public static void FFT(WorksheetController dg)
            int len = dg.SelectedDataColumns.Count;

            if (len == 0)
                return; // nothing selected
            if (!(dg.DataTable[dg.SelectedDataColumns[0]] is Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn))

            // preliminary

            // we simply create a new column, copy the values
            Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn col = (Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn)dg.DataTable[dg.SelectedDataColumns[0]];

            double[] arr = col.Array;
            FastHartleyTransform.RealFFT(arr, arr.Length);

            col.Array = arr;
Exemple #2
        fft_complex_convolution(double[] fr, double[] fi,
                                double[] gr, double[] gi,
                                uint ldn, double v /*=0.0*/)
        // (complex, cyclic) convolution:  (gr,gi)[] :=  (fr,fi)[] (*) (gr,gi)[]
        // (use zero padded data for usual conv.)
        // ldn := base-2 logarithm of the array length
        // supply a value for v for a normalization factor != 1/n
            // const int is = 1;
            int n = (1 << (int)ldn);

            FastHartleyTransform.FFT(fr, fi, n); //FFT(fr, fi, ldn, is);
            FastHartleyTransform.FFT(gr, gi, n); //FFT(gr, gi, ldn, is);

            if (v == 0.0)
                v = 1.0 / n;
            for (uint k = 0; k < n; ++k)
                double tr = fr[k];
                double ti = fi[k];
                cmult(gr[k], gi[k], ref tr, ref ti);
                gr[k] = tr * v;
                gi[k] = ti * v;

                cmult(fr[k], fi[k], ref gr[k], ref gi[k]);

            FastHartleyTransform.IFFT(gr, gi, n); // FFT(gr, gi, ldn, -is);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a cyclic correlation of splitted complex data of arbitrary length.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datare">Real part of the data array (first input array).</param>
        /// <param name="dataim">Imaginary part of the data array (first input array).</param>
        /// <param name="responsere">Real part of the response array (second input array).</param>
        /// <param name="responseim">Imaginary part of the response array (second input array).</param>
        /// <param name="resultre">The real part of the resulting array.</param>
        /// <param name="resultim">The imaginary part of the resulting array.</param>
        /// <param name="n">The convolution size. The input and result arrays may be larger, but of course not smaller than this number.</param>
        public static void CyclicCorrelation(
            double[] datare, double[] dataim,
            double[] responsere, double[] responseim,
            double[] resultre, double[] resultim,
            int n)
            int msize = GetNecessaryCorrelationSize(n);

            // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Enter chirp convolution with n={0}, m={1}",n,msize));

            double[] srcre = new double[msize];
            double[] srcim = new double[msize];
            double[] rspre = new double[msize];
            double[] rspim = new double[msize];

            Array.Copy(datare, srcre, n);
            Array.Copy(dataim, srcim, n);

            // Copy the response not only to the beginning, but also immediatly after the data
            Array.Copy(responsere, rspre, n);
            Array.Copy(responsere, 0, rspre, n, n - 1);
            Array.Copy(responseim, rspim, n);
            Array.Copy(responseim, 0, rspim, n, n - 1);

            FastHartleyTransform.CyclicCorrelationDestructive(srcre, srcim, rspre, rspim, srcre, srcim, msize);

            Array.Copy(srcre, resultre, n);
            Array.Copy(srcim, resultim, n);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs a convolution of two comlex arrays with are in splitted form (i.e. real and imaginary part are separate arrays). Attention: the values of the
 /// input arrays will be destroyed!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resultreal">The real part of the result. (may be identical with arr1 or arr2).</param>
 /// <param name="resultimag">The imaginary part of the result (may be identical with arr1 or arr2).</param>
 /// <param name="arr1real">The real part of the first input array. Destroyed at the end of function!</param>
 /// <param name="arr1imag">The imaginary part of the first input array. Destroyed at the end of function!</param>
 /// <param name="arr2real">The real part for the pre-fouriertransformed second sequence to convolute.</param>
 /// <param name="arr2imag">The imaginary part for the pre-fouriertransformed second sequence to convolute.</param>
 /// <param name="arrsize">The length of the convolution. Has to be equal or smaller than the array size. Has to be a power of 2!</param>
 private static void fhtconvolutionWithFouriertransformed2ndArgument(double[] resultreal, double[] resultimag, double[] arr1real, double[] arr1imag, double[] arr2real, double[] arr2imag, int arrsize)
     FastHartleyTransform.FFT(arr1real, arr1imag, arrsize);
     MultiplySplittedComplexArrays(resultreal, resultimag, arr1real, arr1imag, arr2real, arr2imag, arrsize);
     FastHartleyTransform.IFFT(resultreal, resultimag, arrsize);
     NormalizeArrays(resultreal, resultimag, 1.0 / arrsize, arrsize);
 void MyCorrelationRoutine(double[] src1real, double[] src2real, double[] resultreal, int n)
     double[] inp1re = new double[n];
     double[] inp2re = new double[n];
     Array.Copy(src1real, inp1re, n);
     Array.Copy(src2real, inp2re, n);
     FastHartleyTransform.CyclicCorrelationDestructive(inp1re, inp2re, resultreal, n);
Exemple #6
 void MyConvolution(double[] re1, double[] re2, double[] re, int n)
     double[] inp1 = new double[n];
     double[] inp2 = new double[n];
     Array.Copy(re1, inp1, n);
     Array.Copy(re2, inp2, n);
     FastHartleyTransform.CyclicDestructiveConvolution(inp1, inp2, re, n);
Exemple #7
            private void Precompute_Fouriertransformed_ChirpFactorsConjugate()
                // use the chirp factors that were already computed
                // these factors differ only in the sign of the Exp() function, thus the imaginary part changes sign
                // furthermore, the array must be filled from the left and from the right (for later convolution)
                _fserp_real[0] = 1;
                _fserp_imag[0] = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < _arrSize; i++)
                    _fserp_real[_msize - i] = _fserp_real[i] = _chirpfactors_real[i];
                    _fserp_imag[_msize - i] = _fserp_imag[i] = -_chirpfactors_imag[i]; // inverse sign

                FastHartleyTransform.FFT(_fserp_real, _fserp_imag, _msize);
Exemple #8
        static void fhtconvolution(Complex[] resarray,
                                   Complex[] arr1, Complex[] arr2, int arrsize)
            double[] fht1real = new double[arrsize];
            double[] fht1imag = new double[arrsize];
            double[] fht2real = new double[arrsize];
            double[] fht2imag = new double[arrsize];

            CopyFromComplexToSplittedArrays(fht1real, fht1imag, arr1, arrsize);
            CopyFromComplexToSplittedArrays(fht2real, fht2imag, arr2, arrsize);

            // do a convolution by fourier transform both parts, multiply and inverse fft
            FastHartleyTransform.FFT(fht1real, fht1imag, arrsize);
            FastHartleyTransform.FFT(fht2real, fht2imag, arrsize);
            MultiplySplittedComplexArrays(fht1real, fht1imag, fht1real, fht1imag, fht2real, fht2imag, arrsize);
            FastHartleyTransform.IFFT(fht1real, fht1imag, arrsize);
            NormalizeArrays(fht1real, fht1imag, 1.0 / arrsize, arrsize);
            CopyFromSplittedArraysToComplex(resarray, fht1real, fht1imag, arrsize);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a inplace fourier transformation. The original values are overwritten by the fourier transformed values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arr">The data to transform. On output, the fourier transformed data.</param>
        /// <param name="direction">Specify forward or reverse transformation here.</param>
        public void Transform(double[] arr, FourierDirection direction)
            if (arr.Length != _numberOfData)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Length of array arr ({0}) is different from the length specified at construction ({1})", arr.Length, _numberOfData), "arr");

            switch (_method)
            case Method.Trivial:
                if (_numberOfData == 2)
                    double a0 = arr[0], a1 = arr[1];
                    arr[0] = a0 + a1;
                    arr[1] = a0 - a1;

            case Method.Hartley:
                FastHartleyTransform.RealFFT(arr, direction);

            case Method.Pfa235:

                _pfa235.RealFFT(arr, _tempArr1N, direction);

            case Method.Chirp:
                if (direction == FourierDirection.Forward)
                    if (null == this._tempArr1N)
                        _tempArr1N = new double[_numberOfData];

                    _tempArr1N[0] = 0;
                    for (int k = 1; k <= _numberOfData / 2; k++)
                        double sumreal = arr[k];
                        double sumimag = arr[_numberOfData - k];

                        _tempArr1N[k] = sumimag;
                        _tempArr1N[_numberOfData - k] = -sumimag;
                        arr[_numberOfData - k]        = sumreal;

                ChirpFFT.FFT(arr, _tempArr1N, direction, ref _fftTempStorage);

                if (direction == FourierDirection.Forward)
                    for (int k = 0; k <= _numberOfData / 2; k++)
                        double sumreal = arr[k];
                        double sumimag = _tempArr1N[k];

                        if (k != 0 && (k + k) != _numberOfData)
                            arr[_numberOfData - k] = sumimag;
                        arr[k] = sumreal;
Exemple #10
 void MyConvolution(double[] re1, double[] im1, double[] re2, double[] im2, double[] re, double[] im, int n)
     FastHartleyTransform.CyclicConvolution(re1, im1, re2, im2, re, im, null, null, n);
Exemple #11
 void MyConvolution(double[] re1, double[] re2, double[] re, int n)
     FastHartleyTransform.CyclicRealConvolution(re1, re2, re, n, null);