Exemple #1
        public void ShouldNotEquate()
            IRandom fakeRandom = new FakeRandom();
            List <ICard> startingDeck1 = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard(),
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard(),
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard()

            List <ICard> startingDeck2 = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard(),
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard(),
                new GreenCard(), new RedCard(), new BlueCard()

            CardList  cardList1 = new CardList(startingDeck1);
            CardList  cardList2 = new CardList(startingDeck2);
            DummyDeck deck1     = new DummyDeck(fakeRandom, cardList1);
            DummyDeck deck2     = new DummyDeck(fakeRandom, cardList2);

Exemple #2
        public void ShouldDraw_DifferentCards_WhenCalledAgain()
            IRandom fakeRandom = new FakeRandom();

            List <ICard> startingDeck = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard(),
                new RedCard(), new BlueCard(), new RedCard(), new GreenCard()
            List <ICard> firstExpected = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard(),
            List <ICard> secondExpected = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new BlueCard(),

            CardList cardList    = new CardList(startingDeck);
            IDeck    currentDeck = new DummyDeck(fakeRandom, cardList);
            List <ICard> firstDraw  = currentDeck.Draw(3);
            List <ICard> secondDraw = currentDeck.Draw(2);

            firstExpected.ForEach(card => firstDraw.Should().ContainSingle(actualCard => actualCard.Matches(card)));
            secondExpected.ForEach(card => secondDraw.Should().ContainSingle(actualCard => actualCard.Matches(card)));
Exemple #3
        static void addTree(BlockManager blockManager, int baseX, int baseY, int baseZ)
            int   treeHeight = FakeRandom.Range(10, 15);
            float radius     = FakeRandom.Range(3, 6);

            for (int y = 0; y < treeHeight; y++)
                setBlock(blockManager, baseX + 0, baseY + y, baseZ + 0, (short)Game.BlockType.Log);
            for (int x = -5; x < 6; x++)
                for (int y = 4; y < treeHeight + treeHeight / 2; y++)
                    for (int z = -5; z < 6; z++)
                        int   gx = baseX + x;
                        int   gy = baseY + y;
                        int   gz = baseZ + z;
                        float a  = 1 - (x * x + (y - treeHeight) * (y - treeHeight) * 0.5f + z * z) / (radius * radius) - ((y - treeHeight) / (float)treeHeight) * 1.1f;
                        if (getBlock(blockManager, gx, gy, gz) == (short)BlockTypeEnum.Air)
                            //if (a + getPerlinNoise3D(gx * 0.35, gy * 0.35, gz * 0.35) * 0.5 < 1){
                            if (a + UnityEngine.Random.Range(-0.1f, 0.1f) > 0.5f)
                                setBlock(blockManager, gx, gy, gz, (short)Game.BlockType.Leaves);
Exemple #4
    public static Room CreateMinRoom(ref FloorType[,] blocks, BlueprintNode blueprint, VecInt2 doorPos, Direction doorDir)
        Room room = new Room(doorPos, blueprint.type, FakeRandom.Range(blueprint.sizeMin, blueprint.sizeMax));

        room.range = GetRange(doorPos, blueprint.edgeLenghtMin, blueprint.edgeLenghtMin, doorDir);
        room.dir   = doorDir;
        Array2DTool.SetRange(blocks, room.range, blueprint.type);
        Array2DTool.SetOne(blocks, room.doorPos.x, room.doorPos.y, doorType[(int)room.dir]);
 public void SetUp()
     fakeRandom = new FakeRandom {
         FakeNumber = 42
     chooser = ActorOfAsTestActorRef <Chooser>(
         Props.Create <Chooser>(fakeRandom),
        public void NextDouble_Generates_Random_Numbers_In_Expected_Order()
            var random = new FakeRandom(Values);

            foreach (var value in Values)
                var nextRandomValue = random.NextDouble();

        public void Next_With_Range_Generates_Random_Numbers_In_Expected_Order()
            var random = new FakeRandom(Values);

            foreach (var value in Values)
                var nextRandomValue = random.Next(10, 100);

Exemple #8
 public static bool Extend(ref FloorType[,] blocks, Room room)
     Direction[] dirs = GetExtendDirections(room.dir);
     dirs = RandomSort(dirs, FakeRandom.Range(0, 6));
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         Direction dir = dirs[i];
         if (dir == Direction.Left)
             RectInt range = new RectInt(room.range.x - 1, room.range.y, 1, room.range.h);
             if (range.x >= Gap && Array2DTool.RangeIsAll(blocks, range, FloorType.Out))  //边上留空Gap空隙,为了计算方便
                 room.range.x -= 1;
                 room.range.w += 1;
                 Array2DTool.SetRange(blocks, range, room.type);
         else if (dir == Direction.Right)
             RectInt range = new RectInt(room.range.x + room.range.w, room.range.y, 1, room.range.h);
             if (range.x < blocks.GetLength(0) - Gap && Array2DTool.RangeIsAll(blocks, range, FloorType.Out))
                 room.range.w += 1;
                 Array2DTool.SetRange(blocks, range, room.type);
         else if (dir == Direction.Down)
             RectInt range = new RectInt(room.range.x, room.range.y - 1, room.range.w, 1);
             if (range.y >= Gap && Array2DTool.RangeIsAll(blocks, range, FloorType.Out))
                 room.range.y -= 1;
                 room.range.h += 1;
                 Array2DTool.SetRange(blocks, range, room.type);
         else if (dir == Direction.Up)
             RectInt range = new RectInt(room.range.x, room.range.y + room.range.h, room.range.w, 1);
             if (range.y < blocks.GetLength(1) - Gap && Array2DTool.RangeIsAll(blocks, range, FloorType.Out))
                 room.range.h += 1;
                 Array2DTool.SetRange(blocks, range, room.type);
Exemple #9
        public void TestNextByteArray()
            var random = new FakeRandom(byteArrayFiller: x =>
                for (byte i = 0; i < x.Length; i += 1)
                    x[i] = (byte)(i * 2);

            byte[] result = random.NextByteArray(ByteArraySize);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Length, ByteArraySize);
            for (byte i = 0; i < ByteArraySize; i += 1)
                Assert.AreEqual(result[i], (byte)(i * 2));
        public void Next_Using_All_Values_Loops_Values_To_Beginning()
            var random = new FakeRandom(Values);

            foreach (var value in Values)
                var nextRandomValue = random.Next();


            // ensure that values are used again, in the same order.
            foreach (var value in Values)
                var nextRandomValue = random.Next();

Exemple #11
        public void ShouldShuffleCards()
            IRandom fakeRandom = new FakeRandom();

            List <ICard> startingDeck = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard(), new BlueCard(),
                new RedCard(), new BlueCard(), new RedCard(), new GreenCard()
            CardList cardList    = new CardList(startingDeck);
            IDeck    currentDeck = new DummyDeck(fakeRandom, cardList);
            List <ICard> firstDrawCards = currentDeck.Draw(7);


            IDeck shuffledDeck = currentDeck.Shuffle();

Exemple #12
        public void ShouldDraw_Cards_WhenLessThanRequestedAmountExists()
            IRandom fakeRandom = new FakeRandom();

            List <ICard> startingDeck = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard()
            List <ICard> expectedReturn = new List <ICard>
                new RedCard(), new GreenCard()

            CardList cardList    = new CardList(startingDeck);
            IDeck    currentDeck = new DummyDeck(fakeRandom, cardList);
            List <ICard> drawnCards = currentDeck.Draw(5);

            expectedReturn.ForEach(card => drawnCards.Should().ContainSingle(actualCard => actualCard.Matches(card)));
Exemple #13
    public static List <HouseItem> GenerateItems(FloorType[,] layout, int[,] distanceToWall)
        int w = layout.GetLength(0);
        int h = layout.GetLength(1);
        List <HouseItem> rlt = new List <HouseItem>();

        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                if (itemsConfig.ContainsKey(layout[i, j]) && distanceToWall[i, j] == 1)
                    if (FakeRandom.Range01() < 0.3f)
                        List <GameItemType> items      = itemsConfig[layout[i, j]];
                        GameItemType        randomItem = items[FakeRandom.Range(0, items.Count)];
                        rlt.Add(new HouseItem(new VecInt3(i, 1, j), randomItem));
Exemple #14
    public static List <Room> CreateChildren(ref FloorType[,] blocks, Room room, BlueprintNode blueprint)
        List <Room> children = new List <Room>();

        for (int i = 0; i < blueprint.children.Count; i++)
            BlueprintNode childBlueprint = blueprint.children[i];
            VecInt2       childDoorPos   = new VecInt2(0, 0);
            Direction     childDoorDir   = Direction.Left;
            bool          bValid         = false;
            Direction[]   dirs           = GetExtendDirections(room.dir); //得到可以产生门的方向
            dirs = RandomSort(dirs, FakeRandom.Range(0, 10000));          //打乱顺序
            foreach (Direction d in dirs)
                for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++)
                    childDoorPos = GetRandomChildDoorPos(room.range, d);//在随机位置生生成一个门
                    childDoorDir = d;
                    RectInt childMinRange = GetRange(childDoorPos, childBlueprint.edgeLenghtMin, childBlueprint.edgeLenghtMin, d);
                    if (Array2DTool.RangeIsAll(blocks, childMinRange, FloorType.Out)) //如果是空地
                        bValid = true;                                                //则找到了一个有效位置
                if (bValid)
            if (bValid)                                                                                 //如果找到了一个有效的位置
                Room childRoom = CreateMinRoom(ref blocks, childBlueprint, childDoorPos, childDoorDir); //在此位置生成一个最小房间
                if (childRoom != null)
                    childRoom.blueprint = childBlueprint;

        while (true)
            bool bExtendOne = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                if (children[i].GetCurrentSize() < children[i].targetSize) //如果房间大小还没到期望值
                    bool bExtendOk = Extend(ref blocks, children[i]);      //则往随机方向扩大一格
                    bExtendOne |= bExtendOk;
            if (!bExtendOne)  //如果没有任何房间被扩大过,则退出循环

        for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
            children[i].children = CreateChildren(ref blocks, children[i], children[i].blueprint);

Exemple #15
    public static Game.BlockType[, ,] CreateBuilding(FloorType[,] layout, bool addRoof)
        int w          = layout.GetLength(0);
        int h          = 7;
        int roofHeight = 8;
        int l          = layout.GetLength(1);

        Game.BlockType[, ,] rlt = new Game.BlockType[w, h + roofHeight, l];

        for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
                FloorType floor = layout[i, j];

                FloorType left  = i == 0 ? FloorType.Out : layout[i - 1, j];
                FloorType right = i == w - 1 ? FloorType.Out : layout[i + 1, j];
                FloorType back  = j == 0 ? FloorType.Out : layout[i, j - 1];
                FloorType front = j == l - 1 ? FloorType.Out : layout[i, j + 1];

                if (floor == FloorType.Out)
                    if (left == FloorType.DoorLeft)
                        rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.StairRight;
                    else if (right == FloorType.DoorRight)
                        rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.StairLeft;
                    else if (back == FloorType.DoorDown)
                        rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.StairFront;
                    else if (front == FloorType.DoorUp)
                        rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.StairBack;
                    //|| right == FloorType.DoorRight || up == FloorType.DoorUp || down == FloorType.DoorDown) {
                    //    rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.WoolColoredBlack;
                else if (floor == FloorType.Wall || floor == FloorType.Window || HouseLayout.IsDoor(floor))
                    for (int k = 0; k < h; k++)
                        if (left == FloorType.Out)
                            rlt[i, k, j] = Game.BlockType.StoneBrickWhiteWall1;
                        else if (right == FloorType.Out)
                            rlt[i, k, j] = Game.BlockType.StoneBrickWhiteWall0;
                        else if (front == FloorType.Out)
                            rlt[i, k, j] = Game.BlockType.StoneBrickWhiteWall4;
                        else if (back == FloorType.Out)
                            rlt[i, k, j] = Game.BlockType.StoneBrickWhiteWall5;
                            rlt[i, k, j] = Game.BlockType.WhiteStone;
                    if (floor == FloorType.Window)
                        for (int k = 3; k < 5; k++)
                            rlt[i, k, j] = Game.BlockType.Air;
                    else if (HouseLayout.IsDoor(floor))
                        rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.WoolColoredBlack;
                        for (int k = 1; k < 5; k++)
                            rlt[i, k, j] = Game.BlockType.Air;
                    if (floor == FloorType.Kitchen || floor == FloorType.Bathroom)
                        rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.StoneSlab;
                        rlt[i, 0, j] = Game.BlockType.WoodFloor;
        if (addRoof)
            bool[,] blocks    = new bool[w, l];
            bool[,] blocksOld = new bool[w, l];
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
                    blocks[i, j]    = layout[i, j] != FloorType.Out;
                    blocksOld[i, j] = blocks[i, j];
            for (int i = 1; i < w - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < l - 1; j++)
                    blocks[i, j] = blocksOld[i, j] || blocksOld[i - 1, j] || blocksOld[i, j - 1] || blocksOld[i + 1, j] || blocksOld[i, j + 1] ||
                                   blocksOld[i - 1, j - 1] || blocksOld[i - 1, j + 1] || blocksOld[i + 1, j - 1] || blocksOld[i + 1, j + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
                    blocksOld[i, j] = blocks[i, j];

            Game.BlockType[] roofTypes = { Game.BlockType.HardenedClayStainedBlue, Game.BlockType.RedSand };
            Game.BlockType   roofType  = roofTypes[FakeRandom.Range(0, roofTypes.Length)];

            for (int k = 0; k < roofHeight; k++)
                for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < l; j++)
                        if (blocks[i, j])
                            if (k == 0)
                                rlt[i, k + h, j] = layout[i, j] == FloorType.Out ? roofType : Game.BlockType.WhiteStone;
                                rlt[i, k + h, j] = roofType;
                bool[,] temp = blocksOld;
                blocksOld    = blocks;
                blocks       = temp;
                for (int i = 1; i < w - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j < l - 1; j++)
                        blocks[i, j] = blocksOld[i, j] && blocksOld[i - 1, j] && blocksOld[i, j - 1] && blocksOld[i + 1, j] && blocksOld[i, j + 1];