Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Creates a new directory</summary>
        public static async Task CreateDirectory(string[] path, IFdbTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            if (log == null)
                log = Console.Out;

            string layer = extras.Count > 0 ? extras.Get <string>(0) : null;

            log.WriteLine("# Creating directory {0} with layer '{1}'", String.Join("/", path), layer);

            var folder = await db.Directory.TryOpenAsync(path, cancellationToken : ct);

            if (folder != null)
                log.WriteLine("- Directory {0} already exists!", string.Join("/", path));

            folder = await db.Directory.TryCreateAsync(path, Slice.FromString(layer), cancellationToken : ct);

            log.WriteLine("- Created under {0} [{1}]", FdbKey.Dump(folder.Key), folder.Key.ToHexaString(' '));

            // look if there is already stuff under there
            var stuff = await db.ReadAsync((tr) => tr.GetRange(folder.ToRange()).FirstOrDefaultAsync(), cancellationToken : ct);

            if (stuff.Key.IsPresent)
                log.WriteLine("CAUTION: There is already some data under {0} !");
                log.WriteLine("  {0} = {1}", FdbKey.Dump(stuff.Key), stuff.Value.ToAsciiOrHexaString());
        /// <summary>Creates a new directory</summary>
        public static async Task CreateDirectory(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            if (log == null)
                log = Console.Out;

            string layer = extras.Count > 0 ? extras.Get <string>(0) : null;

            log.WriteLine($"# Creating directory {String.Join("/", path)} with layer '{layer}'");

            var folder = await db.Directory.TryOpenAsync(db, path, ct : ct);

            if (folder != null)
                log.WriteLine($"- Directory {string.Join("/", path)} already exists!");

            folder = await db.Directory.TryCreateAsync(db, path, Slice.FromString(layer), ct : ct);

            log.WriteLine($"- Created under {FdbKey.Dump(folder.GetPrefix())} [{folder.GetPrefix().ToHexaString(' ')}]");

            // look if there is already stuff under there
            var stuff = await db.ReadAsync((tr) => tr.GetRange(folder.Keys.ToRange()).FirstOrDefaultAsync(), ct : ct);

            if (stuff.Key.IsPresent)
                Program.Error(log, $"CAUTION: There is already some data under {string.Join("/", path)} !");
                Program.Error(log, $"  {FdbKey.Dump(stuff.Key)} = {stuff.Value:V}");
        /// <summary>Counts the number of keys inside a directory</summary>
        public static async Task Count(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            // look if there is something under there
            var folder = (await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct)) as FdbDirectorySubspace;

            if (folder == null)
                Program.Error(log, $"# Directory {String.Join("/", path)} does not exist");

            var copy = folder.Copy();

            log.WriteLine($"# Counting keys under {FdbKey.Dump(copy.GetPrefix())} ...");

            var progress = new Progress <(long Count, Slice Current)>((state) =>
                log.Write($"\r# Found {state.Count:N0} keys...");

            long count = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, copy.ToRange(), progress, ct);

            Program.Success(log, $"Found {count:N0} keys in {folder.FullName}");
        /// <summary>Shows the first few keys of a directory</summary>
        public static async Task Show(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, bool reverse, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            int count = 20;

            if (extras.Count > 0)
                int x = extras.Get <int>(0);
                if (x > 0)
                    count = x;

            if (path == null || path.Length == 0)
                Program.Error(log, "Cannot directory list the content of Root Partition.");

            // look if there is something under there
            var folder = await db.Directory.TryOpenAsync(db, path, ct : ct);

            if (folder != null)
                if (folder.Layer == FdbDirectoryPartition.LayerId)
                    Program.Error(log, "Cannot list the content of a Directory Partition!");
                Program.Comment(log, $"# Content of {FdbKey.Dump(folder.GetPrefix())} [{folder.GetPrefix().ToHexaString(' ')}]");

                var keys = await db.QueryAsync((tr) =>
                    var query = tr.GetRange(folder.Keys.ToRange());
                                                ? query.Reverse().Take(count)
                                                : query.Take(count + 1));
                }, ct : ct);

                if (keys.Count > 0)
                    if (reverse)
                    foreach (var key in keys.Take(count))
                        log.WriteLine($"...{FdbKey.Dump(folder.ExtractKey(key.Key))} = {key.Value:V}");
                    if (!reverse && keys.Count == count + 1)
                        log.WriteLine("... more");
                    log.WriteLine("Folder is empty");
        public static async Task Shards(string[] path, ITuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            var ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, FdbKey.MinValue, FdbKey.MaxValue, ct);

            Console.WriteLine("Found {0} shards in the whole cluster", ranges.Count);

            // look if there is something under there
            var folder = (await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct)) as FdbDirectorySubspace;

            if (folder != null)
                var r = KeyRange.StartsWith(FdbSubspace.Copy(folder).Key);
                Console.WriteLine("Searching for shards that intersect with /{0} ...", String.Join("/", path));
                ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, r, ct);

                Console.WriteLine("Found {0} ranges intersecting {1}:", ranges.Count, r);
                var last = Slice.Empty;
                foreach (var range in ranges)
                    Console.Write("> " + FdbKey.Dump(range.Begin) + " ...");
                    long count = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, range, ct);

                    Console.WriteLine(" {0:N0}", count);
                    last = range.End;
                    //TODO: we can probably get more details on this shard looking in the system keyspace (where it is, how many replicas, ...)
                Console.WriteLine("> ... " + FdbKey.Dump(last));

            //Console.WriteLine("Found " + ranges.Count + " shards in the cluster");
            //TODO: shards that intersect the current directory
        public static async Task Shards(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            var ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, FdbKey.MinValue, FdbKey.MaxValue, ct);

            Console.WriteLine($"Found {ranges.Count} shards in the whole cluster");

            // look if there is something under there
            if ((await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct)) is FdbDirectorySubspace folder)
                var r = KeyRange.StartsWith(folder.Copy().GetPrefix());
                Console.WriteLine($"Searching for shards that intersect with /{String.Join("/", path)} ...");
                ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, r, ct);

                Console.WriteLine($"> Found {ranges.Count} ranges intersecting {r}:");
                var last = Slice.Empty;
                foreach (var range in ranges)
                    Console.Write($"> {FdbKey.Dump(range.Begin)} ...");
                    long count = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, range, ct);

                    Console.WriteLine($" {count:N0}");
                    last = range.End;
                    //TODO: we can probably get more details on this shard looking in the system keyspace (where it is, how many replicas, ...)
                Console.WriteLine($"> ... {FdbKey.Dump(last)}");

            //Console.WriteLine("Found " + ranges.Count + " shards in the cluster");
            //TODO: shards that intersect the current directory
Exemple #7
 protected virtual string ResolveKey(Slice key, Func <Slice, string> resolver)
     if (resolver == null)
        public static async Task Dump(string[] path, string output, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            // look if there is something under there
            var folder = await db.Directory.TryOpenAsync(db, path, ct : ct);

            if (folder == null)
                Program.Comment(log, $"# Directory {String.Join("/", path)} does not exist");

            //TODO: if file already exists, ask confirmation before overriding?
            output = Path.GetFullPath(output);

            using (var fs = new FileStream(output, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read, 64 * 1024))
                using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8, 32 * 1024))
                    Program.Comment(log, $"# Dumping content of {FdbKey.Dump(folder.GetPrefix())} [{folder.GetPrefix().ToHexaString(' ')}] to {output}");
                    long bytes = 0;
                    var  kr    = new[] { '|', '/', '-', '\\' };
                    int  p     = 0;
                    var  count = await Fdb.Bulk.ExportAsync(
                        (batch, offset, _ct) =>
                        if (log == Console.Out)
                            log.Write($"\r{kr[(p++) % kr.Length]} {bytes:N0} bytes");
                        foreach (var kv in batch)
                            bytes += kv.Key.Count + kv.Value.Count;
                            sw.WriteLine("{0} = {1:V}", FdbKey.Dump(folder.ExtractKey(kv.Key)), kv.Value);

                    if (log == Console.Out)
                    if (count > 0)
                        Program.Success(log, $"Found {count:N0} keys ({bytes:N0} bytes)");
                        Program.StdOut(log, "Folder is empty.");
Exemple #9
        public void Test_FdbKey_PrettyPrint()
            // verify that the pretty printing of keys produce a user friendly output

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Nil), Is.EqualTo("<null>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Empty), Is.EqualTo("<empty>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(0)), Is.EqualTo("<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(255)), Is.EqualTo("<FF>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.AsSlice()), Is.EqualTo("<00><01><02><03><04><05><06><07>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(new byte[] { 255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248 }.AsSlice()), Is.EqualTo("<FF><FE><FD><FC><FB><FA><F9><F8>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("hello")), Is.EqualTo("hello"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("h<C3><A9>ll<C3><B8>"));

            // tuples should be decoded properly

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(123)), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"), "Singleton tuples should end with a ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(Slice.FromByteString("hello"))), Is.EqualTo("(`hello`,)"), "ASCII strings should use single back quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("(\"héllø\",)"), "Unicode strings should use double quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsSlice())), Is.EqualTo("(`<01><02><03>`,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(123, 456)), Is.EqualTo("(123, 456)"), "Elements should be separated with a space, and not end up with ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(default(object), true, false)), Is.EqualTo("(null, true, false)"), "Booleans should be displayed as numbers, and null should be in lowercase");             //note: even though it's tempting to using Python's "Nil", it's not very ".NETty"
            //note: the string representation of double is not identical between NetFx and .NET Core! So we cannot used a constant literal here
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(1.0d, Math.PI, Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, " + Math.PI.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", " + Math.E.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"), "Doubles should used dot and have full precision (17 digits)");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(1.0f, (float)Math.PI, (float)Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, " + ((float)Math.PI).ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", " + ((float)Math.E).ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"), "Singles should used dot and have full precision (10 digits)");
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(guid)), Is.EqualTo($"({guid:B},)"), "GUIDs should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");
            var uuid128 = Uuid128.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(uuid128)), Is.EqualTo($"({uuid128:B},)"), "Uuid128s should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");
            var uuid64 = Uuid64.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(uuid64)), Is.EqualTo($"({uuid64:B},)"), "Uuid64s should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");

            // ranges should be decoded when possible
            var key = TuPack.ToRange(STuple.Create("hello"));

            // "<02>hello<00><00>" .. "<02>hello<00><FF>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<FF>"));

            key = KeyRange.StartsWith(TuPack.EncodeKey("hello"));
            // "<02>hello<00>" .. "<02>hello<01>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",) + 1"));

            var t = TuPack.EncodeKey(123);

            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(t, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Single), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(TuPack.ToRange(t).Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(TuPack.ToRange(t).End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<FF>"));
Exemple #10
        public void Test_FdbKey_PrettyPrint()
            // verify that the pretty printing of keys produce a user friendly output

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Nil), Is.EqualTo("<null>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Empty), Is.EqualTo("<empty>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(0)), Is.EqualTo("<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(255)), Is.EqualTo("<FF>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Create(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 })), Is.EqualTo("<00><01><02><03><04><05><06><07>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Create(new byte[] { 255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248 })), Is.EqualTo("<FF><FE><FD><FC><FB><FA><F9><F8>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("hello")), Is.EqualTo("hello"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("h<C3><A9>ll<C3><B8>"));

            // tuples should be decoded properly

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(123)), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"), "Singleton tuples should end with a ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(Slice.FromAscii("hello"))), Is.EqualTo("('hello',)"), "ASCII strings should use single quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("(\"héllø\",)"), "Unicode strings should use double quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(Slice.Create(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }))), Is.EqualTo("(<01 02 03>,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(123, 456)), Is.EqualTo("(123, 456)"), "Elements should be separated with a space, and not end up with ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(true, false, default(object))), Is.EqualTo("(1, 0, null)"), "Booleans should be displayed as numbers, and null should be in lowercase");             //note: even though it's tempting to using Python's "Nil", it's not very ".NETty"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(1.0d, Math.PI, Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, 3.1415926535897931, 2.7182818284590451)"), "Doubles should used dot and have full precision (17 digits)");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(1.0f, (float)Math.PI, (float)Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, 3.14159274, 2.71828175)"), "Singles should used dot and have full precision (10 digits)");
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(guid)), Is.EqualTo(String.Format("({0},)", guid.ToString("D"))), "GUIDs should be displayed as a string literal, without quotes");
            var uuid128 = Uuid128.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(uuid128)), Is.EqualTo(String.Format("({0},)", uuid128.ToString("D"))), "Uuid128s should be displayed as a string literal, without quotes");
            var uuid64 = Uuid64.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(FdbTuple.Pack(uuid64)), Is.EqualTo(String.Format("({0},)", uuid64.ToString("D"))), "Uuid64s should be displayed as a string literal, without quotes");

            // ranges should be decoded when possible
            var key = FdbTuple.ToRange(FdbTuple.Create("hello"));

            // "<02>hello<00><00>" .. "<02>hello<00><FF>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<FF>"));

            key = FdbKeyRange.StartsWith(FdbTuple.Pack("hello"));
            // "<02>hello<00>" .. "<02>hello<01>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",) + 1"));

            var t = FdbTuple.Pack(123);

            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(t, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Single), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(FdbTuple.ToRange(t).Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(FdbTuple.ToRange(t).End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<FF>"));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>Shows the first few keys of a directory</summary>
        public static async Task Show(string[] path, IFdbTuple extras, bool reverse, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            int count = 20;

            if (extras.Count > 0)
                int x = extras.Get <int>(0);
                if (x > 0)
                    count = x;

            // look if there is something under there
            var folder = await db.Directory.TryOpenAsync(path, cancellationToken : ct);

            if (folder != null)
                log.WriteLine("# Content of {0} [{1}]", FdbKey.Dump(folder.Key), folder.Key.ToHexaString(' '));
                var keys = await db.QueryAsync((tr) =>
                    var query = tr.GetRange(folder.ToRange());
                                                        ? query.Reverse().Take(count)
                                                        : query.Take(count + 1));
                }, cancellationToken : ct);

                if (keys.Count > 0)
                    if (reverse)
                    foreach (var key in keys.Take(count))
                        log.WriteLine("...{0} = {1}", FdbKey.Dump(folder.Extract(key.Key)), key.Value.ToAsciiOrHexaString());
                    if (!reverse && keys.Count == count + 1)
                        log.WriteLine("... more");
                    log.WriteLine("  no content found");
        /// <summary>Creates a new directory</summary>
        public static async Task CreateDirectory(FdbPath path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            if (log == null)
                log = Console.Out;

            string layer = extras.Count > 0 ? extras.Get <string>(0).Trim() : string.Empty;

            if (path.LayerId != layer)
            log.WriteLine($"# Creating directory {path}");

            (var prefix, var created) = await db.ReadWriteAsync(async tr =>
                var folder = await db.DirectoryLayer.TryOpenAsync(tr, path);
                if (folder != null)
                    return(folder.GetPrefix(), false);

                folder = await db.DirectoryLayer.TryCreateAsync(tr, path);
                return(folder.Copy().GetPrefix(), true);
            }, ct);

            if (!created)
                log.WriteLine($"- Directory {path} already exists at {FdbKey.Dump(prefix)} [{prefix.ToHexaString(' ')}]");
            log.WriteLine($"- Created under {FdbKey.Dump(prefix)} [{prefix.ToHexaString(' ')}]");

            // look if there is already stuff under there
            var stuff = await db.ReadAsync(async tr =>
                var folder = await db.DirectoryLayer.TryOpenAsync(tr, path);
                return(await tr.GetRange(folder.ToRange()).FirstOrDefaultAsync());
            }, ct);

            if (stuff.Key.IsPresent)
                Program.Error(log, $"CAUTION: There is already some data under {path} !");
                Program.Error(log, $"  {FdbKey.Dump(stuff.Key)} = {stuff.Value:V}");
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>Counts the number of keys inside a directory</summary>
        public static async Task Count(string[] path, IFdbTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            // look if there is something under there
            var folder = (await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct)) as FdbDirectorySubspace;

            if (folder == null)
                log.WriteLine("# Directory {0} does not exist", String.Join("/", path));

            var copy = folder.Copy();

            log.WriteLine("# Counting keys under {0} ...", FdbKey.Dump(copy.Key));

            var progress = new Progress <FdbTuple <long, Slice> >((state) =>
                log.Write("\r# Found {0:N0} keys...", state.Item1);

            long count = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, copy.ToRange(), progress, ct);

            log.WriteLine("\r# Found {0:N0} keys in {1}", count, folder.FullName);
Exemple #14
        public static FutureHandle TransactionWatch(TransactionHandle transaction, Slice key)
            if (key.IsNullOrEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Key cannot be null or empty", "key");

                fixed(byte *ptrKey = key.Array)
                    var future = NativeMethods.fdb_transaction_watch(transaction, ptrKey + key.Offset, key.Count);

                    Contract.Assert(future != null);
                    Debug.WriteLine("fdb_transaction_watch(0x" + transaction.Handle.ToString("x") + ", key: '" + FdbKey.Dump(key) + "') => 0x" + future.Handle.ToString("x"));
Exemple #15
        public async Task Test_GetKey_ReadConflicts()
            Slice key;

            using (var db = MemoryDatabase.CreateNew("FOO"))
                var location = db.Keys;

                using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
                    tr.Set(location.Encode(42), Slice.FromString("42"));
                    tr.Set(location.Encode(50), Slice.FromString("50"));
                    tr.Set(location.Encode(60), Slice.FromString("60"));
                    await tr.CommitAsync();

                Func <FdbKeySelector, Slice, Task> check = async(selector, expected) =>
                    using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
                        key = await tr.GetKeyAsync(selector);

                        await tr.CommitAsync();

                        Assert.That(key, Is.EqualTo(expected), selector.ToString() + " => " + FdbKey.Dump(expected));

                await check(
                await check(

                await check(
                await check(

                await check(
                    FdbKeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(location.Encode(49)) + 1,
                await check(
                    FdbKeySelector.FirstGreaterThan(location.Encode(49)) + 1,

                await check(
                await check(
        public static async Task Dir(FdbPath path, IVarTuple extras, DirectoryBrowseOptions options, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            if (log == null)
                log = Console.Out;

            Program.Comment(log, $"# Listing {path}:");

            await db.ReadAsync(async tr =>
                var parent = await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(tr, path);
                if (parent == null)
                    Program.Error(log, "Directory not found.");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent.Layer))
                    log.WriteLine($"# Layer: {parent.Layer}");

                var folders = await Fdb.Directory.BrowseAsync(tr, parent);
                if (folders.Count > 0)
                    // to better align the names, we allow between 16 to 40 chars for the first column.
                    // if there is a larger name, it will stick out!
                    var maxLen = Math.Min(Math.Max(folders.Keys.Max(n => n.Length), 16), 40);

                    foreach (var kvp in folders)
                        var name      = kvp.Key;
                        var subfolder = kvp.Value;
                        if (subfolder != null)
                            if ((options & DirectoryBrowseOptions.ShowCount) != 0)
                                if (!(subfolder is FdbDirectoryPartition))
                                    long count = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, subfolder.ToRange(), ct);
                                    Program.StdOut(log, $"  {name.PadRight(maxLen)} {FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().GetPrefix()),-12} {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(subfolder.Layer) ? "-" : ("[" + subfolder.Layer + "]")),-12} {count,9:N0}", ConsoleColor.White);
                                    Program.StdOut(log, $"  {name.PadRight(maxLen)} {FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().GetPrefix()),-12} {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(subfolder.Layer) ? "-" : ("[" + subfolder.Layer + "]")),-12} {"-",9}", ConsoleColor.White);
                                Program.StdOut(log, $"  {name.PadRight(maxLen)} {FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().GetPrefix()),-12} {(string.IsNullOrEmpty(subfolder.Layer) ? "-" : ("[" + subfolder.Layer + "]")),-12}", ConsoleColor.White);
                            Program.Error(log, $"  WARNING: {name} seems to be missing!");

                    log.WriteLine($"  {folders.Count} sub-directories.");
                    //TODO: test if it contains data?
                    log.WriteLine("No sub-directories.");

                //TODO: check if there is at least one key?
            }, ct);
        public static async Task Dir(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, DirectoryBrowseOptions options, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            if (log == null)
                log = Console.Out;

            Program.Comment(log, $"# Listing /{string.Join("/", path)}:");

            var parent = await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct);

            if (parent == null)
                Program.Error(log, "Directory not found.");

            if (parent.Layer.IsPresent)
                log.WriteLine($"# Layer: {parent.Layer:P}");

            var folders = await Fdb.Directory.BrowseAsync(db, parent, ct);

            if (folders != null && folders.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kvp in folders)
                    var name      = kvp.Key;
                    var subfolder = kvp.Value;
                    if (subfolder != null)
                        if ((options & DirectoryBrowseOptions.ShowCount) != 0)
                            if (!(subfolder is FdbDirectoryPartition))
                                long count = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, subfolder.Keys.ToRange(), ct);

                                Program.StdOut(log, $"  {FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().GetPrefix()),-12} {(subfolder.Layer.IsNullOrEmpty ? "-" : ("<" + subfolder.Layer.ToUnicode() + ">")),-12} {count,9:N0} {name}", ConsoleColor.White);
                                Program.StdOut(log, $"  {FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().GetPrefix()),-12} {(subfolder.Layer.IsNullOrEmpty ? "-" : ("<" + subfolder.Layer.ToUnicode() + ">")),-12} {"-",9} {name}", ConsoleColor.White);
                            Program.StdOut(log, $"  {FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().GetPrefix()),-12} {(subfolder.Layer.IsNullOrEmpty ? "-" : ("<" + subfolder.Layer.ToUnicode() + ">")),-12} {name}", ConsoleColor.White);
                        Program.Error(log, $"  WARNING: {name} seems to be missing!");
                log.WriteLine($"  {folders.Count} sub-directorie(s).");
                //TODO: test if it contains data?
                log.WriteLine("No sub-directories.");

            //TODO: check if there is at least one key?
Exemple #18
            public override void Debug_Dump(bool detailed)
                Contract.Requires(m_start != null && m_current != null);
                Key *current = (Key *)m_start;
                Key *end     = (Key *)m_current;

                Trace.WriteLine("  # KeyPage: count=" + m_count.ToString("N0") + ", used=" + this.MemoryUsage.ToString("N0") + ", capacity=" + m_capacity.ToString("N0") + ", start=0x" + new IntPtr(m_start).ToString("X8") + ", end=0x" + new IntPtr(m_current).ToString("X8"));
                if (detailed)
                    while (current < end)
                        Trace.WriteLine("    - [" + Entry.GetObjectType(current).ToString() + "] 0x" + new IntPtr(current).ToString("X8") + " : " + current->Header.ToString("X8") + ", size=" + current->Size + ", h=0x" + current->HashCode.ToString("X4") + " : " + FdbKey.Dump(Key.GetData(current).ToSlice()));
                        var value = current->Values;
                        while (value != null)
                            Trace.WriteLine("      -> [" + Entry.GetObjectType(value) + "] 0x" + new IntPtr(value).ToString("X8") + " @ " + value->Sequence + " : " + Value.GetData(value).ToSlice().ToAsciiOrHexaString());
                            value = value->Previous;
                        current = Key.WalkNext(current);
        public static async Task Sampling(string[] path, IVarTuple extras, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            double ratio = 0.1d;
            bool   auto  = true;

            if (extras.Count > 0)
                double x = extras.Get <double>(0);
                if (x > 0 && x <= 1)
                    ratio = x;
                auto = false;

            var folder = await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct);

            KeyRange span;

            if (folder is FdbDirectorySubspace)
                span = KeyRange.StartsWith((folder as FdbDirectorySubspace).Copy().GetPrefix());
                log.WriteLine($"Reading list of shards for /{String.Join("/", path)} under {FdbKey.Dump(span.Begin)} ...");
                log.WriteLine("Reading list of shards for the whole cluster ...");
                span = KeyRange.All;

            // dump keyServers
            var ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, span, ct);

            log.WriteLine($"> Found {ranges.Count:N0} shard(s)");

            // take a sample
            var samples = new List <KeyRange>();

            if (ranges.Count <= 32)
            {             // small enough to scan it all
                log.WriteLine($"Sampling all {samples.Count:N0} shards ...");
            {             // need to take a random subset
                var rnd = new Random();
                int sz  = Math.Max((int)Math.Ceiling(ratio * ranges.Count), 1);
                if (auto)
                    if (sz > 100)
                        sz = 100;                               //SAFETY
                    if (sz < 32)
                        sz = Math.Max(sz, Math.Min(32, ranges.Count));

                var population = new List <KeyRange>(ranges);
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
                    int p = rnd.Next(population.Count);
                log.WriteLine($"Sampling {samples.Count:N0} out of {ranges.Count:N0} shards ({(100.0 * samples.Count / ranges.Count):N1}%) ...");

            const string FORMAT_STRING = "{0,9} ║{1,10}{6,6} {2,-29} ║{3,10}{7,7} {4,-37} ║{5,10}";
            const string SCALE_KEY     = "....--------========########M";
            const string SCALE_VAL     = "....--------========########@@@@@@@@M";

            log.WriteLine(FORMAT_STRING, "Count", "Keys", SCALE_KEY, "Values", SCALE_VAL, "Total", "med.", "med.");

            var rangeOptions = new FdbRangeOptions {
                Mode = FdbStreamingMode.WantAll

            samples = samples.OrderBy(x => x.Begin).ToList();

            long globalSize  = 0;
            long globalCount = 0;
            int  workers     = 8;        // Math.Max(4, Environment.ProcessorCount);

            var sw    = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var tasks = new List <Task>();
            int n     = samples.Count;

            while (samples.Count > 0)
                while (tasks.Count < workers && samples.Count > 0)
                    var range = samples[0];
                    tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() =>
                        var kk = new RobustHistogram(RobustHistogram.TimeScale.Ticks);
                        var vv = new RobustHistogram(RobustHistogram.TimeScale.Ticks);

                        #region Method 1: get_range everything...

                        using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(ct))
                            long keySize   = 0;
                            long valueSize = 0;
                            long count     = 0;

                            int iter          = 0;
                            var beginSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.Begin);
                            var endSelector   = KeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.End);
                            while (true)
                                FdbRangeChunk data = default(FdbRangeChunk);
                                FdbException error = null;
                                    data = await tr.Snapshot.GetRangeAsync(
                                catch (FdbException e)
                                    error = e;

                                if (error != null)
                                    await tr.OnErrorAsync(error.Code).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                if (data.Count == 0)

                                count += data.Count;
                                foreach (var kvp in data)
                                    keySize   += kvp.Key.Count;
                                    valueSize += kvp.Value.Count;


                                if (!data.HasMore)

                                beginSelector = KeySelector.FirstGreaterThan(data.Last);

                            long totalSize = keySize + valueSize;
                            Interlocked.Add(ref globalSize, totalSize);
                            Interlocked.Add(ref globalCount, count);

                            lock (log)
                                log.WriteLine(FORMAT_STRING, count.ToString("N0"), FormatSize(keySize), kk.GetDistribution(begin: 1, end: 12000, fold: 2), FormatSize(valueSize), vv.GetDistribution(begin: 1, end: 120000, fold: 2), FormatSize(totalSize), FormatSize((int)Math.Ceiling(kk.Median)), FormatSize((int)Math.Ceiling(vv.Median)));

                        #region Method 2: estimate the count using key selectors...

                        //long counter = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, range, ct);
                        //Console.WriteLine("COUNT = " + counter.ToString("N0"));

                    }, ct));

                var done = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);


            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);


            if (n != ranges.Count)
                log.WriteLine($"Sampled {FormatSize(globalSize)} ({globalSize:N0} bytes) and {globalCount:N0} keys in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N1} sec");
                log.WriteLine($"> Estimated total size is {FormatSize(globalSize * ranges.Count / n)}");
                log.WriteLine($"Found {FormatSize(globalSize)} ({globalSize:N0} bytes) and {globalCount:N0} keys in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N1} sec");
                // compare to the whole cluster
                ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, FdbKey.MinValue, FdbKey.MaxValue, ct);

                log.WriteLine($"> This directory contains ~{(100.0 * n / ranges.Count):N2}% of all data");
Exemple #20
        public static async Task Dir(string[] path, IFdbTuple extras, DirectoryBrowseOptions options, IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
            if (log == null)
                log = Console.Out;

            log.WriteLine("# Listing {0}:", String.Join("/", path));

            var parent = await TryOpenCurrentDirectoryAsync(path, db, ct);

            if (parent == null)
                log.WriteLine("  Directory not found.");

            if (parent.Layer.IsPresent)
                log.WriteLine("# Layer: {0}", parent.Layer.ToAsciiOrHexaString());

            var folders = await Fdb.Directory.BrowseAsync(db, parent, ct);

            if (folders != null && folders.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kvp in folders)
                    var name      = kvp.Key;
                    var subfolder = kvp.Value;
                    if (subfolder != null)
                        if ((options & DirectoryBrowseOptions.ShowCount) != 0)
                            if (!(subfolder is FdbDirectoryPartition))
                                long count = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, subfolder.ToRange(), ct);

                                log.WriteLine("  {0,-12} {1,-12} {3,9:N0} {2}", FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().Key), subfolder.Layer.IsNullOrEmpty ? "-" : ("<" + subfolder.Layer.ToUnicode() + ">"), name, count);
                                log.WriteLine("  {0,-12} {1,-12} {3,9} {2}", FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().Key), subfolder.Layer.IsNullOrEmpty ? "-" : ("<" + subfolder.Layer.ToUnicode() + ">"), name, "-");
                            log.WriteLine("  {0,-12} {1,-12} {2}", FdbKey.Dump(subfolder.Copy().Key), subfolder.Layer.IsNullOrEmpty ? "-" : ("<" + subfolder.Layer.ToUnicode() + ">"), name);
                        log.WriteLine("  WARNING: {0} seems to be missing!", name);
                log.WriteLine("  {0} sub-directorie(s).", folders.Count);
                //TODO: test if it contains data?
                log.WriteLine("  No sub-directories.");