Exemple #1
        public void Setup()
            inputArray = new AdId[numOps];
            for (int i = 0; i < numOps; i++)
                inputArray[i].adId = i;

            path = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "\\SimpleAsyncTests\\";
            log  = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "hlog.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            fht1 = new FasterKV <long, long>
                       (1L << 10,
                       logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 1, PageSizeBits = 10, MemorySizeBits = 15
                       checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = path
Exemple #2
        public void Setup()
            inputArray = new AdId[numOps];
            for (int i = 0; i < numOps; i++)
                inputArray[i].adId = i;

            path = TestUtils.MethodTestDir + "/";
            log  = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "Async.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            fht1 = new FasterKV <long, long>
                       (1L << 10,
                       logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 1, PageSizeBits = 10, MemorySizeBits = 15
                       checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = path
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Class to track and update cache size
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="store">FASTER store instance</param>
        /// <param name="targetMemoryBytes">Initial target memory size of FASTER in bytes</param>
        public CacheSizeTracker(FasterKV <CacheKey, CacheValue> store, long targetMemoryBytes = long.MaxValue)
            this.store = store;
            if (targetMemoryBytes < long.MaxValue)
                Console.WriteLine("**** Setting initial target memory: {0,11:N2}KB", targetMemoryBytes / 1024.0);
            this.TargetSizeBytes = targetMemoryBytes;

            Console.WriteLine("Index size: {0}", store.IndexSize * 64);
            Console.WriteLine("Total store size: {0}", TotalSizeBytes);

            // Register subscriber to receive notifications of log evictions from memory

            // Include the separate read cache, if enabled
            if (store.ReadCache != null)
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the frame store.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="folder">Folder to persist changes.</param>
 /// <param name="capacity">The expected capacity.</param>
 public RawFramesStore(string folder, long capacity)
     _dataFolder  = folder;
     _logSizeBits = (int)Math.Log(capacity, 2) + 1;
     _logDevice   = Devices.CreateLogDevice(@$ "{this._dataFolder}\data\Store-hlog.log", preallocateFile: false);
     _fasterKvh   = new FasterKV <ulong, SpanByte>
         size: 1L << _logSizeBits,
             new LogSettings
             LogDevice = this._logDevice,
             new CheckpointSettings
             CheckpointDir  = $"{this._dataFolder}/data/checkpoints",
             CheckPointType = CheckpointType.FoldOver
Exemple #5
        public RecoveryTest(int threadCount)
            this.threadCount = threadCount;
            numActiveThreads = 0;

            // Create FASTER index
            var log = Devices.CreateLogDevice("logs\\hlog");

            fht = new FasterKV
                  <AdId, NumClicks, Input, Output, Empty, Functions>
                      (indexSize, new Functions(),
                      new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log
                      new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = "logs"

            inputArrays = new BlockingCollection <Input[]>();
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Main program entry point
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            var path = Path.GetTempPath() + "StoreAsyncApi/";

            // Since the example runs forever, we set option to auto-delete files on close
            // Note that this setting precludes recovery
            var log    = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "hlog.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            var objlog = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "hlog.obj.log", deleteOnClose: true);

            var logSettings = new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, ObjectLogDevice = objlog
            var serializerSettings = new SerializerSettings <CacheKey, CacheValue> {
                keySerializer = () => new CacheKeySerializer(), valueSerializer = () => new CacheValueSerializer()

            faster = new FasterKV <CacheKey, CacheValue>(1L << 20, logSettings, serializerSettings: serializerSettings);

            const int NumParallelTasks = 1;

            ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(2 * Environment.ProcessorCount, 2 * Environment.ProcessorCount);
            TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException += (object sender, UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs e) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Unobserved task exception: {e.Exception}");

            Task[] tasks = new Task[NumParallelTasks];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumParallelTasks; i++)
                int local = i;
                tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => AsyncOperator(local));

            // Threads for reporting, commit
            new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReportThread)).Start();
            new Thread(new ThreadStart(CommitThread)).Start();

Exemple #7
        public void Setup()
            log = Devices.CreateLogDevice(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "\\RecoverContinueTests.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            Directory.CreateDirectory(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "\\checkpoints3");

            fht1 = new FasterKV
                   <AdId, NumClicks, AdInput, Output, Empty, SimpleFunctions>
                       (128, new SimpleFunctions(),
                       logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 0.1, MemorySizeBits = 29
                       checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "\\checkpoints3", CheckPointType = CheckpointType.Snapshot

            fht2 = new FasterKV
                   <AdId, NumClicks, AdInput, Output, Empty, SimpleFunctions>
                       (128, new SimpleFunctions(),
                       logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 0.1, MemorySizeBits = 29
                       checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "\\checkpoints3", CheckPointType = CheckpointType.Snapshot

            fht3 = new FasterKV
                   <AdId, NumClicks, AdInput, Output, Empty, SimpleFunctions>
                       (128, new SimpleFunctions(),
                       logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 0.1, MemorySizeBits = 29
                       checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "\\checkpoints3", CheckPointType = CheckpointType.Snapshot

            numOps = 5000;
Exemple #8
        public unsafe void SpanByteTest1()
            Span <byte> output = stackalloc byte[20];
            SpanByte    input  = default;

            TestUtils.DeleteDirectory(TestUtils.MethodTestDir, wait: true);

                using var log = Devices.CreateLogDevice(TestUtils.MethodTestDir + "/hlog1.log", deleteOnClose: true);
                using var fht = new FasterKV <SpanByte, SpanByte>
                                    (128, new LogSettings { LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 17, PageSizeBits = 12 });
                using var s = fht.NewSession(new SpanByteFunctions <Empty>());

                var key1    = MemoryMarshal.Cast <char, byte>("key1".AsSpan());
                var value1  = MemoryMarshal.Cast <char, byte>("value1".AsSpan());
                var output1 = SpanByteAndMemory.FromFixedSpan(output);

                s.Upsert(key1, value1);

                s.Read(key1, ref input, ref output1);


                var key2    = MemoryMarshal.Cast <char, byte>("key2".AsSpan());
                var value2  = MemoryMarshal.Cast <char, byte>("value2value2value2".AsSpan());
                var output2 = SpanByteAndMemory.FromFixedSpan(output);

                s.Upsert(key2, value2);
                s.Read(key2, ref input, ref output2);

                Assert.IsTrue(output2.Memory.Memory.Span.Slice(0, output2.Length).SequenceEqual(value2));
        public unsafe void VariableLengthTest1()
            FasterKV <Key, VLValue> fht;
            IDevice log;

            log = Devices.CreateLogDevice(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/hlog1.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            fht = new FasterKV <Key, VLValue>
                      new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 17, PageSizeBits = 12
                      null, null, null, new VariableLengthStructSettings <Key, VLValue> {
                valueLength = new VLValue()

            var s = fht.NewSession(new VLFunctions());

            Input  input = default;
            Random r     = new Random(100);

            // Single alloc outside the loop, to the max length we'll need.
            int *val = stackalloc int[StackAllocMax];

            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                var key1 = new Key {
                    key = i

                var         len   = GetVarLen(r);
                ref VLValue value = ref *(VLValue *)val;
                for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    *(val + j) = len;

                s.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);
Exemple #10
        static void FixedLenServer(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("FASTER fixed-length (binary) KV server");

            ParserResult <Options> result = Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args);

            if (result.Tag == ParserResultType.NotParsed)
            var opts = result.MapResult(o => o, xs => new Options());

            opts.GetSettings(out var logSettings, out var checkpointSettings, out var indexSize);

            // We use blittable structs Key and Value to construct a customized server for fixed-length types
            var store = new FasterKV <Key, Value>(indexSize, logSettings, checkpointSettings);

            if (opts.Recover)

            // This fixed-length session provider can be used with compatible clients such as FixedLenClient and FASTER.benchmark
            // Uses FixedLenSerializer as our in-built serializer for blittable (fixed length) types
            var provider = new FasterKVProvider <Key, Value, Input, Output, Functions, FixedLenSerializer <Key, Value, Input, Output> >(store, e => new Functions());

            // Create server
            var server = new FasterServer(opts.Address, opts.Port);

            // Register session provider for WireFormat.DefaultFixedLenKV
            // You can register multiple session providers with the same server, with different wire protocol specifications
            server.Register(WireFormat.DefaultFixedLenKV, provider);

            // Start server
            Console.WriteLine("Started server");

Exemple #11
        public static void SaveRandom(long count)
            var random      = RNG.XOrShift1024(Seed1024.Entropic);
            var valuesA     = random.Stream <long>().Take((uint)count).Freeze();
            var valuesB     = random.Stream <long>().Take((uint)count).Freeze();
            var userContext = StoreContext.Default;

            var sw        = stopwatch();
            var log       = OpenLog();
            var logConfig = LogConfig(log);
            var cpConfig  = CpConfig();

            var kvs = new FasterKV <Key2, Value2, Input <Value2>, Output <Value2>, StoreContext, KvsExampleOps>
                          (Pow2.T20, new KvsExampleOps(), logConfig, cpConfig);


            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var k = Keys.Key((ulong)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                var v = new Value2
                    vfield1 = valuesA[i],
                    vfield2 = valuesB[i]

                kvs.Upsert(ref k, ref v, userContext, 0);

            kvs.TakeFullCheckpoint(out Guid token);

            inform($"Performed {count} insert/read operations in {snapshot(sw)}");
            inform($"Checkpoint token {token}");

Exemple #12
        public void Setup()
            inputArray = new AdId[numOps];
            for (int i = 0; i < numOps; i++)
                inputArray[i].adId = i;

            log = Devices.CreateLogDevice(TestUtils.MethodTestDir + "/StateMachineTest1.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            string checkpointDir = TestUtils.MethodTestDir + "/statemachinetest";

            fht1 = new FasterKV <AdId, NumClicks>
                       logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 0.1, PageSizeBits = 10, MemorySizeBits = 13
                       checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = checkpointDir
Exemple #13
        static void VarLenServer(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("FASTER variable-length KV server");

            ParserResult <Options> result = Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args);

            if (result.Tag == ParserResultType.NotParsed)
            var opts = result.MapResult(o => o, xs => new Options());

            opts.GetSettings(out var logSettings, out var checkpointSettings, out var indexSize);

            // Create a new instance of the FasterKV, customized for variable-length blittable data (represented by SpanByte)
            // With SpanByte, keys and values are stored inline in the FASTER log as [ 4 byte length | payload ]
            var store = new FasterKV <SpanByte, SpanByte>(indexSize, logSettings, checkpointSettings);

            if (opts.Recover)

            // This variable-length session provider can be used with compatible clients such as VarLenClient
            var provider = new SpanByteFasterKVProvider(store);

            // Create server
            var server = new FasterServer(opts.Address, opts.Port);

            // Register provider as backend provider for WireFormat.DefaultFixedLenKV
            // You can register multiple providers with the same server, with different wire protocol specifications
            server.Register(WireFormat.DefaultVarLenKV, provider);

            // Start server
            Console.WriteLine("Started server");

Exemple #14
        public async ValueTask RecoveryCheck1([Values] CheckpointType checkpointType, [Values] bool isAsync)
            using var s1 = fht1.NewSession(new SimpleFunctions <long, long>());
            for (long key = 0; key < 1000; key++)
                s1.Upsert(ref key, ref key);

            var task = fht1.TakeHybridLogCheckpointAsync(checkpointType);

            using var fht2 = new FasterKV <long, long>
                                 (1L << 10,
                                 logSettings: new LogSettings { LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 1, PageSizeBits = 10, MemorySizeBits = 20 },
                                 checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings { CheckpointDir = path }

            if (isAsync)
                await task;
                await fht2.RecoverAsync();

            Assert.IsTrue(fht1.Log.HeadAddress == fht2.Log.HeadAddress);
            Assert.IsTrue(fht1.Log.ReadOnlyAddress == fht2.Log.ReadOnlyAddress);
            Assert.IsTrue(fht1.Log.TailAddress == fht2.Log.TailAddress);

            using var s2 = fht2.NewSession(new SimpleFunctions <long, long>());
            for (long key = 0; key < 1000; key++)
                long output = default;
                var  status = s2.Read(ref key, ref output);
                Assert.IsTrue(status == Status.OK && output == key);
Exemple #15
        public bool InitAndRecover()
            var logSize = 1L << 20;

            log    = Devices.CreateLogDevice(@$ "{this.dataFolder}\data\Store-hlog.log", preallocateFile: false);
            objLog = Devices.CreateLogDevice(@$ "{this.dataFolder}\data\Store-hlog-obj.log", preallocateFile: false);

            this.db = new FasterKV
                      <Types.StoreKey, Types.StoreValue, Types.StoreInput, Types.StoreOutput, Types.StoreContext, Types.StoreFunctions>(
                new Types.StoreFunctions(),
                new LogSettings
                LogDevice       = this.log,
                ObjectLogDevice = this.objLog,
                MutableFraction = 0.3,
                PageSizeBits    = 15,
                MemorySizeBits  = 20
                new CheckpointSettings
                CheckpointDir = $"{this.dataFolder}/data/checkpoints"
                new SerializerSettings <Types.StoreKey, Types.StoreValue>
                keySerializer   = () => new Types.StoreKeySerializer(),
                valueSerializer = () => new Types.StoreValueSerializer()

            if (Directory.Exists($"{this.dataFolder}/data/checkpoints"))
                Console.WriteLine("call recover db");

Exemple #16
        public void Setup()
            var readCacheSettings = new ReadCacheSettings {
                MemorySizeBits = 15, PageSizeBits = 10

            log    = Devices.CreateLogDevice(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/ObjectReadCacheTests.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            objlog = Devices.CreateLogDevice(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/ObjectReadCacheTests.obj.log", deleteOnClose: true);

            fht = new FasterKV <MyKey, MyValue>
                      logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, ObjectLogDevice = objlog, MemorySizeBits = 15, PageSizeBits = 10, ReadCacheSettings = readCacheSettings
                      checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckPointType = CheckpointType.FoldOver
                      serializerSettings: new SerializerSettings <MyKey, MyValue> {
                keySerializer = () => new MyKeySerializer(), valueSerializer = () => new MyValueSerializer()
Exemple #17
        public void RecoveryCheck4([Values] CheckpointType checkpointType)
            using var s1 = fht1.NewSession(new SimpleFunctions <long, long>());

            using var fht2 = new FasterKV <long, long>
                                 (1L << 10,
                                 logSettings: new LogSettings { LogDevice = log, MutableFraction = 1, PageSizeBits = 10, MemorySizeBits = 20 },
                                 checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings { CheckpointDir = path }

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                for (long key = 1000 * i; key < 1000 * i + 1000; key++)
                    s1.Upsert(ref key, ref key);

                if (i == 0)



                Assert.IsTrue(fht1.Log.HeadAddress == fht2.Log.HeadAddress);
                Assert.IsTrue(fht1.Log.ReadOnlyAddress == fht2.Log.ReadOnlyAddress);
                Assert.IsTrue(fht1.Log.TailAddress == fht2.Log.TailAddress);

                using var s2 = fht2.NewSession(new SimpleFunctions <long, long>());
                for (long key = 0; key < 1000 * i + 1000; key++)
                    long output = default;
                    var  status = s2.Read(ref key, ref output);
                    Assert.IsTrue(status == Status.OK && output == key);
        public unsafe void VariableLengthTest1()
            FasterKV <Key, VLValue, Input, int[], Empty, VLFunctions> fht;
            IDevice log;

            log = Devices.CreateLogDevice(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "\\hlog1.log", deleteOnClose: true);
            fht = new FasterKV <Key, VLValue, Input, int[], Empty, VLFunctions>
                      (128, new VLFunctions(),
                      new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 17, PageSizeBits = 12
                      null, null, null, new VariableLengthStructSettings <Key, VLValue> {
                valueLength = new VLValue()

            Input input = default(Input);

            Random r = new Random(100);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                var key1 = new Key {
                    key = i

                var         len   = 2 + r.Next(10);
                int *       val   = stackalloc int[len];
                ref VLValue value = ref *(VLValue *)val;
                for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    *(val + j) = len;

                fht.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create server instance; use Start to start the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opts"></param>
        /// <param name="functionsGen"></param>
        /// <param name="serializer"></param>
        /// <param name="keyInputSerializer"></param>
        /// <param name="disableLocking"></param>
        /// <param name="maxSizeSettings"></param>
        public GenericServer(ServerOptions opts, Func <Functions> functionsGen, ParameterSerializer serializer, IKeyInputSerializer <Key, Input> keyInputSerializer,
                             bool disableLocking, MaxSizeSettings maxSizeSettings = default)
            this.opts = opts;

            opts.GetSettings(out logSettings, out var checkpointSettings, out var indexSize);
            if (opts.EnableStorageTier && !Directory.Exists(opts.LogDir))
            if (!Directory.Exists(opts.CheckpointDir))

            store = new FasterKV <Key, Value>(indexSize, logSettings, checkpointSettings, disableLocking: disableLocking);

            if (opts.Recover)
                catch { }

            if (!opts.DisablePubSub)
                kvBroker = new SubscribeKVBroker <Key, Value, Input, IKeyInputSerializer <Key, Input> >(keyInputSerializer, null, opts.PubSubPageSizeBytes(), true);
                broker   = new SubscribeBroker <Key, Value, IKeySerializer <Key> >(keyInputSerializer, null, opts.PubSubPageSizeBytes(), true);

            // Create session provider for VarLen
            provider = new FasterKVProvider <Key, Value, Input, Output, Functions, ParameterSerializer>(functionsGen, store, serializer, kvBroker, broker, opts.Recover, maxSizeSettings);

            server = new FasterServerTcp(opts.Address, opts.Port);
            server.Register(WireFormat.DefaultFixedLenKV, provider);
Exemple #20
        public void Setup()
            if (test_path == null)
                test_path = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/" + Path.GetRandomFileName();
                if (!Directory.Exists(test_path))

            log = Devices.CreateLogDevice(test_path + "/FullRecoveryTests.log");

            fht = new FasterKV <AdId, NumClicks>
                      new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log
                      new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = test_path, CheckPointType = CheckpointType.Snapshot
Exemple #21
        public void Setup()
            if (test_path == null)
                test_path = Path.GetTempPath() + Path.GetRandomFileName();
                if (!Directory.Exists(test_path))

            log = Devices.CreateLogDevice(test_path + "\\hlog");

            fht = new FasterKV <AdId, NumClicks, Input, Output, Empty, Functions>
                      (keySpace, new Functions(),
                      new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log
                      new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckpointDir = test_path, CheckPointType = CheckpointType.Snapshot
Exemple #22
        static void Main()
            // This sample shows the use of FASTER as a concurrent pure in-memory cache

            var log = new NullDevice(); // no storage involved

            // Define settings for log
            var logSettings = new LogSettings
                LogDevice       = log, ObjectLogDevice = log,
                MutableFraction = 0.9,                          // 10% of memory log is "read-only region"
                CopyReadsToTail = CopyReadsToTail.FromReadOnly, // reads in read-only region are copied to tail
                PageSizeBits    = 14,                           // Each page is sized at 2^14 bytes
                MemorySizeBits  = 25,                           // (2^25 / 24) = ~1.39M key-value pairs (log uses 24 bytes per KV pair)

            // Number of records in memory, assuming class keys and values and x64 platform
            // (8-byte key + 8-byte value + 8-byte header = 24 bytes per record)
            int numRecords = (int)(Math.Pow(2, logSettings.MemorySizeBits) / 24);

            // Set hash table size targeting 1 record per bucket
            var numBucketBits = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log2(numRecords));

            h           = new FasterKV <CacheKey, CacheValue>(1L << numBucketBits, logSettings, comparer: new CacheKey());
            sizeTracker = new CacheSizeTracker(h, targetSize);

            // Initially populate store

            // Run continuous read/upsert workload


            Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to end");
Exemple #23
        // This sample represents an unsafe advanced use of FASTER to store and index variable
        // length keys and/or values without a separate object log. The basic idea is to use
        // "ref struct" as a proxy for pointers to variable-sized memory in C#. These objects are
        // placed contiguously in the single hybrid log, leading to efficient packing while
        // avoiding the additional I/O (on reads and writes) that a separate object log entails.
        // Users provide information on the actual length of the data underlying the types, by
        // providing implementations for an IVariableLengthStruct<T> interface. Serializers are not
        // required, as these are effectively value-types. One may provide safe APIs on top of
        // this raw functionality using, for example, Span<T> and Memory<T>.

        static unsafe void Main()
            // VarLen types do not need an object log
            var log = Devices.CreateLogDevice("hlog.log", deleteOnClose: true);

            // Create store, you provide VariableLengthStructSettings for VarLen types
            var store = new FasterKV <VarLenType, VarLenType>(
                size: 1L << 20,
                    logSettings: new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 17, PageSizeBits = 12
                    comparer: new VarLenTypeComparer(),
                    variableLengthStructSettings: new VariableLengthStructSettings <VarLenType, VarLenType>
                    keyLength = new VarLenLength(), valueLength = new VarLenLength()

            // Create session
            var s = store.For(new VarLenFunctions()).NewSession <VarLenFunctions>();

            Random r = new Random(100);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                var            keylen = 2 + r.Next(10);
                int *          keyval = stackalloc int[keylen];
                ref VarLenType key1   = ref *(VarLenType *)keyval;
                key1.length = keylen;
                for (int j = 1; j < keylen; j++)
                    *(keyval + j) = i;

                var            len   = 2 + r.Next(10);
                int *          val   = stackalloc int[len];
                ref VarLenType value = ref *(VarLenType *)val;
Exemple #24
        private unsafe void Populate(FasterKV <VLValue, VLValue> fht)
            using var session = fht.NewSession(new VLFunctions2());
            Random rng = new(RandSeed);

            // Single alloc outside the loop, to the max length we'll need.
            int *keyval = stackalloc int[StackAllocMax];
            int *val    = stackalloc int[StackAllocMax];

            for (int i = 0; i < DeviceTypeRecoveryTests.numOps; i++)
                // We must be consistent on length across iterations of each key value
                var key0 = i % (int)DeviceTypeRecoveryTests.numUniqueKeys;
                if (key0 == 0)
                    rng = new (RandSeed);

                ref VLValue key1 = ref *(VLValue *)keyval;
                key1.length = 2;
                key1.field1 = key0;

                var         len   = GetVarLen(rng);
                ref VLValue value = ref *(VLValue *)val;
Exemple #25
        private static void PopulateStore(FasterKV <CacheKey, CacheValue> store)
            // Start session with FASTER
            using var s = store.For(new CacheFunctions()).NewSession <CacheFunctions>();

            Console.WriteLine("Writing keys from 0 to {0} to FASTER", numKeys);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
                if (i % (1 << 19) == 0)
                    long workingSet = Process.GetCurrentProcess().WorkingSet64;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{i}: {workingSet / 1048576}M");
                var key   = new CacheKey(i);
                var value = new CacheValue(i);
                s.Upsert(ref key, ref value);
            Console.WriteLine("Total time to upsert {0} elements: {1:0.000} secs ({2:0.00} inserts/sec)", numKeys, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, numKeys / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));
Exemple #26
        private void CheckAllValues(
            ref FasterKV <AdId, NumClicks, Input, Output, Empty, SimpleFunctions> fht,
            int value)
            Input  inputArg  = default(Input);
            Output outputArg = default(Output);

            for (var key = 0; key < numOps; key++)
                inputArg.adId.adId = key;
                var status = fht.Read(ref inputArg.adId, ref inputArg, ref outputArg, Empty.Default, key);

                if (status == Status.PENDING)
                    Assert.IsTrue(outputArg.value.numClicks == value);

Exemple #27
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // This sample uses class key and value types, which are not blittable (i.e., they
            // require a pointer to heap objects). Such datatypes include variable length types
            // such as strings. You can override the default key equality comparer in two ways;
            // (1) Make Key implement IFasterEqualityComparer<Key> interface
            // (2) Provide IFasterEqualityComparer<Key> instance as param to constructor
            // FASTER stores the actual objects in a separate object log.
            // Note that serializers are required for class types, see below.

            var log    = Devices.CreateLogDevice(Path.GetTempPath() + "hlog.log");
            var objlog = Devices.CreateLogDevice(Path.GetTempPath() + "hlog.obj.log");

            var h = new FasterKV
                    <MyKey, MyValue, MyInput, MyOutput, MyContext, MyFunctions>
                        (1L << 20, new MyFunctions(),
                        new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, ObjectLogDevice = objlog, MemorySizeBits = 29
                        new SerializerSettings <MyKey, MyValue> {
                keySerializer = () => new MyKeySerializer(), valueSerializer = () => new MyValueSerializer()

            var context = default(MyContext);

            // Each thread calls StartSession to register itself with FASTER

            for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
                var _key = new MyKey {
                    key = i
                var value = new MyValue {
                    value = i
                h.Upsert(ref _key, ref value, context, 0);

                // Each thread calls Refresh periodically for thread coordination
                if (i % 1024 == 0)
            var key = new MyKey {
                key = 23
            var      input  = default(MyInput);
            MyOutput g1     = new MyOutput();
            var      status = h.Read(ref key, ref input, ref g1, context, 0);

            if (status == Status.OK && g1.value.value == key.key)

            MyOutput g2 = new MyOutput();

            key = new MyKey {
                key = 46
            status = h.Read(ref key, ref input, ref g2, context, 0);

            if (status == Status.OK && g2.value.value == key.key)

            /// Delete key, read to verify deletion
            var output = new MyOutput();

            h.Delete(ref key, context, 0);
            status = h.Read(ref key, ref input, ref output, context, 0);
            if (status == Status.NOTFOUND)

            // Each thread ends session when done

            // Dispose FASTER instance and log

            Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to end");
Exemple #28
        private void Write(ClientSession <MyKey, MyValue, MyInput, MyOutput, MyContext, MyFunctions> session, MyContext context, FasterKV <MyKey, MyValue> fht)
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                var _key = new MyKey {
                    key = i, name = i.ToString()
                var value = new MyValue {
                    value = i.ToString()
                session.Upsert(ref _key, ref value, context, 0);

                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    fht.TakeFullCheckpoint(out _);
Exemple #29
 private void Prepare(CheckpointType checkpointType, out string logPath, out string objPath, out IDevice log, out IDevice objlog, out FasterKV <MyKey, MyValue> h, out MyContext context)
     logPath = Path.Combine(FasterFolderPath, $"FasterRecoverTests.log");
     objPath = Path.Combine(FasterFolderPath, $"FasterRecoverTests_HEAP.log");
     log     = Devices.CreateLogDevice(logPath);
     objlog  = Devices.CreateLogDevice(objPath);
     h       = new FasterKV
               <MyKey, MyValue>
                   (1L << 20,
             new LogSettings
             LogDevice       = log,
             ObjectLogDevice = objlog,
             SegmentSizeBits = 12,
             MemorySizeBits  = 12,
             PageSizeBits    = 9
             new CheckpointSettings()
             CheckpointDir  = Path.Combine(FasterFolderPath, "check-points"),
             CheckPointType = checkpointType
             new SerializerSettings <MyKey, MyValue> {
         keySerializer = () => new MyKeySerializer(), valueSerializer = () => new MyValueSerializer()
     context = new MyContext();
Exemple #30
        static void Main()
            // This sample shows the use of FASTER as a concurrent (multi-threaded) cache + key-value store.
            // Number of caches and number of threads can be varied.

            h = new FasterKV <CacheKey, CacheValue> [kNumTables];
            var path = Path.GetTempPath() + "CacheStoreConcurrent/";

            for (int ht = 0; ht < kNumTables; ht++)
                // Create files for storing data
                // We set deleteOnClose to true, so logs will auto-delete on completion
                var log    = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "hlog" + ht + ".log", deleteOnClose: true);
                var objlog = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "hlog" + ht + ".obj.log", deleteOnClose: true);

                // Define settings for log
                var logSettings = new LogSettings
                    LogDevice         = log,
                    ObjectLogDevice   = objlog,
                    ReadCacheSettings = useReadCache ? new ReadCacheSettings() : null

                // Define serializers; otherwise FASTER will use the slower DataContract
                // Needed only for class keys/values
                var serializerSettings = new SerializerSettings <CacheKey, CacheValue>
                    keySerializer   = () => new CacheKeySerializer(),
                    valueSerializer = () => new CacheValueSerializer()

                h[ht] = new FasterKV
                        <CacheKey, CacheValue>(
                    1L << 20, logSettings,
                        checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                    CheckpointDir = path
                        serializerSettings: serializerSettings,
                        comparer: new CacheKey(0)


                // ******
                // Uncomment below to move entire log to disk and eliminate data from memory as
                // well. This will serve workload entirely from disk using read cache if enabled.
                // This will *prevent* future updates to the store. The in-mem buffer is no longer
                // allocated.
                // h[ht].Log.DisposeFromMemory();


            for (int ht = 0; ht < kNumTables; ht++)

            Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to end");