protected override Tuple<string[], string[]> GenerateInputOutput() { FastRandom rand = new FastRandom(); List<List<int>> vectors = GetHardcodedTrainingSamples(); var zeros = GetHardcodedZeros(); var trainZeros = zeros.SampleRandomWithoutRepetition(rand, 30).ToList(); var testZeros = zeros.Except<List<int>>(trainZeros, new EnumerableValueEqualityComparer<int>()).ToList(); var help1 = GetDistinctPermutations(new int[4] { 0, 5, -8, 9 }); var trainHelp1 = help1.SampleRandomWithoutRepetition(rand, 20).ToList(); var testHelp1 = help1.Except<List<int>>(trainHelp1, new EnumerableValueEqualityComparer<int>()).ToList(); var help2 = GetDistinctPermutations(new int[4] { 0, 0, -8, 9 }); var trainHelp2 = help2.SampleRandomWithoutRepetition(rand, 10).ToList(); var testHelp2 = help2.Except<List<int>>(trainHelp2, new EnumerableValueEqualityComparer<int>()).ToList(); var help3 = GetDistinctPermutations(new int[4] { 0, 0, 0, 9 }); vectors.AddRange(trainZeros); vectors.AddRange(trainHelp1); vectors.AddRange(trainHelp2); vectors.AddRange(help3); vectors.AddRange(GetRandomVectors(78, rand).ToList()); vectors = vectors.Shuffle(rand).ToList(); vectors.AddRange(testZeros); vectors.AddRange(testHelp1); vectors.AddRange(testHelp2); vectors.AddRange(GetRandomVectors(974, rand).ToList()); var input = vectors.Select(x => String.Format("[{0}]", String.Join(", ", x))).ToArray(); var output = vectors.Select(x => x.LastIndexOf(0).ToString()).ToArray(); return new Tuple<string[], string[]>(input, output); }
public MsgKeepAlive() : base() { FastRandom fastRand = new FastRandom(); this.Payload = new byte[fastRand.Next(32, 256)]; fastRand.NextBytes(this.Payload); }
private void InitBoxes(int Seed) { FastRandom rnd = new FastRandom(Seed); for (int i = 0; i < DataSize; i++) { //set random values in Box B (The output box) byte[] TempValues = new byte[BOX_SIZE]; for (int x = 0; x < BOX_SIZE; x++) TempValues[x] = (byte)x; ShuffleValues(TempValues, Seed); for (int j = 0; j < BOX_SIZE; j++) { BOX_B[i, j] = TempValues[j]; } //Set in Box A where the index of Box B for (int j = 0; j < BOX_SIZE; j++) { for (int x = 0; x < BOX_SIZE; x++) { if (BOX_B[i, x] == j) { BOX_A[i, j] = (byte)x; break; } } } } }
public static String RandomDecimalString(FastRandom r) { int count = r.NextValue(20) + 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (r.NextValue(2) == 0) sb.Append('-'); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i == 0) sb.Append((char)('1' + r.NextValue(9))); else sb.Append((char)('0' + r.NextValue(10))); } if (r.NextValue(2) == 0) { sb.Append('.'); count = r.NextValue(20) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { sb.Append((char)('0' + r.NextValue(10))); } } if (r.NextValue(2) == 0) { sb.Append('E'); count = r.NextValue(20); if (count != 0) { sb.Append(r.NextValue(2) == 0 ? '+' : '-'); } sb.Append(Convert.ToString( (int)count, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NeuralColorQuantizer"/> class. /// </summary> public NeuralColorQuantizer() { Quality = DefaultQuality; random = new FastRandom(0); uniqueColors = new ConcurrentDictionary<Int32, Boolean>(); }
public MarkovChainSampler() { this.sampleCache = new Stack<Sample>(100); rnd = new FastRandom(); TotalSamples = 0L; samplesInPass = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs with the provided world parameter arguments. /// </summary> public PreyCaptureWorld(int gridSize, int preyInitMoves, double preySpeed, double sensorRange, int maxTimesteps) { _gridSize = gridSize; _preyInitMoves = preyInitMoves; _preySpeed = preySpeed; _sensorRange = sensorRange; _maxTimesteps = maxTimesteps; _rng = new FastRandom(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance from an existing one (copy constructor). /// </summary> /// <param name="original">The original <see cref="FastRandom"/> instance which is used to initialize the new instance.</param> /// <param name="cloner">A <see cref="Cloner"/> which is used to track all already cloned objects in order to avoid cycles.</param> private FastRandom(FastRandom original, Cloner cloner) : base(original, cloner) { x = original.x; y = original.y; z = original.z; w = original.w; bitBuffer = original.bitBuffer; bitMask = original.bitMask; }
public void InitNoise() { var RNG = new FastRandom(); NoiseTable = new float[NoiseDim + 1, NoiseDim + 1, NoiseDim + 1]; int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < NoiseDim; i++) for (j = 0; j < NoiseDim; j++) for (k = 0; k < NoiseDim; k++) NoiseTable[i, j, k] = RNG.NextFloat(); }
public MarkovChain(MarkovChainNode[] nodes, int stepsPerActivation, FastRandom random) { _nodes = nodes; _stepsPerActivation = stepsPerActivation; _random = random; _rouletteWheels = new RouletteWheelLayout[nodes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) _rouletteWheels[i] = new RouletteWheelLayout(nodes[i].TransitionProbabilities); }
private IEnumerable<List<int>> GetRandomVectors(int n, FastRandom rand) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int length = rand.Next(1, 50); List<int> cur = new List<int>(length) { 0 }; for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; j++) { cur.Add(rand.Next(-50, 50)); } yield return cur.Shuffle(rand).ToList(); } }
public PathGenerator(uint seed, GetHeight getHeight) { m_getHeight = getHeight; var fastRandom = new FastRandom(seed); m_cellNoise = new CellNoise2D(fastRandom.NextUInt()); m_sources = new Dictionary<uint, PathGraphNode>(); m_sinks = new Dictionary<uint, PathGraphNode>(); m_general = new Dictionary<uint, PathGraphNode>(); m_paths = new List<PathNodeList>(); }
public FiniteAppertureCamera(Point eye, Vector dirt, Vector up, int width, int height, float fov) { rnd = new FastRandom(); this.fieldOfView = fov; this.Height = height; this.Width = width; this.Position = eye; this.Target = dirt; this.Up = up; this.Update(); }
public void TestCBORObjectDecimal() { FastRandom rand = new FastRandom(); for (int i = 0; i <= 28; i++) { // Try a random decimal with a given exponent for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { decimal d = RandomDecimal(rand, i); CBORObject obj = CBORObject.FromObject(d); TestCommon.AssertRoundTrip(obj); Assert.AreEqual(d, obj.AsDecimal()); } } }
//protected override IEnumerable<int> GenerateTraining() { // var x0 = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100 }; // x0.AddRange(ValueGenerator.SampleRandomWithoutRepetition(numbers, 44, rand)); // return x0; //} //protected override IEnumerable<int> GenerateTest() { // return numbers.Except(GenerateTraining()); //} //protected override Tuple<string[], string[]> GenerateInputOutput(IEnumerable<int> x0) { // var input = x0.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray(); // var output = x0.Select(x => CalcSumOfSquares(x).ToString()).ToArray(); // return new Tuple<string[], string[]>(input, output); //} protected override Tuple<string[], string[]> GenerateInputOutput() { FastRandom rand = new FastRandom(); var x0 = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100 }; x0.AddRange(ValueGenerator.SampleRandomWithoutRepetition(numbers, 44, rand)); x0 = x0.Shuffle(rand).ToList(); x0.AddRange(numbers.Except(x0)); var input = x0.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray(); var output = x0.Select(x => CalcSumOfSquares(x).ToString()).ToArray(); return new Tuple<string[], string[]>(input, output); }
public static String RandomBigIntString(FastRandom r) { int count = r.NextValue(50) + 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (r.NextValue(2) == 0) sb.Append('-'); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i == 0) sb.Append((char)('1' + r.NextValue(9))); else sb.Append((char)('0' + r.NextValue(10))); } return sb.ToString(); }
public MazeWallMover (Maze maze, Maze secondMaze, GameState state, Func<int, int, bool> containsPortal) { Maze = maze; SecondMaze = secondMaze; this.GameState = state; rand = new FastRandom(maze.Seed); this.containsPortal = containsPortal; ValidMessages = new[] { (int) MessageId.Update }; this.GameState.MessageProxy.RegisterMessageConsumer(this); this.GameState.MessageProxy.AddMessageCreator (this); }
public TriangleMeshLight(LightMaterial mt, RayEngineScene scene, TriangleMeshInfo mesh) : base(mt) { this.scene = scene; this.mesh = mesh; this.rnd = new FastRandom(); triangleSampleData = new TriangleSample[this.mesh.TrianglesCount]; for (int i = mesh.StartTriangle, j = 0; i < mesh.EndTriangle; i++, j++) { triangleSampleData[j] = new TriangleSample(scene.Triangles[i].AreaV(scene.Vertices), NormalModifier * scene.Triangles[i].ComputeNormal(scene.Vertices)); } triangleSampleData.PartialSort((a, b) => a.Item1.CompareTo(a.Item1), 0, triangleSampleData.Length); }
private void InitGen() { if (GenInit) return; GenInit = true; _Gen1 = new PerlinNoise(_Seed); _Gen2 = new PerlinNoise(_Seed + 1); _Gen3 = new PerlinNoise(_Seed + 2); _Gen4 = new PerlinNoise(_Seed + 3); _Gen5 = new PerlinNoise(_Seed + 4); _Gen6 = new PerlinNoise(_Seed + 5); _FastRandom = new FastRandom(_Seed); }
static void RunTrial(int offset) { RESULTS_FILE = EXPERIMENTS_DIR + RESULTS_FILE_BASE + offset + ".csv"; _random = new FastRandom(); _experiment = new SocialExperiment(); XmlDocument xmlConfig = new XmlDocument(); xmlConfig.Load(CONFIG_FILE); _experiment.Initialize("SimpleEvolution", xmlConfig.DocumentElement); _experiment.NeatGenomeParameters.AddConnectionMutationProbability = 0; _experiment.NeatGenomeParameters.AddNodeMutationProbability = 0; _experiment.NeatGenomeParameters.DeleteConnectionMutationProbability = 0; SocialExperiment.CreateNetwork(FEED_FORWARD_NETWORK_FILE, _experiment.InputCount, _experiment.OutputCount); // Record the changes at each step _experiment.World.Stepped += new social_learning.World.StepEventHandler(World_Stepped); // Read in the seed genome from file. This is the prototype for our other population of networks. var seed = _experiment.LoadPopulation(XmlReader.Create(FEED_FORWARD_NETWORK_FILE))[0]; // Create a genome factory with our neat genome parameters object and the appropriate number of input and output neuron genes. IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory = _experiment.CreateGenomeFactory(); // Create an initial population of randomly generated genomes. List<NeatGenome> genomeList = genomeFactory.CreateGenomeList(_experiment.DefaultPopulationSize, 0, seed); // Randomize the genomes RandomizeGenomes(genomeList); // Create genome decoder. IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome, IBlackBox> genomeDecoder = _experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder(); // Create the evaluator that will handle the simulation _evaluator = new ForagingEvaluator<NeatGenome>(genomeDecoder, _experiment.World, AgentTypes.Social) { MaxTimeSteps = 200000UL, BackpropEpochsPerExample = 1 }; using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(RESULTS_FILE)) writer.WriteLine("Step,Best,Average"); // Start the simulation _evaluator.Evaluate(genomeList); }
public Problem() : base() { Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter<IntValue>(LawnWidthParameterName, "Width of the lawn.", new IntValue(8))); Parameters.Add(new FixedValueParameter<IntValue>(LawnLengthParameterName, "Length of the lawn.", new IntValue(8))); var g = new SimpleSymbolicExpressionGrammar(); g.AddSymbols(new string[] { "Sum", "Prog" }, 2, 2); g.AddSymbols(new string[] { "Frog" }, 1, 1); g.AddTerminalSymbols(new string[] { "Left", "Forward" }); // initialize 20 ephemeral random constants in [0..32[ var fastRand = new FastRandom(314159); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { g.AddTerminalSymbol(string.Format("{0},{1}", fastRand.Next(0, 32), fastRand.Next(0, 32))); } Encoding = new SymbolicExpressionTreeEncoding(g, 1000, 17); }
/// <summary> /// See <see cref="BaseColorCacheQuantizer.OnGetPaletteToCache"/> for more details. /// </summary> protected override List<Color> OnGetPaletteToCache(Int32 colorCount) { // use fast random class FastRandom random = new FastRandom(0); // NOTE: I've added a little randomization here, as it was performing terribly otherwise. // sorts out the list by a pixel presence, takes top N slots, and calculates // the average color from them, thus our new palette. IEnumerable<Color> colors = colorMap. OrderBy(entry => random.Next(colorMap.Count)). OrderByDescending(entry => entry.Value.PixelCount). Take(colorCount). Select(entry => entry.Value.GetAverage()); palette.Clear(); palette.AddRange(colors); return palette; }
/// <summary> /// Averages out the number of partitions possible given the evolved maze dimensions. /// </summary> /// <param name="mazeHeight">The height of the maze.</param> /// <param name="mazeWidth">The width of the maze.</param> /// <param name="numSamples">The number of sample mazes to attempt partitioning out to get a representative average.</param> /// <returns>The average number of partitions supportable within the given maze dimensions.</returns> public static int DetermineMaxPartitions(int mazeHeight, int mazeWidth, int numSamples) { int[] maxMazeResolutions = new int[numSamples]; FastRandom rng = new FastRandom(); // Fully partition maze space for the specified number of samples for (int curSample = 0; curSample < numSamples; curSample++) { Queue<MazeStructureRoom> mazeRoomQueue = new Queue<MazeStructureRoom>(); int[,] mazeSegments = new int[mazeHeight, mazeWidth]; int partitionCount = 0; // Queue up the first "room" (which will encompass the entirety of the maze grid) mazeRoomQueue.Enqueue(new MazeStructureRoom(0, 0, mazeWidth, mazeHeight)); // Iterate until there are no more available sub fields in the queue while (mazeRoomQueue.Count > 0) { // Dequeue a room and run division on it Tuple<MazeStructureRoom, MazeStructureRoom> subRooms = mazeRoomQueue.Dequeue() .DivideRoom(mazeSegments, rng.NextDoubleNonZero(), rng.NextDoubleNonZero(), rng.NextDoubleNonZero() > 0.5); if (subRooms != null) { // Increment the count of partitions partitionCount++; // Get the two resulting sub rooms and enqueue both of them mazeRoomQueue.Enqueue(subRooms.Item1); mazeRoomQueue.Enqueue(subRooms.Item2); } } // Record the total number of maze partitions maxMazeResolutions[curSample] = partitionCount; } // Return the minimum number of partitions associated with a fully partitioned maze return (int) maxMazeResolutions.Average(partition => partition); }
/** * @param seed */ public PerlinNoise(long seed) { FastRandom rand = new FastRandom(seed); _noisePermutations = new int[512]; _noiseTable = new int[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) _noiseTable[i] = i; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int j = rand.randomInt() % 256; j = (j < 0) ? -j : j; int swap = _noiseTable[i]; _noiseTable[i] = _noiseTable[j]; _noiseTable[j] = swap; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) _noisePermutations[i] = _noisePermutations[i + 256] = _noiseTable[i]; }
public Sample GetNextSample(FastRandom rnd) { curX++; if (curX >= Width) { curY++; curX = 0; if (curY >= Height) { curY = 0; CurrentPass++; } } var data = (new float[sampleDepth]).Select(item => rnd.NextFloat()).ToArray(); return new Sample() { ImageX = curX, ImageY = Height - curY - 1, Data = data }; }
//[Test] public void GenerateDecimalTests() { FastRandom r = new FastRandom(); for(int i=0;i<5000;i++){ CBORObject o1=CBORTest.RandomNumber(r); var df=o1.AsExtendedDecimal(); try { decimal s=Decimal.Parse(df.ToPlainString(),CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); try { var df2=df.RoundToBinaryPrecision( new PrecisionContext(96,Rounding.HalfEven,0,28,true)); if(df2.Exponent<(BigInteger)(-28) || df2.Exponent>BigInteger.Zero){ Console.WriteLine(df2); } Assert.AreEqual(s.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),df2.ToPlainString()); } catch(Exception){ Console.WriteLine( "Assert.AreEqual(\""+s.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)+ "\",ExtendedDecimal.FromString(\""+df.ToString()+"\")"+ ".RoundToBinaryPrecision(new PrecisionContext(96,Rounding.HalfEven,0,28,false)).ToPlainString());" ); throw; } } catch(OverflowException){ try { Assert.AreEqual(null,df.RoundToBinaryPrecision( new PrecisionContext(96,Rounding.HalfEven,0,28,false))); } catch(Exception){ Console.WriteLine( "Assert.AreEqual(null,ExtendedDecimal.FromString(\""+df.ToString()+"\")"+ ".RoundToBinaryPrecision(new PrecisionContext(96,Rounding.HalfEven,0,28,false)));" ); throw; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { _random = new FastRandom(); _experiment = new SocialExperiment(); XmlDocument xmlConfig = new XmlDocument(); xmlConfig.Load(CONFIG_FILE); _experiment.Initialize("SimpleEvolution", xmlConfig.DocumentElement); _experiment.NeatGenomeParameters.AddConnectionMutationProbability = 0; _experiment.NeatGenomeParameters.AddNodeMutationProbability = 0; _experiment.NeatGenomeParameters.DeleteConnectionMutationProbability = 0; SocialExperiment.CreateNetwork(FEED_FORWARD_NETWORK_FILE, _experiment.InputCount, 20, _experiment.OutputCount); // Record the changes at each step _experiment.World.Stepped += new social_learning.World.StepEventHandler(World_Stepped); // Read in the teacher genome from file. var agentGenome = _experiment.LoadPopulation(XmlReader.Create(FEED_FORWARD_NETWORK_FILE)); // Create genome decoder. IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome, IBlackBox> genomeDecoder = _experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder(); // Create the evaluator that will handle the simulation _evaluator = new ForagingEvaluator<NeatGenome>(genomeDecoder, _experiment.World, AgentTypes.QLearning) { MaxTimeSteps = 50000000UL, BackpropEpochsPerExample = 1 }; using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(RESULTS_FILE)) writer.WriteLine("Step,Score"); // Start the simulation _evaluator.Evaluate(agentGenome); }
/// <summary> /// Genetic mutation for auxiliary argument data. /// </summary> public void MutateAuxArgs(double[] auxArgs, FastRandom rng, ZigguratGaussianSampler gaussianSampler, double connectionWeightRange) { throw new SharpNeatException("MutateAuxArgs() called on activation function that does not use auxiliary arguments."); }
private double GetRandomModifier() { return(1.0 - (FastRandom.NextDouble(-0.5, 0.5) * SCAN_INTRUSION_RANDOM_FACTOR * (1.0 - _module.ScanAccuracy.Clamp()))); }
public FreeRoamingPathFinder(IZone zone) { _zone = zone; _direction = FastRandom.NextDouble(); }
/// <summary> /// For activation functions that accept auxiliary arguments; generates random initial values for aux arguments for newly /// added nodes (from an 'add neuron' mutation). /// </summary> public double[] GetRandomAuxArgs(FastRandom rng, double connectionWeightRange) { throw new SharpNeatException("GetRandomAuxArgs() called on activation function that does not use auxiliary arguments."); }
private IToolImpact BlockHit(IDynamicEntity owner) { var impact = new BlockToolImpact { SrcBlueprintId = BluePrintId, Position = owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition }; var cursor = LandscapeManager.GetCursor(owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition); if (cursor == null) { //Impossible to find chunk, chunk not existing, event dropped impact.Message = "Block not existing, event dropped"; impact.Dropped = true; return(impact); } cursor.OwnerDynamicId = owner.DynamicId; if (cursor.PeekProfile().Indestructible) { impact.Message = "Indestrutible cube, cannot be removed !"; return(impact); } DamageTag damage; var cube = cursor.Read(out damage); if (cube != WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air) { impact.CubeId = cube; var profile = cursor.PeekProfile(); var hardness = profile.Hardness; if (damage == null) { damage = new DamageTag { Strength = (int)hardness, TotalStrength = (int)hardness }; } var toolBlockDamage = Damage; if (SpecialDamages != null) { var index = SpecialDamages.FindIndex(cd => cd.CubeId == cube); if (index != -1) { toolBlockDamage = SpecialDamages[index].Damage; } } damage.Strength -= toolBlockDamage; if (toolBlockDamage > 0 && SoundEngine != null) { if (profile.HitSounds.Count > 0) { var random = new Random(); var sound = profile.HitSounds[random.Next(0, profile.HitSounds.Count)]; SoundEngine.StartPlay3D(sound, owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition + new Vector3(0.5f)); } } if (damage.Strength <= 0) { var chunk = LandscapeManager.GetChunkFromBlock(owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition); if (chunk == null) { //Impossible to find chunk, chunk not existing, event dropped impact.Message = "Chunk is not existing, event dropped"; impact.Dropped = true; return(impact); } chunk.Entities.RemoveAll <BlockLinkedItem>(e => e.Linked && e.LinkedCube == owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition, owner.DynamicId); cursor.Write(WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air); #region TreeSoul remove logic foreach (var treeSoul in EntityFactory.LandscapeManager.AroundEntities(owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition, 16).OfType <TreeSoul>()) { var treeBp = EntityFactory.Config.TreeBluePrintsDico[treeSoul.TreeTypeId]; if (cube != treeBp.FoliageBlock && cube != treeBp.TrunkBlock) { continue; } var treeLSystem = new TreeLSystem(); var treeBlocks = treeLSystem.Generate(treeSoul.TreeRndSeed, (Vector3I)treeSoul.Position, treeBp); // did we remove the block of the tree? if (treeBlocks.Exists(b => b.WorldPosition == owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition)) { treeSoul.IsDamaged = true; // count removed trunk blocks var totalTrunks = treeBlocks.Count(b => b.BlockId == treeBp.TrunkBlock); var existsTrunks = treeBlocks.Count(b => { if (b.BlockId == treeBp.TrunkBlock) { cursor.GlobalPosition = b.WorldPosition; return(cursor.Read() == treeBp.TrunkBlock); } return(false); }); if (existsTrunks < totalTrunks / 2) { treeSoul.IsDying = true; } } } #endregion if (SoundEngine != null && EntityFactory.Config.ResourceTake != null) { SoundEngine.StartPlay3D(EntityFactory.Config.ResourceTake, owner.EntityState.PickedBlockPosition + new Vector3(0.5f)); } var charEntity = owner as CharacterEntity; if (charEntity == null) { impact.Message = "Charater entity is expected"; return(impact); } var putItems = new List <KeyValuePair <IItem, int> >(); putItems.Add(new KeyValuePair <IItem, int>((IItem)EntityFactory.CreateFromBluePrint(cube), 1)); if (profile.Transformations != null) { var random = new FastRandom(owner.EntityState.PickedEntityPosition.GetHashCode() ^ owner.EntityState.Entropy); foreach (var itemTransformation in profile.Transformations) { if (random.NextDouble() < itemTransformation.TransformChance) { // don't give the block putItems.Clear(); foreach (var slot in itemTransformation.GeneratedItems) { putItems.Add(new KeyValuePair <IItem, int>((Item)EntityFactory.CreateFromBluePrint(slot.BlueprintId), slot.Count)); } break; } } } // in case of infinite resources we will not add more than 1 block entity var existingSlot = charEntity.FindSlot(s => s.Item.BluePrintId == cube); if (!EntityFactory.Config.IsInfiniteResources || existingSlot == null) { if (!charEntity.Inventory.PutMany(putItems)) { impact.Message = "Can't put the item(s) to inventory"; } } impact.CubeId = WorldConfiguration.CubeId.Air; } else if (damage.Strength >= hardness) { cursor.Write(cube); } else { cursor.Write(cube, damage); } impact.Success = true; return(impact); } impact.Message = "Cannot hit air block"; return(impact); }
public IBuilder <LootItem> GetLootItemBuilder() { return(LootItemBuilder.Create(Definition) .SetQuantity(FastRandom.NextInt(Quantity)) .SetRepackaged(Packed)); }
public Point FindNextRoamingPosition(RoamingPresence presence) { var minSlope = presence.Flocks.GetMembers().Min(m => m.Slope); var maxHomeRange = presence.Flocks.Max(f => f.HomeRange); var range = new IntRange((int)(maxHomeRange * 1.1), (int)(maxHomeRange * 1.5)); var queue = new PriorityQueue <Node>(500); var startNode = new Node(presence.CurrentRoamingPosition); queue.Enqueue(startNode); var closed = new HashSet <Point> { presence.CurrentRoamingPosition }; if (FastRandom.NextDouble() < 0.3) { _direction += FastRandom.NextDouble(0, 0.25) - 0.25; MathHelper.NormalizeDirection(ref _direction); } var farPosition = startNode.location.ToPosition().OffsetInDirection(_direction, FastRandom.NextDouble(range.Min, range.Max)); // _zone.CreateAlignedDebugBeam(BeamType.red_20sec,farPosition); Node current; while (queue.TryDequeue(out current)) { var d = startNode.location.Distance(current.location); if (d > range.Min) { _direction = startNode.location.DirectionTo(current.location); // _zone.CreateAlignedDebugBeam(BeamType.green_20sec,current.location.ToPosition()); return(current.location); } foreach (var np in current.location.GetNeighbours()) { if (closed.Contains(np)) { continue; } closed.Add(np); if (!_zone.IsWalkableForNpc(np, minSlope)) { continue; } if (np.Distance(startNode.location) >= range.Max) { continue; } // _zone.CreateAlignedDebugBeam(BeamType.orange_20sec,np.ToPosition()); queue.Enqueue(new Node(np, Heuristic.Manhattan.Calculate(np.X, np.Y, (int)farPosition.X, (int)farPosition.Y))); } } _direction = FastRandom.NextDouble(); return(presence.CurrentRoamingPosition); }
public void UnHealPlant() { var amount = FastRandom.NextInt(3, 5); health = (byte)(health - amount).Clamp(0, 255); }
public EndTimeObjectPatternGenerator(FastRandom random, HitObject hitObject, ManiaBeatmap beatmap, IBeatmap originalBeatmap) : base(random, hitObject, beatmap, new Pattern(), originalBeatmap) { endTime = (HitObject as IHasEndTime)?.EndTime ?? 0; }
private Boolean[,] GoGenerate(FastRandom r, int width, int height) { int x = 1; int y = 1; var map = new Boolean[width, height]; List <int> stackjex = new List <int>(10000); List <int> stackjey = new List <int>(10000); int pointertje = 0; stackjex.Add(x); stackjey.Add(y); pointertje++; map[x, y] = true; //pixelChangedCallback.Invoke(x, y, currentStep, totSteps); MazePoint[] targets = new MazePoint[4]; //form.drawPixel(x, y, brushThisUses); while (pointertje > 0) { x = stackjex[pointertje - 1]; y = stackjey[pointertje - 1]; int targetCount = 0; if (isValid(x - 2, y, map, width, height)) { targets[targetCount].X = x - 2; targets[targetCount].Y = y; targetCount++; } if (isValid(x + 2, y, map, width, height)) { targets[targetCount].X = x + 2; targets[targetCount].Y = y; targetCount++; } if (isValid(x, y - 2, map, width, height)) { targets[targetCount].X = x; targets[targetCount].Y = y - 2; targetCount++; } if (isValid(x, y + 2, map, width, height)) { targets[targetCount].X = x; targets[targetCount].Y = y + 2; targetCount++; } //Thread.Sleep(1000); if (targetCount > 0) { var target = targets[r.Next(targetCount)]; if (pointertje == stackjex.Count) { stackjex.Add(target.X); stackjey.Add(target.Y); } else { stackjex[pointertje] = target.X; stackjey[pointertje] = target.Y; } pointertje++; map[target.X, target.Y] = true; if (target.X < x) { map[x - 1, y] = true; //pixelChangedCallback.Invoke(x - 1, y, currentStep, totSteps); //form.drawPixel(x - 1, y, brushThisUses); } else if (target.X > x) { map[x + 1, y] = true; //pixelChangedCallback.Invoke(x + 1, y, currentStep, totSteps); //form.drawPixel(x + 1, y, brushThisUses); } else if (target.Y < y) { map[x, y - 1] = true; //pixelChangedCallback.Invoke(x, y - 1, currentStep, totSteps); //form.drawPixel(x, y - 1, brushThisUses); } else if (target.Y > y) { map[x, y + 1] = true; //pixelChangedCallback.Invoke(x, y + 1, currentStep, totSteps); //form.drawPixel(x, y + 1, brushThisUses); } //pixelChangedCallback.Invoke(target.X, target.Y, currentStep, totSteps); //form.drawPixel(target.X, target.Y, brushThisUses); } else { pointertje--; } } return(map); }
public Particle(FastRandom rnd) { Deviation0 = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2f - 1f; //Deviation1 = (float)rnd.NextDouble() * 2f - 1f; //TextureIndex = (ushort)rnd.Next(4); }
public GlobalGenerator(uint seed) { _random = new FastRandom(seed); _sysRand = new System.Random((int)seed); _heightMap0 = new SimplexNoise2D(_random.NextUInt()); }
public HitObjectPatternGenerator(FastRandom random, HitObject hitObject, ManiaBeatmap beatmap, Pattern previousPattern, double previousTime, Vector2 previousPosition, double density, PatternType lastStair, IBeatmap originalBeatmap) : base(random, hitObject, beatmap, previousPattern, originalBeatmap) { StairType = lastStair; TimingControlPoint timingPoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.TimingPointAt(hitObject.StartTime); EffectControlPoint effectPoint = beatmap.ControlPointInfo.EffectPointAt(hitObject.StartTime); var positionData = hitObject as IHasPosition; float positionSeparation = ((positionData?.Position ?? Vector2.Zero) - previousPosition).Length; double timeSeparation = hitObject.StartTime - previousTime; if (timeSeparation <= 80) { // More than 187 BPM convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack | PatternType.KeepSingle; } else if (timeSeparation <= 95) { // More than 157 BPM convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack | PatternType.KeepSingle | lastStair; } else if (timeSeparation <= 105) { // More than 140 BPM convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack | PatternType.LowProbability; } else if (timeSeparation <= 125) { // More than 120 BPM convertType |= PatternType.ForceNotStack; } else if (timeSeparation <= 135 && positionSeparation < 20) { // More than 111 BPM stream convertType |= PatternType.Cycle | PatternType.KeepSingle; } else if (timeSeparation <= 150 && positionSeparation < 20) { // More than 100 BPM stream convertType |= PatternType.ForceStack | PatternType.LowProbability; } else if (positionSeparation < 20 && density >= timingPoint.BeatLength / 2.5) { // Low density stream convertType |= PatternType.Reverse | PatternType.LowProbability; } else if (density < timingPoint.BeatLength / 2.5 || effectPoint.KiaiMode) { // High density } else { convertType |= PatternType.LowProbability; } if (!convertType.HasFlag(PatternType.KeepSingle)) { if (HitObject.Samples.Any(s => s.Name == SampleInfo.HIT_FINISH) && TotalColumns != 8) { convertType |= PatternType.Mirror; } else if (HitObject.Samples.Any(s => s.Name == SampleInfo.HIT_CLAP)) { convertType |= PatternType.Gathered; } } }
public void Initialize() { _rng = new FastRandom(0xBADC0DE); // Well, we can't use Environment.TickCount, so... }
private IEnumerable <IEnumerable <double> > GetVecotrsOfVariableLenght(int n, FastRandom rand) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { yield return(ValueGenerator.GenerateUniformDistributedValues(rand.Next(1, 50 + 1), -1000.0, 1000.0, rand)); } }
public override void SetSpawnPosition (Vector3 playerSpawn, PhysicsComponent ownPhysics, object map, FastRandom rand) { Maze.Maze maze = map as Maze.Maze; if (maze != null) { bool gotit = false; while (!gotit) { int pos = rand.Next (0, maze.graph.Nodes.Count); Vector3 spawn_pos; float distance; for (int i = pos; i < maze.graph.Nodes.Count; i++) { spawn_pos = maze.graph.Nodes[i].Data.WorldPosition; Vector3.Distance(ref playerSpawn, ref spawn_pos, out distance); if (maze.graph.Nodes[i].Data.MazeCellType == MazeCellType.Ground && distance > 50 && !maze.graph.Nodes[i].Data.IsExit) { gotit = true; ownPhysics.RigidBody.Position = new JVector (maze.graph.Nodes[i].Data.WorldPosition.X, height, maze.graph.Nodes[i].Data.WorldPosition.Z); break; } } } if (!gotit) { Logger.Log.AddLogEntry (LogLevel.Severe, "GhostAI", "Failed to generate spawn position!"); } fallback = JVector.Transform (JVector.Backward, JMatrix.CreateFromAxisAngle (JVector.Up, (float) rand.NextDouble() * 2 * MathHelper.Pi)); direction = fallback; Spawned = true; } }
internal LootContainerBuilder() { _containerType = LootContainerType.LootOnly; _pinCode = FastRandom.NextInt(1, 9999); _enterBeamType = BeamType.undefined; }
//ennek mindenkepp vegig kell futnia private void HandlePlayerDead(IZone zone, Unit killer) { using (var scope = Db.CreateTransaction()) { EnlistTransaction(); try { killer = zone.ToPlayerOrGetOwnerPlayer(killer) ?? killer; SaveCombatLog(zone, killer); var character = Character; var dockingBase = character.GetHomeBaseOrCurrentBase(); dockingBase.DockIn(character, NormalUndockDelay, ZoneExitType.Died); PlayerDeathLogger.Log.Write(zone, this, killer); //pay out insurance if needed var wasInsured = InsuranceHelper.CheckInsuranceOnDeath(Eid, Definition); if (!Session.AccessLevel.IsAdminOrGm()) { var robotInventory = GetContainer(); Debug.Assert(robotInventory != null); var lootItems = new List <LootItem>(); // minden fittelt modul foreach (var module in Modules.Where(m => LootHelper.Roll())) { lootItems.Add(LootItemBuilder.Create(module).AsDamaged().Build()); var activeModule = module as ActiveModule; var ammo = activeModule?.GetAmmo(); if (ammo != null) { if (LootHelper.Roll()) { lootItems.Add(LootItemBuilder.Create(ammo).Build()); } } // szedjuk le a robotrol module.Parent = robotInventory.Eid; //in case the container is full //toroljuk is le, nem kell ez sehova mar Repository.Delete(module); } foreach (var item in robotInventory.GetItems(true).Where(i => i is VolumeWrapperContainer)) { //Transport assignments var wrapper = item as VolumeWrapperContainer; if (wrapper == null) { continue; } lootItems.AddRange(wrapper.GetLootItems()); wrapper.SetAllowDelete(); Repository.Delete(wrapper); } // elkerunk minden itemet a kontenerbol es valogatunk belole 50% szerint foreach (var item in robotInventory.GetItems().Where(i => LootHelper.Roll() && !i.ED.AttributeFlags.NonStackable)) { var qtyMod = FastRandom.NextDouble(); item.Quantity = (int)(item.Quantity * qtyMod); if (item.Quantity > 0) { lootItems.Add(LootItemBuilder.Create(item.Definition).SetQuantity(item.Quantity).SetRepackaged(item.ED.AttributeFlags.Repackable).Build()); } else { robotInventory.RemoveItemOrThrow(item); //toroljuk is le, nem kell ez mar Repository.Delete(item); } } //Check if paint was applied + paint drop chance if (this.ED.Config.Tint != this.Tint && LootHelper.Roll(0.5)) { //Paint Query //TODO: performance => cache paints in static collection //TODO: performance => cache if painted, and paint entitydef on undock EntityDefault paint = EntityDefault.Reader.GetAll() .Where(i => i.CategoryFlags == CategoryFlags.cf_lottery_items) .Where(i => i.Config.Tint == this.Tint) .Where(i => i.Name.Contains("paint")).First(); if (paint != null) { lootItems.Add(LootItemBuilder.Create(paint.Definition).SetQuantity(1).SetDamaged(false).Build()); } } if (lootItems.Count > 0) { var lootContainer = LootContainer.Create().AddLoot(lootItems).BuildAndAddToZone(zone, CurrentPosition); if (lootContainer != null) { var b = TransactionLogEvent.Builder().SetTransactionType(TransactionType.PutLoot).SetCharacter(character).SetContainer(lootContainer.Eid); foreach (var lootItem in lootItems) { b.SetItem(lootItem.ItemInfo.Definition, lootItem.ItemInfo.Quantity); Character.LogTransaction(b); } } } var killedByPlayer = (killer != null && killer.IsPlayer()); Trashcan.Get().MoveToTrash(this, Session.DisconnectTime, wasInsured, killedByPlayer, Session.InactiveTime); character.NextAvailableRobotRequestTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(killedByPlayer ? ARKHE_REQUEST_TIMER_MINUTES_PVP : ARKHE_REQUEST_TIMER_MINUTES_NPC); Robot activeRobot = null; if (!killedByPlayer) { activeRobot = dockingBase.CreateStarterRobotForCharacter(character); if (activeRobot != null) { Transaction.Current.OnCommited(() => { var starterRobotInfo = new Dictionary <string, object> { { k.baseEID, Eid }, { k.robotEID, activeRobot.Eid } }; Message.Builder.SetCommand(Commands.StarterRobotCreated).WithData(starterRobotInfo).ToCharacter(character).Send(); }); } } character.SetActiveRobot(activeRobot); } else { // mert rendesek vagyunk this.Repair(); // csak az adminok miatt kell var container = dockingBase.GetPublicContainer(); container.AddItem(this, false); } this.Save(); scope.Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Exception(ex); } } }
protected override VideoFrame GetFrame(int n) { var frame = NewVideoFrame(StaticEnv); if (realPlanar) { OverlayUtils.ResetChroma(frame); } OverlayUtils.MemSet(frame.GetWritePtr(), byte.MaxValue, frame.GetHeight() * frame.GetPitch()); var stride = frame.GetPitch(); var pixelSize = frame.GetRowSize() / GetVideoInfo().width; var random = new FastRandom(Seed == 0 ? n : Seed); unsafe { void LeftRight(int length, Func <int, int> offset) { if (length == 0) { return; } for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) { var data = (byte *)frame.GetWritePtr() + offset(x) * pixelSize; var gradientVal = GradientVal(x, length); for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++, data += stride) { var val = gradientVal; if (Noise && random.Next(length) > x && random.Next(length) > x) { val = 0; } if (val != byte.MaxValue) { for (var i = 0; i < pixelSize; i++) { data[i] = val; } } } } } void TopBottom(int length, Func <int, int> offset) { if (length == 0) { return; } for (var y = 0; y < length; y++) { var data = (byte *)frame.GetWritePtr() + offset(rgb ? (Height - y - 1) : y) * stride; var gradientVal = GradientVal(y, length); for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++, data += pixelSize) { var val = gradientVal; if (Noise && random.Next(length) > y && random.Next(length) > y) { val = 0; } if (val != byte.MaxValue && data[0] > val) { for (var i = 0; i < pixelSize; i++) { data[i] = val; } } } } } Parallel.Invoke(() => LeftRight(Left, x => x), () => LeftRight(Right, x => Width - x - 1)); Parallel.Invoke(() => TopBottom(Top, y => y), () => TopBottom(Bottom, y => Height - y - 1)); } return(frame); }
public override void ProcessPayload(SSPClient client, OperationalSocket _OpSocket) { RequestHeader reqHeader = Header as RequestHeader; if (reqHeader != null) { Type type = null; lock (client.Connection.RegisteredOperationalSockets) { client.Connection.RegisteredOperationalSockets.TryGetValue(Identifier, out type); } if (type != null) { bool SendedSuccess = false; try { OperationalSocket OpSocket = (OperationalSocket)Activator.CreateInstance(type, client); OpSocket.isConnected = true; lock (client.Connection.OperationalSockets) { FastRandom rnd = new FastRandom(); OpSocket.ConnectionId = (ushort)rnd.Next(1, 65535); while (client.Connection.OperationalSockets.ContainsKey(OpSocket.ConnectionId)) { OpSocket.ConnectionId = (ushort)rnd.Next(1, 65535); } client.Connection.OperationalSockets.Add(OpSocket.ConnectionId, OpSocket); } try { OpSocket.onBeforeConnect(); client.onOperationalSocket_BeforeConnect(OpSocket); } catch (Exception ex) { SysLogger.Log(ex.Message, SysLogType.Error); OpSocket.onException(ex, ErrorType.UserLand); } client.Connection.SendMessage(new MsgCreateConnectionResponse(OpSocket.ConnectionId, true), new RequestHeader(reqHeader.RequestId, true)); SendedSuccess = true; OpSocket.onConnect(); client.onOperationalSocket_Connected(OpSocket); } catch (Exception ex) { SysLogger.Log(ex.Message, SysLogType.Error); if (!SendedSuccess) { client.Connection.SendMessage(new MsgCreateConnectionResponse(0, false), new RequestHeader(reqHeader.RequestId, true)); } } } else { client.Connection.SendMessage(new MsgCreateConnectionResponse(0, false), new RequestHeader(reqHeader.RequestId, true)); } } }
private void DoSummon(IZone zone) { Logger.Info("DoSummon starts on zone:" + zone.Id + " " + this); if (DeployerPlayer == null) { Logger.Error("no deployer player " + this); return; } var corporation = DeployerPlayer.Character.GetPrivateCorporation(); if (corporation == null) { Logger.Error("no private corporation was found. Deployer character: " + DeployerPlayer.Character); DeployerPlayer.Character.SendErrorMessage(new Command("pbsDeployItem"), ErrorCodes.PrivateCorporationAllowedOnly); return; } var centerTile = CurrentPosition.Center; PBSDockingBase dockingBase; using (var scope = Db.CreateTransaction()) { try { var deployableItem = (Unit)_entityServices.Factory.CreateWithRandomEID(TargetPBSNodeDefault); var zoneStorage = zone.Configuration.GetStorage(); zoneStorage.AddChild(deployableItem); SetStartCore(deployableItem); dockingBase = deployableItem as PBSDockingBase; if (dockingBase != null) { PBSHelper.CreatePBSDockingBase(dockingBase); } deployableItem.Owner = corporation.Eid; deployableItem.Orientation = FastRandom.NextInt(0, 3) * 0.25; deployableItem.CurrentPosition = CurrentPosition.Center; if (deployableItem is PBSTurret turret) { // csak a turret kell, gyerekek nem Repository.Insert(turret); } else { // itt mindent insertalunk deployableItem.Save(); } Logger.Info("node saved to sql " + deployableItem); Logger.Info("pbs insert start in zoneuser entities: " + deployableItem); zone.UnitService.AddUserUnit(deployableItem, centerTile); Logger.Info("pbs log starting " + deployableItem); PBSHelper.WritePBSLog(PBSLogType.deployed, deployableItem.Eid, deployableItem.Definition, deployableItem.Owner, DeployerPlayer.Character.Id, background: false, zoneId: zone.Id); Transaction.Current.OnCompleted((completed) => { if (!completed) { Logger.Error("DoSummon rollback " + this); return; } Logger.Info("starting zone enter: " + deployableItem); deployableItem.AddToZone(zone, centerTile); Logger.Info("added to zone " + deployableItem); dockingBase?.OnDockingBaseDeployed(); //draw terrain stuff PBSHelper.OnPBSObjectDeployed(zone, deployableItem, true, true, true); Logger.Info("terrain stuff done, sending update. " + deployableItem); //send update ((IPBSObject)deployableItem).SendNodeUpdate(); zone.CreateBeam(BeamType.red_20sec, builder => builder.WithPosition(CurrentPosition.Center) .WithState(BeamState.Hit) .WithDuration(15000)); Logger.Info("pbs node successfully deployed."); _successfulSummon = true; }); scope.Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Exception(ex); } } }
public List <BlockWithPosition> Generate(int seed, Vector3I WPos, TreeBluePrint treeType) { FastRandom rnd = new FastRandom(seed); Dictionary <Vector3I, BlockWithPosition> meshDico = new Dictionary <Vector3I, BlockWithPosition>(); //randomize tree growth level, minimum=2 int iterations = treeType.Iteration; if (treeType.IterationRndLevel > 0) { iterations -= rnd.Next(treeType.IterationRndLevel); } if (iterations < 2) { iterations = 2; //Minimum 2, in order to have something correct } double angleRad = MathHelper.ToRadians(treeType.Angle); double angleOffsetRad = MathHelper.ToRadians(rnd.NextDouble()); //initialize rotation matrix, position and stacks for branches Matrix rotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), (float)Math.PI / 2.0f); Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero; Stack <Matrix> stackOrientation = new Stack <Matrix>(); Stack <Vector3> stackPosition = new Stack <Vector3>(); //Generate axiom ==================================================================== string axiom = treeType.Axiom; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { string temp = ""; foreach (char axiomChar in axiom) { switch (axiomChar) { case 'A': temp += treeType.Rules_a.Rule; break; case 'B': temp += treeType.Rules_b.Rule; break; case 'C': temp += treeType.Rules_c.Rule; break; case 'D': temp += treeType.Rules_d.Rule; break; case 'a': if (treeType.Rules_a.Prob >= rnd.NextDouble()) { temp += treeType.Rules_a.Rule; } break; case 'b': if (treeType.Rules_b.Prob >= rnd.NextDouble()) { temp += treeType.Rules_b.Rule; } break; case 'c': if (treeType.Rules_c.Prob >= rnd.NextDouble()) { temp += treeType.Rules_c.Rule; } break; case 'd': if (treeType.Rules_d.Prob >= rnd.NextDouble()) { temp += treeType.Rules_d.Rule; } break; default: temp += axiomChar; break; } } axiom = temp; } /* build tree out of generated axiom * * Key for Special L-System Symbols used in Axioms * * M - move forward one unit with the pen up * F - move forward one unit with the pen down drawing trunks and branches * f - move forward one unit with the pen down drawing leaves * A - replace with rules set A * B - replace with rules set B * C - replace with rules set C * D - replace with rules set D * a - replace with rules set A, taking into account probability set for rule A * b - replace with rules set B, taking into account probability set for rule B * c - replace with rules set C, taking into account probability set for rule C * d - replace with rules set D, taking into account probability set for rule D * [ - Push stack states * ] - Pop Stack states + - yaw the turtle right by angle degrees + - - yaw the turtle left by angle degrees + & - pitch the turtle down by angle degrees + ^ - pitch the turtle up by angle degrees + / - roll the turtle to the right by angle degrees * - roll the turtle to the left by angle degrees */ int x, y, z; BlockWithPosition block; foreach (char axiomChar in axiom) { Matrix tempRotation = Matrix.Identity; Vector3 dir; switch (axiomChar) { case 'M': dir = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); dir = Vector3.TransformNormal(dir, rotation); position += dir; break; case 'F': //Single Trunk => Always added block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } //Handling other trunk type if (stackOrientation.Count == 0 || (stackOrientation.Count > 0 && treeType.SmallBranches == false)) { switch (treeType.TrunkType) { case TrunkType.Double: block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + 1, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + 1) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + 1, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + 1) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } break; case TrunkType.Crossed: block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + 1, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X - 1, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + 1) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } block = new BlockWithPosition() { isMandatory = true, BlockId = treeType.TrunkBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z - 1) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } break; default: break; } } //Create foliage "around" trunk, only for "Sub" branch, not the main trunk if (stackOrientation.Count >= treeType.FoliageGenerationStart) { for (x = -treeType.FoliageSize.X; x <= treeType.FoliageSize.X; x++) { for (y = -treeType.FoliageSize.Y; y <= treeType.FoliageSize.Y; y++) { for (z = -treeType.FoliageSize.Z; z <= treeType.FoliageSize.Z; z++) { //Create only foliage outer form (Not inside) if (Math.Abs(x) == treeType.FoliageSize.X && Math.Abs(y) == treeType.FoliageSize.Y && Math.Abs(z) == treeType.FoliageSize.Z) { continue; } block = new BlockWithPosition() { BlockId = treeType.FoliageBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + x, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y + y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + z) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } //block = new BlockWithPosition() { BlockId = treeType.FoliageBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + x + 1, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y + y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + z) }; //if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); //block = new BlockWithPosition() { BlockId = treeType.FoliageBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + x - 1, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y + y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + z) }; //if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); //block = new BlockWithPosition() { BlockId = treeType.FoliageBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + x, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y + y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + z + 1) }; //if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); //block = new BlockWithPosition() { BlockId = treeType.FoliageBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X + x, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y + y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z + z - 1) }; //if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } } } } dir = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); Vector3.TransformNormal(ref dir, ref rotation, out dir); position += dir; break; case 'f': block = new BlockWithPosition() { BlockId = treeType.FoliageBlock, WorldPosition = new Vector3I(WPos.X + (int)position.X, WPos.Y + (int)position.Y, WPos.Z + (int)position.Z) }; if (!meshDico.ContainsKey(block.WorldPosition)) { meshDico.Add(block.WorldPosition, block); } dir = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); dir = Vector3.TransformNormal(dir, rotation); position += dir; break; // Move commands case '[': //Save states stackOrientation.Push(rotation); stackPosition.Push(position); break; case ']': //Load back states rotation = stackOrientation.Pop(); position = stackPosition.Pop(); break; case '+': tempRotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), (float)(angleRad + angleOffsetRad)); rotation = tempRotation * rotation; break; case '-': tempRotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), (float)(angleRad + angleOffsetRad)); rotation = tempRotation * rotation; break; case '&': tempRotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), (float)(angleRad + angleOffsetRad)); rotation = tempRotation * rotation; break; case '^': tempRotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(0, -1, 0), (float)(angleRad + angleOffsetRad)); rotation = tempRotation * rotation; break; case '*': tempRotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), (float)(angleRad)); rotation = tempRotation * rotation; break; case '/': tempRotation = Matrix.RotationAxis(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), (float)(angleRad)); rotation = tempRotation * rotation; break; default: break; } } return(meshDico.Values.ToList()); }
public MCMCSampler() { rnd = new FastRandom(); TotalSamples = 0L; }
private static void PlaceClustersArea(DesertDescription description, ClusterGroup clusters, Rectangle area, PostPlacementEffect[,] postEffectMap, Point postEffectMapOffset) { FastRandom fastRandom = new FastRandom(Main.ActiveWorldFileData.Seed).WithModifier(57005uL); Vector2 value = new Vector2(description.Hive.Width, description.Hive.Height); Vector2 value2 = new Vector2(clusters.Width, clusters.Height); Vector2 value3 = description.BlockScale / 2f; for (int i = area.Left; i < area.Right; i++) { for (int j = area.Top; j < area.Bottom; j++) { if (!WorldGen.InWorld(i, j, 1)) { continue; } float num = 0f; int num2 = -1; float num3 = 0f; ushort type = 53; if (fastRandom.Next(3) == 0) { type = 397; } int num4 = i - description.Hive.X; int num5 = j - description.Hive.Y; Vector2 value4 = (new Vector2(num4, num5) - value3) / value * value2; for (int k = 0; k < clusters.Count; k++) { Cluster cluster = clusters[k]; if (Math.Abs(cluster[0].Position.X - value4.X) > 10f || Math.Abs(cluster[0].Position.Y - value4.Y) > 10f) { continue; } float num6 = 0f; foreach (Block item in cluster) { num6 += 1f / Vector2.DistanceSquared(item.Position, value4); } if (num6 > num) { if (num > num3) { num3 = num; } num = num6; num2 = k; } else if (num6 > num3) { num3 = num6; } } float num7 = num + num3; Tile tile = Main.tile[i, j]; bool flag = ((new Vector2(num4, num5) - value3) / value * 2f - Vector2.One).Length() >= 0.8f; PostPlacementEffect postPlacementEffect = PostPlacementEffect.None; if (num7 > 3.5f) { postPlacementEffect = PostPlacementEffect.Smooth; tile.ClearEverything(); tile.wall = 187; if (num2 % 15 == 2) { tile.ResetToType(404); } } else if (num7 > 1.8f) { tile.wall = 187; if ((double)j < Main.worldSurface) { tile.liquid = 0; } else { tile.lava(lava: true); } if (!flag || { tile.ResetToType(396); postPlacementEffect = PostPlacementEffect.Smooth; } } else if (num7 > 0.7f || !flag) { tile.wall = 216; tile.liquid = 0; if (!flag || { tile.ResetToType(type); postPlacementEffect = PostPlacementEffect.Smooth; } } else if (num7 > 0.25f) { FastRandom fastRandom2 = fastRandom.WithModifier(num4, num5); float num8 = (num7 - 0.25f) / 0.45f; if (fastRandom2.NextFloat() < num8) { tile.wall = 187; if ((double)j < Main.worldSurface) { tile.liquid = 0; } else { tile.lava(lava: true); } if ( { tile.ResetToType(type); postPlacementEffect = PostPlacementEffect.Smooth; } } } postEffectMap[i - area.X + postEffectMapOffset.X, j - area.Y + postEffectMapOffset.Y] = postPlacementEffect; } } }
public static Vector2i[] create(FastRandom rnd) { HairGender[] array = new HairGender[36] { HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Male, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Unisex, HairGender.Female, HairGender.Male }; Vector2i[] array2 = new Vector2i[6] { new Vector2i(3, 3), new Vector2i(3, 3), new Vector2i(3, 5), new Vector2i(3, 7), new Vector2i(0, 8), new Vector2i(3, 0) }; Vector2i[] array3 = new Vector2i[6] { new Vector2i(9, 4), new Vector2i(3, 8), new Vector2i(9, 7), new Vector2i(3, 8), new Vector2i(3, 8), new Vector2i(2, 4) }; Vector2i[] array4 = new Vector2i[10]; int num = rnd.Next(36); array4[1] = new Vector2i(num % 9, num / 9); HairGender hairGender = array[num]; int num2 = -1; switch (hairGender) { case HairGender.Male: num2 = 0; break; case HairGender.Female: num2 = 1; break; default: num2 = rnd.Next(2); break; } array4[0] = new Vector2i(num2, 0); int num3 = rnd.Next(array2.Length); array4[4] = array2[num3]; array4[3] = array3[num3]; array4[2] = getRandomColor(rnd); array4[5] = getRandomColor(rnd); array4[6] = getRandomColor(rnd); array4[7] = getRandomColor(rnd); array4[8] = getRandomColor(rnd); return(array4); }
public SpecificBeatmapPatternGenerator(FastRandom random, HitObject hitObject, ManiaBeatmap beatmap, Pattern previousPattern, IBeatmap originalBeatmap) : base(random, hitObject, beatmap, previousPattern, originalBeatmap) { }