Exemple #1
    void GenerateSticks()
        sticks = new VerletStick[sizeY * sizeX * 2 - (sizeX + sizeX - 1)];
        int stickCounter = 0;

        for (int i = 0, y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++, i++)
                // for each point, we connect to the one to the right, and the one above
                if (x < sizeX - 1)
                    int   p0     = x + sizeX * y;
                    int   p1     = x + 1 + sizeX * y;
                    float length = FastMath.Distance(ref points[p0].pos, ref points[p1].pos);
                    sticks[stickCounter++] = new VerletStick(p0, p1, length);
                if (y < sizeY - 1)
                    int   p0     = x + sizeX * y;
                    int   p1     = x + sizeX * (y + 1);
                    float length = FastMath.Distance(ref points[p0].pos, ref points[p1].pos);
                    sticks[stickCounter++] = new VerletStick(p0, p1, length);
Exemple #2
    void UpdateSticks()
        foreach (var s in sticks)
            Vector3 d        = points[s.p1].pos - points[s.p0].pos;
            float   distance = FastMath.Distance(ref points[s.p0].pos, ref points[s.p1].pos);
            float   differenceToTargetLength = s.length - distance;
            Vector3 offset = d * (differenceToTargetLength / distance / 2);

            points[s.p0].pos -= offset;
            points[s.p1].pos += offset;