Exemple #1
        public static float Score(FastWorld w, int ownIndex, Direction move)
            // If known to be deadly return minimum
            if (w.CertainlyDeadly(ownIndex, move))

            var newHead = w.Snakes[ownIndex].Head.Advanced(move);

            float enemyCollisionScore = 0.0f;

            // If stepping on snake, punish badly
            // This always means stepping on another snake, as
            // CertainlyDeadly already checks self
            if (w[newHead].occupant == FastWorld.Occupant.Snake)
                enemyCollisionScore -= 1.0f;

            float fruitScore = 0.0f;

            // Reward stepping on fruit
            if (w[newHead].occupant == FastWorld.Occupant.Fruit)
                fruitScore = 1.0f;

            float potentialCollisionScore = 0.0f;

            // Punish proximity to enemy that may kill us
            for (int i = 0; i < w.Snakes.Count; ++i)
                if (!w.Snakes[i].Alive || i == ownIndex)

                var manhattan = Coord.ManhattanDistance(w.Snakes[i].Head, newHead);

                if (manhattan == 1)
                    // TODO: Delta does not take into account growing yet
                    var delta = w.Snakes[ownIndex].Length - w.Snakes[i].Length;
                    if (delta == 0)
                        // Punish potential tie collision
                        potentialCollisionScore -= 0.5f;
                    else if (delta > 0)
                        // Reward potential collision with smaller snake
                        // less than potential tie
                        potentialCollisionScore += 0.3f;
                        // Punish potential collision with larger snake
                        potentialCollisionScore -= 1.0f;

            // Asume holding current direction
            float holdScore = move == w.Snakes[ownIndex].LastDirection ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

            return(holdScore * 1.0f
                   + fruitScore * 3.0f
                   + potentialCollisionScore * 10.0f
                   + enemyCollisionScore * 30.0f);
Exemple #2
        private static Tuple <List <float>, List <float>, List <Direction> > PseudoPlyStep(FastWorld w, InternalConfiguration c, IMultiHeuristic heuristic, int currentDepth, int currentPlyDepth, List <int> steppingOrder, List <Direction> moves)
            // Immediately check stop search on each draw (but not ply)
            if (c.StopHandler.StopRequested)
                throw new DeepeningSearch.StopSearchException();

            if (currentPlyDepth == steppingOrder.Count)
                // Increase diagnostic step counter

                // All plys played, perform move
                var newW = w.Clone() as FastWorld;

                var cachedMetricState = new CachedMultiMetricState(newW);

                int nextDepth = currentDepth + 1;

                var          oldMoves = new List <Direction>(moves);
                List <float> phiAbs, phiRel;

                if (nextDepth == c.Depth || heuristic.IsTerminal(cachedMetricState))
                    (phiAbs, phiRel) = ScoreAdvantage(cachedMetricState, c, heuristic);
                    (phiAbs, phiRel, _) = PseudoPlyStep(newW, c, heuristic, nextDepth, 0, steppingOrder, null);

                return(Tuple.Create(phiAbs, phiRel, oldMoves));
            else if (currentPlyDepth == 0)
                // First to play on this draw is responsible for setting up move cache by definition
                // Must create new move list to not mess with parent plys (and because by definition we did not receive the parent move list)
                moves = new List <Direction>(w.Snakes.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < w.Snakes.Count; ++i)
                    if (w.Snakes[i].Alive && c.ReflexMask[i])
                        moves.Add(Util.ImprovedReflexBasedEvade(w, i));

            int ownIndex = steppingOrder[currentPlyDepth];

            float            alpha     = float.NegativeInfinity;
            List <float>     phiRelMax = null;
            List <float>     phiAbsMax = null;
            List <Direction> dirMax    = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Util.Directions.Length; ++i)
                // Must always evaluate at least one move, even if it is known to be deadly,
                // to have correct heuristics bounds
                bool mustEvaluate = phiRelMax == null && i == Util.Directions.Length - 1;

                // Skip certainly deadly moves if we do not have to evaluate
                if (!mustEvaluate && w.CertainlyDeadly(ownIndex, Util.Directions[i]))

                moves[ownIndex] = Util.Directions[i];

                var(phiStarAbs, phiStarRel, directions) = PseudoPlyStep(w, c, heuristic, currentDepth, currentPlyDepth + 1, steppingOrder, moves);
                var phiStarP = phiStarRel[ownIndex];

                if (alpha < phiStarP)
                    alpha     = phiStarP;
                    phiRelMax = phiStarRel;
                    phiAbsMax = phiStarAbs;
                    dirMax    = directions;

                Debug.Assert(alpha != float.NegativeInfinity);

            Trace.Assert(phiRelMax != null);
            Trace.Assert(dirMax != null);

            return(Tuple.Create(phiAbsMax, phiRelMax, dirMax));
Exemple #3
        public static Tuple <Direction, float> BestWithHeuristic(Configuration c, FastWorld w, int maxDepth, int currentDepth, float alpha, float betaInitial)
            // Fail fast if terminal or depth exhausted
            bool terminal     = c.Heuristic.IsTerminal(w);
            bool limitReached = currentDepth >= maxDepth;

            if (terminal || limitReached)
                var score = c.Heuristic.Score(w);
                return(Tuple.Create(Direction.North, score));

            Direction bestOwnDirection = Direction.North;

            var desiredMoves = new List <Direction>(w.Snakes.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < w.Snakes.Count; ++i)
                // Use the given decision functions for all snakes first
                desiredMoves.Add(c.UntargetedDecisionFunction(w, i));

            // Initially have not checked any own moves. We must always check at least one
            // available action to allow the heuristic to evaluate one leaf, even if we know
            // it leads to death. Otherwise would return the theoretical heuristic min value (-Inf)
            // not the practical lower bound as implemented
            bool checkedOwnMove = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < Util.Directions.Length; ++i)
                // If this is the last available action and we have not evaluated any actions,
                // must evaluate.
                bool mustEvaluateOwn = !checkedOwnMove && i == Util.Directions.Length - 1;

                // Skip guaranteed deadly immediately
                if (!mustEvaluateOwn && w.CertainlyDeadly(c.OwnIndex, Util.Directions[i]))

                checkedOwnMove = true;

                // Must reset beta to initial beta value of this node, otherwise using updated beta from different sub tree
                // Beta stores the best move possible for the opponent
                var beta = betaInitial;

                bool checkedEnemyMove = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < Util.Directions.Length; ++j)
                    // Check stop request in inner loop
                    if (c.Stop.StopRequested)
                        throw new StopSearchException();

                    bool mustEvaluateEnemy = !checkedEnemyMove && j == Util.Directions.Length - 1;

                    // Skip guaranteed deadly immediately
                    if (!mustEvaluateEnemy && w.CertainlyDeadly(c.EnemyIndex, Util.Directions[j]))

                    desiredMoves[c.OwnIndex]   = Util.Directions[i];
                    desiredMoves[c.EnemyIndex] = Util.Directions[j];

                    var worldInstance = w.Clone() as FastWorld;

                    var tuple = BestWithHeuristic(c, worldInstance, maxDepth, currentDepth + 1, alpha, beta);

                    if (tuple.Item2 < beta)
                        beta = tuple.Item2;

                    // If the best move possible is worse for the first player than the current worst,
                    // stop, no need to find even worse moves
                    if (alpha >= beta)
                        // Alpha cut-off

                if (beta > alpha)
                    alpha            = beta;
                    bestOwnDirection = Util.Directions[i];

                // If our best move is even better than the current choice of the opponent
                // stop, no need to find even better moves
                // Of course have to compare to initial beta value here
                if (alpha >= betaInitial)
                    // Beta cut-off

            return(Tuple.Create(bestOwnDirection, alpha));