geometry slightly
                // altered from this and use it to create a new feature.

                using (Feature featureViaCampsites2 = GetFeature(geodatabase, "Campsites", 2))
                    Geometry currentGeometry = featureViaCampsites2.GetShape();
                    Geometry newGeometry     = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(currentGeometry, (currentGeometry.Extent.XMax / 8),
                                                                            (currentGeometry.Extent.YMax / 8));

                    using (FeatureClass campsitesFeatureClass = featureViaCampsites2.GetTable())
                        using (FeatureClassDefinition definition = campsitesFeatureClass.GetDefinition())
                            using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = campsitesFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer())
                                rowBuffer[definition.GetShapeField()] = newGeometry;

                                geodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>
                                    newFeature = campsitesFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                // After creating a new feature in the 'Campsites' participating feature class, the topology's state should be
                // "Unanalyzed" because it has not been validated.

                Console.WriteLine($"The topology state after an edit has been applied => {topology.GetState()}");

                // Now validate the topology.  The result envelope corresponds to the dirty areas.

                result = topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));
                Console.WriteLine($"'AffectedArea' after validating a topology that has just been edited => {result.AffectedArea.ToJson()}");

                // After Validate(), the topology's state should be "AnalyzedWithErrors" because the topology currently has errors.

                Console.WriteLine($"The topology state after validate topology => {topology.GetState()}");

                // If there are no dirty areas, the result envelope should be empty.

                result = topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));
                Console.WriteLine($"'AffectedArea' after validating a topology that has just been validated => {result.AffectedArea.ToJson()}");
                if (newFeature != null)
                    geodatabase.ApplyEdits(() =>


            // Validate again after deleting the newly-created feature.

            topology.Validate(new ValidationDescription(topology.GetExtent()));
        private async Task <string> AddFeatureToLayer(Geometry geom, RangeAttributes attributes)
            string message = String.Empty;

            if (attributes == null)
                message = "Attributes are Empty"; // For debug does not need to be resource

            FeatureClass ringFeatureClass = await GetFeatureClass(addToMapIfNotPresent : true);

            if (ringFeatureClass == null)
                message = DistanceAndDirectionLibrary.Properties.Resources.ErrorFeatureClassNotFound + this.GetLayerName();

            bool creationResult = false;

            FeatureClassDefinition ringDefinition = ringFeatureClass.GetDefinition();

            EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();

            editOperation.Name = "Ring Feature Insert";
            editOperation.Callback(context =>
                    RowBuffer rowBuffer = ringFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();

                    if (ringDefinition.FindField("Distance") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Distance"] = attributes.distance;     // Double
                    if (ringDefinition.FindField("DistUnit") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["DistUnit"] = attributes.distanceunit; // Text
                    if (ringDefinition.FindField("Rings") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Rings"] = attributes.numRings;        // Double
                    if (ringDefinition.FindField("CenterX") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["CenterX"] = attributes.centerx;       // Double
                    if (ringDefinition.FindField("CenterY") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["CenterY"] = attributes.centery;       // Double
                    if (ringDefinition.FindField("RRType") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["RRType"] = attributes.ringorradial;   // Double
                    // Ensure Z removed (this feature class does not have Z)
                    var geoNoZ = geom;
                    if (geom.HasZ)
                        PolylineBuilder pb = new PolylineBuilder((Polyline)geom);
                        pb.HasZ            = false;
                        geoNoZ             = pb.ToGeometry();

                    rowBuffer["Shape"] = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(geoNoZ, ringDefinition.GetSpatialReference());

                    Feature feature = ringFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                    //To Indicate that the attribute table has to be updated
                catch (GeodatabaseException geodatabaseException)
                    message = geodatabaseException.Message;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = ex.Message;
            }, ringFeatureClass);

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                creationResult = await editOperation.ExecuteAsync();

            if (!creationResult)
                message = editOperation.ErrorMessage;

        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to create a mask for geoprocessing environment
        /// Will buffer around each observer at the max distance to create mask
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maskFeatureClassName"></param>
        /// <param name="bufferDistance"></param>
        /// <returns>Task</returns>
        private async Task CreateMask(string maskFeatureClassName, double bufferDistance, SpatialReference surfaceSR)
            // create new
            await FeatureClassHelper.CreateLayer(maskFeatureClassName, "POLYGON", false, false);

                string message        = String.Empty;
                bool   creationResult = false;
                await ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                    using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(CoreModule.CurrentProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))
                        using (FeatureClass enterpriseFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(maskFeatureClassName))
                            using (FeatureClassDefinition fcDefinition = enterpriseFeatureClass.GetDefinition())
                                EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                                editOperation.Callback(context =>
                                        var shapeFieldName = fcDefinition.GetShapeField();

                                        foreach (var observer in ObserverAddInPoints)
                                            using (var rowBuffer = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer())
                                                // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                                // project the point here or the buffer tool may use an angular unit and run forever
                                                var point   = GeometryEngine.Project(observer.Point, surfaceSR);
                                                var polygon = GeometryEngine.Buffer(point, bufferDistance);
                                                rowBuffer[shapeFieldName] = polygon;

                                                using (var feature = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
                                                    //To Indicate that the attribute table has to be updated
                                    catch (GeodatabaseException exObj)
                                        message = exObj.Message;
                                }, enterpriseFeatureClass);

                                creationResult = await editOperation.ExecuteAsync();
                                if (!creationResult)
                                    message = editOperation.ErrorMessage;

                                await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();

                if (!creationResult)
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #14
        internal static async Task CreateOwnShipObstacleLine()
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                    FeatureClass fc_targetShip          = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_TargetShipObstacleLine);
                    FeatureClass fc_ownShipObstacleLine = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_OwnShipObstacleLine);
                    fc_ownShipObstacleLine.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                        WhereClause = "OBJECTID > 0"
                    FeatureClass fc_ownShip = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_OwnShip);
                    MapPoint own_ship;
                    double own_cog;
                    double own_sog;
                    using (RowCursor rowCursor = fc_ownShip.Search(null, false))
                        using (Feature row = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
                            own_ship = (row.GetShape() as MapPoint);
                            own_sog  = Convert.ToDouble(row[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_sog]);
                            own_cog  = Convert.ToDouble(row[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_cog]);
                    Coordinate2D os_start_cdn = new Coordinate2D()
                        X = own_ship.X,
                        Y = own_ship.Y
                    double angle            = 90 - own_cog;
                    angle                   = angle / 180 * Math.PI;
                    double xMove            = 8 * 1852 * Math.Cos(angle);
                    double yMove            = 8 * 1852 * Math.Sin(angle);
                    Coordinate2D os_end_cdn = new Coordinate2D()
                        X = own_ship.X + xMove,
                        Y = own_ship.Y + yMove
                    Polyline pl_1 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List <Coordinate2D>()
                        os_start_cdn, os_end_cdn
                    }, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                    gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                        using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fc_ownShipObstacleLine.CreateRowBuffer())
                            // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_dcr]   = 0;
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tcr]   = 0;
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_risk]  = 0;
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv1]  = 0;
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv2]  = 0;
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tmin]  = 0;
                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_Shape] = pl_1;

                            using (Feature feature = fc_ownShipObstacleLine.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
                        using (RowCursor rowCursor = fc_targetShip.Search(null, false))
                            while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                                using (Feature ts_f = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
                                    double dcr            = (double)ts_f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_dcr];
                                    double tcr            = (double)ts_f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tcr];
                                    double risk           = (double)ts_f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_risk];
                                    double tdv1           = (double)ts_f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv1];
                                    double tdv2           = (double)ts_f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv2];
                                    double tmin           = (double)ts_f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tmin];
                                    double xTDV1          = Math.Cos(angle) * own_sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *tdv1 + own_ship.X;
                                    double yTDV1          = Math.Sin(angle) * own_sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *tdv1 + own_ship.Y;
                                    double xTDV2          = Math.Cos(angle) * own_sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *tdv2 + own_ship.X;
                                    double yTDV2          = Math.Sin(angle) * own_sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *tdv2 + own_ship.Y;
                                    Coordinate2D crd_tdv1 = new Coordinate2D()
                                        X = xTDV1,
                                        Y = yTDV1
                                    Coordinate2D crd_tdv2 = new Coordinate2D()
                                        X = xTDV2,
                                        Y = yTDV2
                                    Polyline pl_t = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List <Coordinate2D>()
                                        crd_tdv1, crd_tdv2
                                    }, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                                    using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fc_ownShipObstacleLine.CreateRowBuffer())
                                        // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_dcr]   = dcr;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tcr]   = tcr;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_risk]  = risk;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv1]  = tdv1;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv2]  = tdv2;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tmin]  = tmin;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_Shape] = pl_t;

                                        using (Feature feature = fc_ownShipObstacleLine.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
Exemple #15
        public static async Task CreateKeyPoints(string maskName, string unionMaskName, string keyPointName, double factor)
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + ConstDefintion.ConstPath_TimeFilterConfig, Encoding.Default);
                String line;
                line = sr.ReadLine();
                string filterStatus = line;
                line            = sr.ReadLine();
                int filterValue = Convert.ToInt32(line);
                using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                    gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                        FeatureClass fc_targetShip = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_TargetShip);
                        FeatureClass voyageMask    = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(maskName);
                        FeatureClassDefinition voyageMaskDefinition = gdb.GetDefinition <FeatureClassDefinition>(maskName);
                        FeatureClass fc_ownShip             = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_OwnShip);
                        FeatureClass TargetShipObstacleLine = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_TargetShipObstacleLine);
                        TargetShipObstacleLine.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                            WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 1"
                        double own_x;
                        double own_y;
                        double own_cog;
                        using (RowCursor rowCursor = fc_ownShip.Search(null, false))
                            using (Feature row = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
                                own_x   = (row.GetShape() as MapPoint).X;
                                own_y   = (row.GetShape() as MapPoint).Y;
                                own_cog = Convert.ToDouble(row[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_cog]);

                        voyageMask.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                            WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 1"
                        using (RowCursor rowCursor = fc_targetShip.Search(null, false))
                            while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                                using (Row row = rowCursor.Current)
                                    Feature ship         = row as Feature;
                                    MapPoint p_ship      = ship.GetShape() as MapPoint;
                                    double CollisionRisk = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_CollisionRisk]);
                                    double asemi         = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_asemi]) * factor * 0.78;
                                    double bsemi         = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_bsemi]) * factor * 0.78;
                                    double aoffset       = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_aoffset]) * factor;
                                    double boffset       = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_boffset]) * factor;
                                    double cog           = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_cog]);
                                    double sog           = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_sog]);
                                    double tdv1          = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv1]);
                                    double tdv2          = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv2]);
                                    double ddv           = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_ddv]);
                                    double tcr           = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tcr]);
                                    double tmin          = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tmin]);
                                    long objectID        = Convert.ToInt64(ship[voyageMaskDefinition.GetObjectIDField()]);
                                    cog = CommonMethod.GIScoord2ShipCoord(cog);
                                    Coordinate2D ellipseCenter = new Coordinate2D()
                                        X = p_ship.X,
                                        Y = p_ship.Y
                                    if (!(CollisionRisk > 0))
                                    if (filterStatus != ConstDefintion.ConstStr_TimeFilterStatusOFF)
                                        int time = filterValue * 60;
                                        if (tdv1 > time)
                                            if (tdv2 > time)
                                                tdv2 = time;
                                    //if (CommonMethod.JungeLeft(own_x - ellipseCenter.X, own_y - ellipseCenter.Y, own_cog) && CollisionRisk != 1) continue;
                                    GeodesicEllipseParameter geodesic = new GeodesicEllipseParameter()
                                        Center          = ellipseCenter,
                                        SemiAxis1Length = asemi,
                                        SemiAxis2Length = bsemi,
                                        LinearUnit      = LinearUnit.Meters,
                                        OutGeometryType = GeometryType.Polygon,
                                        AxisDirection   = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog),
                                        VertexCount     = 800
                                    Geometry ellipse          = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicEllipse(geodesic, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                                    double moveX              = (aoffset *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) + boffset *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog));
                                    double moveY              = (aoffset *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) - boffset *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog));
                                    Geometry moved_ellipse    = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(ellipse, moveX, moveY);
                                    Coordinate2D centerRevise = new Coordinate2D()
                                        X = p_ship.X + moveX,
                                        Y = p_ship.Y + moveY
                                    double moveXs = (tdv1 *sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)));
                                    double moveYs = (tdv1 *sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)));
                                    Geometry moved_start_ellipse = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(moved_ellipse, moveXs, moveYs);
                                    Coordinate2D centerTs        = new Coordinate2D()
                                        X = centerRevise.X + moveXs,
                                        Y = centerRevise.Y + moveYs
                                    double moveXe = (tdv2 *sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)));
                                    double moveYe = (tdv2 *sog *ConstDefintion.ConstDouble_mpersTOkn *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)));
                                    Geometry moved_end_ellipse = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(moved_ellipse, moveXe, moveYe);
                                    Coordinate2D centerTe      = new Coordinate2D()
                                        X = centerRevise.X + moveXe,
                                        Y = centerRevise.Y + moveYe

                                    Geometry e_s_start    = GeometryEngine.Instance.SimplifyAsFeature(moved_start_ellipse, false);
                                    Geometry e_s_end      = GeometryEngine.Instance.SimplifyAsFeature(moved_end_ellipse, false);
                                    MapPoint p_1          = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(centerTs.X - (bsemi *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29, centerTs.Y + (bsemi *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29);
                                    MapPoint p_2          = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(centerTs.X + (bsemi *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29, centerTs.Y - (bsemi *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29);
                                    MapPoint p_3          = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(centerTe.X + (bsemi *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29, centerTe.Y - (bsemi *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29);
                                    MapPoint p_4          = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(centerTe.X - (bsemi *Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29, centerTe.Y + (bsemi *Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog))) * 1.29);
                                    IList <MapPoint> p1_4 = GetInternPoints(p_1, p_4);
                                    IList <MapPoint> p2_3 = GetInternPoints(p_2, p_3);
                                    p2_3 = p2_3.Reverse <MapPoint>().ToList();
                                    List <MapPoint> list2D = new List <MapPoint>();
                                    foreach (MapPoint p in p1_4)
                                    foreach (MapPoint p in p2_3)
                                    Polygon connect_R = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list2D, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                                    Geometry simple_r = GeometryEngine.Instance.SimplifyAsFeature(connect_R, false);
                                    IList <Geometry> g_List = new List <Geometry>()
                                        e_s_start, simple_r, e_s_end
                                    Geometry ellInstance = GeometryEngine.Instance.Union(g_List);
                                    using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = voyageMask.CreateRowBuffer())
                                        // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_ddv]      = CollisionRisk;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv1]     = tdv1;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv2]     = tdv2;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_asemi]    = asemi;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_bsemi]    = bsemi;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_cog]      = cog;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_sog]      = sog;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_centerX1] = centerTs.X;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_centerY1] = centerTs.Y;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_centerX2] = centerTe.X;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_centerY2] = centerTe.Y;
                                        rowBuffer[voyageMaskDefinition.GetShapeField()]   = ellInstance;

                                        using (Feature feature = voyageMask.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
                                    Coordinate2D ts_location = ellipseCenter;
                                    Coordinate2D ts_Ts       = new Coordinate2D()//目标船冲突起点
                                        X = ts_location.X + moveXs,
                                        Y = ts_location.Y + moveYs
                                    Coordinate2D ts_Te = new Coordinate2D()//目标船冲突终点
                                        X = ts_location.X + moveXe,
                                        Y = ts_location.Y + moveYe
                                    List <Coordinate2D> ts_obstaclePointList = new List <Coordinate2D>()
                                        ts_Ts, ts_Te
                                    Polyline ts_obstacleLine = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(ts_obstaclePointList, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                                    double kj_risk           = 0;
                                    if (ddv > 1)
                                        kj_risk = 0;
                                    else if (ddv < 0.5)
                                        kj_risk = 1;
                                        kj_risk = Math.Pow(2 - 2 * ddv, 3.03);
                                    using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = TargetShipObstacleLine.CreateRowBuffer())
                                        // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_dcr]   = kj_risk;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tcr]   = tcr;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_risk]  = CollisionRisk;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv1]  = tdv1;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tdv2]  = tdv2;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_tmin]  = tmin;
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_Shape] = ts_obstacleLine;

                                        using (Feature feature = TargetShipObstacleLine.CreateRow(rowBuffer))


            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                    gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                        using (FeatureClass u_VoyageMask = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(unionMaskName))
                            u_VoyageMask.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                                WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 1"
                            using (FeatureClass voyageMask = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(maskName))
                                IList <Geometry> u_list = new List <Geometry>();
                                FeatureClassDefinition u_voyageMaskDefinition = gdb.GetDefinition <FeatureClassDefinition>(unionMaskName);
                                using (RowCursor rowCursor = voyageMask.Search(null, false))
                                    while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                                        using (Feature f = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
                                    using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = u_VoyageMask.CreateRowBuffer())
                                        Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Union(u_list);
                                        rowBuffer[u_voyageMaskDefinition.GetShapeField()] = geometry;
                                        using (Feature feature = u_VoyageMask.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
                string inpath = GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath + "\\" + keyPointName;
                var args      = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(inpath);
                var result    = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("Delete_management", args, null, null, null);

                string inpath1 = GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath + "\\" + unionMaskName;
                string outpath = GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath + "\\" + keyPointName;
                var args1      = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(inpath1, outpath, "ALL");
                var result1    = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("FeatureVerticesToPoints_management", args1, null, null, null);
Exemple #16
        public async void CreateNewFeatureAsync(object parameter)
            string message        = String.Empty;
            bool   creationResult = false;

            //Generate geometry if polygon or polyline, if adding new feature is from using coordinates and not the map tool
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(parameter) == true)
                if (GeometryType == GeometryType.Polyline || GeometryType == GeometryType.Polygon)

            IEnumerable <GDBProjectItem> gdbProjectItems = Project.Current.GetItems <GDBProjectItem>();
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                foreach (GDBProjectItem gdbProjectItem in gdbProjectItems)
                    using (Datastore datastore = gdbProjectItem.GetDatastore())
                        //Unsupported datastores (non File GDB and non Enterprise GDB) will be of type UnknownDatastore
                        if (datastore is UnknownDatastore)
                        Geodatabase geodatabase = datastore as Geodatabase;
                        // Use the geodatabase.

                        string geodatabasePath = geodatabase.GetPath();
                        if (geodatabasePath.Contains(ProSymbolEditorModule.WorkspaceString))
                            //Correct GDB, open the current selected feature class
                            FeatureClass featureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(_currentFeatureClassName);
                            using (featureClass)
                                using (FeatureClassDefinition facilitySiteDefinition = featureClass.GetDefinition())
                                    EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                                    editOperation.Name          = "Military Symbol Insert";
                                    editOperation.Callback(context =>
                                            RowBuffer rowBuffer = featureClass.CreateRowBuffer();
                                            _symbolAttributeSet.PopulateRowBufferWithAttributes(ref rowBuffer);
                                            rowBuffer["Shape"] = GeometryEngine.Project(MapGeometry, facilitySiteDefinition.GetSpatialReference());

                                            Feature feature = featureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                                            //To Indicate that the attribute table has to be updated
                                        catch (GeodatabaseException geodatabaseException)
                                            message = geodatabaseException.Message;
                                    }, featureClass);

                                    var task       = editOperation.ExecuteAsync();
                                    creationResult = task.Result;
                                    if (!creationResult)
                                        message = editOperation.ErrorMessage;


            if (!creationResult)
        public async Task MainMethodCode()
            // Opening a Non-Versioned SQL Server instance.

            DatabaseConnectionProperties connectionProperties = new DatabaseConnectionProperties(EnterpriseDatabaseType.SQLServer)
                AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.DBMS,

                // Where testMachine is the machine where the instance is running and testInstance is the name of the SqlServer instance.
                Instance = @"testMachine\testInstance",

                // Provided that a database called LocalGovernment has been created on the testInstance and geodatabase has been enabled on the database.
                Database = "LocalGovernment",

                // Provided that a login called gdb has been created and corresponding schema has been created with the required permissions.
                User     = "******",
                Password = "******",
                Version  = "dbo.DEFAULT"

            using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(connectionProperties))
                using (RelationshipClass relationshipClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RelationshipClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.OverviewToProject"))
                    using (FeatureClass projectsFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.CIPProjects"))
                        using (FeatureClass overviewFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.CIPProjectsOverview"))
                            FeatureClassDefinition overviewDefinition = overviewFeatureClass.GetDefinition();
                            // Because the following fields are used in 2 places, it is more inefficient to get their respective indexes so that they can be resued.
                            int projectManagerIndex = overviewDefinition.FindField("PROJECTMAN");
                            int fundSourceIndex     = overviewDefinition.FindField("FUNDSOUR");

                            RelationshipClassDefinition relationshipClassDefinition = relationshipClass.GetDefinition();
                            // This will be PROJNAME. This can be used to get the field index or used directly as the field name.
                            string originKeyField = relationshipClassDefinition.GetOriginKeyField();

                            EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                            editOperation.Callback(context =>
                                // The rows are being added to illustrate adding relationships. If one has existing rows, those can be used to add a relationship.
                                RowBuffer projectsRowBuffer  = projectsFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();
                                projectsRowBuffer["TOTCOST"] = 500000;

                                RowBuffer overviewRowBufferWithoutPKValue            = overviewFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();
                                overviewRowBufferWithoutPKValue[projectManagerIndex] = "John Doe";
                                overviewRowBufferWithoutPKValue[fundSourceIndex]     = "Public";

                                RowBuffer overviewRowBuffer            = overviewFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();
                                overviewRowBuffer["PROJNAME"]          = "LibraryConstruction";
                                overviewRowBuffer[projectManagerIndex] = "John Doe";
                                overviewRowBuffer[fundSourceIndex]     = "Public";

                                using (Row projectsRow = projectsFeatureClass.CreateRow(projectsRowBuffer))
                                    using (Row overviewRowWithoutPKValue = overviewFeatureClass.CreateRow(overviewRowBufferWithoutPKValue))
                                        using (Row overviewRow = overviewFeatureClass.CreateRow(overviewRowBuffer))
                                                Relationship failingRelationship = relationshipClass.CreateRelationship(overviewRowWithoutPKValue, projectsRow);
                                            catch (GeodatabaseRelationshipClassException exception)
                                                // This will have a message "Unable to obtain origin primary key value.". So, the origin row needs to have the origin *primary*
                                                // key value referenced by the origin *foreign* key value in the RelationshipClass.

                                            Relationship relationship = relationshipClass.CreateRelationship(overviewRow, projectsRow);

                                            //To Indicate that the Map has to draw this feature/row and/or the attribute table has to be updated
                            }, projectsFeatureClass, overviewFeatureClass);

                            bool editResult = editOperation.Execute();

                            //If the table is non-versioned this is a no-op. If it is versioned, we need the Save to be done for the edits to be persisted.
                            bool saveResult = await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
Exemple #18
 public async static void CreatePolygonExpantion()
     await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
         using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
             gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                 using (FeatureClass fcStaticObstructPolygon = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_StaticObstructPolygon))
                     FeatureClassDefinition fcdStaticObstructPoint = gdb.GetDefinition <FeatureClassDefinition>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_StaticObstructPolygon);
                     FeatureClass fcSOPBuffer    = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPBuffer);
                     FeatureClass fc_SOPIDEPoint = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPIDEPoint);
                     fc_SOPIDEPoint.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                         WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 1"
                     using (RowCursor rc = fcStaticObstructPolygon.Search(null, false))
                         while (rc.MoveNext())
                             using (Feature f = rc.Current as Feature)
                                 int affectDis       = Convert.ToInt32(f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDis]);
                                 double affectDegree = (double)f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDegree];
                                 MapPoint p          = f[fcdStaticObstructPoint.GetShapeField()] as MapPoint;
                                 GeodesicEllipseParameter geodesic = new GeodesicEllipseParameter()
                                     Center          = p.Coordinate2D,
                                     SemiAxis1Length = affectDis,
                                     SemiAxis2Length = affectDis,
                                     LinearUnit      = LinearUnit.Meters,
                                     OutGeometryType = GeometryType.Polygon,
                                     AxisDirection   = 0,
                                     VertexCount     = 800
                                 Geometry circle = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicEllipse(geodesic, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                                 using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fcSOPBuffer.CreateRowBuffer())
                                     // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                     rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDegree] = 0;
                                     rowBuffer["Shape"] = circle;
                                     using (Feature feature = fcSOPBuffer.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
                                 using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fc_SOPIDEPoint.CreateRowBuffer())
                                     // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                     rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDegree] = affectDegree;
                                     rowBuffer["Shape"] = p;
                                     using (Feature feature = fc_SOPIDEPoint.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
Exemple #19
        private static void CreateAllDomain(FeatureClass fc_targetShip)
            using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                    FeatureClass shipDomain = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_ShipDomianEllipse);
                    FeatureClassDefinition shipDomainDefinition = gdb.GetDefinition <FeatureClassDefinition>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_ShipDomianEllipse);
                    shipDomain.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                        WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 1"

                    using (RowCursor rowCursor = fc_targetShip.Search(null, false))
                        while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                            using (Row row = rowCursor.Current)
                                Feature ship    = row as Feature;
                                MapPoint p_ship = ship.GetShape() as MapPoint;

                                double asemi               = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_asemi]) / 2;
                                double bsemi               = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_bsemi]) / 2;
                                double aoffset             = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_aoffset]) / 2;
                                double boffset             = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_boffset]) / 2;
                                double DDV                 = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_CollisionRisk]);
                                double cog                 = Convert.ToDouble(ship[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_cog]);
                                cog                        = CommonMethod.GIScoord2ShipCoord(cog);
                                Coordinate2D ellipseCenter = new Coordinate2D()
                                    X = p_ship.X,
                                    Y = p_ship.Y
                                GeodesicEllipseParameter geodesic = new GeodesicEllipseParameter()
                                    Center          = ellipseCenter,
                                    SemiAxis1Length = asemi,
                                    SemiAxis2Length = bsemi,
                                    LinearUnit      = LinearUnit.Meters,
                                    OutGeometryType = GeometryType.Polygon,
                                    AxisDirection   = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog),
                                    VertexCount     = 800
                                Geometry ellipse       = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicEllipse(geodesic, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                                double moveX           = (aoffset * Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)) + boffset * Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)));
                                double moveY           = (aoffset * Math.Sin(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)) - boffset * Math.Cos(AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(cog)));
                                Geometry moved_ellipse = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(ellipse, moveX, moveY);
                                using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = shipDomain.CreateRowBuffer())
                                    // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                    rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_asemi]         = asemi;
                                    rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_bsemi]         = bsemi;
                                    rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_aoffset]       = aoffset;
                                    rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_CollisionRisk] = DDV;
                                    rowBuffer[shipDomainDefinition.GetShapeField()]        = moved_ellipse;
                                    using (Feature feature = shipDomain.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
Exemple #20
        private async Task <string> AddFeatureToLayer(Geometry geom, CircleAttributes attributes)
            string message = String.Empty;

            if (attributes == null)
                message = "Attributes are Empty"; // For debug does not need to be resource

            FeatureClass circleFeatureClass = await GetFeatureClass(addToMapIfNotPresent : true);

            if (circleFeatureClass == null)
                message = DistanceAndDirectionLibrary.Properties.Resources.ErrorFeatureClassNotFound + this.GetLayerName();

            bool creationResult = false;

            FeatureClassDefinition circleDefinition = circleFeatureClass.GetDefinition();

            EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();

            editOperation.Name = "Circular Feature Insert";
            editOperation.Callback(context =>
                    RowBuffer rowBuffer = circleFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();

                    double distance = attributes.distance;
                    if (IsDistanceCalcExpanded && (CircleType == CircleFromTypes.Diameter))
                        distance *= 2.0;

                    if (circleDefinition.FindField("Distance") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Distance"] = distance;     // Double
                    if (circleDefinition.FindField("DistUnit") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["DistUnit"] = attributes.distanceunit; // Text
                    if (circleDefinition.FindField("DistType") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["DistType"] = attributes.circletype;   // Text
                    if (circleDefinition.FindField("CenterX") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["CenterX"] = attributes.centerx;       // Double
                    if (circleDefinition.FindField("CenterY") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["CenterY"] = attributes.centery;       // Double
                    rowBuffer["Shape"] = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(geom, circleDefinition.GetSpatialReference());

                    Feature feature = circleFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                    //To Indicate that the attribute table has to be updated
                catch (GeodatabaseException geodatabaseException)
                    message = geodatabaseException.Message;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = ex.Message;
            }, circleFeatureClass);

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                creationResult = await editOperation.ExecuteAsync();

            if (!creationResult)
                message = editOperation.ErrorMessage;
                await Project.Current.DiscardEditsAsync();
                await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();

        public static async Task GenerateIDEKeyPointAsync(string fcName)
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                    gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                        using (FeatureClass fcStaticObstructPoint = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(fcName))
                            FeatureClassDefinition fcdStaticObstructPoint = gdb.GetDefinition <FeatureClassDefinition>(fcName);
                            FeatureClass fcSOPBuffer    = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPBuffer);
                            FeatureClass fc_SOPIDEPoint = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPIDEPoint);
                            fc_SOPIDEPoint.DeleteRows(new QueryFilter()
                                WhereClause = "OBJECTID >= 1"
                            using (RowCursor rc = fcStaticObstructPoint.Search(null, false))
                                while (rc.MoveNext())
                                    using (Feature f = rc.Current as Feature)
                                        int affectDis       = Convert.ToInt32(f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDis]);
                                        double affectDegree = (double)f[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDegree];
                                        MapPoint p          = f[fcdStaticObstructPoint.GetShapeField()] as MapPoint;
                                        GeodesicEllipseParameter geodesic = new GeodesicEllipseParameter()
                                            Center          = p.Coordinate2D,
                                            SemiAxis1Length = affectDis,
                                            SemiAxis2Length = affectDis,
                                            LinearUnit      = LinearUnit.Meters,
                                            OutGeometryType = GeometryType.Polygon,
                                            AxisDirection   = 0,
                                            VertexCount     = 800
                                        Geometry circle = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicEllipse(geodesic, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857));
                                        using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fcSOPBuffer.CreateRowBuffer())
                                            // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDegree] = 0;
                                            rowBuffer["Shape"] = circle;
                                            using (Feature feature = fcSOPBuffer.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
                                        using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = fc_SOPIDEPoint.CreateRowBuffer())
                                            // Either the field index or the field name can be used in the indexer.
                                            rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDegree] = affectDegree;
                                            rowBuffer["Shape"] = p;
                                            using (Feature feature = fc_SOPIDEPoint.CreateRow(rowBuffer))

            string inpath = GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath + "\\" + ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPBufferPoint;
            var    args   = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(inpath);
            var    result = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("Delete_management", args, null, null, null);

            string inpath1 = GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath + "\\" + ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPBuffer;
            string outpath = GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath + "\\" + ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPBufferPoint;
            var    args1   = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(inpath1, outpath, "ALL");
            var    result1 = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("FeatureVerticesToPoints_management", args1, null, null, null);

            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                using (Geodatabase gdb = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(GeoDataTool.DefaultProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath))))
                    gdb.ApplyEdits(() =>
                        FeatureClass SOPIDEPoint    = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPIDEPoint);
                        FeatureClass SOPBufferPoint = gdb.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPBufferPoint);
                        FeatureClassDefinition SOPIDEPointDefinition = gdb.GetDefinition <FeatureClassDefinition>(ConstDefintion.ConstFeatureClass_SOPIDEPoint);
                        using (RowCursor rowCursor = SOPBufferPoint.Search(null, false))
                            while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                                using (Feature f = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
                                    using (RowBuffer rowBuffer = SOPIDEPoint.CreateRowBuffer())
                                        rowBuffer[ConstDefintion.ConstFieldName_AffectDegree] = 0;
                                        rowBuffer[SOPIDEPointDefinition.GetShapeField()]      = f.GetShape();
                                        using (Feature feature = SOPIDEPoint.CreateRow(rowBuffer))
Exemple #22
        private async Task <string> AddFeatureToLayer(Geometry geom, EllipseAttributes attributes)
            string message = String.Empty;

            if (attributes == null)
                message = "Attributes are Empty"; // For debug does not need to be resource

            FeatureClass ellipseFeatureClass = await GetFeatureClass(addToMapIfNotPresent : true);

            if (ellipseFeatureClass == null)
                message = DistanceAndDirectionLibrary.Properties.Resources.ErrorFeatureClassNotFound + this.GetLayerName();

            bool creationResult = false;

            FeatureClassDefinition ellipseDefinition = ellipseFeatureClass.GetDefinition();

            EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();

            editOperation.Name = "Ellipse Feature Insert";
            editOperation.Callback(context =>
                    RowBuffer rowBuffer = ellipseFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();

                    if (ellipseDefinition.FindField("Major") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Major"] = attributes.majorAxis;       // Text
                    if (ellipseDefinition.FindField("Minor") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Minor"] = attributes.minorAxis;       // Double
                    if (ellipseDefinition.FindField("DistUnit") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["DistUnit"] = attributes.distanceunit; // Text
                    if (ellipseDefinition.FindField("Angle") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["Angle"] = attributes.angle;           // Double
                    if (ellipseDefinition.FindField("AngleUnit") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["AngleUnit"] = attributes.angleunit;   // Text
                    if (ellipseDefinition.FindField("CenterX") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["CenterX"] = attributes.centerx;       // Double
                    if (ellipseDefinition.FindField("CenterY") >= 0)
                        rowBuffer["CenterY"] = attributes.centery;       // Double
                    rowBuffer["Shape"] = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(geom, ellipseDefinition.GetSpatialReference());

                    Feature feature = ellipseFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                    //To indicate that the attribute table has to be updated
                catch (GeodatabaseException geodatabaseException)
                    message = geodatabaseException.Message;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    message = ex.Message;
            }, ellipseFeatureClass);

            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                creationResult = await editOperation.ExecuteAsync();

            if (!creationResult)
                message = editOperation.ErrorMessage;

        public void MainMethodCode()
            using (Geodatabase fileGeodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"C:\Data\LocalGovernment.gdb"))))
                using (FeatureClass featureClass = fileGeodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("PollingPlace"))
                    QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter {
                        WhereClause = "CITY = 'Plainfield'"
                    Selection selection = featureClass.Select(queryFilter, SelectionType.ObjectID, SelectionOption.Normal);

                    // The result is a mapping between those object ids which failed validation and the reason why the validation failed (a string message).
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <long, string> validationResult = featureClass.Validate(selection);

                    RowCursor      rowCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, false);
                    List <Feature> features  = new List <Feature>();

                        while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
                            features.Add(rowCursor.Current as Feature);

                        // This is equivalent to the validation performed using the selection.
                        IReadOnlyDictionary <long, string> equivalentValidationResult = featureClass.Validate(features);

                        // Again this is equivalent to both the above results.
                        IReadOnlyDictionary <long, string> anotherEquivalentResult = featureClass.Validate(queryFilter);

                        SpatialQueryFilter spatialQueryFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter
                            FilterGeometry = new EnvelopeBuilder(
                                new MapPointBuilder(1052803, 1812751).ToGeometry(),
                                new MapPointBuilder(1034600, 1821320).ToGeometry()).ToGeometry(),

                            SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Within

                        IReadOnlyDictionary <long, string> spatialFilterBasedValidationResult = featureClass.Validate(spatialQueryFilter);

            // Opening a Non-Versioned SQL Server instance.

            DatabaseConnectionProperties connectionProperties = new DatabaseConnectionProperties(EnterpriseDatabaseType.SQLServer)
                AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.DBMS,

                // Where testMachine is the machine where the instance is running and testInstance is the name of the SqlServer instance.
                Instance = @"testMachine\testInstance",

                // Provided that a database called LocalGovernment has been created on the testInstance and geodatabase has been enabled on the database.
                Database = "LocalGovernment",

                // Provided that a login called gdb has been created and corresponding schema has been created with the required permissions.
                User     = "******",
                Password = "******",
                Version  = "dbo.DEFAULT"

            using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(connectionProperties))
                using (FeatureClass enterpriseFeatureClass = geodatabase.OpenDataset <FeatureClass>("LocalGovernment.GDB.FacilitySite"))
                    QueryFilter parkFilter = new QueryFilter {
                        WhereClause = "FCODE = 'Park'"
                    Selection parkSelection = enterpriseFeatureClass.Select(parkFilter, SelectionType.ObjectID, SelectionOption.Normal);

                    // Remember that validation cost is directly proprtional to the number of Features validated. So, select the set of features to be
                    // validated judiciously.  This will be empty because all the Park Features are valid.
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <long, string> emptyDictionary = enterpriseFeatureClass.Validate(parkSelection);

                    // We are adding an invalid feature to illustrate a case where the validation result is not empty.

                    long invalidFeatureObjectID = -1;

                    EditOperation editOperation = new EditOperation();
                    editOperation.Callback(context =>
                        RowBuffer rowBuffer = null;
                        Feature feature     = null;

                            FeatureClassDefinition facilitySiteDefinition = enterpriseFeatureClass.GetDefinition();

                            rowBuffer = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRowBuffer();

                            rowBuffer["FACILITYID"] = "FAC-400";
                            rowBuffer["NAME"]       = "Griffith Park";
                            rowBuffer["OWNTYPE"]    = "Municipal";
                            rowBuffer["FCODE"]      = "Park";
                            // Note that this is an invalid subtype value.
                            rowBuffer[facilitySiteDefinition.GetSubtypeField()] = 890;
                            rowBuffer[facilitySiteDefinition.GetShapeField()]   = new PolygonBuilder(new List <Coordinate2D>
                                new Coordinate2D(1021570, 1880583),
                                new Coordinate2D(1028730, 1880994),
                                new Coordinate2D(1029718, 1875644),
                                new Coordinate2D(1021405, 1875397)

                            feature = enterpriseFeatureClass.CreateRow(rowBuffer);

                            invalidFeatureObjectID = feature.GetObjectID();
                        catch (GeodatabaseException exObj)
                            if (rowBuffer != null)

                            if (feature != null)
                    }, enterpriseFeatureClass);


                    // This will have one keypair value for the invalid row that was added.
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <long, string> result = enterpriseFeatureClass.Validate(parkFilter);

                    // This will say "invalid subtype code".
                    string errorMessage = result[invalidFeatureObjectID];